Organization XIII's Rivals: It's back!

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Near, Jun 15, 2009.

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  1. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    Fire has already been taken, and you can only have one element. The lava thing is OP.
    Numerous characters already use swords.
    Please send me a Role-Play sample by Private message.

    Every character must have a different text color.
    This is power playing.
    Please be careful and use proper English in your posts. A good thing to remember is to line break (press "Enter") before a character starts to speak.

    Further violations of these rules may result in exclusion from the role-play.

    Hey everyone, there are two new sections to the front page, the first is the "News" section, and the other is the "Advisers" section. Please go check them out.

    Also for some reason every time I hear "The City is at War" by Cobra Starship, I think of this RP o_o.

    IC:// Before he responded to Jinnex's inquiry, Xelidan turned to see the member who had been unaccounted for when the meeting started.
    "Glad you could join us, Kexim," He spoke quietly, although he could barely see the other's face under his hood.
    Getting back on topic, he continued. "It would truly be an unnecessary challenge to create a plan centered around something unknown to us. Tell us, Xinamar," Gray eyes met green as the girl looked up in response to her false name. "What have you found that holds the power to lead us to our ultimate goal?"
    Of course, there only could be one answer. The only thing with enough power to restore the hearts of the entire Organization...

    "Organization XIII," Xinamar started, "is trying to recreate Kingdom Hearts,"
    Xinamar looked away from the rest of the Organization as she spoke. It seemed to be unbelievable that anyone could create something with such power... if someone didn't trust her words, it could ruin everything.

    "I'd hope each of you know what this means..."
    Some of the newer members might not have known what Kingdom Hearts was... it wasn't exactly something they taught kids about in school, and for good reason.

  2. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aliaxane let the glass fly away from her hands, then looked up, frowning. The girl was shy, but she spoke the truth. This meant many things...She sighed, tucking her hair behind her ear. Now came what the rest of the Organization thought, and chances were it woudn't be pretty. Amusing, definetly, but not pretty at all.
  3. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    ......what? It wasn't that Xengla didn't believe. She could believe just about everything.....within reason. It's just that she didn't understand. They're going to explain it.....right? Oh well. I could always just ask later. And with that, Xengla shrugged off the cloud of confusion that just descended upon her. She leaned back in her chair, more relaxed than she was when she was arguing with Aliaxane. That was the first time she had ever gotten so frustrated and mad since- ....since.....when? I...can't remember. That feeling of irritation...there was a flood of memories connected to that "feeling". But Xengla couldn't remember. Gah....I'll wonder about it later. This is important to listen to.
  4. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    OOC: Hey I dont know if I'm going to currently be able to RP a lot. FOr some reason the Kh-vids site isn't working correctly. It just doesnt load. I'm lucky I got on here to post this. I'm going to try my hardest to be on. I have to catch up first though
  5. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: Dude, we all get that, its not just you. Database Errors here we come..
  6. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    OOC:// Yeah; it's been the same for me ._.
  7. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    "So they're working towards that end just like we suspected..." She said thoughtfully, tapping her index finger lightly on her lower lip. After a moment she dropped her hand down so that her index and middle finger were gently curled whilst the other two remained clenched.
    "Are we going to try and work with them now then? Seems a little silly to try and fight them if they're as strong as Xinamar tells us when we're on the same side effectively."

    OOC- The sites been fairly laggy for me too, I guess it's because more people are coming on since it's summer and the new games and stuff.
  8. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    OOC: OK, so it's not just me. Nvm then thnx!
    Also, I have a pictur eof my Org. Member. I need to apparently reconnect my scanner which I never unconnected...


    Hazel eyes went wide, "Are they crazy? Kingdom Hearts can't be recreated."
    He looked up. He was surprised seeing everyone distracting themselves. They were in the middle of a meeting. Even though it didn't seem like it sometimes, Rexyggor was always paying attention. Never missing a word. He held his head down most of the time as he casually leaned against the wall. Every so often he lifted his head up, to let everyone know his was paying attention. Now was one of those times. Why is everyone off on their own little world? This is important.

    Rexyggor had time as a nobody before he found this Organization. He learned of Kingdom Hearts through whispers in the air. He joined this organization so that he could eventually find his heart and then find what was dear to him.
  9. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    "Hm." As if they're going to actually be our allies. We're competing against them. There's no way they'd accept. I have a feeling Xinamar gave them a different idea than just "friendly competition". Xengla could tell being in this organization was going to be difficult for her to withstand. There's no way she would leave. Oh no. It's just that...All these conflicting personalities. *sigh* long before I explode? Literally. She could already tell that Jinnex was going to be the kind of person that won't stop talking. Ever. And Aliaxane was going to be her mortal enemy. This meeting should go by faster. It's starting to diminish in interest.
  10. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Kexim looked at his other members in slightly disbelief. Some slightly confused, some not even paying attention, and one of them freaking out as if it was impossible. It seemed obvious that he had not been a nobody for too long a period of time. As always, Kexim left out his oppinion, but he still figured that by some point, Rexygorr would learn that as there are many worlds, there were many possibilities, and the recreation of a way to kingdom hearts was not impossible. Kexim simply leaned against the wall though, listening in, though it was noticible that he was looking in Rexygor's direction.
  11. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Larxene had already anticipated the unexpected to emerge from Marluxia's lips. With the very mention of war, and then the Superior arranging a meeting, the previous girl's enigmatic arrival all hinted towards urgency, and with Organization XIII, someone -- someone outside of the keybladers and their companions -- causing need for concern was unusual. Now, hearing how there appeared to be another group just like theirs, with an identical goal, it was more than astonishing. It was thrilling, for, with everything clarified, it was clear that the World That Never Was could finally have some action. It definitely needed a bit of excitement to spruce up its monochromatic atmosphere. However, she couldn't help noticing several, conflicting factors.

    If the other group longed for hearts as well, wouldn't that mean they were Nobodies as well? Moreover, if that was the case, then why would they so keen on working against them? They could always collaborate, as it would quicken the achievement of Kingdom Hearts. Did they believe it wouldn't be enough? Or were they that adamant against listening to orders issued by Xemnas? Then again, perhaps they weren't without hearts. The entire matter was confusing, and the intruder didn't give nearly enough information. Besides, it wasn't that important. After all, it meant they could prepare for some incoming war, and when it finally arrived, she could have some fun at last. Due to this reason, she had absolutely no objections and wouldn't voice her opinion on it just yet.

    As the Superior finished assigning orders -- with none of them particularly aimed towards her, the Savage Nymph was glad to note -- she found that the previous build-up of suspense, the slowly thickening tension that had accompanied the Graceful Assassin's words, just collapsed. That was it? She had honestly expected more. An intruder came, and now, they had to wait? She had enough of remaining idle. However, Xemnas still had an ironclad grip on the Organization, so what else could she do? Aside from reporting any traces or glimpses of the other Organization, if she caught sight of them. Such a bore.

    Unable to express her disappointment vocally, she let dissatisfaction visibly show on her visage, as she uncrossed her legs. Xemnas had adjourned the meeting, but was that really all? She lingered for a few moments, waiting to see if everyone else would leave before she departed as well. Out of the corner of her eye, she cast a glance towards the Graceful Assassin, silently wondering about his thoughts on the whole matter. Would that change anything about their plans?
  12. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    Rexyggor seemed more upset at the fact that most of the members weren't paying attention and were in their own little worlds, then paying attention. He tried to dismiss the feeling while he continued.
    "Kingdom Hearts is the Heart of all worlds. There can't be two hearts. It wouldn’t be right. Even if they succeeded in making another kingdom hearts, it would be a waste of time. It wouldn’t be able to do more than they could, therefore, no hearts.
    The only real way to retrieve hearts again is to harness the power of the real kingdom hearts. Which is where I think we could have the upper hand.â€
  13. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    Xinamar was about to speak, but was interrupted by Xelidan.

    "If we succeeded in taking the real Kingdom Hearts, we would have nothing to come back to," Xelidan spoke, almost angrily. If they took the Heart of all worlds for their gain, there would be a price. There was a virtually zero percent chance of success.

    The dark-haired girl nodded absentmindedly, shrinking back a bit at Xelidan's words. He was right. If they even attempted to touch the real Kingdom Hearts, they'd all be destroyed.
  14. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    ".........." Xengla was officially lost. She never really understood Kingdom Hearts. It was just a heart shaped moon over TWTNW......right? Well....I know it's more than that.... But still. If this plan was to gain any help from her, there will have to be some explanations.
  15. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    Xemnas watched one by one as the members slowly, surprisingly enough, began to finally remove themselves from the throne room. Just as he was about to contemplate and leave himself to thought all by himself in the large room he noticed out of the corner of his eye Demyx, apparently making such a begging gesture. "Hmm...what is it Demyx..." he said tilting his head slightly and making his cold lifeless stare pierce a glare through his, "I take it then you were not satisfied with the orders given..." he said making noticing and reference once again to the begging gesture. "I must say...this is rather surprisingly considering any mission I send you on you seem to disapprove of it in some manner or form..."

    He sighed rubbing his temples slightly, "Very well...once again you shall have a chance to prove yourself..." he said sternly and firm along with the words. "You shall go in search of this other Organization's headquarters...speak with Zexion before you leave...he might have some helpful advice..." He said before ushering for him to finally leave the room, "you shall test your not fail me..." he said waiting until he had made sure to leave the room. He quietly leaned back in his chair and rested his head back with his eyes closed. "Soon...with Kingdom Hearts...there shall not be a single foe daring to strike a blow against us..." he said letting himself vanish in a dark vortex.
  16. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aliaxane sighed, flicking her fingers to change the glass into the shape of a small cat, then held it in her arms, petting it gently. So much discord....meetings should just be, here was your mission, here was what you would do, go complete it. Instead everything unraveled into chaos. Though she liked chaos, it was what helped make glass, she still liked to know what was going on.
  17. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    "Well then either way it would be a lose-lose situation. If we tried to make another kingdom hearts, then it wouldn't be more powerful than us. Therefore, not letting us retrieve our hearts. It's like math. Kingdom Hearts is 5 and we're all 2 + 2. We can get to 4, but we can't get to 5 unless we find another power that can assist us. Which is highly difficult and dangerous."
    Rexyggor couldn't help but speak up. It was in his nature to find reason. He needed to find a way to get his heart back. And he might as well help the others along the way. The sooner they all got their hearts back, the sooner they wouldn't see eachother again.
  18. PainAndBliss095 Moogle Assistant

    Dec 29, 2008
    Las Vegas, NV
    'Wow... negative, but realistic.' Brixania thought to herself as she listened to the meeting continue. The way she saw it, there really was no hope for the organization to get their hearts back, as much as she wanted to deny that. It wasn't like she WANTED to stay heartless forever, but she really didn't care either way at the moment. If she got it back, she got it back. The purple eyed girl shrugged off her thoughts and went back to pay attention to the meeting occuring.
  19. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    "I guess that means it's business as usual for me then..." Saïx grumbled after Xemnas disappeared. "So much for being Xemnas's right hand Nobody."
    Not even so much as a 'Saix, help defend the castle.' or something, nothing! And he was one of the strongest Nobodies in the Organization, even more so in the light of the moon. Even Demyx the Organization screw-up had a job to do, and he didn't. Right now, Saïx thought, if he had emotions he'd be acrimonious.

    After a moment or two of looking very sulky Saïx himself portaled away from the meeting hall, back to his ledge in on the roof of the castle where he could watch the moon slowly becoming whole.

    "So that's a firm no for the peaceful co-operation plan then?" Jinnex asked, looking rather crestfallen. She'd been hoping that it'd be a whole lot easier then it was turning out to be.
  20. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Clearly his own gestures had worked for Xemnas had acknowledged him and he didn't even have to say a single word. Xemnas was very observant, keeping an eye on all of his members like a hawk upon its prey. He knew practically what had occured and if he didn't, he took the time that was nessessary to find out the truth. Keeping his exquiste orbs upon the lord of all of them, the water wielder listened to what he was hearing. Could it be correct or was his mind playing tricks on him again? Xemnas was actually giving him a job to do and giving him another chance to redeem himself from all of his failures that occured in the past mostly from lack of interest, cowardly demeanor or fighting style. He nodded his head when he heard the name Zexion come forth from Xemnas's lips and what his next objective would to be after he found him. Leaning back in his own spot, he watched the darkness surround Xemnas, the thorn like sprials consume his presence as he was no where to be seen in Where Nothing Gathers.

    Drumming his fingers on the white marble armrests where his arms lied on top of the hard surface, he leaned forward slightly observing anyone else who was still present in the room. Saix was remaining silent as he suddendly departed without a word. The other members Marluxia and Larxene were exchanging glances at one of another for some particular reason which caused him to raise an eyebrow in curiousity. Not wanting to recieve any glares from either of them he continued his quick observation. The vacant seats at the present moment were Axel, Roxas, Xigbar, Xaldin Vexen, and Luxord and Zexion whom just left before the Superior did. It was unusual that not all of the members had shown up and he wondered what Xemnas's act of swift judgment would be upon that matter? Oh well better them then him.

    Glancing at Marluxia once more and for a second before starring ahead, in the back of his mind he was thinking of what he heard from Marluxia and Xemnas about the other organization and he didn't know where the location of their headquarters were and how many there were among them? Another organization was trying to become whole as well? Nobodies really did have a lot in common and it was just as well that Xemnas would embark his fellow warriors and subordinates to locate them. What was unsettling and did give him a nervous gleam in his eyes were the words "do not fail me" that the Superior had to mention putting pressure upon the melodious nocturne. He sighed realizing he had opened up Pandora's box with his own body gestures without even saying a single word to anyone. Now he had to be careful and attempt to do his best or else face consequences from the Superior. No, failure was not an option especially with enemies in their midsts. Organization XIII needed every single member to fight this new foe.

    Realizing that Zexion was gone, he remembered the first task on his list would be to hunt him down and talk to him. This would not be an easy task for Zexion didn't like to be bothered, but it was an order given by Xemnas and Demyx was obligated to obey no matter what the reaction of Zexion would be. In a matter of seconds, he conjured up his own vortex, taking him from the room as the black mist spiraled upwards to another location within the castle. Once fully materialized, he walked down the long corridors hoping to come across the cloaked scheamer. Sencing his presence nearby, he found Luxord the gambler of fate to be with him. Approaching them both slowly he stood off to the side, and made the bold move to greet the senior member. "Zexion, the boss gave me orders for me to find the location of the other organization and see what their plans are. So I'm going to be acting like a spy and perhaps you could give me some advice of where our enemies could be and what to expect and how I should approach this?" He had a smile upon his face, and greeted him with a casual wave acknowledging Luxord as well.
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