Organization XIII's Rivals: It's back!

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Near, Jun 15, 2009.

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  1. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    Xemnas stood quietly at the Altar of Naught, his eyes closed and his thoughts were calm as he listened to the euphoria of his latest project at work. "Soon shall provide us with all the source of power we need..." he uttered quietly and stern, his concentration solid, wishing to stay in such a state as was pleasing to himself. However it was thrown off slightly as his eyelids slowly found themselves opening a tad and the orange dark orbs of his pupils showing themselves. "Who would dare interupt such a glorious moment such as this..." he said his face however not changing, and no hint of anger bestowed in his voice. He took down his arms and hands, placing them casually at his sides, and proceeded to head down the spiraled walkway, letting himself pass all the way down to the floor where this apparent ruckus was being caused.

    His eyes slowly rested upon Marluxia, before they switched over to the girl, a unknown name as to his mind. "I see...we have a guest..." he said taking a stance on the balcony above, "and apparently Marluxia is the one to have greeted her first...pity..." His eyes looked around to see if any of his other members were perhaps engaged in watching the scrawl, before returning his eyes back to the two. He decided he would allow Marluxia to handle this considering he had not been a spectator of his abilities in sometime and it would of course have surely been altered slightly seeing him on a different playing field than Castle Oblivion.
  2. morphine and lollipops Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2009
    Happily-Never-After, care to join me?
    I was walking to the park today, and I heard a bush rustling. A transformer jumped out, scared me half to death, and ran off saying, "Suddenly, bannanas!"

    Username: morphine and lollipops
    Character name: Jex
    Age: 17, although he has a tendency to act much younger.
    Number: Nine, please.
    Appearance: Jex is tall-ish, and lanky, at about 5'10". A thick shock of dark hair hangs over his face. Recently he added one lone silver streak through his hair. He is rather white, though not as pale as some. Think sun-kissed, but not tan. He has clear skin, though he once had horrid acne. He holds himself with an air of importance. His eyes are gray, with specks of blue.
    Ability/Element: He is gifted with the sword, and quite a poet. He has a small gift of manipulation using words. Using his gift of words, he can sometimes convince others to see things his way, or to feel differently about a situation.
    Weapon: A damn creative sword.
    Bio: Jex tends to keep to himself about his past. Honestly, he doesn’t remember much. He does, however, remember a girl of whom he feels a strong connection with. He wants his heart back to find this girl.
    Personality: Jex is like a butterfly: pretty, vain, and with his head in the clouds. He is normally a happy person, though he contains a rough sarcastic streak. When faced with a serious problem, Jex can and will be serious. He is quite loyal, but also a prankster. At times, he can be slightly angsty.
    Text color: Is this taken? Is it too light?
  3. PainAndBliss095 Moogle Assistant

    Dec 29, 2008
    Las Vegas, NV
    Suddenly, bananas! Oh, wait, no! The transformer eated it! D:

    Username: PainAndBliss095
    Character name: Brixania
    Age: 16
    Number: V
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Ability/Element: Water
    Weapon: Two Fans
    Bio: Brixania doesn't really care if she gets her heart or not, so she kind of ignores anything that might or is related to her past. She can't remember anything of her 'Somebody', not that she cares, and is only looking for something to amuse her, even though she doesn't feel any emotions.
    Personality: Perky, bubbly, unusually malicious
    Text color: Purple
  4. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...

    It wasn't a feeling a Nobody could possibly perceive. Yet, it was in spite of acknowledging this Larxene had always claimed that she was bored. There simply wasn't any task to carry out nor any enemy to fight. What took so long for Xemnas to initiate a plan of sorts? What took so long for an opponent to launch an attack? Perhaps the latter was an unusual, if not foolish longing, but she honestly wanted some hustle of activity ringing through the hallways. For now, all she could hear was her footsteps, clicking softly as she aimlessly made her way through the World That Never Was. Its establishment and markings all familiar to her already, nearly to the point she could label it mundane.

    Yet, it was as these thoughts raced through her mind that she caught the distant murmur of voices. As swift as if she were gliding, she shifted lightly to head in the direction of it. Conversing was the only activity left to accomplish, it seemed. Of course, that opinion soon changed, as two figures eventually came into view. Marluxia, she had recognized immediately, seeing his weapon drawn out and his usual graceful stance of battle. As for the other? Perhaps her passing wish came true after all.

    "What's this?" the Savage Nymph remarked, her voice raising just an octave higher with a hint of interest. "Oh, you should've told me that you were entertaining a guest." A shadow of a smile curved her lips as her eyes flickered over to his opponent. "You ought to know better than anyone, on how positively captivating my performance can be."

    Out of the corner of her eye, she could catch sight of Xemnas, situated on the balcony above, but she paid him no heed for now. It's not like he was putting a stop to playing with the toy that just so happened to wander into their territory.
  5. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Interruptions after another. First there was Zexion, who came like a hound that smelled dinner. And now came Larxene, someone he preferred the company of. But at the current time, he wished to handle this himself. And how could he forget the watchful eyes of the great 'Superior' now watching over him.The very fact that these groups of people coming to throw in the input they all had on this matter was becoming tedious. Curiosity did kill the Nobody after all.

    His eyes traveled to Larxene, looking as slender and beautiful as ever. Under different circumstances he'd allow her to finish this girl, but this time it was his fight. "This is my battle ..perhaps at another time." no disrespect meant. But a man had to do, what a man had to do. And what this man had to do was show himself capable of ridding the castle of this intruder.

    Though in the midst of this, he wondered what every individual thought of this. Zexion was likely worrying about it in a silent shock. Larxene was possibly planning to break this 'toy'. And Xemnas ..well, she was lucky he had not found her first, he'd say that much.
  6. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    'He's not taking this chance... Oh well. I guess not everything's free.'
    "I've been watching you for a while... but there's so much I've learned from this one fight," she spoke, then nodded absentmindedly, as though she was satisfied with the words she had chosen. Now that there wasn't a fight occupying her mind; she let her eyes wander to the other members watching. If she was going to tell one of them, all of them would hear the story regardless. This might be fun.

    she kept her hand open as a precaution, ready to summon a lance or push away an offending weapon. This was... three, no, four, she realized, seeing the Superior of their organization watching, against her. She couldn't let her guard down.
  7. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "And you still neglect to answer my question ..who are you, and what is your purpose?.. I don't tend to fight without a reason to.Do you not know or.. do I..intimidate you?" Marluxia asked with a satisfied grin. In reality it didn't matter if he intimidated this girl or not, but if her pride was on the line then maybe, just maybe she'd reveal something. It was obvious this would go no where. She could fight and gain nothing but scar.And if he fought, it would bring him satisfaction in breaking her. She had guts.She had nerve.

    But the one thing she was missing was a brain.

    If this was truly an enemy, then why would she go out of the way to enter a castle full of enemies? Things just didn't add up. She was claimed by someone already, as she wasn't staring mindlessly into space.He was intrigued, but at the same time he could really care less about this girl.If she didn't reveal anything, he'd leave her to Larxene. Maybe she'd have better luck.
  8. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    Seconds later, and the blade of Xinamar's lance was to the man's neck again. Milliseconds after that,and she was at his shoulder, whispering in his ear.

    "Listen up. You know I'm not alone. This whole thing you've got going; we're after it all. We don't care how many of you we'll have to pick off to get it. The more you fight us off, the stronger we get. You don't scare us. We're getting our hearts back, no matter what it takes."
    She appeared across the room to get a look at the group she'd soon be leaving behind, a glare betraying the emotionless smile that was there before.

    "Are you happy now?" she said with a spiteful smirk, before dissapearing along with her lance.
  9. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Although Larxene hated to idle around and watch like some helpless spectator, she respected Marluxia enough to listen. Exhaling softly under her breath and crossing her arms, she kept watch with a visibly impatient expression. A single blonde eyebrow raised as she watched their enemy suddenly appear right besides the Graceful Assassin, but she remained still. She knew he could handle a single opponent, even if she warped about to shift closer to him. Although, she couldn't quite discern the reason for such an action. Was she hoping to toss him off-guard?

    Then, as quick as the rhythmic flutter of a hummingbird's wings, the girl had uttered her last remark before vanishing, leaving them only a spiteful smirk for them to retain in their memories.

    Not that Larxene really cared to remember her.

    "So what'd she whisper to you?" she inquired, as she indolently made her way across the room towards Marluxia. "Something generic like, 'this isn't over'?" Her voice gained a deeper, mocking edge as she quoted the words that his opponent may have said.
  10. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    With the appearance of her lance and the girl herself, Marluxia did not flinch in the slightest.What surprised him most was the whisper in his ear.As she went on, his eyes traveled to her, eyebrow raised in curiosity. There were more ..another ..Organization? And they were after Kingdom Hearts ..unfortunately the territory around it was controlled by the XIII.

    This was going to get interesting, quickly.

    As she pulled away and glanced at the other members, his eyebrow fell. It appeared as if she was memorizing the looks of the members. It didn't matter in the end, as she didn't grasp his full power, nor anyone else's.And the only name she really had gotten was Zexion, but it was not as if the young man was a fight anyway, so knowing him would do her no good."..Good Luck." he responded as she disappeared, dismissing his Scythe in a flash of magenta, petals swirling around it, causing the magnificent weapon to fade away.

    Turning his body and looking up towards the Superior of this Organization, Marluxia wondered if he should know yet. While the Assassin was making plans of his own to take over the organization, the fact that another Organization would be at war with this one over Kingdom Hearts would be trouble. He had not counted on another group in his plans, so it would take time to think it out.

    In the end, he found it best to aid this Organization. His plan could wait until later ..especially after the Organization weaken each other. Everything happened for a reason. One organization cannot allow another to exist.Sharing the same goal was possible but would only complicate things after all was done.

    "Xemnas ..I suggest you gather the members as soon as possible ..we have something to discuss." and only he was informed, so it was best he announced it, correct? They'd need to formulate a strategy, and find this group ..where was that mad scientist when you needed him?

    And the Nymph, how could he forget? His head cocked towards her, and his body fell in place as well, staring down at her. He could go over what she said word for word, but it was completely unnecessary and a waste of needed time. No, a response like this was simple and to the point. "We're at war.." he muttered to her, moving to leave the room and go off. If Xemnas did gather the members, he should be heading to Where Nothing Gathers.
  11. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    Xemnas continued to quietly observe the...fight...if it could be called that. He watched as instead of blows and strikes were exchanged, apparently the girl thought she would speak in riddle, and Marluxia would of course try to impress the onlookers. He noticed however after a minute the girl drew close upon Marluxia, whispering something in his ear, and as soon as her objective of speech was done vanished. His eyes trailed down to Larxene who had apparently decided it was safe and approved to approach Marluxia about the matter.

    He had narrowed his eyes at the Assassin, not approving of the tone or words he had used towards him. "You shall hold your tongue Marluxia...let you not forget this is my castle and even so I am still your Superior..." he added with a cold undertone. His eyes then trailed to Larxene, "you shall assist Zexion in gathering the members to Where Nothing Gathers...what has just occurred shall be discussed then and there..." he said before looking up at Zexion, giving him a nod knowing he would not need to be told twice.
  12. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    We're at war. Larxene's eyes widened for only a split-second before she regained her typical expression.

    Out of all of the prospects she expected, this was the least anticipated. A war? Who would dare to start a war with the Organization? From the keybladers perhaps, but from someone like that anonymous loser? At least activity was finally starting to pick up in the World That Never Was. Just not in the way thought possible, but she never put much thought into it in the first place.

    Hearing Xemnas speak so coldly to the Graceful Assassin, she found herself idly wondering just how long it would be until their roles reversed. How ironic would it be? For the Superior to realize he hadn't the power anymore to speak a single, commanding word towards either of them. It was quite the thrill to consider such a scene, but for now, she needed to focus on the present. They had unusual circumstances to handle, and Xemnas had just shifted his attention towards her, ordering her to assist Zexion in gathering the members to Where Nothing Gathers.

    "Mm-hm." This curt acquiescence lacked a tone, making it easy to regard it as flat or simply stoic, bearing not a trace of feigned emotions. An exasperated frown briefly crossed Larxene's face as she shifted away, her footsteps clicking lightly once more as she headed for the entrance of the room.

    Gathering the other Organization members probably wouldn't take long, but it was a complete pain, if not dreadfully boring. She simply wanted to cut down to the chase, but as long as the follow-up possessed enough amusement ultimately, she'd proceed with her tedious task as quick and efficiently as possible.
  13. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aliaxane stopped in the kitchen, then worked her down again, this time a small bit of bread in her hands. She chewed thoughtfully, then sighed as she found her room and opened the door. So quiet. She wished it was like this all the time. Even if the organization did find her, that didn't mean she socialized with the rest of them. Idly she left the door open, then went to her dresser, to pick her knives for the day. So many knives, too little time.
  14. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    Saïx, whom had been watching the high-speed yet elegant fight from a narrow ledge not too high up or far away from the battlefield. As per usually he had been basking in the moon's pale glory, recharging his batteries as it were incase of an attack. But it seemed Marluxia had 'handled it'; if letting the girl escape could be classes as handling it that is.

    Though Saïx imagined that in the Assassins mind he'd 'Let her go to warn the others to mess with the Organization.'. Though who knew how that man's mind worked? Certainly he didn't, the neophyte was certainly a puzzle. A power seeking puzzle, but a puzzle none the less.

    Slowly Saix rose from his hiding place amongst the shadows upon the Altar of Naught and jumped from his perch onto the decorative, white paving with a dexterous turn that insured he landed on his feet, his sapphire hair and poisonously yellow eyes glinted slightly in the radiance of incomplete Kingdom Hearts.
    "Superior?" He enquired in his usual emotionless, monotone voice. "Is there some way I may be of assistance or should I head on over to Where Nothing Gathers straight away?"

    Meanwhile in the castle within the world of Shrouded City the Nameless Organization's number III was becoming restless. For Jinnex you see the loss of her heart had caused her a great number of troubles, for example: Once upon a time she used to write poetry to pass time, write short stories and paint pictures for emotional release. Now, however, she couldn't as there was no longer a well of emotion to tap into to create these things. After all, it's impossible to put your heart into something when you don't have one. But even Nobodies need something to keep them busy, they may not become bored as such but it's an irritating state of mind for them. So to spend some of her free time between missions she'd begun to wander through the empty corridors of the castle.

    As she walked down through a rather long corridor she noticed an open door, it seemed to go into one of the members chambers. Slowly she looked around the door frame in a way that could only be described as a caricature of stealth. After a couple of shifty looks she waved her hand over the light source inside the room causing it to go out. Plunging herself and anyone who was inside into total blackness.
  15. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aliaxane took a deep breath, calling the mold of glass she kept by her bed to her, breaking it into several pieces. They circled around her, sharp enough to cut into anyone trying to grab her as she headed for the doorway, to turn the lights back on. Cursing the entire way, she froze. Someone else was here.
  16. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    "Hey!" Jinnex exclaimed as she backed sharply away from the door at the sound of breaking glass, it was obvious whom she'd just disturbed, and in hindsight it really hadn't been a good idea. Almost instantaneously she clicked her fingers and returned light to the room once more. "It was a just a joke you know! You don't have to go all cut-throat on me." She said, quickly ducking behind a pillar just outside the room for extra safety. After all, just because they couldn't feel emotions didn't mean they couldn't feel pain, and pain wasn't something she really wanted to experience right about now.
  17. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Shixoh started walking around their headquarters in the shrouded city and she headed straight towards the courtyard and looked around. she knew that something interesting was going to be spoken soon due to her strange 'force of habit'. eventually she sat down and started humming until her eyes almost drifted into a sleep and she shot her head up. "Whoa!"she said half asleep. "No more of Xelidan's chili before noon.." she said now holding her head.

    She then got up and started humming until she got back into her chamber and she opened it and lied down, "I want, my heart back SO bad." she said as she started twirling little balls of wind on her fingers. "I hope Xinamar finds something good."
  18. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    "Jinnex, I'm sorry to say, but we can't really afford to be playing tricks on one another right now... or killing each other, for that matter," she turned toward Aliaxane as she finished, the next statement directed at both of them.
    "There's going to be a meeting soon. Also, be wary of Xelidan, he's pretty pissed off right now."
    Both her and the other two there knew that none of them had the emotional capacity to be "pissed off", but feigning emotion was something their leader did exceptionally well sometimes...
  19. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    "I know, I know." Jinnex sighed as she stepped out from behind the pillar, albeit slightly reluctantly as she had the sneaking suspicion that maybe, despite there now being witnesses, she could still ended up sprawled out on the floor, cut to to ribbons with glass and slowly fading away into the Nothingness.

    After a moment of shuffling her booted feet she cautiously opened her mouth to speak. "Why's he p*ssed off? Did something extra bad happen or is he just in one of his little proverbial 'moods'?" Jinnex asked, tilting her head in an inquisitive manner.
  20. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    "So.....back already? And still alive, I see." A voice coming from a nearby room said. Xengla walked out and stood close to the group. "So? How'd it go Xinamar?" Xinamar was the only person so far that had visited the Castle in TWTNW. Xengla, herself, was very curious about it and had wanted to drop by for a visit, but needless to say, she was nervous about getting caught. She was also not really all that stealthy enough to walk around that place enough to look around. Besides....making contact with strangers isn't my strong suit either. For a while now, Xengla had been bored to death of doing absolutely nothing in this place. Although she desired to be useful to Xelidan, she also didn't want to do anything wrong. I suppose I better get over that.
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