Organization XIII Switch

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by ukali_rules, Feb 28, 2007.

  1. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    "we stopped trying to Aim at him,but I wonder."Valerie pulled a back-up water gun and shot a stream of water at Larxene,completely soaking her head.
    OOC:I blame reading KH:COM Manga Novel Volume 2 10 times.I can't get over the fact that Larxene electricuted herself when she got wet.
  2. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    (Might want to edit that, because Larxene was waaaayout of range, and she was gone looking for Saix(Xigbar). X3)
  3. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    ((OOC: I kinda feel like I'm at school. I'm mostly ignored but only for certain things i am "needed". THis is kinda sad :(

    Axel(XIgbar) went back around to the front door. He fixed it all up. I am definetively sick of all these fangirls. None of them team up with the old guy with the eyepatch.

    WHen he was finished, he add some extra reinforcements to the door, so it will be harder to knock down. HE added some extra locks and he made some boobie traps just in case someone was to somehow get into the castle.
  4. saxoR_vs_aroS Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 1, 2007
    Take a wild guess.
    when Xaldin (Luxord) and Vincent returned to castle, they were greeted with the picture of Axel (Xigbar) getting tortured by most of the org members. 'You may want to shoot him in the head a few times' suggested Xaldin (Luxord). Vincent did so gladly. Axel (Xigbar) gave a satisfying scream of agony. Just for the greater good,Xaldin (Luxord) pitched in by taking a razor sharp card and sending it flying straight intoAxle (Xigbar) and embedded itself into his stomach. he made it dissapear, then with a smug grin, they both sat down and enjoyed the tortue, firing off projectles once in a while to add to the fun.

    OOC: SAVE ME! my younger sister has I want it that way by the backstreet boys on loop! AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
  5. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    OOC:Holy Oblivion(what the?That sounded wierd) that was scary to read!
  6. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    ((OOC: Why are you picking on me? thats no fair. Axel is just trying to not have the fangirls not enter the castle0. Considering most of them dont like Luxord. i would consider it a favor (no offense to LUxord's appearance) and now since you're picking on me this really feels like school. (IT's weird cause im in high school)))
  7. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    OOC: Sorry I have been offline for sometime. It is due to internet issues.
    Saix(Zexion) huddled under a chair. He had heard that Larxene was after his blood, and he didn't really want to die, well, not yet.
  8. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    OOC:wait....How can Nobody's even have blood?They don't have hearts.
    BIC:Valerie and Roxas were continueing their water gun hun.Next Victim,Xaldin(Luxord)."be careful Val.Xaldin is tough."Roxas said."I know."Valerie said.((yeah cause everytime I face Xaldin I have to have Mickey save me like 2 times.>.<))
  9. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    ((..... Dunno. I always make them have blood when I'm writing about them. XD

    Anyways... Sorry that I've kinda been away... I've gotten a good lead on my fanfic, and I wanna finish it sometime this weekend BEFORE spring break and that huge progect mom's gonna make me do during it. >.>'

    Cuz, obviously, she doesn't understand the word "BREAK"))
  10. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    OOC:My math teacher gave me homework before Spring break.hey its better than Independent studies.*Roxas glares at me*what?its true.
  11. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    (OOC: What's this spring break of which you speak? I dont have one... is yours for one of two weeks?)

    Axel(XIgbar) shielded himself because he was scared of what was happening... Wait, I can shoot them too! He summoned his weapon and shot at Xaldin and Vincent. He shot Vincent so much that he eventually died (:mad: OOC: TAke that for shooting me in the head). A heartless randomly showed up and then took away Vincent's heart. Xaldin(Luxord) was shot at a lot, but it didnt do much good considering that he was a nobody.

    (And since Vincent is an optional character in FF7, he doesn't have a strong enough heart to become a distinguished nobody (and yes i know of his own game, but that ame wouldn't've come out if he wasn't in FF7 as an optional)
  12. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    OOC: *slaps forehead* *talks in walkie-talkie* We have a Vincent-Nobody running around, over.
    Vivani pulled out some scissors and spun them around. She saw the heartless, and screamed.
    "GETTA AWAY FROM ME YOU FREAK! AHHHHHH!" There was the sound of breaking glass and shattering objects as the poor fangirl went to her limits to protect her heart. Of course, the poor heartless got.... well... PWNED! :p
  13. Wavewhisper Merlin's Housekeeper

    "OOoh. Ooh," said Vexen, blinking as Heartless raced away to melt fearfully into the shadows. "Oooow. That's gotta hurt LOTS."

    Vexen had finally gotten hungry, what with going into his version of Berserkiness and all, and had gone to the kitchen in search of a snack. Like a rice ball, his favorite. Or pickled vegetables, Zexion's specialty. But there were no more pickles, as the current Zexion didn't feel very well-disposed towards anyone right about now. There wasn't even any more chicken left. And plus, the air was a blur of flying scissors, fleeing Heartless, some random Nobody dancing around for absolutely no reason, and a haze of highly dangerous weapons that seemed intent on decapitating the former Number Four. And these petals were seriously getting annoying. An absolutely charming place to be in.

    "STOP THROWING MY SCISSORS, YOU DIM BULB!" shouted Vexen at the top of his lungs to Vivani. "THEY'RE GETTING ALL DIRTY WITH YOUR STABBITY-ING..." It wasn't until a pair of scissors pinned the petal floating next to his ear to the cupboard behind him that he got the feeling that he was in a potential danger zone.

    (ooc://Oh, and by the way, if Nobodies don't have hearts, then they don't have circulatory systems. Which means they don't have respiratory systems. Which means they don't breathe. But I'm PRETTY positive that almost all of them are shown panting (breathing) just before they fade away... :eek: )
  14. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    Vivani glared at Vexen and shouted, "I can use the scissors if I want to!"
    Pulling out a handful of scissors, she hurled them at several heartless that had appeared, called by their fleeing comrade. They exploded and a few hearts came out. Vivani glared at the hearts, and stomped off to collect her scissors.
  15. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    ooc:.... What's going on? Im too lazy to read whats going on. TELL ME! *rabid foam*
  16. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    OOC: Everyone is sort of hanging around. Vivani killed some heartless, Vexen is hungry, Saix is hiding, and everyone else is anywhere else.
  17. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    Axel(Xigbar) was in a frenzy! He would attack anything that moved. He saw a train model that Marluxia played with and he destroyed it. and many other things...
  18. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    Saix(Zexion) came back down from the tower. He saw Axel(Xigbar) killing everything in a frenzy. Using his book as cover, he watched as things exploded and were destroyed as Axel(Xigbar) raged. Saix(Zexion) should find a better use for Zexion's use other then a book, and quick, if he wanted to survive.
  19. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    ((OOC: I think this thread is losing a lot of pizzazz.... sad sad day))

    Axel(Xigbar) calmed down some. He went into his room and then he went to sleep. He put up a barrier(like the ones that are made for boss fights in KH2) so nobody (pun) would be able to come in. He then took his anger out on his drawing skills.
  20. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Larxene poked Saix(Zexion) "Uh... dude... books can burn, so.. yeah.." She stumbled, taked the book off his head and doing the cucoo sign at him. "Besides, he's already gone to his room. Not much harm done." She said, looking at the now destoryed corridor.