Kingdom Hearts II Organization XIII The Movie (DO NOT STEAL!!!!)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by JackS27, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. JackS27 Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 20, 2006
    Right behind you. Spooky, yes?
    Organization XIII The Movie (DO NOT STEAL!!!!) [EDITED!!!]

    Okay, so I know my calling. When I get som serious clout in Hollywood, I'm going to make an Organization XIII Live-Action Movie. And I'm letteing you all know now, so you can all say "I was there when he announced his plans! Yee!"

    There are only three things I have right now: An ideal cast list for the Organization, a VERY ROUGH outline of the film's story, and the final scripted scene.

    Please let me know what you think and if you have any questions I can answer.

    UPDATE: I'm going to script out the whole first draft. I've decided to take the final scene out, since I wanted it to be more of a surprise. In it's place, I put a scene from the middle of the film. It's still spoiler-riffic, but not as much.


    Xemnas: BILLY ZANE
    Xigbar: WILLEM DAFOE
    Vexen: BILL NIGHY
    Lexaeus: TED LEVINE
    Saix: JIM CARREY
    Demyx: JASON MEWS
    Luxord: EWAN MaCGREGOR
    Marluxia: JOHNNY DEPP
    Larxene: PINK



    We begin with a short prologue explaining about Ansem the Wise and his six apprentices, and the creation of the Heartless and the Nobodies.

    Then we fast forward into the future. A nice little city called Twilight Town. Suddenly, it is ovverrun by these creatures known as Heartless. But the Heartless invasion is quelled by these thirteen mysterious figures in black robes.

    They fight off the Heartless and introduce themselves as Organization XIII, a group that has been fighting the Heartless for some time across many worlds. Their leader, Xemnas, assures the townsfolk that they will not rest until the HEartless have been completely irradicated from Twilight Town.

    The Organization erects Castle Oblivion and makes it their Twilight Town HQ, and a place where they can travel back and forth to their true base of operations in an unknown location.

    The townsfolk take to them, except for three youngsters named Hayner, Pence, and Olette. When they try to befriend the Orghanization member Roxas, they get a cold shoulder and relaize something is wrong with these people.

    A mysterious figure named DiZ reaches out to the trio and reveals that Organization XIII actually controls the Heartless; that they travel from world to world, swarming it with Heartless and pretending to fight them off, while in reality waiting for Roxas' weapon, the keyblade, to release the hearts and transport them to a holding unit called Kingdom Hearts, for Organization XIII have none of their own and are looking to get it back.

    Meanwhile, all is not well within the Organization. On the one hand, Roxas discovers a captive called Naminé, and with her recalls his former life where he truly did defend his own world from these creatures, and therefore begins to question whether or not what the Organization is doing is really right. On the other hand, member MArluxia feels that Xemnas is working his plan out too slowly and plots with Larxene to overthrow him and speed up the main plan.

    Roxas is captured by DiZ and the three teens, and it is there he relizes he must resuce Naminé and destroy the Organization, ironically at the same time that Marluxia decides to put his own coup into action.

    Roxas eventually destroys most of the Organization members. When DiZ, who is Ansem the Wise, destroys Kingdom Hearts, Xemnas tries to escape. However, Marluxia appears in his own starship and as he tries to ballte Xemnas' cruiser, Roxas uses his keyblade to destroy them both.

    Roxas and Naminé start a new life together in Twilight Town, realizing that they are each others' heart all along.


    *SPOILERS (obviously)*


    NAMINÉ and LARXENE are staring at each other. Naminé is terrified, and
    Larxene smiles and fiddles with her knives, menacingly. MARLUXIA is standing some ways away lost in thought.

    Suddenly, the Door to Darkness opens. Again, Marluxia and Larxene stand in formation to greet whoever appears. This time, it is SAIX and DEMYX.

    What are you doing here?

    That’s what I always ask!

    (slightly annoyed)
    The girl. Xemnas wants her at the transport.

    Saix motions to Demyx, who slowly plods towards Naminé.

    The transport? Why?

    Number Thirteen has betrayed us. He has destroyed Xaldin, and Axel is nowhere to be found. The Superior insisted that we leave here at once and accelerate the destruction of this world.

    But there are still so many hearts to gather here!

    I should think you’d be happy. You two are always complaining that out strategy is too slow.

    Marluxia glances over at Demyx, who instead of seizing Naminé is entranced by her drawings and asking her about them.

    And Roxas?

    You two are to stay here and destroy him before joining us on the transport. You’ll have the members below-ground for re-enforcements, and I’ll be leaving Demyx here.

    At this, Demyx turns around.

    What?! Me?! What am I going to do? I’m an artist! I don’t fight. So I squirt people with a little water. Big deal! The only person that might really hurt is lightning lady over here…

    At this, Larxene and Marluxia exchange a glance. Saix notices this and turns to Demyx.

    (through gritted teeth, half-nervously, half-angrily)
    Be quiet, Demyx…

    Nu-uh! I’m sick of this! All the time, I ask myself, what am I doing here? I have no place in battle! I play the sitar, for the love of…And yet, he just keeps assigning me missions where I have to fight, and I don’t like it. If I wasn’t so afraid of him, I’d tell him that. Go right up and say that I am just not cut out for this…

    Suddenly, the tip of MARLUXIA’S SCYTHE bursts through Demyx’s chest. He gags a bit. Marluxia twists the scythe, then removes it. Demyx’s body begins evaporating into whisps of black smoke, cell-by-cell, from the wound. He falls to his knees.


    He falls on his face as he completely disappears.


    He summons his CLAYMORE and runs towards Marluxia, but Larxene assaults him with a barrage of knives. Thinking quickly, he grabs Naminé and, scowling at Marluxia, runs through the Door to Darkness and shuts it behind him. Marluxia rushes to the door, but it won’t open for him. He tries the keypad and still nothing happens.

    Dammit! He’s locked it! We have to get him before the rest of them take off.

    What are we going to do? He said Roxas is on his way, and I know the old geezers in the basement will have heard what just happened.

    They shouldn’t be too much trouble for you. I just need time to figure out this lock.

    Larxene nods and turns towards the hallway, knives raised.
  2. Thebazilly King's Apprentice

    Aug 17, 2007
    *Throws dart at map.*
    So... you're just cutting Sora completely out of the picture? The basic plot sounds good. But I might have to disagree with some of the cast. And how are you going to do their hair?
  3. JackS27 Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 20, 2006
    Right behind you. Spooky, yes?
    1. Yes, Sora is completely out of the picture aside from that being where Roxas came from. The reaosn is that once you add Sora, you have to add Donald and Goofy. And while the Disney crossover thing is absolutely perfect for the video game, for a movie it would just be kind of stupid.

    2. If you have some disagreements, let me know so I can either defend my choices, or else listen to other possibilities.

    3. Wigs, of course. Big funky wigs that look as much like real hair as whatever the punk or goth subcultures do to it sometimes.
  4. Soradood Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 24, 2007
    i think you should keep Jessie Mccartney(sp?) at roxas
  5. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    Wait a second...

    Did you say Namine? .3.

    Who do you think can play her?

    Oh yeah, and is this basically everything that happens from the time Roxas joined to the end of KH 2? Just asking.

    Looks great, though. =D
  6. Prince of Darkness GK Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 21, 2007
    Darkness Town
    Prince of Darkness GK

    man i think that Jim Carrey must be Axel
  7. Zekushion Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 1, 2007
    Mount Olympus
    I have to question your choices for Saix and Marluxia. While I know Jim Carrey can be serious at times, I just cannot see him as the cold, heartless being that is Saïx. His forte is comedy, not serious acting. Could you possibly explain your thinking in that case?

    As for Johnny Depp for Marluxia, that's another that I just do not see working. First of all, even with the hella awesome make-up artists in Hollywood, he'd never be able to pull off the looks. He'd do wonderfully as an English voice for him, though, in my opinion.

    The only other things that I see wrong with this ideal cast of yours is that it would not work at all by the time you actually make it big in Hollywood because the actors would all be too old for their respective parts in this list you've created.

    Though I must admit, you've got a nice idea.
  8. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    Wow sounds kinda cool
  9. Paopu Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 25, 2006
    Grand Rapids, MI
    I think (read: assume) that the link between Marluxia and Depp lies within looks and popularity. Possibly the fact that Marluxia has a femininity (almost sly in gayness - not saying GAY though) about him as where Depp can play that (Cpt. Jack Sparrow). Those are just my thoughts.

    I, personally, don't see how certain members of the 'cast' would be a good fit. Pink as Larxene? Maybe I just don't like Pink but isn't she a singer? Some reason I see Angeline Jolee being the better fit.
  10. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    This is well...

    And intersting idea.

    And you might want to work on the cast. Also take into consideration that when you become the hollywood director, those actors might be out of the picture by then.

    And shouldnt this be in the Creativity Corner? >>
  11. JackS27 Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 20, 2006
    Right behind you. Spooky, yes?
    SORADOOD: I hate Jesse McCartney. He wasn't bad at doing the voice, but I don't see his face.

    FOXXIE: Some events will mirror the game, especially the order in which most of the members are destroyed, but for the most part it's supposed to be more or less removed. And as for who to play Naminé, the first person I'd talk to would be Hayden Pannettiere, following the "Let's-Have-The-Nobodies-Be-The-Actors-Who-Originally-Voiced-The-Somebodies" trend I started with Xemnas and Roxas.

    PRINCE OF DARKNESS: Dude, just watch one episode of "Psych!" and you'll get why Axel has to be Roday. Scroll down to see why I don't think Carrey would be right for him.

    ZEKUSHION and PAOPU: When trying to cast this, first I thought about who can look like the character, and then from there I thought "Who is the best actor I can get." Some of them were really difficult choices.

    Carrey as Saix works because A) The shapes of their faces are similar, and B) I can hear Carrey's voice in my head doig Saix's monotone. He actually is a decent dramatic actor. His performance in "Eternal Sunshine" tells me he has the chops to pull this off, and his face on the poster for "The Number 23" just begs to have Saix's hair plastered onto it.

    Yes, he does comedies equally well, but his comedy is in his over-the-top-ness. To cast him in one of the more comedic roles (like, say, Axel or Demyx) would allow him to go overboard and turn this into a mindless "blockbuster" crowd-pleaser. I want this film to show that I care more about the quality of the picture and telling the story the best way I can than to make the biggest dollar sign.

    Depp as Marluxia seems like a no-brainer to me. He's my favorite actor for a number of reasons, and his talent would be instrumental in making this movie good. And Marluxia is the charatcer he resembles closest. And I know his take on the role would be completely different than what any of us would think Marluxia to be.

    Now, Pink as Larxene came about because I had trouble thinking of a good Larxene who could convey the attitude, and also have kind of a pointed face without being ugly. My philosophy is that "Everybody Reads." Because I could think any of these people are the best, but I wouldn't sign a single one until I heard them read some of the lines and hear their take. I don't know if Pink can act or not., but if she can I think she'd be perfect for Larxenme because of her attitude. Jolie is a good actress, but I think she's too "sexy" for LArxene, and her face is too round. Larxene should be pretty, but not have movie-star looks.

    And even though nobody mentioned it, I'm going to say here and now that the above philosophy also greatly applies to my choice of Mews as Demyx. I honestly don't know if he can play any other character than a Jay type, but IF he can I think he would be perfect for Demyx based on his facial structure and the way he carries himself.

    ROSEY: Perhaps I will have to make some changes to my ideals based on how long it takes me to get this opportunity. However, there are wonderful advances in stage makeup that I think will keep me safe for about ten years or so, as long as nobody goes dying on me.

    And as far as where this thread belongs, if the administrators think the Corner is a better spot, then I have no problem with it being moved.
  12. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    I enjoyed that. And am I the ONLY person who thinks you did a good job with the cast. All in all, I think I'm going to like you.
  13. JackS27 Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 20, 2006
    Right behind you. Spooky, yes?
    Heh, thanks. Lately I feel like not enough people can like me.
  14. Zekushion Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 1, 2007
    Mount Olympus
    Still, even with your explanations, I find some of your casting a bit strange. Could just be me, as I tend to be biased towards a lot of the actors out there. But again, your ideal cast probably won't stay the same. Considering that, yeah, a lot of these actors that you've chosen will probably choose to retire before you could get permission and artistic liscensing to do this.

    I'm not saying the idea is bad; it's an interesting idea. I just don't know if you could pull it off.
  15. JackS27 Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 20, 2006
    Right behind you. Spooky, yes?
    Still, it won't stop me from trying.
  16. RedHot1994 Traverse Town Homebody


    Yeah that's true.
    And Haley Joel Osment is SORA'S voice actor!
    Jesse McCartney is ROXAS'S voice actor.
  17. JackS27 Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 20, 2006
    Right behind you. Spooky, yes?
    Well, I did reply to the original post, but I'm going to state my idea on the casting that you just brought up.

    Specifically, that is the point.

    See, it started out by thinking that whoever played Xemnas and members II-VI would have to play Xehanort and the six apprentices in the prologue, for a short amount of time.

    And Roxas will appear as Sora VERY briefly in flashback.

    And that got me thinking about how cool it would be to have the people playing Xemnas and Roxas, who are the leads, be the people who voiced their original SOMEBODIES in the game.

    And that lead to me choosing Billy Zane (who I think is the best out of the many Xehanorts), and Haley Joel Osment (who is a much better actor than Jesse McCartney). Plus, I think those two actors look more like their respective parts.

    It's flipping it on its head, which I love to do. I hope that makes sense to everyone.
  18. Wabba Twilight Town Denizen

    May 7, 2007
    I really wish this could happen. I think a kingdom hearts movie would be awesome. You've got the story, the only problem would be getting the rights from disney and square enix...
  19. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    And how long would this movie be?
  20. Riku_IntoThedarkness Banned

    Sep 13, 2007
    uhh with the cast i think thats its a good choice but uhh wheres Riku
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