Organization XIII - The Beach part 4

Discussion in 'Archives' started by ThunderOfLarxene, Apr 18, 2007.


What did you think of Organization XIII - The beach

  1. It was really good, well done

  2. It wasnt to bad for a first story

  3. Havnt had the chance to read the whole thing yet

  4. Wasnt as good as i though

    0 vote(s)
  1. ThunderOfLarxene Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 2, 2007
    Castle Oblivion
    After a kind request from AXEL008, im going to write another chapter, may carry on after, depends on how this turns out

    Anyway's here it goes


    A corridor of darkness opened in the front room startling Xemnas, Xaldin and Saix, who were totally fixed upon the new series of baywatch. Out walked zexion, marluxia and demyx, followd by axel carrying the unconscious larxene. Xemnas jumped out of his seat

    "What has happened here, i want an explanation" Xemnas screamed with a hint of worry in his voice

    "Take Larxene up to her room Axel, ill explain" said Marluxia

    Axel nodded, agreeing with Marlxuia's decision. Axel slowly walked out of the room and carried down the hallway towards Larxenes room. He managed to place her gently down onto her bed, he then sat down next to her.

    "Shes going to be out for a while, shes had a rough day"

    Axel lifted his head and turned around to see zexion walking over to him. Axel then turned back to Larxene, she was still sleeping, he sighed then stood up. Zexion put his arm on Axel's shoulder.

    "Dont worry, come on down stairs, she'll be fine after some rest"

    "I guess your right, i just feel guilty, its just Larxene can usualyly handle her self, she must of been scared, maybe because it happned in the other world, if only i was there"

    "Stop feeling guilty, now come on Axel" replied Zexion

    Zexion and Axel left the room, and quietly shutting the door, trying not to wake Larxene. Axel didnt say a word all the way back to the front room, Zexion sighed, he knew Axel would be find once Larxene woke up


    "And then Larxene just fainted"

    Zexion and Axel entered the front room just as Marluxia had finished the story to Xemnas. Xemnas looked at Axel who still had a spaced out look on him

    "Im very disappointed that you used your powers in the other world, but for this once, giving the circumstances, i will let this one slide, dont let it happen again"

    Demyx, Zexion and Marluxia all nodded, followed by a slight movement from Axel. Xemnas left the room. Axel sat down on the sofa, well more like slumped down into it.

    "Come on axel, while we wait for Larxene to wake up, lets go for a practice fight upstairs" suggested Marluxia

    Axel looked up to Malruxia " Erm... ok then, i need something to take my mind off of whats happened"

    Axel followed Marluxia, who where then followed by Zexion and Demyx, who had no interest in the omnibus of Baywatch.


    Zexion and Demyx purched themselves just outside the battle arena, Axel stood to the right and Marluxia stood to the left.

    "Lets get this party started" cheered axel

    "Thats the spirit axel, lets go" replied Marluxia

    Axel in a bright firey display summonded his chakram, and stared at Marluxia in his classic ready to fight pose. Marlxuia Smirked and in a tornado of petal's summonded his scythe. The two began the battle.

    "So who do you think will win" squeeked like a little boy said demyx

    "Dont know, dont care" grunted Zexion who had now summoned his book and was skimming through it.

    Demyx had a ok-your-weird look then turned his attention back towards the battle. Marluxia swung his scythe just in time to defend the blow from Axel's two chakram. Marluxia then sprinted forward, Axel managed to duck from the sharp blade of the scythe, it slightly skimmed over the top of his hair. Marluxia chuckled at Axel's distressed look which then turned into a cheeky smirk.

    "Your not to bad" said Axel

    "Your not to bad yourself" replied Marluxia

    After another 10 minutes of fightning, the two called it a truce, and collapsed next to demyx and zexion

    "Phew... that was a work out" laughed Marluxia

    Axel grinned back, "ive worked up quiet an appetite now, lets go eat". The four nobodies left the fighting room and headed towards the kitchen.


    When the four nobodies arrived in the kitchen, they were shocked to see xigbar and roxas looking a bit worse for where. Demyx snigered.

    "Wheres Larxene" questioned Roxas


    After another 10 minutes of explaining, Malruxia, Axel, Demyx and Zexion sat down chewing on a few snacks, Since shopping day wasnt for another couple of days and they were running low.


    "What was that, it sounded like larxene"

    Axel and Marluxia darted upstairs, they found larxene sitting upright in her bed, she looked very paniky. She was upset and was glad to see Axel and Marluxia. Marluxia sat on the end of the bed while axel sat next to larxene to comfort her.

    "Its ok now, you safe"

    "I know, without you i dont know where i would be now, you saved me"

    Larxene swerved her body around to get up, "Dont you think you should wait" said axel, "No no ill b ok". She stood up, stumbled a little, but axel managed to catch her. Once she regained her balance she followed Marluxia and Axel down to the kitchen

    Demyx jumped up "How you feeling"

    "Much better now, thankyou, without you guys... well..."

    "Is this the savge nymph going all soft" laughed roxas

    Larxene gave a glanced look at roxas, "well the old me is back now, so watch it shrimp" static built up around her, roxas started to look worried, slightly edging back from his chair, in a getting ready to run pose.

    "Guess we can start planning our next trip" obliviously said demyx

    Everyone glared at him, making him feel 10cm's tall. Larxene then gigglied

    "Yeah sure, as long as its not another beach, too much excitment for these boys, wouldnt want them to get into any trouble"

    Everyone smiled, axel turned to larxene and replied "I promise"


    This is the defiant ending for the story now, since i do have school :( lol

    I may start another story after my exams, but for now im pleased with how this turned out

    I hope you liked it to
  2. Deathsplank2 Moogle Assistant

    Apr 18, 2007
    twilight town
    I havnt Read it xD i was bizzy :cool: [​IMG]
  3. ThunderOfLarxene Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 2, 2007
    Castle Oblivion
    lol thats ok :D
  4. xgothgirl07x Moogle Assistant

    Apr 16, 2007
    nice i like it, very good
  5. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    This was a really nice story! I liked it and enjoyed reading it! :D
  6. ThunderOfLarxene Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 2, 2007
    Castle Oblivion
    wow thanks, glad you like it, but your stories are so much better, the 14th key story at the moment is sooooo good. Major good compared to mine lol:D