Organization XIII Switch

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by ukali_rules, Feb 28, 2007.

  1. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Before Xigbar(Axel) Closed his mouth, Kiki shoved two sugar cookies in his mouth, her antenne twiching this way or that. "Eat them or I make you have two eyepatches" She hissed. Larxene started cutting Saix's hair, curling it a little with her kunai as she giggled.
  2. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    "I got something we can use.They're in Demyx's room."Roxas whispered.a few minutes later the 2 came out,2 water guns in their hands."we have water guns and we're not afraid to use them!"Valerie said.
  3. Wavewhisper Merlin's Housekeeper

    "Oh dear. Catfight," drawled Vexen as he watched Saïx getting overwhelmed by a bunch of girls. "How unfortunate." He watched as Vivani plied her scissors. "Now if Nobody minds, I'm— LEAVING!" You could virtually see a dust trail. Needless to say, Vexen did not like being near a group of sadistic, cruel girls who wielded pointy objects.

    Reminder to self: never open the door to anything, whether it be fangirls or darkness, he thought unhappily as he used a corridor of darkness to teleport himself upstairs. "And I have a feeling that those aren't supposed to be there," he added aloud. He meant the dozens of female horrors happily chucking the Organization's spare weapons at Xemnas's artificial Kingdom Hearts in the sky. That might be a problem.
  4. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    OOC: Oh dear. We all have been forgetting we are in each other's bodies. So you are technically maiming Zexion. :D
    Saix(Zexion) rolled over and kicked Larxene in the stomach. He stood up, and instantly blanched when he saw the fangirls throwing weapons at Kingdom Hearts.
    There was the sound of clattering weapon and screaming girls as Saix(Zexion) went to save his beloved moon, and then was chased all over the castle by rabid fangirls who thought he was Zexion.
  5. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    Axel(Xigbar) went around the castle...

    "Well, i need to do this..."

    Axel(Xigbar) summoned his weapons. His gunarrow thingys (i dont know what they're really called). He found the fangirls and Larxene, Saix(zexion).

    He then shot his energy arrows out to the clothing on of each person. The arrows caught onto everyone's clothes and maybe them stick to where they happened to be at that point... of course, it didnt change that fact that Saix(Zexion) was still volunerable to having his hair curled. OF course it didnt do much good fro Larxene considering she was very strong and was able to take her robe out of the floor and she went to attack Axel(Xigbar).. (ooc: I kinda predicted what Larxene would do next) Axel(Xigbar) ran for it.

    OOC: Yeah you kinda did forget that they members were switched, but everything that happened still happened because Zexion can technically make a claymore illusion so its all good. HEy WaveWhisper how do you make the double-dotted "i"?
  6. Wavewhisper Merlin's Housekeeper

    (ooc://Well, I'm using a Mac so this might not work for most of you... anyway, use the Alt/option key or whatever the PC equivalent is and then press "U". Nothing will pop up, but the next letter you press will have the umlaut. I think.)

    Vexen had run away from giggling girls, been hugged by sharpshooting pyromaniacs, exploded his entire laboratory, and been in several other situations in which he had done absolutely nothing during this strange venture, but the sight of the Organization's beloved, carefully-nurtured, ever-so-important Kingdom Hearts being dismantled drove him... well, ballistic. And of course, being in Marluxia's body meant he reacted even more drastically. First, counters appeared over the heads of EVERY SINGLE FANGIRL. Second, when he shouted "GO!" a gigantic explosion of pink petals flew from him, scattering his enemies with a wave of magenta flower-power. "NO ONE TOUCHES KINGDOM HEARTS! YOU CAN CALL ME DRUNK, YOU CAN CALL ME A... WHATEVER YOU CALL ME NOWADAYS, YOU CAN CALL ME AN INSANE LITTLE NERD LOCKED INSIDE HIS NOW DESSICATED LABORATORY FOREVER AND EVER, BUT THIS IS ENOUGH!!" He ignored Saïx's (aka Zexion's) wide, surprised eyes as the Berserker stood on the sidelines. "GET AWAY! NOOOOOOW!" And with that, he swept Marluxia's scythe in a circle as he had often seen Number Eleven do, knocking all of the fangirls off their feet with a humongous shockwave.

    (ooc://Vexen finally lost it. *rawr*)
  7. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    Saix(Zexion) looked up from his book reading. He watched Vexen(Marluxia) lose it, and then go berserk. Everyone had a bit of berserk blood in them, you just had to know how to bring it out.
    Nodding with approval, Saix(Zexion) concluded that Vexen(Marluxia) had it under control, and went back to reading.
  8. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Now Larxdene was mad. And I mean MAD. She ripped the lasers out of her cloak and threw them against the wall, growling while she still held her stomach from Saix(Zexion)'s kick. She was even steaming a little. She faded away then faded right back infront of Axel(Xigbar) and shocked him hard with her kunai. as she struck him, a flash of lighting outside struck the ground followed by a crackle of thunder. Kiki's antenne's went wild. They were flinging all over and turning and bending like a robot. She squished them down to make them stop going haywire. Larxene picked Axel(Xigbar) up by the cloak and threw him aginst the wall then stalked off to find Saix(Zexion), the thunder and lighting still booming outside the castle.
  9. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    Xigbar(Axel) pulled one cookie of the cookies that Kiki had given him out of his mouth, and visciously began munching on the other. "Hey! These are good!" he exclaimed. He grinned and put them beside the other crap he'd pulled out. "I'll use 'em as a secret ingredient!" Then he rushed back to the fridge.

    He held his chin as he looked at all of the stuff in there again, then pulled out some tuna salad, debbled eggs, and bacon. He stared at something in a clear container. What the hell is this? he wondered, turning the container around in is hand. He lifted the top and sniffed it. Fish? That's sorta what it smells like... Meh... Whatever... He dropped that among the rest of the stuff.

    "OH! By the way! Do any of you guys know if we have... Any of that... Ya know... Well, even I don't know, but that... STUFF Xemnas served us one day?" he asked, going to the pantry.
  10. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    OOC:*looks around*wow this lace looks amazing now!
    Valerie and Roxas came into the kitchen with their water guns."Number 13 this is Storm reporting your position,over."Valerie said in an imaginary talkie talkie."Number 13 is in position,Over."Roxas replied."good work soldier now wait on my signal to shoot the Target AKA Flame shooter,over."Valerie said.Valerie snuck up to Xigbar(Axel).and said in the walkie talkie."Fire!"and the 2 fired their water guns at Xigbar(Axel)
  11. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    "What is it? Cookies? Wine? Rootbeer? Soda? Bannana bread? French pastry?" Kiki asked, naming off all of these weird foriegn treats. Then Larxene burst through. The lights went on and off and on and off until she left as another crack of thunder rang through the air. "You are so dead Saix..." She hissed under her breath as she dashed down another hallway. Kiki hissed at Valerie, taking somthing fromt he counter; a patch of asparagus, and threw it at her. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" She growled lowley.
  12. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    ((To be honest, I kinda miss the old banner. But other than that, I think it's pretty skrait. =3))

    Xigbar(Axel) blinked as he was shot. His mind slowed down to, about, 2 miles per year.

    Okay, Xiggy. You've got two choises. One: you could completely go insane and try to brutilly maim the girl who has just shot you with a water gun while you are TRYING to eat, or two: you could completely ignore the fact that you were shot at all and get on with your life.

    He went with choice two. He'd leave the maiming to Saix and Larxene and, besides, this came with the guaranteed that he'd have food quicker.

    Xigbar opened the pantry door and started pulling out chips, ketchup, hot sauce, and crackers. He dropped them with the other stuff, and went back. "Okay... Wait a sec..." He sighed. "Crap. Outta bread again. Oh well. Guess I'm just goning to have to use this..." He pulled out some soft taco shells. He pulled out one shell, then started dumping all of the stuff on it.


  13. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    (I hate my bus. It always comes when im posting. Seeya guys later!)

    "Ewwww... you're actually going to eat that?" Kiki sneered, staring at all the stuff going onto the taco shell. She put her hand over her mouth as if she was going to throw up from all that stuff. "So Gross.." She mumbled to herself as she stayed behind Xigbar(Axel), not wanting to watch him eat that thing.
  14. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    ((I agree... >.>))

    Xigbar(Axel) shrugged at her comment. "Don't hate it if ya haven't tried it," he said, calmly. "Oh, crap, I forgot the sour cream!" He rushed to the fridge, got it, plopped a huge chunk into the middle, and tossed the box away. When he was hungry enough, he was sorta like the Organization garbage disposal (SP?), eating just about anything and everything that nobody, not even the other Nobodies, wanted anymore.
  15. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    "why isn't this guy dying from our guns!"Valerie whined."hit him harder!"Roxas said.They kept shooting Xigbar with their water guns.5 minutes later they were out of water.
  16. The Reflective Superior Moogle Assistant

    Mar 1, 2007
    The world that never was
    Xemnas herd quite a bit of fermiliar noises.... there was a battle going on. He got out from under the bed and ran up to where Kingdom Hearts was, seeing the few remaining fan girls still attacking kingdom hearts, he felt himself getting very very agitated. He then brought out Demyx's sitar and wapping fan girls away with strokes of the sitar and large tidal waves of water he screamed at them "YOU CAN CALL ME A SICKLY OBSESSED PERSON BUT KINGDOM HEARTS IS MINE!!!!"

    (OOC: Xemnas went nutts to)
  17. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    ((OOC:Hey so uh.. I'm confised on hos the fangirls can atack Kingdom Hearts? that makes no sense to me actually and it will never make sense, but as long as you get rid of the girls and have them not come back ever, then it is ok.

    Also, If you want Xemnas(demyx) to actually hurt the fangirls, then summon his weapon and either play really high notes (eewww screecher, lol) or make him grab the big end of the sitar and swing the other side with the sharpy points around a lot.

    Since you guys are posting in the morning i think that im gonna do the same so i can stay in this. So im wondering how many of you guys are on the east coast?))

    *When Larxene hit him with her kunai*
    The shock was gigantic, and Xigbar well backwards going onto the floor. This is it. My whole life is flashing through my eyes... hehehe i remember that time when Xaldin killed those other organtization members. And that time that Xemnas kissed Xigbar, but wait that's me! AHH! My last thought is off Xemnas kissing me! (not really, its his imagination of Xemnas kissing him)
    He fell on the floor and sat there waiting to die....
    Nothing happened...
    Still nothing..
    Axel(XIgbar) got up and said, "Oh yeah, I forgot, I dont die from being zapped! ;) "

    Axel(Xigbar) went into the kitchen and then saw Roxas and Valerie shooting his body with water guns... "You guys do know that water won't kill me. It just upsets my internal organs, but right now, Xigbar can deal with that. He deserves it for all those times he snuck into my room and shot me with a supersoaker."

    (OOC: Hey also, does anyone have a myspace?)
  18. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    A low growl emitted from Xigbar(Axel)'s throat. WHY can't these PESTS leave me ALONE?! He gave Valerie and Roxas(Lex) both chilling glares, picked up an uncooked fish, and slapped them with it. Waving the floppy little creature around, he shouted, "Bother me anymore, and I'll kill BOTH of you! Or worse..." He glared. "I'll make you take a bite of my mondo-sandwitch-slash-taco-thingamabobber! And don't think I wouldn't just because of all that 'I've got my whole life ahead of me...!' nonsense."

    He went back to his creation.
  19. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    "Okay,we're out of ammo any,huh?"Roxas squirted some water at Axel(Xigbar)."that was wierd."Valerie said.she looked at the water gun and saw a label that said 'self-refillable'.
  20. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Larxene came out from behind Valeria and threw her against the wall, then threw her down. She did nothing to Roxas except shock his cgun which made it explode in is face. She giggled and went off to find Saix(Zexion) again. Kiki nodded. "Best you leave Xigbar alone. His sandwhich.. uh.. thing.. is very un appetizing fo most people, including you" She said, not wanting to insult Xigbar(Axel)'s peice of grbage art.