Organization XIII's Rivals: It's back!

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Near, Jun 15, 2009.

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  1. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aly grimaced, then lowered her hand, the glass still circling her, but slower, and lower down. "I don't like jokes." she said in a flat tone, returning back to her room. She finished arming up, placing a knife in her boot and slipping one on a chain down her shirt, then fastening the chain around her neck. Sliding the drawer back, she turned, walked out of her room, and closed the door behind her.
  2. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    "Well, that's why he's so pissed off...." She could say it went well, by her view. However...
    "One of their members spotted me, and we fought for a bit... "

    "However, it's all insignificant in comparison to the fact that they know our plan." Xelidan spoke, appearing in a rush of darkness.

    "I understand, I was careless..." Xinamar replied shamefully. "However, I didn't reveal anything other than that... and only vaguely did I tell them..."
    This whole situation was pointless. They needed to discuss it as a group and plan their next move.
    "I'll gather everyone in the meeting room," she spoke, before disappearing in a Corridor of Darkness.
  3. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Shixoh heard fight and ran out of her room to see everyone talking. "You got in a fight with who?" she said as she started walking closer to them all. "Did they actually spot you?" she said stopping when she got within 5 feet of them all
  4. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    "Hmmm....." Xengla looked down as Xelidan suddenly appeared. She won't say anything when Xelidan's around unless she is spoken to first by him. It's too bad about the other side knowing their plan.'s not like the plan was all that important. It's the same as theirs. Xengla couldn't help but smile at Xinamar's audacity. She probably had a whole lot of fun clowning around with them. In their own castle. Ha! She would definitely speak with Xinamar later. After the meeting. "See you there." Xengla said before disappearing in a portal.
  5. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: Good to have you back Nymph ..but for how long? xD

    As he stepped out into the hallway and took a left, Marluxia was momentarily focusing his thoughts on Xemnas, who was throwing his weight around. A suggestion was all he made, and yet the Superior overreacted, as if he had said something foul to him. He knew why. Larxene knew why. Those who weren't blindly following Xemnas would know why.

    He felt threatened. The thought of members rising against him put this deep fear in the back of his mind. He could be overthrown, he could be beaten ..if the right moves were made, of course. For now it couldn't be helped. Attacking Xemnas now and taking control of the Organization would be near suicide. He was powerful, yes. Battling Xemnas would prove difficult, but near impossible with all his loyal followers around.

    And speaking of loyal followers, his eyes caught a glimpse of Lexaeus moving past him, heading to the area where he had fought the intruder. "The intruder is gone .." he came to a stop, still looking in the opposite direction.

    The Hero came to a stop as well. He had not expecting Marluxia to say a word as surprises weren't frequent around here. He was preparing to rest for a good amount of time until he heard the sound of something crashing against a wall. At that point he began using his senses to find that one was different, unrecognizable. Curiosity got the best of him and he left his chambers to find what had happened. And here he was.

    "..What will be the next step?"

    "Head to Where Nothing Gathers, Xemnas has called a meeting .." Marluxia responded, finding it not surprising that both men were looking in the opposite direction. Lexaeus and him never clicked either, but it didn't matter to him in the slightest.And the response he got was Lexaeus using a portal to enter his respective seat.

    With his good deed for the day completed, Marluxia continued on his way.He'd see if there were any other members he'd encounter in the next minute. If not, to the meeting he'd go. He just hoped Xemnas would make a wise response to the attack.
  6. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    "Sir?" Jinnex asked in a voice that sounded as though it was a mix of someone trying not to get screamed at and trying to sound cute. "If they do know about our plans just how bad is that?" But just as the last word fell out of her mouth she realised that maybe that was what the upcoming meeting was going to be about therefore making it a stupid question, which would of course irritate her Leader greatly.

    "Actually never mind sir, I'll wait until the meeting thing. I should really get going." She added hastily, backing sharply into a portal of darkness and vanishing into it's depths.
  7. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    The soft serenity and tranquility could be heard down the vast corridors of the Castle That Never Was. Alone in the sanctuary of his room, the melodious nocturne, strummed his fingers across every string of his sitar Arappigio, he called it. Holding onto one string and releasing it causing a change in tempo and sound, the sitarist was not satisified with how his newest compostion was sounding. Since he did not have a heart, he could not truly be content with his masterpiece. Some key element was missing and he had no clue of what that could be so to fill the empty void of where his heart was, he kept practicing, experiementing like a scientist in a lab trying to make the perfect mixture. Humming a simple and soft tune, he listened to the sounds to see if they stood out or blended in? With his azure orbs closed, he was in his own world where no one could bother him or demand any orders of him. In his own mind, he was pleased to do as he wanted and didn't have to be concerned about the outside world of the other members of the Organization. He was not aware of the meeting in Where Nothng Gathers that Xemnas had called for no one had told him, so he was oblivious to the whole matter.
  8. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    Character name: Rexyggor
    Age: 19
    Number: X
    Appearance: Short dark blond spikey hair (not like Roxas, shorter) Org. Cloak. Body build of a good athlete. around 6 feet tall.
    Ability/Element: Sound: Can produce small shockwaves, and can produce a high pitch ringing that can stun the enemy for 2 seconds. Has started to learn how to mute an object and prevent it to make any noises.
    Weapon: Twin Axeblades
    Bio: Gregory was a great member of society. He was a well known athlete and had a great academic record in high school along with his twin brother Dominic (from another rp,character not to be mentioned here anymore). After high school, he performed many different community activities. He also gave service as often as he could. Before he could transition into college, his world was destroyed by the darkness. He lost his heart and became Rexyggor, the Hostile Muter. His personality as a Nobody has become darker for the fact that he lost his brother and he feels the empty pain.
    Personality: Less cheerful than someone living a fulfilling life.
    Text color: Olive
    Would that be okay? I fixed his abilities
  9. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    As he made his way around the castle in the dead of night, strings and pieces of music made their way into the ears of the Graceful Assassin.It didn't take but a second to figure it out. Demyx, of course.Possibly the most uncaring and uncared for member in the entire group. He wasn't a fighter, he wasn't a thinker ..he was just average.Expendable.Not needed for much of anything in the slightest. But, seeing as he was a fellow member of this group, he'd need to carry his weight around as well.

    Finally, arriving outside his door, Marluxia raised his balled fist and gently knocked on the door with his knuckles, gradually going hard until he was certain the Nocturne could hear it. "Demyx, Xemnas has called for a meeting immediately, you should make your way there now ..and rejoice could be of use now." he cracked a sinister smiled with those words and turned away, not wanting to hear any complaints or moaning.If he didn't show up, it was his own head and no one elses.

    Now ..with the useless one informed, as well as the Silent Hero, he could get to the meeting himself.After all, it was requested that Larxene inform everyone, not him.


    An intruder in our home ..but for what purpose? thought the muscled thinker Lexaeus as he stood still in his seat, hood up and put on alert to sense any more intruders.It had to be serious, there was no doubt about it. Xemnas usually didn't call a meeting on feeble matters that were of no true importance, but perhaps the intruder was more of a threat than anyone realized.

    Or perhaps she was backed up with subordinates ..he wouldn't find out just yet.

    for now, he sat in the empty room, waiting for the others to arrive.
  10. morphine and lollipops Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2009
    Happily-Never-After, care to join me?
    Jex was feeling lethargic. That is, if he could feel lethargic, he would be feeling lethargic now. No, wait. That’s not right... Jex sighed. Sometimes thinking made his head hurt. All these thoughts; how could one deal with feelings and thoughts and still not combust in a fiery display of sparks? Now that was a mystery worth thinking about, and perhaps hurting your brain over.
    Jex was lounging in an arm chair, trying to feel bored. It was a slower than normal day and he had no idea of what to do. He wanted to go for a walk, but he also wanted to stay put and await for someone to relieve him of this nothingness. Of course, he doubted the small prospect that anyone could help him. Everyone was off doing their own thing, and he was stuck. Alone. Pity, wasn’t it. He was usually so social...
    Stretching himself out to his full height, he stood. Well, there was no point in just lazing around. There were preparations to be made, hearts to find. He smiled. The future held so many adventures; it was Jex’s responsibility to himself to be there for them all.
  11. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    Xemnas quietly and in thought proceeded to make way to Where Nothing Gathers, taking in the fullness of what had just occurred in his castle. His eye blankly staring ahead and his footsteps following that same pattern, but his head was clearly elsewhere, wrapped around this intruder's feeble attempt of being a courier. It still was rather interesting that she would indeed break in, which should have been prevented in the first place and he intended to have the castle's defenses re-examined immediately after the meeting, but why she would cause such a ruckus lest she had intended to show some sort of power to the mass of members, either that or just plain suicidal intentions.

    His feet finally rested at the entrance to the throne room, before looking around to check if anyone had managed to show such an eagerness as to beat him here. Even Larxene who had apparently been rather curious to hear the news , however based along with her personality, had proven to not even be such one. Honestly it didn't matter to him how early they showed, the matter of course being that they did indeed show, and not the least bit late to it either. This was not just some regular evaluation of missions, progress on Kingdom Hearts, or promotion of rank type meeting, the value of this discussion would prove vital. He made his way over to his throne, casting a casual glance upward before the dark vortex once again consumed him and he had placed himself atop this throne.

    He sat quietly sat, either arm resting lightly on the arm rests, his eyelids slowly descending until his eyes were full cloaked. Judging by Larxene's speed, and obviously dislike of such a task bestowed upon her, he figured she would make due haste in getting the members here in an orderly fashion. He sighed however knowing that this interuption at hand would indeed slow the progress some of his project, something he had intended to maintain priority over and at the highest due any cost. Anyone who would dare interfere in such a way would definitely be receiving a well gestured replied.
  12. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    ooc: Near, can I take Vexen as well?

    Zexion nodded back at the superior... it was a direct order. However, after a while, Zexion had realized that most of the members had already been told. But who had not? Zexion began to think the list over. And he knew who had been told by which scent's had meet other scent's. He knew which scent's had told over scent's and he knew which scent's knew the order. Zexion then realized who had not been told. Axel and Roxas. Zexion knew it would not be hard to find those two. They were always together... all he had to do is sniff out some Sea Salt ice cream and he would find them. The teacher and the student. The flurry of dancing flames... and the keys of destiny... Zexion made hast towards there position.
  13. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Demyx heard the faint knocking become louder which made him stop his playing for a second. "Who could that be?" Someone had actually told him he was needed? He didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad one? That someone was Marluxia, the graceful assassin who thought he was better then anyone. Regardless he was number XI, it didn't matter for in his mind Marluxia considered himself to be that of the the superior and Demyx knew this information by how the pink haired man acted and protrayed himself to be. "Fine," he sighed and let out a soft groan for he hated being pulled away from his sitar unless he was the one that ended the playing. Demyx rolled his eyes from behind the door, having been interrupted and now having to go to one of the boring typical meetings where he would just sit there like a statue and listen to the others blab on what needed to be done. He wasn't looking forward to going to Where Nothing Gathers, since he would most likely be assigned a task and would have to attempt to complete it. It was the same ole mundane procedure, but that was life in the organization. For once he wished that he could do what he wanted to do and even thought about going for a swim after his playing to pass the time, but now that would have to be put on the back burner. He was needed and had no choice, but to obey. He wouldn't want anyone to raise any suspisions about him if he chose not to go and it could be dire consequences for him.

    When the Superior gave an order it was final so only because Xemnas had given the order and not Marluxia bossing him around himself, he set his sitar down against the wall, summoned a void with his right hand and walked through it. Out from the darkness, his siloute came to view, as he seated himself on his marble throne, an expression of boredom on his face, his postion slouched with his legs hanging over and his arms placed loosely across the arms rests. He complained to himself of why the seat had to be so uncomfortable and wondered if the others thought the same? Perhaps Xemnas was trying to make them sit up which would explain why there wasn't any kind of cushion or any amount of comfort allowed on the high chairs? No, the melodious nocturne's voice in his head was telling him something else. Xemnas just didn't care about any of them. He used them for his own purposes to obtain his own personal agendas and that was the sad truth. Shifting his eyes to the others, he made a mental note of who was in the room. Now he would have to wait again in silence and solitude until the others arrived. Hopefully it wouldn't be to long though or the musician's mind might drift off elsewhere like he had a habit of doing. Just when he was about to get more comfortable, his eyes glanced upwards as Xemnas had made his appearance and was now seated on his mighty throne of power overlooking all of his pathetic warriors who didn't even come close to his level of authority and power. Demyx slouched further feeling like a timid rabbit before the greatness of the Superior. He felt insignificant, small and cringed a bit hoping no one would notice his gestures or say anything to jeer at him once more.
  14. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    OOC:// You're in =] Thanks.

    Seeming as how the other members had left to the Meeting room already, Xelidan left the empty hall to appear in said room.

    Xinamar appeared before a newer member lounging on an arm chair in one of the many living-type rooms in the castle.
    "There's a meeting going on. I expect you'll be to the Meeting room shortly." she told the dark-haired boy, waiting for a response. He looked so incredibly bored; was that really how little there was to do around there? No matter, the Organization would sure be busy now. There would be a lot to get done if they were to take on Organization XIII.
  15. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    ooc: fixed my profile

    Zaliix settled herself in the meeting room quietly, hood up, trying desperately not to draw attention. She sat with one foot in the chair and her arm draped over her knee. If I could feel right now.....I might be bored... She contemplated that for a moment longer but seeing as it was irrelevant to the situation at hand, let it fade from her mind. However unoccupied she was, her eyes could not keep from straying to the other members in the room. The were an odd group of people. She had quietly observed them, choosing not to interact because she had the social skills of a tree, and found that they still seemed to act on memories of emotion. They acted angry or hurt or whatever their subconscious deemed necessary for the situation. Zaliix found that very strange and made a note to observe more extensively.
  16. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aliaxane sighed, then wandered down thehall, her movements quiet. She didn't want to be heard, or found. She wanted to be alone, and not hear the other members talking and arguing. It was too overwhelming. Her small glass shards keeping her company, she crept down a set of stairs, into the blackness.
  17. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    Rexyggor was in his room. He kept himself quiet. He was fairly new to this place and hadn't opened himself up most of the time he has spent in this place. Even though he rose through a few of the ranks fairly quickly, he was never really interested in the activities of this Organization. He was more interested in his problems. He wanted to find his brother. Stricken from the noises from a room right down the hall, he got up and opened the door. He figured there was going to be a meeting. Why would there be anyone there if there wasn't going to be a meeting? Not much of a walk if there was a meeting. Being on of the newer members, he ended up receiving a room near the meeting room. At least I will know if there's a meeting. He walked into the room remaining quiet. He wasn't all that familiar with most of the member's names. He stood very still against the wall, thinking.

    OOC: If you would like me to play an Org. XIII member, I could try. Just to fill spots. It always seems that those members are never requested.
  18. morphine and lollipops Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2009
    Happily-Never-After, care to join me?
    Jex eyed Xinamar. “A...meeting?” He questioned, musing over this slightly. This would be his first chance to actually meet people. Talk to people. To be stimulated. He grinned at the thought. Finally, something to do. Someway to prove himself. A way forward, a way to get back his heart. This was exciting!

    At the same time, he was oddly, and unusually, nervous. He must make a good impression, these were to be his comrades. The people he would depend upon and rely upon in his time of need., of sorts. How he met them today would determine his friends. He glanced over himself. ‘I look fine,’ he chided to himself. ‘In fact, I look absolutely excellent.” With this vain piece of thought he suddenly became confident. He rose from his chair and shot Xinamar a giant grin, like a puppy.
    “Name the place, and I’ll be there.”
  19. There was always just something that never got old when he watched the sunset. No matter how many times he sat in the clock tower, in the same town, in the same place, it never felt tedious or repetitive. He wondered if Roxas thought it that way too. This particular twilight wasn't that deep into the evening, not enough to bring the more brighter colors out, like pink, or purple. And it didn't sink in the horizon to make it that much more radiant. It still held up, even just a bit. Yet, he preferred it anyway. It was fine for the sky to be a slight navy, the clouds nearer to the excessively bright, yellow ball casting a sort of orange tint to them and anything around it. And if he looked in the right angle, there could be a light flare that was more comparable to a red-orange. And there was also just something in glancing at the whole of Twilight Town from so high, so far that the lush, green forest and slopes were able to be etched and seen. And as he took another bite into his sea salt ice cream, mostly done with the treat, he liked this tradition that it had become.

    It was quiet for the most part as both of them devoured their dessert, but Axel turned to the blond boy as he looked at the scenery. "Have you heard the rumors?"

    "Hmm?" Roxas hummed absentmindedly, tearing his gaze away from the backdrop that was the glittering hue of the sunset himself to look at his friend. There was just something that he liked when sitting here. It never got old, no matter how many times they rested in the clock tower, or do the usual things. Even the sight from this height remained renewed. It was refreshing after each mission, and the conversations were interesting to him. He looked forward to every day to hang out and eat ice cream together, as he thought of always going back to this place when his work was over. He also learned new meanings on top of everything else. Axel taught him that friends do things like this. So that meant, he was his friend. He didn't know much, as he had no memories of his days as a human like the rest did, so he had no idea what some words meant. Or what were "friends". He didn't remember much either sometimes, or what he had done a certain day. But he was getting there. At least he thought so. Giving a last nibble to his ice cream, he had finished it in due time. Now, what rumor was Axel talking about?

    "You know, the one where there is some new organization that are simply carbon copies of us. They even took our ritual of putting 'x's in our names. Then again, don't know if it should be considered a rumor now anymore..." Axel muttered, finally done with his own ice cream as well, and eyeing the stick, before flicking it somewhere. It was actually real, he knew. There was some opposing group building their forces. And he didn't know how to exactly take it. Xemnas would not stand for it, that was certain. Organization XIII was unstable in itself, no unity existed. Each individual had their plans. To deal with another was just putting more strain, and who knows what might happen then. If this turned out to be the case, then they were going to be forced to stick with each other and work as one. Narrowing his sharp green eyes, he let out a breath, knowing that they should head out now. Standing up and coming to his feet, he started to walk along the platform and to the corner, motioning for Roxas to come. The boy was confused for a moment, but nodded, and got up as well.

    "Is there something wrong?" he asked curiously, seeing as Axel's mood suddenly took a change he didn't quite understand. When he thought back on the topic before it occurred, though, he kind of connected it. Was it honestly that serious? And was this supposed organization that copied them able to be taken as a threat? Dismissing the left over ice cream stick, he walked beside his friend, who had made a portal for them to go in.

    "I wouldn't say something is wrong. It's just that with the problem at hand, I would think we should be in the castle more for now, in case," he explained more thoroughly, stepping into the dark void before him, and being covered by darkness. He had only gone a few, short trips before he had materialized into a vacant hall, looking around for a moment. Nobody was here. Waiting for Roxas to get through, he pondered over how this was going to go.
  20. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Shixoh started walking down the hall towards the meeting room. she knew she was probably late but she didn't want to teleport. when she finally got there she sat on her chair and closed her eyes. she then opened them again and realized where she was and she held her head and whispered, "Darn! when did i go to sleep last night?" she mumbled so no one heard her.
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