Organization XIII's Rivals: It's back!

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Near, Jun 15, 2009.

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  1. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "Kill them" was the only two words that came from beneath the hood of the silent member. He said it loud and clear for all of the members of hear, the words echoing slightly in the large room. He didn't need to say anything else, and given the peaceful, naive suggestions by the other members, he knew that someone had to say it, and make it direct.
  2. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    "........" Kill? Kill the other organization? I suppose we'll have to if we're at war,thought Xengla. All this just for a heart. Well....I suppose it's worth it. Worth killing for. She figured the other organization was probably thinking the same thing. The question is, who can take out the other first? but....I wish it didn't have to be this way. Xengla would refrain from nodding at the notion until a better one came up. If a better one came up. She detested violence and she doubted she could even strike anyone with her swords. She knew too much about the human body. Just about every area would be harmful to an individual. Especially the arteries.
  3. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aliaxane applauded quietly. "Bravo." she murmured. Someone had finally taken a stand, and it was an interesting one at that. "Someone is using their head, for once." She kept petting her glass cat, smiling as it purred, a sound like clinking glass. "But how does anyone purpose we actually take them all down? They will back each other up, probably."
  4. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    Rexyggor looked over to Aliaxane. "You're right. I don't see how we can do it without them noticing. We would have to do it all at once. We can't just waltz in there and kill them. Or have them come to us. We have to put them on the defensive, and if we play this game correctly, we can get it done efficiently. If we send someone to scope out and act among them somehow, we can figure out which members are more... let's call it expendable."
  5. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Being non-responsive to the comments of the others, Kexim opened a portal infront of himself, leaving the meeting early before it could even be called to an end. Without hesitation, he stepped through it, and on the other side, he stepped out, standing infront of the castle. He then crossed his arms, leaning against its walls, looking out across the vast area. A dry wasteland stood before him, his pale, gray sand, and growing out of it were dead trees, resembling the same color. A world opposite to that of twilight, when the world was at its peek of beauty. No, this world was one drained of color in itself. He looked out across the vastness though, and merely waited...

    ooc: no one ever said what the area looks like, so i thought i might make somethen. Unless there was already a predetermined area, of if Near had somethen in mind, i think its kinda fitting for a place for nobodies to reside in...
  6. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    ..Recruitment, eh?

    At first Marluxia was prepared to call him a fool for considering him with a job such as that ..but it would be a good chance to come in contact with this young group.He could use them to destroy Xemnas and take over the Organization entirely. However, with the tide constantly changing when it came to news and enemies, he found his plan to be an ever changing one. One Organization had to destroy another ..that was how it worked.The strong lived ..the weak died. He was to make sure he was a part of the strong ..and he'd prove it to all that doubted his strength by defeating a member of the Nameless.

    Of course ..he wasn't one to dirty himself with such trivial opponents.No.He'd let the others handle most of the fighting, and he'd only fight if it was beneficial, or desired.

    At last his eyes went to Larxene, who in turn was looking back at him.His eyes told her all she would need to know.Keep silent ..let everything play out. He'd get to her in time, when it was finally right to strike.Ironically, he had to pick a side to stick with until they had won ..but which?

    That would have to be decided later. Seeing Lexaeus disappear in the corner of his eye, Marluxia followed. Now, if he were to recruit, where would he go?
  7. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    Uhm... Read the paragraph under "Home" on the first post >.<​
  8. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: well, I'll take back the ooc part, but technicly, i DID make it sound like a forest. just with dead rotting trees of despair ^_^
    though i'll edit if you want.
  9. morphine and lollipops Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2009
    Happily-Never-After, care to join me?
    ooc:: The. Friggen'. Computer. Ate. My. Post. GAH!!!!!
    Jex watched these exchanges, still playing with his hair. 'Kingdom Hearts,' he mused silently to himself. 'I wonder...' Jex was quite uneducated on the subject. he did, however, get the faint feeling that this was of utmost importance. He wish he knew more, but alas. He was rather lazy when things did not interest him. Though, Jex had a feeling this would end up being interesting.
    A small problem irked Jex in the back of his mind. This organization; there seemed to be more enemies then friends. And that could end up being deadly, and a mistake to everyone. He mused over this thought to himself. Perhaps Xinamar should tighten her reigns on the group. No, she had a firm grasp on the mostley assortment. She held his respect, if not his trust.
    Pushing thoughts of trust and enemies out of his mnd, he waited patiently for the leader to continue. Perhaps after this meeting he should go and introduce himself...
  10. "Are you sure this was a good idea?" Roxas questioned uncertainly with a sigh, obviously concerned at the fact that they were back in Twilight Town instead of the meeting that they were suppose to be in. They weren't eating ice cream or in the clock tower. Or taking a break by walking around and enjoying the stores. No. They were fighting a bunch of Emblem Heartless, in which he had to mock them for the amount to appear. With the Keyblade, that is. He didn't know why he followed what Axel said in the first place. Well, he was more dragged into it, rather. Didn't even step out of the Corridors of Darkness before the man pushed him back in after Marluxia left. Now he was stuck working again, in which his friend justified it by proclaiming that they were still on the job when the gathering was announced and were busy collecting Hearts to be present. And to satisfy the obvious lie for Xemnas, the redhead made him call quite the number of the creatures that they can defeat to give their Kingdom Hearts a good helping that would have otherwise taken a week. Easier said than done. He was getting tired.

    With a groan, he delivered another triple slash to one in particular that was hard to kill. There was another coming at him from behind, but he heard the cling of metal as he turned around to see Axel taking care of it with a swing of fire.

    "Of course it's a good idea...okay, not really. But it will balance the loss of the meeting, I would think. Call it sacrifice," Axel replied back with a fox-like smirk as he straightened up from the recent attack he had given. Truthfully, he was quite irritated that Marluxia had come in his graceful, well-mannered arrogance to deliver the news. And so out of spite of just being informed by the man, he didn't go. He debated it for awhile, of course, yet, with the time passing they would have missed half the meeting anyway. He didn't find it fulfilling to pop in late. He hadn't meant to really bring Roxas into the situation, but it wasn't like the kid was going to get in trouble. He was his guide, his mentor, and tutor, and thus, the responsibility will fall on him the most. And if it didn't, he'll make sure it did. After all, he was the one with the idea. And to maybe play the convincing game to his advantage, it would be better to kill Heartless in more ways than they should be doing. And they were almost finished, now that he noticed. It came at the price that he was now quite parched and weary. Just a few more, however, and they were done.

    He snapped his fingers to implode four in a blaze. They remained there in obvious stressing heat due to the red color and smoke billowing out, and being the partners they were, Roxas took the initiative and bashed them gone with his weapon in one swipe. Axel gave claps of triumph despite that they had few more to execute. "Alriiiight! We work like peanut butter and jelly."

    "...seriously, Axel. That was weird," Roxas remarked, giving him one of those looks, before heading to send another Emblem to its grave with a shot of Blizzard, only to then begin slicing it apart. He gave a chuckle, though, shaking his head. It's not like they weren't use to fighting alongside each other, so coming to know automatically what move to take when one does something was natural. He didn't see the redhead roll his eyes and muttering something about a better simile behind him as he focused on the opponent he was stuck with. With the ice helping, nonetheless, it vanished quickly. Still, that was, he believed, his 20th slay as of now. And with the ones he had killed since the morning, it was really enough to him. But the remaining others, the five, were not that hard. Might as well get rid of them, which Axel was already setting off to work to. He headed towards another. His voice strained with the actions he was doing, he asked, "Anyway, what if we missed something important?"

    "Didn't you know? Dusks gossip," was all Axel answered with a knowing grin, as he immersed himself with two Heartless. One that had a huge height compared to the others he fought. Really huge. He charged regardless, having dealt with other forms like this. It was true what he said to Roxas overall. Dusks did gossip. Not the best source of information, and left things out, but he could grab one and see what it has to reveal to piece things together by himself. "Besides, if my hunch is right, they were probably talking about the other Organization considering that's the big thing going around right now."

    He glanced at the boy, a glint appearing in his green eyes. "Just trust me."
  11. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    A portal opened in the center of twilight town, strange nobodies appearing from it. They were the size of dusks, maybe a little bigger even. Their soldiers were slanted back, their arms hanging down behind them. Their heads contained the shape of an orb, with strange straps wrapped around it, making it appear as if they were blindfolded and muted, almost as if they did not hold any facial features at all. They began moving across the ground, energy forming beneath their feet, and as they moved, their arms seemed to drag behind, as they scattered throughout twilight town, quietly approaching the residence area, sneaking into houses, only to have the sound of brief screams follow, as one house after anouther became aquainted with silence...
  12. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    "It's about time," Xelidan spoke, "That one of us has lacked the naivety to believe that our goal can be achieved peacefully..."
    His hand rested against his chin as he sketched out a plan in his mind.
    "Ideally, it would be the easier, along with the safer course of action to take them out one at a time... though that won't work for long. It is likely that they'd catch on, and start travelling alone less often.

    "However," he continued, facing the Organization once again, "The fact still remains that they are far more powerful than us. It will take quite a while until we get to the point where we can actually challenge them."

    "A lot of training..." Xinamar spoke up once again. "And we still don't know what their weaknesses are."

    Xelidan agreed, only with a quick nod. "This meeting is dismissed. We don't have much time; I'd recommend to all of you that you start training as soon as possible.
  13. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aly turned and walked out the door, the glass separating to become shards again. They made a little whirlwind next to her, big enough to gently stir her hair. She smiled, then walked down the hallway, thinking. It was almost as if they had a mind of their own. What if she.....
  14. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Xengla portalled out and into her room. Her frustration was evident when she suddenly burst into flames for only about a minute at most. The flames burned hot and glowed brightly. EXPENDABLE?! How DARE he say such a thing! We're already no match for Organization XIII, but he thinks some of us are NOT NEEDED?! Right now we need all hands on deck! I swear...some of these members.... Xengla's fists were still clenched tightly in a ball, ready to fire punch anyone or anything. But she didn't and after that short firy display, she was completely calm. I thought I was going to explode in there. Thank god I got out quickly. Things could've turned ugly. She opened her door and walked out, her hands in her pockets wondering how and where she should train.
  15. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    OOC: I opened the task manager... and closed the wrong task... (aka the window i had open with the reply I was creating) URG!!!!
    Oh! I didn't know if I told you guys, that I got a commission for my character last week at an Anime Convention. If i can somehow reconnect the scanner i never disconnected, I'll put it up.

    "Hmph" Rexyggor left the room quietly. He walked casual. He strode to his room slowly since it was nearby. I still think we haven't established any sort of a real plan. He entered his room and sat on his bed. He knew that if he was going to end up training, then he would need some rest.

    He always slept sitting up. Something about it made him have a slightly better sense of sound.. Or maybe he slept more lightly when sitting up. He didn't know which. Or cared to know. It also helped him with grogginess in the mornings. HE got over the "let me sleep five more minutes" thing withing 10 seconds. It's easier to get up when sitting.
    (OOC: It's even harder when you are lying on the floor) He slept with his back against the wall. Mostly prepared for anyone that entered the room.

    OOC: Did you yourself not really understand the point of view from which I was making with that "expendable" remark? Or is that just your character?

    Also one more thing to the general public of this forum. WHen putting in your color, do you color your text before or after you write what your character did? I generally do it after I finish my post and then add the color before i post.
  16. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    "Ermm, sir?" Jinnex enquired nervously, raising her hand slightly like a child in school who isn't quite sure if they should go ahead and ask the question that's on their mind or not. "Is it possible for you to help me train? It's just I think everyone else around here might actually try and kill me for real and at least you won't kill me because we need all help we can get." She asked, looking slightly ashamed, in a strange Nobody kind of way, after all it was her fault she'd upset so many of the members due to her impatient and easily bored and amused nature.
  17. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Just the character. Unless you had some other meaning of "expendable".
  18. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ((This is completely unnescasary, but may i emply that this would be the perfect opportunity to make a perv joke? XD))
  19. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: Just a heads up, I haven't forgotten bout this.I have no idea what to do with 'recruiting' as an option so I'll wait for a battle or attack to happen ,or a meeting.If anything worth mentioning is happening, vm me please. ^^
  20. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    OOC: ok so you understand I was talking about the actual ORg XIII members not being played
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