Organization XIII's Rivals: It's back!

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Near, Jun 15, 2009.

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  1. morphine and lollipops Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2009
    Happily-Never-After, care to join me?
    ‘Other members...’ he mused to himself. He watched Xinamar disappear in silence, brooding. There was a meeting, and judging by her attitude, it was not one to discuss light matters. Certainly there must be news...But what type of news? Perhaps there had been information found on finding the hearts...perhaps there was a new enemy. The only way to be certain was to attend the meeting, and thus he set out.
    Humming to himself, he strode through the halls, enjoying the emptiness. The silence of being alone didn’t bother him, much. In fact, he rather enjoyed it. Not to say he didn’t enjoy conversation as well, but there was just something particular about being alone. Something nice, and oddly comforting. On the other hand, Jex craved social interaction. He craved new ideas, and different thoughts. Not to mention, words. Jex loved words; he rather obsessed over them, really.
    It was with this thought that Jex found himself at the meeting room. He glanced at the doors, hesitating for only a second, then pushed his way through.
  2. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    In a flurry of darkness Jinnex materialized upon her seat in the meeting hall. She shuffled back in her seat and crossed her legs, she always sat like a small child sat on a carpet at school at Story Time. She looked around the room with interest, catching a lock of her violently violet hair around her finger and twirling it gently. There was a childlike quality to her, always had been, though occasionally she got the impression it didn't exactly endear her to her collages. In fact she believed it was quite the opposite, not that she really cared. After all, it wasn't like she could care anyway.
  3. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Hearing the request, Xengla closed her palm again and frowned. Let's see if I can. Never did this before. She then opened it and for one full second the fire was green......then it turned blue and back to normal red. She shrugged and continued her entertainment. fire. It's not necessarily normal. I think I need to burn a certain chemical to achieve that. It's too bad there's no way she's going to carry around a bunch of potentially harmful chemicals just to burn them as see a different color of flame. Heh....chemistry....that was a fun lab.
  4. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    She looked up, her eyes bright in the shadows. "May I go undercover there?" she asked quietly. "I can pretend to be one of them, until the time comes to....eliminate that purpose." Her glass shards whirled around her, showing her feelings of surpressed excitement. "That way I could report back to you or one of the other members of what is going on."

    OOC: I realized this when I was reading back *facepalm desk* I need to read more clearly, but thanks.
  5. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    Xinamar replied only with a soft smile, then turned to open a Corridor of Darkness back to the castle.
    "Here, let's go," she said, looking back at the dark environment around the lake before focusing on the other girl.

    "If you want to help, you're going to have to ask Xinamar," Xelidan replied, pausing here for a few short seconds, "However, I can tell you now that your plan isn't going to work. The Organizations aren't stupid enough to allow it... especially after Xinamar allowed herself to be found."
  6. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Phenox whistled to himself as he polished his blade. "got to get it just right." he muttered to himself. he continued whistling.
  7. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    Xemnas glanced around seeing that the members had started to accumulate into their thrones as some looked bored, annoyed, and even a few with a glint of curiosity who had not managed to make it to the scene in time. He noticed a few members seemed to be missing, but he expected them to show up, they would be reminded of the tolerance required for attending the meetings after which. He sighed before letting his deep and stern voice begin its echo throughout the throne room, "I have called this meeting on the grounds of the castle being breached..." he said making sure he met everyone's eyes upon saying this. "But for now I shall leave the encouragement of this headquarters defenses to a latter time period...what must be discussed is what the invader relinquished to our Graceful Assassin..."

    His eyes slowly made their way over to where he sat, his gaze unchanging just as his tone was. "For those of you who did witness the incident you noticed that this was not just some lost soul...nor was it a mere messenger...a message was indeed left but how the courier carried out such message is what needs to be observed..." He closed his eyes as his thoughts wandered on the mysterious girl but he allowed himself to continue, "Marluxia encountered her in the main hallway...which shall not go un-noticed...but back to the girl...she engaged him in combat..." He let his orange orbs once again be revealed a slight hint of curiosity perhaps picked up by a few, "it is obvious to assume this was no ordinary girl...but indeed one of us...a nobody..."

    He let another sigh cross his lips before continuing, "I would ask that you reveal the exact words spoken Marluxia by the girl...perhaps amongst them lies more clues as to who she belongs to or if she is indeed a new guest to this abyss..." After saying so his eyes then turned to Zexion, "I would like for you in turn to gather as much research from the scene as you can...your sense of scent could perhaps give us some more clues to this mysterious stranger..." His attention returned back to the room, once again meeting everyone's eyes, "Once Marluxia finishes I expect consideration of this to be taken as far as keeping a watchful would not be foolish enough to take on our Organization..."
  8. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    There was a burst of darkness as a portal opened and closed almost at the same moment as Saïx appeared on his chair. He glanced up at the Superior and spoke what in what was almost an apologetic tone, but for him was as about as a sincere sounding sorry as he could manage.
    "My apologies for my tardiness Superior." Was all he said before looking back down onto his usual eye level at the height of his chair.

    After a quick glance around the hall he fought back a slightly smug expression, luckily it seemed that he wasn't the last of the order to arrive. For example the irritating munchkin boy with the ridiculously impractical hair whom, even if he was officially Saïx's better within the ranks by number, frustrated Saïx with his bookish and sniffing ways. If for no other reason, though he would never admit it, that it confused him as to why Zexion was the one with a sensitive nose when he himself seemed more like a typical 'werewolf' so therefore more inclined to heighted senses such as that.
  9. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Paying attention to what was mentioned by Xemnas, the melodious nocturne was surprised at what had transpired while he was playing his sitar and being off in his own world. Marluxia had engaged himself in combat with another nobody; a female one to be exact, but from a different clan or group. So there was more of their kind, that took upon the appearance of a human besides their own organization. What could this possibly mean? Was there a battle brewing underneath their noses and how much more did Marluxia or the others know? He leaned forward slightly to his left glancing at the gracful assassin who sat on one side of him, and Saix on the opposite. How strange this occurance was for Saix for he was no where to be seen either? Arching his eyebrow he thought of the possible reasons for the others not being on time? After pondering, he gave up and exhaled, bored as one could be. Blinking a few times to focus his eyes, he continued to glance around the room to entertain himself in some fashion. Directly across from him was Axel's spot whose seat was vacant. Other members were missing like Roxas as well as Larxene. He wondered where they were and also thought about the Superior taking his wrath upon the ones whom were missing this vital piece of information? Glad not to be them and with his legs spread apart in a relaxed posture, he tapped his fingers underneath the edges of the white marble throne as if humming a tune in his head as he awaited for anyone to speak or show up late. His eyelids were getting heavy, as he rubbed them with the side of his wrist and seconds later, Saix the Organization's second in command appeared in his seat and gave his apology to the master. "Typical," he thought as he wiggled his feet and turned his head from side to side to get any kinks out of his neck and hoping someone would at least provide entertainment for him in some way or method.
  10. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aliaxane shook her head. "I know how to plant myself. I"m not going to just waltz in, I do have a plan." she sighed. "I'll pretend I was just made, and I have no idea who I was. They'll take me in, and i"ll be one of them."
  11. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Phenox saw a huge scratch on his blade. "great... i'm going to have to work for HOURS to buff that out..." he sighed and put his polishing cloth away and took out a small buffer. "this'll do the trick..." he turned it on and started buffing the scratch out. "how did that get there anyway?" he asked himself. "i remember..." he had dropped it the day before.
  12. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    OOC: Oh! Btw, I'm going to be at a convention tomorrow so i wont be on. or Saturday.

    IC: Rexyggor looked to Aliaxane. "You serious? And how would we ever get in contact with you?" Rexyggor asked the question in the smoothest way possible. He didn't want to seem like a jerk. Though he may hace had come off that way. All he really ever tried to do was uncover all logic in a situation so it would be foolproof. He figured that a "new member" of the Organization would be kept under a close watchful eye for a while before he or she would be a tiny bit trusted. "We could run the risk of being caught."
  13. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    It was Xelidan's turn to shake his head.
    "So you think they'll take in just any kid who happens to lose their way? Adding members is not going to be their first priority at the moment, Aliaxane. Even if it may benefit their side for the moment, they won't be so keen on allowing you in their castle."
    He took this time to look around. The only two missing seemed to be Xinamar and Brixania.... if they didn't appear soon he'd have to go search for them; a hassle he didn't want to endure at the moment.

    OOC://Ah, ****, I'm late xD
  14. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    She stretched, her hands behind her head. "That's a risk I'm willing to take." she smiled lazily, her eyes watching everyone else. "I can attempt to make it their first priority. Kingdom Hearts has to be opened by gathering lots of hearts, right?"
  15. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Zexion probably had the easiest time finding the members. He could follow their scent, track them down, and relay the message all in record time. Now, Larxene had to wonder why exactly the Superior demanded that she carried out the same task. The Organization members didn't exactly enjoy lollygagging in the same place, and, even if her speed allowed a quicker finish, she much rather preferred to head straight to Where Nothing Gathers. Actually, the location wasn't relevant. She cared only to hear the words that girl whispered to Marluxia.

    We're at war.

    That was the only hint the Graceful Assassin would allow. Now, as she headed through the World That Never Was in search of the other members, she couldn't keep her mind off the future prospect for more excitement. Wars always entailed battles, which meant the potential for a great deal of agony for their opposition. A smirk curved her lips at the thought, as a hint of excitement lit her eyes. However, her 'enthusiasm' lasted for only a moment, before she replaced the expression with one of almost exaggerated impatience.

    Gathering the members took far too long, and it was ever tedious. That simply couldn't be reiterated enough.

    Yet, as wearisome as it supposedly was, conveying the message to the remaining members finished quick enough, and she soon found herself seated in Where Nothing Gathers. Giving a slight, exasperated sigh under her breath, as if to express her displeasure of the task she had been assigned, she idly crossed her legs. Now, she would await what would hopefully be the highlight of the day -- Marluxia's elaboration on the opponents they would face in the war.

    (OOC: I'm not sure who's actually left for Larxene to tell about the meeting, but I'll assume that 'conveying the message to the remaining members' included the Organization members not yet being played, if that's alright. ^_^; )
  16. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Ever the stubborn one. I don't like this girl. Xengla gazed at Aliaxane with no interest. No meant no. Christ. "What you're planning is foolish. They'll be on guard now. You'll be exactly what they're looking for. A spy. No matter how great of an actress you are." That was all she had to say in the matter. A lot of people probably want to sneak in and look around like Xinamar. Well. Guess we can't do that anymore. Just....sit down and stop embarrassing yourself even more. Don't be a hero. Or....heroine. Xengla sighed. People nowadays.
  17. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aliaxane turned, and grinned at the other girl. "Isn't that the beauty of it?" she replied, petting one of the shards that had landed in her palm. "I don't care if I die. Besides, they might be fun to play with." She grinned again, letting the glass that was in her hand flutter to whirl in a small cloud by her shoulder.
  18. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    "Newsflash. We don't either. You can "play" with them as long as you want...later. When we figure out a plan t deal with them." Xengla couldn't believe this girl was actually a higher rank than she was. Meh....they recruited her earlier than I was. Ranks don't matter in this organization. Only your prestige. Besides that, Xengla was also aware that she had been rude. And spoke out of turn. I'll try not to do that next time. She couldn't help it. This girl....was being immature. Pleading for something that had already been refused to her. Is she the same age as me too? Unbelievable. "Hm." Well....maybe the punishment won't be that strict. We're in a state of emergency anyway.
  19. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aliaxane turned and faced the girl, crossing her arms over her chest. " doubt me?" she said this with a small sweet smile on her face, her eyes blank. "Is there something else you want to say?" She couldn't remember this girl's name, but it didn't matter anyway. She hadn't joined the organization for socializing.
  20. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Xengla looked straight into her eyes from under her hood. "Yes. I do." The meeting better start soon. So the annoying one can shut up and listen. Of course she doubted her. Her "plan" was idiotic. If the organization actually let her in, then she would eat her words. But Xengla figured that she wasn't the only one who doubted this foolish member. If she's trying to make a statement. It's not working. "Hmm..." Xengla was thinking now. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad if she did sneak into Organization XIII. Then she'd be wiped off the face of the planet. And this organization would be one less of a dangerous, annoying ******.....stop it. You're being too harsh on her. "Hm." Fine. Feh. Let her endanger the organization then. We'll never get our hearts back.
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