Organization XIII

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Hell Kaiser Ryo, Apr 1, 2007.


What do you think about this RPG?

  1. Good

    12 vote(s)
  2. great

    25 vote(s)
  3. bad

    1 vote(s)
  4. worst

    1 vote(s)
  1. XSoraxKairiX Merlin's Housekeeper

    Exis gets up and looks up to the darkside, bringing out only one keyblade, his original keyblade.

    Exis got into a fighting position and powered up his keyblade with darkness and light. "Damn, I knew I should've let Nixon rot in the darkness...."

    The Darkness seems to be headed for the three, Dean, Krystal, and Jordie. Exis gets in the way and blocks the attack. "C-Come on...Go! I'll take him, Anurex. You go with the rest."
  2. waytothedawn Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 1, 2007
    uh..uh...uh..uhh..where is your cookie?
    link claps as exis fights darkside " impressive " said link
  3. XSoraxKairiX Merlin's Housekeeper

    Exis launches Darkside in the air and uses a reaction command, "K.O. Thrust." sending the Darkside flying to the other side of the room by a kick and a keyblade slash.

    Exis then drags his keyblade on the ground and lifts it up, amking a huge carck in the room, making the Darkside fall off the stage.

    But! He brabs to the egde of the stage and tips it over, Exis falls right off it. "Ugh..." he grabs two keyblades and slashes his hand away and luanches his keyblades in a bullet towardas the darkside. The darkside is unconsious.

    Exis finally turns into Final Form and attacks the Darkside's head, killing it after a couple hits.

    Panting for air, falls to knees and hands, breathing hard. Again, he used alot of his energy.
  4. waytothedawn Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 1, 2007
    uh..uh...uh..uhh..where is your cookie?
    link healed exis " not bad not bad at all " said link
  5. XSoraxKairiX Merlin's Housekeeper

    Exsi was still tired and didn't want to fight, but said to Link. "What do you want? I thought you were my enemy."
  6. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    "Well, I could've learned better if you people had let me rot in the darkness all have no idea how powerful Darkside truly is...and how Twilight Thorn has the same powers as he." Nixon said as the black smog lifted back into him and his eyes turned into a crimson red. "Now you'll learn that the Darkness is stronger than light." Nixon said as his voice changed from normal into demonic, Then after Twilight Thorn saw Nixon become part of Darkside it too went back into it's Host making Nixon become strong and yet deluded from the shock "Live long and be Strong" Twilight Thorn said for Nixon to the other's. Nixon opened a portal but before he left he threw a note to the ground "Never read it until you learn." Nixon said as he put his organization coat on and his hood up "Learn well, and try hard...but never to forget." Nixon simonized as he walked back into the portal from wence he came.
  7. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Jordie was confused

    "Wait a minute...." She sighed

    She didnt get any of this!!!

    She looked at the others...they didnt look as confused as she.
  8. XSoraxKairiX Merlin's Housekeeper

    Exis looked to Jordie and chuckled.

    "What's with the look, confused?"

    Exis crossed his arms and looked back in the air again, smiling.

    "So, you know you've lost your memories?"
  9. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Jordie looked at him

    "Yeah....Its...a long story.." She looked away

    Now that she thought about it...How was she going to get her memories back?

    And...even more important....Who has them?!?!

    She dozed off in a memory....
    Everything went black...all she could see was a little girl...wait...THAT LITTLE GIRL WAS HER!!

    The little girl was looking around crying out
    "Is anyone there? Please help me!!"
    Jordie came back to the usual spot...Then she realized..That little girl was inside her...she heard her calling out...that was her all over...

    She sighed...
  10. XSoraxKairiX Merlin's Housekeeper

    Exis sighs as he sits in a chair on the other side of the room with his legs and arms crossed.

    "Nice one, you passed out." he said with a smile.

    "Lemme guess, you visited that one little girl in your memories? And to answer your question...I'm Exis, Organization member VII, well, former member."

    Exis got up from his chair and brung out his 6 keyblades. "The one of the legendary E.S. and the 6 blade wielder."

    Exis got smaked in the face with a question he's wanted to ask. "Hey, Jordie...ever met a boy when you were young. Name's Zorx, remember?"
  11. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Jordie looked at Exis

    She laughed
    Then looked away

    "I dont remember...Remember?" She sighed

    "Wish i could though...I wish i could know my past know i have even HAD a life" She looked up

    " Who took my memories?....Who took my life??" she closed her eyes...she had almost forgotten Exis was there watching and listening to her
  12. XSoraxKairiX Merlin's Housekeeper

    Exis chuckled at her talking her self. "Hey, I've got the answers..."

    Exis walks to Jordie and puts one hand on her shoulder. "I'll help you get your memories back."

    "Even 5 years ago..." He looked down, depressed, but then he remembered something. He can give Jordie memories of Exis and a little of her past.

    Exis transports it while she doesn't know, now, memories of her past are partly recovered along with memories with Exis. "You remember a little?"
  13. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Jordie looked down. She saw a little boy playing with her Krystal and Dean


    "Cmon Jordie hurry up!!" The little boy shouted as he ran off

    "Yeah yeah Im coming" The little girl was on the ground tying her shoes up

    She laughed

    "Gosh Jordie your always the last one!" Krystal Joked

    "Hey not my fault" Jordie answered back
    The little boy looked at Jordie "Friends Forever right?" Jordie nodded "Friends Forever"


    After that Memory she looked up at Exis

    "You....Were you that little boy?"She asked

    She was so happy about getting a memory back...You could see it in her eyes
  14. XSoraxKairiX Merlin's Housekeeper

    Exis nodded and smiled, even a monkey could see the happiness in his eyes.

    "Yes, that was me, Exis, I tried to tell you that that was me, but I don't think you would believe me. Since your memories were gone and well, I thought you kinda like Anurex..."
  15. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Jordie laughed

    She remembered him and her were good friends but they he just vanished .

    She hugged him

    "Its good to see you again" Now she knew...she had a life...
  16. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    [Ghost In The Shell Opening theme - Inner Universe begins] Nixon was now on the top of the building that was across from The Usual Spot "They still don't know?!" Twilight Thorn said "Not by my standards at least." Darkside said looking down upon the Usual Spot "We should get going, they're soon to find us but after that introduction, we can all go back into the dark." Nixon said as he turned around, he saw a person in an Organization XIII Coat. "Well Nixon," the person said as Nixon saw the cloaked figure pull down their hood "You still have the time to stay why don't we talk about it?" the person asked. "Listen Nixon don't go with her she's nothing but trouble." Darkside said, Nixon sighed then looked into the sky that had formed gray clouds and as one drop started to fall on his cheek.

    "I'm sorry Darkside but she's my member and well you know how bad we member's can be... besides, each of us has an opportunity to reform the Organization after what happen's now but Darkside would you be so Kind to pull out a weapon to leave the Organization member and that girl." Nixon said as he landed on one knee and Darkside showed himself on top of the roof top and yet he created a split dual-weilding Keyblade for Exis and a Necklace for Jordie. Darkside put the two "gifts" for the two, "So, Nixon is it time for us to be heading out?" Nixon's Organization member asked "Of course, Dexa, we shall leave here to go to a place where we can live without power but the Organization will find us and so will the Keyblader's." Nixon said as he opened a portal and Darkside fell right back into Nixon. [song ends]
  17. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Jordie thought she heard people talking
    "What was that?" She let go of Exis and looked around
    "Maybe it was just me..." She was talking to herself again
  18. waytothedawn Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 1, 2007
    uh..uh...uh..uhh..where is your cookie?
    " this doesnt mean i have a soft spot! " shouted link as he got out his keyblade
  19. XSoraxKairiX Merlin's Housekeeper

    Exis heard it too and let go of Jordie. "Dunno, I'll go check."

    Exis got out of the Usual Spot and found two gifts. "Hey, Jordie..."

    Bringing in the presents from Nixon. "We've got presents..."

    Exis hands Jordie her's and Exis opens his, another keyblade... "Cool, now I have 7 keyblades..." he puts the keyblade away in his casts and smiles.
  20. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    As Nixon went through the portal he saw that many of the Organization members were dispatched and clearly not much to learn "They'll learn that only people of pure darkness and twilight can never be complete without light. That is why I leave this place and wait in a forest of dreams. Where powers grow and light consumes all... that is made of beauty and prospers all things in command." Nixon said as he walked through the portal but before he did he put on the Organization XIII coat that he would wear until the people he knew would came to the Forest Of Dreams.

    "This will certainly make Jordie, want to know why you gave her the necklace... you mind if I give her a note telling what it is used for?" Dexa asked "No... let her learn the force of that necklace... and its powers locked within." Nixon answered Dexa's question and then walked through the portal to the Forest Of Dreams.