Organization XIII's Rivals: It's back!

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Near, Jun 15, 2009.

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  1. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Stepping out into the room, Aly searched for the leader. She had a special request to make, that he needed to approve. And she didn't want to do it with prying eyes. Aliaxane liked her privacy, and wouldn't let others intrude, no matter what the cost or reason. "Superior?" her words were soft and cold in the room.
  2. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    transformers went suddenly bananas!
    Username: keybladewarrioroflegend
    Character name: Phenox
    Age: 18
    Number: VI
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Ability/Element: Darkness
    Weapon: Oblivion's End (sword)
    Bio: Phenox has been a nobody for 3 years. his father verbally abuses him by calling him pathetic and worthless. as a result, he thinks he is. Phenox's mother and brother both died. he hates himself.Phenox eventually had enough, and killed his father. he enjoyed every moment of it.
    Personality: kind and caring, but thinks he doesn't deserve love or happiness.
    Text color: Red?
  3. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    Zexion took the corridor of darkness... smelling them all the way from bitwix and between.This corridor of darkness was like all the others... It may have been used before. Then Zexion thought "Perphaps the other organization uses these same corridors as well. If we could find a way to close of these corridors, then we might have a chance at winning. If we can overpower them, that is." Zexion thought If they've been using these corridors all this time, and using them to spy on us and then get away... That's it! Zexion devised a way to capture one of there members All we must do is create some device to close the corridors and when one of the members of this other organization come to spy on us, we will close the corridors and capture him. Zexion was pleased with his strategy But how to create this device? Zexion realized that he had gotten off track with his plan... He still needed to tell Axel and Roxas of the meeting. Zexion exited the corridors of darkness and appeared on top of the Twilight Town clock tower... Axel and Roxas's usual spot. Zexion never disliked either of them, but then again they some time's goofed off... and that's why Zexion never became friendly with them. As members of the organization, they all had a job to do. But here were Axel and Roxas, eating ice cream. "I thought I should let you know that the superior has called for a meeting of the up most importance. He want's everyone... right away!" Zexion told them.
  4. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    As Jex showed excitement, and then hesitated, as though he was nervous about it, Xinaram wondered if he had realized yet how fake those emotions actually were.
    "It's the meeting room; you know where it is, right?" she asked. Where else were meetings held? Was he not told this when he joined?

    Although Xelidan preferred not to be called something so... conformed, or official, he looked around for the owner of the discreet voice, and stepped from where he was standing in wait for the other members.
    "What is it, Aliaxane?" he replied, spotting the girl.

    Do you have the RP sample to send me?
  5. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    OOC: just did. :D
  6. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    OOC:// I read it. It's okay, just make sure to use proper spelling and punctuation and everything.
  7. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    OOC: alright. could i have a recap?
  8. morphine and lollipops Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2009
    Happily-Never-After, care to join me?
    "Right. I know where it is." He answered, feeling suddenly idiotic. Of course it was in the meeting room, where else would a meeting be held? He mentally chided himself for being an idiot. He vaguely knew of the meeting room’s whereabouts; he had passed it before. It wasn't too far, but he should leave soon, as to be there early. If he was late... he didn’t want to consider the humiliation he would force onto himself. He couldn't feel humility...but he shoved that thought out of his mind.
    ‘Don’t dwell on what you lack.’ He told himself. This was often the approach he took when confronting thoughts that were distressing. Avoid, not confront. How weak he was, when you thought about it. Incredibly weak. Ridiculously weak, at least in the head. Physically, he wasn’t too bad off. The solution? He would force himself to be strong. He would force himself to be brave. In the back of his head, a small bit of his mind disagreed. In reality, he was trying, against all odds, at being human.
    Getting back on topic, he glanced at the door. He would wait for a cue from Xinamar to leave. He didn’t want to appear insolent twice in one day.
  9. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    OOC:// Xinamar goes to The Castle that Never Was, Marluxia finds Xinamar, they fight, Xinamar tells Marluxia the other organization's plan, and now both organizations are holding separate meetings.
  10. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    OOC: okay, thanks. :D i'll pop up in the meeting.
    BIC: Phenox was running down the hall. 'i'm so late' he thought. he tripped and fell. "ow..." he said. he stood up and dusted himself off. he ran again. Phenox continued running until he reached the room where the meeting was being held. "hi.... sorry i'm late..." Phenox took his seat.
  11. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: Ansem, talk to Near broke a rule so to save time I did the job for you.

    "Good of you to join us...Axel." came the voice of Marluxia, approaching the Flurry of Dancing Flames from the rear of him and that portal of his. He was glad to find the rebellious member himself and to get him to the meeting. For some reason, it gave him satisfaction to be able to keep someone such as him in line.And even Roxas too, but he was certain Axel would pass it on, or the Key of Destiny would overhear it whilst coming. In either case, he'd be perfectly satisfied with the result. Coming to a stop in front of him, he waited for Roxas to step through before continuing. "A meeting has just been called by our dear Superior, I trust you'll make it.." he turned his back on the two, letting it sink in for the two. The Superior didn't like tardiness, and from these two there would likely be no excuses accepted.

    Now, it was truly time to depart and get there so he could explain. And, out of the goodness of his missing heart, he decided to give the two a piece of information before getting there."War is upon us best prepare." he told them now yearning to get to the meeting and inform everyone of what was said.Hopefully the two were satisfied now. Whether they disliked him or not wasn't a factor right now. He was just the messenger after all.

    A small pool of darkness grew under him and consumed him whole, portaling him to his seat in the meeting room.He laid back and awaited for Axel and Roxas to arrive. But perhaps Xemnas wouldn't be so patient ..
  12. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    "You're not all that late" Rexyggor reassured him. "I dont even know when we're starting." Rexyggor looked to the others in the room. Most seemed wrapped up in their own worlds whether it be talking with someone else, or just sitting there thinking. He realized that speaking would probably bring some attention to him. Whatever. He chuckled to himself at the idea that the others actually might care that he was in the room. They hadn't seemed to care at all just yet.
  13. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Shixoh looked up and around and decided to reminisce with some people. "So Rexyggor and Phenox! how was your day so far?"she said as she finally talked out loud to someone today surprising herself.
  14. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    "it's been.... interesting to say the least." Phenox summoned his blade and took out a polishing cloth. "i better give my blade a little tune up." he smiled. he whistled as he polished.
  15. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Username: Deathsight44
    Character name: Kexim
    Age: 18
    Number: 2
    Ability/Element: energy (can create particles of energy and form it as he wishes, as well as being able to harden it into a diamond like substance)
    Weapon: The two things that are seen in the picture, which serve as shields, though they can be used to generate his crystals as well
    Bio: The first one to join into Xelidans orginization, not knowing him from his past, but merely encountering him. he has kept to himself for most of the time until the discovery of an enemy orginization. He does not reveal his appearance to others, only very rarely, since it has only been revealed to Xelidan. He also tends to do most of the spying for Xelidan, keeping an eye on his members, since most of the time he goes along unnoticed. Not speaking nor being seen by others. His goals out of this orginization remain unknown to him, and him alone.
    Personality: Very anti-social at the moment, though he'll slowly begin to speak more and more as time goes on, revealing his true nature
    Text color: Black

    Transformers, Banana's in disquise...
  16. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    They're so brave.....being able to just....speak to each other like that. "Hm." Xengla chuckled softly to herself. She would never have the courage to do such a thing. Even less to actually speak to Xelidan. I wonder what she wants. It most likely isn't a private matter seeing as how she's speaking to him in front of everyone. They're all so....strange. Xengla leaned back in her seat. She'll focus when the meeting actually starts. For now she played with a small ball of fire floating just above her open palm. Closing her hand into a fist and extinguishing it, and then opening it back up and having it reappear. Open. Close. Open. Close. Never gets old. "Heh."
  17. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    Rexyggor replied with an undefined, "ehh..." Meaning that the day hadn't been all that great, or was it horrible. He didn't really care what others thought about his day. He hadn't done anything special today anyway. He turned his head a little bit. He looked over to Xengla. Opening her palm and summoning fire, closing it to restrict oxygen. "hey." He said calling out to her, "Can you make the fire green? It's more fun that way." A smirk rose upon his face.

    OOC: It's true though. It never gets old ;)
  18. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aliaxane sighed, then leaned against a wall, and tapped her fingers on her arm, waiting. He would show up sooner or later. She had learned patience, a valuble trait when looking for her prey. There was nothig easier to her, and nothing better in the end. Lookinng up at the darkened ceiling, she hummed quietly.
  19. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    OOC:// You are in ::L:

    @FKB| Someone's easily amused xDDD

    @Magick, Xelidan already replied to Aliaxane...

    IC://"Okay, then," Xinamar told her fellow Organization member, "There are other members I have to alert of the meeting, but I trust you'll be there shortly."
    Engulfed in darkness, she reappeared at the lake, where she found Brixania staring peacefully at the dark reflection of the sky in the water.
    'She looks so peaceful, for someone without a heart,' she thought. It'd be a shame to disturb her.
    "Hey," the dark haired girl spoke quietly, almost cringing when the other girl spun around, startled. "There's a meeting going on. Sorry if I surprised you..."
    "You can head back with me, if you like," she offered, as though it would compensate for startling the water wielder.
  20. PainAndBliss095 Moogle Assistant

    Dec 29, 2008
    Las Vegas, NV
    Brixania was staring at the reflection of the lake calmly when she heard someone speak. Surprised, she turned quickly to face her opposer, to see it was only Xinamar. She straightened her stature and scanned the other member as she spoke the news.
    "No, it's fine, I wasn't too shocked of you appearance..." she answered. However, hearing the other girl's offer moved a smile onto her face.
    "Yeah, let's go back together," Brixania agreed, with a slight nod of her head.
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