Organization XIII's Rivals: It's back!

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Near, Jun 15, 2009.

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  1. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Sure.......>_>......bah. Lot of stuff going on for me right now. Didn't mean to rage.

    BIC- Xengla figured she could spar with someone as training. Since she didn't really actually know how to.."train". But at the moment there was no one and she headed off to the kitchen for a drink. If anyone needed her she'd be there. It's too bad. Everyone just kind of scattered and now I have no one to train with. Although I don't think I'm desperate enough to actually train with Aliaxane......maybe. Bah. She probably wouldn't train with me anyway. She could make something out of that glass and train with that! Xengla sighed. She'll wait before making another judgement of these members.
  2. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aliaxanne flipped back and forth in her room, her daily exercises. She panted lightly as she finished, then stood up and slowly bent over backwards, stretching her stomach muscles. She smiled, her hair brushing the floor, then slowly pulled her legs over till she was a vertical line, then set them back on the ground.
  3. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    Rexyggor woke up. It was morning. He took off his coat, which left him in his pants and a tanktop (we don't really know what's under the coats) and his boots.
    I think I'll start with my usual small warm up. Then I might see if there's anyone that feels interested in training with me.
    Rexyggor put on a sweatband around his head and did his usual pushups, stretches, and situps. It's kind of annoying to think that we haven't really formulated a plan. After he was finished, he went to the kitchen. He fixed himself a small breakfast. Ever since he had become a nobody, food never really seemed that satisfying anymore. He learned to depend more on his own energy. Though he did drink plenty of water to keep up his hydration.
    He had a bagel with butter, and a glass of orange juice. That's Satisfying enough. Enough until something important happens. Of course I guess I can't stuff my face then either. Whatever. I can preserve my strength for now. He'd been so fixedon his thoughts, he didnt even notice if he was alone or not.
  4. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Just wanted to say that I'm on vacation. >_> Almost forgot again. :D Sorry Night and Gate.
  5. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    (OOC: I'm doing the best I can right now, but I'm waiting for Zexion and Luxord to respond to Demyx. I was on vacation as well, but I'm back now.)

    Typical Zexion and Luxord. No one was answering him and it might as well be he was invisiable or talking to a wall. He waited for their response getting anxious to know what the cloaked scheamer would say to him. "Like I said before," a hint of annoyance now in his tone, "Me speaking to you is under orders of the boss so could you tell me what I need to know about spying on others or give me some advice? If you refuse I don't think the Superior would be pleased," he tapped his foot wishing he was playing his beloved musical weapon instead. Why was it so difficult to talk to any member of the organization? Had he done anything wrong? No, he was being his usual typical self, getting rather irratated and trying to remain calm, but still patient enough to wait a few more minutes.
  6. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    OOC:// No one's playing either Luxord or Zexion right now.

    Sorry I haven't been posting lately. I've been sort of depressed; it'd come out satirical if I tried.
  7. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    It's alright. We can't really penalize you for it anyway. :)
    He so... I have an rp sample for Xigbar and Luxord if I could decide which to pick, I'd like to show it to you and ask what you think. Any suggestions to which one people would possibly prefer?
  8. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    (OOC: Thanks for letting me know what is going on. I'm just trying to keep this rpg going and fire mage sent you a sample of her character as well as requested Xigbar weeks ago Near.)

    This just was one of those days when nothing was working out in his favor. In a matter of fact nothing ever worked out in his favor unless it was something he excelled at like playing an instrument, dancing and even singing. Now becoming really irratated he shook his head and knew he would have to do his best to handle the situation on his own. "Thanks a lot you two. I'll be sure to tell the Superior you refused to follow orders. I'm sure he will like that." Conjuring up another void for himself he walked through the inky darkness and returned to another spot in the castle. The situation was frusterating and without any guidance or pointers he knew he would fail once again. It wasn't his fault that no one listened to him even after he stated it was through a direct order, but alas what was done was done and now he had to move forward. Appearing at the Altar of Naught he assumed that was where Xemnas would be found. In order to make sure he was not placed on the blacklist that could be mean fatal consequences, he would explain what had happened and hoped Xemnas would realize what had happened.
  9. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    OOC: I know what you mean Water Mage, I haven't wanted to post cause I was the last on my side to post, but also, I'm not specifically sure on what I want to do right now. I can try to do something.

    Rexyggor finsihed his small meal of orange juice and a bagel. Well I guess I'll try to train myself. Not specifically sure how to do it though. He didn't want to seem sort of weak in front of the other members. He was new, so he wanted to make sure that he could somehow stay on the strong side, so he wasn't automatically labeled as "Loser".

    He summoned a void and walked through it, but before doing so, he wrote a note which read,
    Gone to train in the forest if you, the reader, care,
    He appeared in the forest. Solitary training always seemed to fit him best while a somebody. So he figured that it would work just as well as a nobody.

    He summoned his axes and connected them together. he started spinning them together, trying to make it useful to either block attacks, or maybe attack with them. He first had to learn to spin them. Dropping them constantly on the ground, "This... may take a while."

    OOC: Oh! BTWs! I think I can get my pictures of my character on here!
    Probably next post.
  10. morphine and lollipops Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2009
    Happily-Never-After, care to join me?
    Jex was in his room. ‘Training...oi.’ That wasn’t exactly what Jex was planning on for the big master plan. Not in the slightest. Sure it wasn’t too far fetched but at the same time he was slightly baffled. ‘How does one with my sort of ability train themselves? Honestly.’ He would need a partner, that was certain. A partner implied socializing, and searching. It implied, boring, busy work. Ugh...
    Mayhaps he could work solo on his weaponry. He patted his sword, his joy and pride. His skills with it were mediocre, so it would make sense to strengthen his arm. Ah, what a brilliant idea. He smiled and set off along the hallways, wandering.
    Soon enough he found the door outside. He surveyed the grounds carefully, and smiled. It was really quite lovely. Finding a quiet spot he pulled out his sword. ‘Now or never,’ he thought wryly to himself, and with that his training began.
  11. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aly sat on the ground, petting the glass cat at her feet. She smiled then gently twisted her wrist, and flicked her fingers. The cat molded itself slowly into something slightly resembling a keyblade made of glass. Sweating slightly, she turned her hand palm up, then clenched her hand, making one of the key locks before the whole thing turned back into a thin sheet of glass. She sighed in exasperation and leaned against her bed stand, closing her eyes.
  12. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: I'm waiting for the Nameless to attack or appear to a world Marluxia and Lexaeus can get to ..
  13. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    Rexyggor was just getting used to spinning his axe with one hand. He started spinning it and walking forward. As he got close to one of the trees, he aimed for on of the branches. As soon as he sliced through the branch, the axe snaked away from the previous previous and the blade slashed the side of his right leg. Rexyggor immediately dropped his weapon and as it fell, it disappeared and Rexyggor screamed in pain. He looked at his leg and it was bleeding. He had made a deep cut. He sat there for a few minutes trying to get the blood to come out a little bit slower so that he could get through the Castle with the least amount of bloodstains as possible.

    After a while of waiting, he took off the shirt he was wearing and ripped it so he could tie it around the wound. As soon as he finished tying the cloth around his leg he stood up and heard something. He wasn't sure if it was another member or it was an enemy. He summoned his axeblade and seperated it. It was much safer for him. He stood in a fighting stance, waiting for what was to come.
  14. In a sharp swish of his keyblade, Roxas slashed diagonally the last Heartless that felt victim to his weapon with one hand. It had attempted to sneak behind him, but had failed in its course once he turned around quickly. On the other end, as he was finished with his share, he watched Axel give the last blow to an Emblem with a weary gaze. And it ended. Finally, their work was done. A job that they didn't have to do, on top of that. How much had they slain? He didn't keep count. But he was positive it was a great helping to feed Kingdom Hearts at the expense of his aching muscles. Dismissing the Kingdom Key, he sighed, wiping his forehead from the perspiration gathered from the constant, and what seemed to be, unending fighting. Well, rather, annihilation. The creatures didn't stand much of a chance except those of larger caliber. He didn't know how this would please Xemnas. Nevertheless, it was over. And he was parched. He was partly tired, but all he truly needed was some rest, and a bit of water. A break. He eyed his best friend in a knowing stare. "I'm guessing this satisfies?"

    "I believe so," Axel responded casually, with slight ragged breathing, letting his chakrams disappear from his hold. He glanced around the vicinity, noting that all the Heartless were properly destroyed, amongst what appeared millions of floating pink Hearts. Yes, that would definitely satisfy. He was exhausted, however, and he gave himself a moment to get his lungs to breathe evenly from his exercise. Stretching his arms backwards, and then forwards, hearing small cracks from tensed spots, he winced at the sound. It did make him feel much better, though, and he inhaled a huge intake of air calmly. They had to face Xemnas, sooner or later, unless their leader didn't particularly care about the fact that they had missed their meeting. He was on the same lines mentally with Roxas, about a good, deserved break, and he was about to suggest going somewhere when he froze. Green eyes narrowing, they shifted tightly over to the path that led to the lower portion of the town. Of course, it was farther than that, but it didn't stop him from sensing a presence lurking near. As he then looked at Roxas, he found the boy heavily staring in the exact direction as well. He must have sensed it too...

    Silence ruled as both Nobodies thought about what was going on, or he at least thought Roxas was in the same process, before a very vague, little scream echoed over to them. Apparently, that was enough for the blond member to create a portal, the dark void clashing against the orange and yellow scenery, before he disappeared through it. Which shocked Axel with the sudden departure. "Rox-" Grumbling, he shook his head with a roll of his eyes, knowing it was too late. He didn't think that someone screaming will drive to go off like that. Then was rather foreboding. Giving a scratch of his head, he followed after his friend, jogging through the black corridors until he found himself stepping out into daylight once more.
  15. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    People in house after house had become crystalized, dissapearing through portals one by one, created by the the strange nobodies, as their victems all began appearing in the sandlot of Twilight Town, with the crystals begining to mold together. Atop them was Kexim, standing on what seemed to be a pointed tip, as if waiting for something, or someone, to appear. His hood was still up as always, though his plan could become clear to anyone that realized what Orginization XIII was up to. After all, one could not collect hearts from heartless if the main ingrediant for heartless was being helled captive...
  16. "Roxas, don't go runnin' off like that on me," Axel scolded lightly when he reached the blond boy, coming out of the dark portal before it dissipated into nothing. There was no telling who was the cause of all the screaming, so jumping into the open fire wasn't very cognitive for many reasons. His tone wasn't that stern, just blank, as he looked around the vicinity they were now in. He knew the spot, Market Street, as it was the path that led to the sandlot where certain events of Twilight Town took place. He had been here many times to know about the every day lives. And now, with Roxas, it was a sort of attachment as their hang out place of choice. Despite all this, he did sense a good amount of energy gathering down the direction. And he didn't like it. It's presence. His body tensed naturally, knowing they were about to face a certain opponent, and hoped that the constant Heartless killing didn't completely tire them out. Whoever it was, he already felt irritated. It chose the perfect time when he was needing a break. Nonetheless, face tight, he ran to the center of the source, a short way already to reach the destination. He didn't bother to say anything to Roxas, as the kid was two steps ahead of him, and making quite the fast bee line in determination, passing him. He knew that he was too pure yet for such things as dealing with blood curling screams. In life as an Organization member, and the 8th, he had seen a lot, and thus, was not chilled by it anymore. Not that he could be. He was an emotionless, walking shell void of a Heart, with only a trace of deep thoughts that came from his past self. With the arrival of the XIIIth member, though, and talking to him as a friend, having fun, laughing, worrying about reminded him of his childhood memories. And for some unknown explanation he couldn't figure out, the more time spent, the more he felt as if...he wasn't the same any longer. Shaking the contemplation away, he stopped when he noticed they were in the expected sandlot. And when his vision took in the scene, he automatically summoned his chakrams in a swirl of fire in his hands, and glared up at the person standing overlooking it all with apparent distaste. Arrogant as hell, too, he could tell. In that pose, hooded, as if he was some dark badass. He scoffed. It seemed as he was obviously waiting for them, however, so this was done to lure them in. Or he expected the arrival. What for, he did not know. But he wasn't as interesting as his best friend was, that was certain.

    It's from that other Organization, no doubt..., he studied the crystals around the space curiously, raising his eyebrows. Those are...?


    "Who the hell are you?!" Roxas yelled in a growl, frowning at the cloaked man, no doubt responsible for the screaming of the innocent citizens he had heard before. He was entirely up there, calm. It was truthfully one thing to kill Heartless, and he was aware that the group he was in kept to themselves. It was just the atmosphere you got in the castle. Yet, when one puts simple bystanders in danger for some inadequate reason that wouldn't be justifiable, especially in a town that felt like a home itself, made a part of him angry. When he listened to the people and the sounds of horror, there was no possible way he could not go and check what was happening. Who would when you could help? And he didn't know what it was either, he just did not like this person by this action alone. And that was saying quite a bit, considering who he lived with. A few who were emotionless sometimes. As...they were born and cursed with. With the outfit, it was perhaps that other union of humanoid Nobodies that he and Axel had previously talked about. And following his friend's movements, he called forth the Kingdom Key in a flash of light, stance at the ready for anything. He let out a breath, the consequence from the work of eradicating the dark creatures still on his body. But he wasn't going to not try his best, regardless.
  17. morphine and lollipops Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2009
    Happily-Never-After, care to join me?
    Jex heard a sound from behind him. Turning slowly he walked quietly, stalking like a cat, towards the source. He felt like a cat. Lean, and ready to pounce. Agile and well balanced. Yes, he was a cat. A black as the night-sky cat. His pale skin, glinting in the moonlight, glistened softy from a shean of sweat. He hadn’t been working hard physically, but mentally he was forcing himself to the near max,. He would need to find a partner to work with, it would be the only way.

    Finally he saw him. Another member of the organization, Rexy0something or other. Jex had heard him speak in the meeting. He had his shirt wrapped around his leg, and he saw blood. He also saw the guy was poised, and ready to attack with a sharp axe. He stepped out into the clearing, and raised his hands in truce.
  18. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    OOC: lol. That was fun to read.
    BTW, I was gonna post something yesterday..? and then I just lost focus. I should stop viewing multiple post and/or facebook at the same time, but it's fun.
    BIC: Rexyggor, unaware of who was there at first, turn and faced to see Jex. That was his name right? He was still fairly new and didn't really know everyone yet. Sure he knew people like Aliaxane, and Jinnex, possibly Xengla? He wasn't sure. He should know his superior, but it was hard to see people around. Sometimes it feels like he is one of the only ones around. (OOC: Hint hint lol) He lowered his weapons and then he tried to step forward but started on the wrong foot and stumbled.

    "Sorry. I.. had a small accident." He slowly limped over, but limped just little enough not to seem that it was a problem. He disimissed his weapons and stood up as straight as possible. His leg stung, and he winced a little bit.
    "Just doing some training, I guess."
  19. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    lollol Xigbar plz
    Character name:Xioimara
    Number:I think I got reserved under XIII? >.<
    Appearance: Xioimara has medium length auburn red hair and light brown eyes. She isn't the tallest of everyone and stands at about 5' 4''.
    Ability/Element: Xioimara can shift forms to a dog.
    Weapon: Xioimara uses whatever is in her surroundings. Mostly she just fights in her dog form which also gives her great agility.
    Bio: She has no recollection her past. There's bits and pieces but she purposely did her best to forget them. Xioimara joined the Organization as she saw it as a better chance in life.
    Personality: Xioimara is quiet most of the time. Sometimes she is talkative depending on who is speaking with her. She is known to be brave but does have her cowardly moment.
    Text color:Teal
  20. morphine and lollipops Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2009
    Happily-Never-After, care to join me?
    OOC: Sorry. I am super slow. ;_; I get distracted, too. :D

    He nodded at his comrade. "It looks nasty."He offered, not sure what to do. He had little to no medical experience, but it didn’t take an expert to tell that the cut was deep. And obviously painful. He winced. Jex didn’t like the look of it. It could get infected. And then, amputation. Yikes. Maybe he was jumping the gun.

    "I am Jex, by the way." Staring blatantly at the wound. "I was training, too," he added, with a wry smile, "But I haven’t suffered any casualties." And he hadn’t. His training didn’t really require any risks on his part, perhaps overworking his mind to insanity. But that was it. I mean, he was a wuss compared to some of these guys. He should work on that...
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