Organization XIII Runs A Kids Show! AHH!! THE HORROR!!! (Chapter 5)

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Nanaki, Apr 19, 2007.

  1. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    Oh gawd. The next one...and this is kinda a mix of surrounded by Zexion and Marly. So,here it is!!

    Organization XIII Runs A Kids Show! AHH!! THE HORROR!!!
    Chapter 5
    ~Episode 5: Marluxia,The Flower Protector~

    Xemnas was sitting behind his desk. He was reading a Yu Yu Hakashow Manga. He looked up,and chucked the Manga behind him. He folded his hands on the desk. "Hello kids. Are you ready to watch more of....this 'happy'show????" He said.

    Marluxia and Demyx were sitting on the couch today. "Hi!! Love flowers!!!" Demyx said.

    Marly suddenly hugged The Melodius Nocturne. "THANK YOU!!!" He yelled. Demyx just sat there in his tight embrace,stunned..and not breathing much...

    Xemnas shook his head. "Saiix?" He said.

    ~Saiix's News Corner~

    Saiix was sitting at his desk. "Hello,I'm Saiix." He said. He crossed his arms and leaned back. "Well,today it seems the only thing happening is that it appears that..." He trailled off.

    "Yes,Saiix??" Xemnas asked.

    "Roxas's ipod was stolen by 40 White Mushrooms??!!! What the *Bleep*????!!!! HOW IS THIS NEWS??!!! WHO THE *bleep* WRITES THIS STUFF,ANYWAYS???!!!!!!!!" Saiix yelled.

    "Saiix...?" Xemnas asked.

    Saiix stood up and made his Claymore appear.

    Xemnas shifted in his seat uncomfortably. "Oh gawd..." He said.

    Saiix started to smack his Claymore into everything. It hit the camera's side,causing the screen to black out...

    ~Xemnas's Office~

    Xemnas rubbed his temple,sighing. "Let's see how Lexaus is..." He said.

    ~Lexaus's Stupid Corner~

    Lexaus's arm was still in a sling,and his temple still bandaged. He smirked. "Another lesson,don't give up!!!" He said. He was standing infront of Cerberus,who was growling viciously at Lexaeus. Cerberus's leg was bandaged.

    Lexaeus walked up to Cerberus. He picked up a stick lying at the dog's feet. He looked up at the monster's heads,who were staring at the stick,tranced.

    "Don't ever do this,kids.." He said quietly. He held the stick up. Cerberus brought it's jaws down,it's shadow covering Lexaeus's ENTIRE arm-

    ~Xemnas's Office~

    Xemnas was sitting behind his desk,covering all of his face except his left eye with his right hand. Zexion was lying on his back on the floor,and Xigbar was ontop of him,choking his neck. Zexion was trying to pry Xigbar's fingers off his throat.

    "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ERASED MY RESIDENT EVIL FILE!!! YOU STUPID EMO KID!!!!" Xigbar yelled,golden iris growing dark with anger.

    "GET OFF OF ME YOU OVERSIZED BEAR!!!" Zexion yelled.

    "I'LL KILL YA!!! YOU STUPID XEMNAS MIMIC!!!!!" Xigbar yelled,grip tightening on Zexion's throat.

    "BACK OFF!!! YOUR NOTHING BUT A SCARRED GAY PIRATE!!!! GET OFF!!!" Zexion yelled,starting to pry 3 of Xigbar's fingers off his throat.

    "AS IF!!!" Xigbar yelled.

    Zexion then grabbed Xigbar's neck and started to choke him back. Xemnas sighed,now watching the 2,holding his face,elbow on the desk. "Let's check on..Marluxia?!! Oh gawd!!" He said.

    ~Marluxia's Flower Power Center~

    A Hyper Marluxia,A Cheerful Demyx,and A Freaked Out Roxas were in The World That Never Was. They stood in The Garden That Never Was. Sakura,the Nobody Killing Rose (aka Marly's pet Flower) was in a big pot,next to Marluxia himself.

    Marluxia pet one of the petals on the monster's head. "Hello. I'm Marluxia. The 2 guys with me are Demyx and Roxas,as you know,and this Flower here is Sakura." Marly said.

    "Hi!!" Demyx chimmed.

    Roxas was too busy looking around for White Mushrooms to talk. Marly shrugged. "We are The Flower Power group. Now,we want to teach you about Nobody Killing Flowers,and how to handle them." Marly said.

    Roxas looked up at the camera. "Oh! Hi!!" He said.

    "Late response.." Demyx muttered. Roxas glared at him. "Anyways,let's teach you how to befriend one today!!" Demyx suggested.

    "Yeah." Marly said. "Roxas!! Teach them." Marluxia said.

    Roxas nodded. Marly and Demyx stepped aside. Roxas stepped infront of the flower. He held out his hand,and Sakura sniffed it. Sakura then lowered her head,allowing Roxas to pet it. Roxas walked to Sakura's side,and pet one of her petals. He looked at the camera. "You have to be pure of heart..and not want to cause harm. Then they will trust you." He said.

    "Well,our time's up. So,by for now!" Demyx said.

    ~Xemnas's Office~

    Xemnas and Saiix sat behind the desk. Saiix was eatting popcorn with The Superior. Xigbar and Zexion were standing next to the desk (on the right) and Xigbar had Zexion in a headlock.

    "XIGBAR!! LET GO OF ME!!! WHAT DID I EVER DO??!!!" Zexion whinned.

    "YOU DELETED MY RESIDENT EVIL FILE!!!" Xigbar yelled,tightening his grip on Zexion.

    "OWW!! IT WASN'T MY FAULT!!!! I DIDN'T MEAN TO!!" Zexion yelled.

    "YOUR STILL DEAD,TRICKSTER!!!!" Xigbar yelled. He then tightened his grip so much,Zexion couldn't breath anymore.

    "Stop..aghh...." Zexion tried to pull his arm off,but that was proving to be useless.

    Saiix and Xemnas were enjoying every moment of this. Xemnas looked at the camera. "Now,it's time for Axel's Computer Center..and this popcorn needs more butter,Saiix..." Xemnas said.

    Saiix sighed and got up. He walked off screen with the popcorn...

    ~Axel's Computer Center~

    Axel and Demyx were sitting behind the computer desk. Larxene's laptop on it. The computer was on.

    They looked up. "Hi. I'm Axel,and this is Demyx. Now,we have the laptop on this time." Axel said.

    "We are now attempting to find any cool sites online." Demyx said.

    The camera man brought the camera behind Axel and Demyx,showing them partially,and the screen. Axel clicked on the Internet link,and the page appeared on KH-Vids's homepage.

    "HUH??!!!" The two exclaimed. They were very very confused.

    "What the hell??! Who ARE they??!!" Demyx yelled,refering to the pictures on the banner at the top of the screen.

    Axel scrolled down the page. He saw all of the so called "video links" on the left,and click on a random one. The random one he clicked on was Kingdom Hearts II/English Cutscenes.

    The page changed There were new boxes going down the page. He scrolled down,and was just plain shocked to see pictures of themselves in it. "Who is the brat with the duck and dog,anyways??" He asked,never seeing any of them,ever.

    "I don't know. Click stream on one of them. Maybe something will happen?" Demyx asked.

    Axel nodded,and clicked the stream button on the "The World That Never Was Part 2/Part 2". A small window popped up. They sat there and watched it for a few minutes,thoroughly confused.

    Then,Xemnas appeared on the screen. They both gasped in synch,as they saw him at Kingdom Hearts,rambling in the air.


    Suddenly,Larxene stood there,with her hand on the now closed laptop. "Well,well,well. Look who wants another whopping,eh?" She said,cracking her nuckles. They both gulped as she grinned evily...

    ~Xemnas's Office~

    Xemnas and Saiix had very boared looks on their faces,as they looked at Zexion and Xigbar. The two were sitting on the couch,eatting Sea Salt Icecream. Poor Zexion had bandage around his neck,but otherwise,they were happy.

    Xemnas looked at the camera. "Well,I guess we sho-" Xemnas was cut off.

    "AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! LARXENE!! I'M SORRY!!!" Came the scream of Demyx from down the hall.

    "NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WASN'T MY IDEA!!!!!" Came Axel's voice.

    "YOU SHALL FEEL MY WRATH!!!!!!!!!!" Larxene yelled.

    "End this insanity now.." Xemnas finished,ignoring all of the war cries and calls for help.

    "Yes,I think this wouldf be a very good time for a visit to Luxord's Tavern." Saiix said,standing up.

    "Agreed." Xemnas said,also standing. They walked off screen.

    The screen went black...

    Tehe...that was fun. What do you guys think about the KH-Vids idea,anyways? I'll have to come up with screen names for them that aren't being used,lol. I don't's random..

    FireNanaki's Stories + Vids:

    Thanks you guys!!
  2. ThunderOfLarxene Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 2, 2007
    Castle Oblivion
    that was so good, these are getting funnier and funnier
  3. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    Thanks!! I'm going to have trouble thinking of User Names for Axel,Demyx,and Larxene,though. lol. I don't know what I'll do. lol.
  4. Xx Axel xX Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 6, 2007
    Dr. Seuss's worst nightmare
    I love this series!!! make a whole lot more!!! I thought that the KH-vids thing was funny and clever. Make a new one soon! :D :D :D
  5. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    Thanks!! I will make a lot...and hopefully soon!! Sorry that it's taking so long! *Get's mauled by Cerberus*
  6. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    This series is HYSTERICAL!!!

    I love it soooo much! *dies laughing*

    Poor Roxas....*gives roxas an ipod*

    Roxas: Thanks!

    *194 white mushrooms steal ipod again*

    Roxas: o_0 *cries*

    lol :D
  7. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    Tehe! Thanks!! Poor Roxas...he justy can't have an ipod. lol.
  8. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    I wanted Roxas's iPod, though! D=


  9. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    lol. Go hang with The White Mushrooms!! lol.
  10. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    Why, thank you! =3 I think I shall! >D


    Zomgzers, this is mah 665th post... O.o;
  11. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    This is my 613! WTF??! I thought you were here A LOT longer then I was...