Organization XIII's Rivals: It's back!

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Near, Jun 15, 2009.

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  1. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    sorry i just read the vm not that long ago well i got done editing i took off some of my chars abilities to make them not overpowering if there any more probs i need to fix can you point them out to me :) and here is the rp sample you wanted

    Xeol walked in twilight town so many memories he wanted to live again but he was only a nobodie not leo. The fog wielder leaned against the wall of a building he sighed. "im so bored" Xeol said to himself one of the most worst punishments to him was boredum. After 5 minuts he started to summond daggers and throwing it at the other building watching as the blades hit their targets getting stuck into the wall. It provided some entertainment at least but he wonderd what everyone else was doing. The fog wielder pushed himself off of the wall while he oppend up a portal. Xeol skipped happily into the portal returning back to the place he could home.

    Raxazu sat on the hot sand looking at the blazing sun other people would already be out of the dry place. But he liked the warmth the sun provided he smiled cause he knew he was better then everyone. "about the only people that is not trash in the organization is me" Raxazu said to himself happily as he laid down on his back. He grabed an hand full of sand and turned his hand slightly watching as the sand poured down. "im the only importent one around here" Raxazu said to himself smilling as he got up and started walking.
  2. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    I'm letting *TwilightNight* choose Larxene, so Idk when you'll get a response.

    @Dexnail: Sorry, but I don't think it's going to work x.x There are plenty of other RP's on KHV, though.
  3. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    I am VERY interested, not thanks to transformers, but thanks to my re-interest in Roleplaying when suddenly, bananas appeared in my hand. If you don't mind I would like to make an OC

    Character name: Rexyggor (why not?)
    Age: 19
    Number: IX
    Appearance: Short dark blond spikey hair (not like Roxas, shorter) Org. Cloak. Body build of a good athlete. around 6 feet tall. Hazel Eyes
    Ability/Element: Sound: Can produce small shockwaves and can completely mute the surrounding area.
    Weapon: Twin Axeblades
    Bio: Gregory was a great member of society. He was a well known athlete and had a great academic record in high school along with his twin brother Dominic (from another rp,character not to be mentioned here anymore). After high school, he performed many different community activities. He also gave service as often as he could. Before he could transition into college, his world was destroyed by the darkness. He lost his heart and became Rexyggor, the Hostile Muter. His personality as a Nobody has become darker for the fact that he lost his brother and he feels the empty pain.
    Personality: Less cheerful than someone living a fulfilling life.
    Text color: Olive?
  4. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Sorry for the mix up, everyone.
  5. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    You know I absolutely love you, right, Near? No? Well now you do. Yes? Well I just wanted to tell you again. :D

    Username: Firekeyblade
    Character name: Xengla
    Appearance: Her black hair is tied back in a low ponytail. Her bangs are parted in the middle and fall freely on both sides of her face.
    Ability/Element: Fire
    Weapon: Two swords
    Bio: She had been wandering around for a while randomly setting things on fire, when the leader of the other Organization figured her ability would be very useful.
    Personality: Extremely shy and quiet. Very forgetful. And random. Likes to joke a lot. Can be very open and talkative if you get the chance to know her. Extremely loyal to friends and Organization.
    Text >_>

    Transformers FTW. I want to see it before I suddenly go bananas.
  6. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    Can't believe you D<

    ::L: J/k. Thanks.

    Anyway... Rexyggor, do I know you from somewhere? I could have sworn you were in an RP from a couple years ago...

    You're character has too few and too strong abilities. Muting is fine, but only one person at a time. And that can't be his only thing, maybe he can run fast or something. Idk.
    Also FK is innnn.

    Now, I will start...

    IC://"Be careful," Xelidan warned the younger member.

    "You know it," she replied, before a cloud of darkness engulfed her and she was off to the Castle that Never Was.
    She found herself in an open room she'd never been to before, and all around was sky.through a window on a seemingly pointless wall, she could see a heart-shaped moon.
    "Kingdom Hearts..." She heard, and turned immediately toward the voice. Whoever it was was approaching fast... "It will be mine soon..."
    She turned back to the heart in the sky, and then toward the hall that the voice was coming from. She saw a man with pink hair... And he saw her.
    "Shit..." she cursed herself silently. It was too late to run.
  7. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    ooc: Oh, were starting? okay...

    bic: Zexion walked through the halls, sniffing the air every now and then. Keeping track of everyone in the castle through scents. He then stoped and looked at the Kingdom Hearts "So... amazing..." Zexion laughed at the thought of getting his heart back... not becuase it was funny, but becuase he didn't know what else to do. He like all other nobodies had forgotten how to be happy. He started walking again... not really knowing where he was going, he had no assignment from the superior, yet. A book appeared in his hand... The title: "encyclopedia of emotions". He looked up joy, and tried to reenact it... but to no avail... He took one deep sniff and then realized "There's one more scent than there should be!"
  8. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aliaxane sighed, tapping her fingers against the wall. Another day of waiting and thinking. She wouldn't have minded so much if there was actually something to think about, but she had run out of ideas. Sliding her palm against the wall, she walked down the hallway, still trying to think of something. There had to be something.
  9. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Coming face to face with this unknown girl, Marluxia narrowed his eyes at her and took a silent step forward towards her. She was definitely too young to be Larxene, and too old to be Xion. But besides that, it wasn't dark enough to be hard to make out her features. Most of the other members were perhaps using this time to rest, and knowing that, this girl had gotten by without being detected straight off.

    He was tired, but not enough to take care of this intruder, that much was certain. "..Identify yourself." he demanded firmly, prepared to attack when it was necessary. Maybe, just maybe this girl didn't know where she was, or who she was dealing with. But he couldn't dishonor this silly organization now could he?

    And if she ran ..well, he'd have no problem stabbing her in the back. And he meant that literally.
  10. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    Zexion ran down a hallway... sniffing the scent over and over, trying to identify it. It smelt like a nobody! But how?! There were only 14 members! why was he picking up a 15th nobody like him and the organization?! He rushed down the halls. The castle was like a maze... but then again, he helped build it. He knew ever corner and ran through the hallways. He finally came upon Marluxia who was standing near the scent. "What is going on here, Marluxia?"
  11. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    "Shit," she cursed herself out loud a second time. However, she could use this opportunity to gather more information about organization XIII. Instead of running, she drew her weapons.
    "I'm just... curious." she replied, with a smirk. Xelidan underestimated her. She wasn't exactly looking for much of a fight. Just enough to find this guy's strengths.... From that they could find his weakness.
  12. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "..You just couldn't keep your nose out of this, could you Zexion?" Marluxia muttered silently, meaning that literally since he put his nose before any other sense at the most. While there was never a long term problem, he had never really clicked with him. Perhaps it was the hair ..or the way one spent his time. They just never made a good pair like he and Larxene did. The fact that they both never really enjoyed this place added to that bond they shared.

    Finally, the girl responded, drawing her weapons and responding in a way that would make a teenage boy like Roxas proud. No, not really. He wasn't immediately interested in fighting anyway, as a brat like this really wasn't worth his time. "I won't ask you again ..identify yourself. What is your purpose in being here?" he questioned, standing firm and awaiting any sort of attack.
  13. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    "I'm not telling you my name... but I can tell you that there is an important reason for my presence here." she spoke. Then, at seemingly lightning-speed, her lance was at the man's throat.
    'So,' she thought, 'how will you react?'
    The only difference in her stature was her hand was held out. She stood perfectly still.

  14. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    An important reason? He'd believe that when he saw it. Just before speaking out with doubt, the girls lance was already dead at his throat. His eyes were dead set at hers. He made no movements, he didn't sneer or laugh or glare. No, none of those things. Instead he felt like complimenting her. A cracked smile forming on his smooth lips, Marluxia looked at the young girl with some small approval, even if they'd be enemies soon. "You've got an impressive speed ..but I know of one who is faster."

    Without a seconds warning, Marluxia disappeared from view and appeared at her side, hand on her shoulder and gripping it firmly.His lips near her ear, he spoke softly into it. "Ninety nine hits and your life will come to an end .." was all he spoke. She had her chance to tell him, and now it was gone. Thankfully the room was large and open, so fighting wouldn't be a problem for him.

    Before a reaction could be made he disappeared again, this time leaving a few petals behind.He made his final appearance behind her now, his right hand raised towards the ceiling, a lone petal falling from it and gently landing in his palm.Smirking at the girl, he closed it tightly before opening it again, leaving just enough room for his scythe to make an appearance at last with a small magenta flash, surrounded by darkness.

    "Hmph ..make your move, girl." he taunted her, flourishing his weapon between his fingertips before stopping and bringing it to his side, ready to slice her apart as soon as she got near.
  15. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    I'd like to play as Larxene, if that's alright~?

  16. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    If I may Xemnas please. "Transformers, Suddenly, Bananas?"
  17. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV

    Her lance appearing back in her hand in a cloud of darkness, she spun around to face the scythe-wielder. She couldn't afford to let her attention be diverted by his games.
    However, it was too late to run. Ninety-nine hits... that was a challenge.
    "So, flowers, huh?" she whispered. It would sound ridiculous written down... but she could see this was no joke.
    'If only I could get a hold of that scythe for a bit...'
    Once again, she held her arm toward the man, sending both of her lances at him. It was so awkward to fight at a distance, but she wouldn't be for long. For a fraction of a second she was gone, reappearing behind her opponent with her weapons to ambush from behind. She got in as many hits as she could, then reappeared as far away as the space in the room would allow, as the walls seemed to be blocked off by some invisible force.
  18. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    You're not foolish enough to throw those weapons so carelessly ..your strategy is easy to read. He thought carefully as the lances careened towards him, aiming to skewer him alive as if he was to be part of a kebab. He wasn't one to fight himself, but the girl was just asking for a battle, and he was giving her one. It was too bad the strategy was too obvious. Kids these days and their appearing behind someone. That was a common tactic, and it was one he was used to. After all, he couldn't allow someone such as Axel to gain the upper hand in a battle in case he turned his back on this group.

    He was prepared.

    As soon as she disappeared his eyes traveled to his left in their sockets, predicting she would end up there. Sure enough, she did, and in response he side-stepped to his right, leaving three afterimages from it due to his speed and grace.With her attacks failing, he prepared to strike back. However, she disappeared from that spot and reappeared far from him.Some fight this would be ..

    "..Tell me, girl ..who are you?" he questioned, slicing his scythe in her direction and unleashing a devastating attack from it.With the power of darkness and nature combined, Marluxia used the shape of the scythe to form the attack, using both elements to harm the girl.Would she disappear again?
  19. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    Letting the lance in her dominant hand free to fall, dissipating inches from the ground, Xinamar held her remaining one out in front of her, as though she was going to stay there and attempt to block the attack. However,at the last moment she moved, and was found quite a ways to the side with neither of her weapons.
    "Why are you in such a rush to find out? Names don't explain anything." she spoke.
  20. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "..Children." Marluxia muttered under his breath, raising his Scythe and twirling it between his fingertips.He wasn't one to judge by age but this unknown girl was starting to irritate him. No name, no purpose ..all she was doing was staying here for no reason at all, as if she was some sort of rat.

    As quick as he had started, Marluxia stopped his twirling and set the butt of the Scythe on the ground. He stopped just in time. There was no point going all out on this girl. As far as he knew, she wanted him to attack. "You're here for a reason ..what might that be?" he questioned further, holding off on his attacks momentarily.Attacking was getting him nowhere. He knew he could finish this quickly if he went to his final form, as the pest was showing no signs of departure.
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