Organization XIII: The Disney invasion

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by BaseSebastian, Jan 16, 2010.

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  1. NeoJecht Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 27, 2006
    On the Edge of the Empire
    hey i'll be xion if i can still join
  2. TheDeadGuy Moogle Assistant

    Oct 19, 2009
    OCC:I'll Double role too Lexeaus plz :D
    Vexen Trying to open the Portal couldn't, him, Lexeaus and Zexion were stuck in a basement with somehow no way to escape of course the best way to get out of a room is to consult with Lexeaus.

    Lexeaus Smiled at the idea, "Break down the wall Finally sounds like a good Idea!"
    Lexeaus Proceeds with building up power to destroy the Wall leading farther into the castle.

    Jack watched as Demyx tried to push his way out and threw a Bomb at him.
    Will seeing that Demyx tried to attack him he rushed towards Demyx until he saw one of Jack's bombs and backed away as he watched the ka-boom.
  3. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Very Good example.

    No problem. The character's all yours.


    Zexion fixed his eyes on Lexeaus, whom he thought was doing something rather rash. "Calm yourself, Lexeaus. There are other ways of escape." He said in his timed tactional tone. "Corridor's, do not work, and some thing snarls at our only exit. But I'm sure there's another way of reaching the upper floors of the Castle." Zexion demanded Lexeaus stop what he was doing.
  4. TheDeadGuy Moogle Assistant

    Oct 19, 2009
    Lexeaus looked at Zexion and said, Well I could always blow a hole in the ceiling.

    Vexen sighed and said to Zexion, "Well what other choice do we have and besides we can have our Flunkies rebuild the walls or the ceiling anyway.
  5. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    "Later guys." Xigbar gave a two fingered salute and flew away.

    "Indeed we do, Saix." Xemnas said as he took a slow step onto the glider. "Let's take this castle back and show these creatures what Organization XIII is capable of."
  6. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Zexion's attention was spirited away from Vexen's question, as he looked towards the door thinking he heard something.

    HAHAHAHAHA! Come on out! We don't bite." A voice echoed from beyond the door. It was male and distinctively latino-accented.

    "Bonzai, what're you talking about?" A stern female voice responded sharply.

    "Oh right! We do bite! Alot! Chew and chew and chew, right Ed?" The Crazy Latin voice cackled. Or maybe the sputtering laughter was another of the three unseen creatures, a third one. Very stupid sounding and manical all the same, it barely resembled the male's voice or the female's voice at all.

    Hearing the voices from beyond the merely locked door, no magical barriers protecting them down here, Zexion became penisieve and shouted, "Bust down the ceiling, quickly!" He commanded loudly, pointing one finger high into the air above him.
  7. TheDeadGuy Moogle Assistant

    Oct 19, 2009
    Lexeaus Blew a Hole in the ceiling and threw Vexen up and happen to bump into Jack and Will Turner.
    Lexeaus: Look guys! We have some warm-up to deal with!
    Vexen looked "Careful Lexeaus the one with the Red bandana on him is the one you should be dealing with I'll deal with the weaker one"
    Jack stared at both of them "Will I think we have to make a run for it"
    Will looked at Jack "Why?"
    Jack said "you rather try to beat two people with really large shields that have a razor sharp edge or really pointy spikes?"
    Will sighed "Fine Jack be a Coward I'm running in!
    Jack sighed "Goddamn it Will!" and ran after him
  8. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Xigbar floated next to Xaldin. "Hey dude, should we ask Xemnas if we can look for the creatures that are causing the trouble?" Xigbar asked with a mischievious grin.

    Xemnas looked past Saix. Something didn't seem right...

    Scar walked through the hallway, his footsteps echoing through the castle. Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! He was hot on the trail of Simba.

    Simba was headed towards Scar, growling.
  9. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    OOC: I thought Jack and Will were in the Grey Area, where Demyx is.
  10. TheDeadGuy Moogle Assistant

    Oct 19, 2009
    OCC: To KH2Man, who says Jack and Will can't move into the hallway? o_o
    Lexeaus Brought down the Axe Shield on Will's Sword Shattering it quickly, and Jack pushed him before he could get crushed.
    Will: Ok I'll Follow your Advice from now on
    Jack: Good, Now Lets Run!
    Will and Jack run from the Hallway and back into the Grey Area
    Lexeaus Yelled "Cowards"
    Vexen put his hand on Lexeaus's Shoulder "Calm down we need to find the others first!"
    Lexeaus sighed "Fine Vexen lets go find the others while those weaklings destroy the castle!"
    Vexen: damn it Lexeaus just stick with me here!
  11. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    OOC: Oh yeah. I forgot the door wasn't locked.
    IC: "Was that Lexeaus?" pondered Demyx. He layed back on the window as he was still recovering from the bombs.

    Meanwhile, in another part of the castle, a meerkat riding atop a warthog, rushed up to the lion's side, the one with the yellow fur and red mane.
    "When you find Scar, you'll take him down for good, Simba!" shouted the meerkat. "Ain't that right Pumbaa?"
    "Yeah! But, do you think we should really be close to the fight?" wondered the warthog. "Or could we at least slow down a little. I'm getting tired."
    "No way, Puumba! And of course we'll be watching the battle. I mean, where is the action without the fight?"
    "Come on, Timon!"
    "NO! Now keep walking."
    The warthog kept walking along side the lion.
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