~ Organization XIII In WalMart ~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Feb 25, 2008.

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  1. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: I thought you never posted here,sorry xD

    As soon as Roxas heard Namine's voice,he locked up,almost about to panic.But he didn't want to mess this up.He met a great girl today..probably the only girl besides Olette he'd go out with,and he didn't want to lose the chance to be with her.Gulping as he gathered up courage,Roxas responded."..Hey,Namine..its the kid you gave the number to earlier,Roxas..remember me?"he asked.

    Ok..that sucked,but hell,he was nervous!
  2. Naminé's reaction was unexpected from such a "calm", timid, shy girl as herself. When she heard the familiar voice at once in her ear, and him comfirming himself, she stood there with the phone stuck to her lobe, her mouth slightly gaping open, still as a statue. She remained silent for a while, too long a while, and before anyone knew it, or rather, the mouse and Kairi, she was freaking out, covering the speaker and squealing like a cracked school girl, thinking "OMG! OMG! to herself. He called. He called. He actually called. Immediately, she placed the phone down as far as she could from herself, not noticing it fall to the floor softly, and frantically shook Kairi's shoulders, almost making the yellow thing of a creature tumble down from her lap as well, eyes wide. "He's there! He called! What do I say?! What do I say?! Help me!"

    She said all this in a hushed, hushed, voice that could barely be heard except for the auburn haired girl she was terrorizing, yet the rapid tone of it escaped no one.

    She had no idea what to say.

    What was she going to do?!

    She was going to say something stupid, screw it up, or stay quiet like a freaking ******.

    Wait, she was acting like one already.

    As that realization set in, her actions stopped suddenly, her breathing quite ragged, and she blinked, letting Kairi go free with a embarassed blush. After apoligizing thoroughly and guiltily, making sure that she was alright, as she didn't shake her that badly, with her nerves still acting up, she shakily went to pick up her cell in the spot she left it in, only not to find it there. Searching around quickly, she found it laying down in the dirt far, and she had to partly get up to grab it. But now there was a problem. She had lasted way too long for talking, and she was positive he heard the phone fall or something other, if he was even still there on the line. Checking to make sure he didn't hang up, now in a dilemma, if he asked what happened, she tried to think of a way out. Immediately, she ran her hands over her cell, making amount of noises, and pretended like there was a scuffle or fight, and with giving another apologizing look to Kairi, exclaimed, making certain the speaker was out, "Kairi! Give it back! He's waiting for me to talk! I'll tell you how I met him later, geez!! And no, you can't speak to him, darn it!!"

    With a fake glare to the female, Naminé made more noise for added effect as if she was snatching it away, before slowly putting the cell back in her ear, closing her eyes to relax herself and sound composed. She really did not want to mess this one up. Really, she wasn't usually like this. Why did he make her so jittery and jumpy like if she had a crush on him for such a long time, and was now finally getting her wish to be paid attention to? It was insane. Clearing her throat, quite ashamed of her reaction, she merely spoke in a soft bell, "Sorry about that. My friend, you know..." She trailed off there, before slightly chuckling. "Yes, I remember you. I thought you weren't going to call, so it surprised me..."

    My, did it indeed. "How's work going?"

    She winced to herself, wondering if she was doing good. Was that okay to speak out?
  3. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: Sorry TN, I really am. This chance is too good to pass up.
    Pika_power's eyes flickered open in the scuffle. He groaned, wondering what happened. "The last thing I remember was food. Food and clouds. Oh, the clouds were so pretty..." He almost slipped off to sleep, but he caught himself, and shook himself out violently, like a cat might do with water. Instead of water, small sparked shot out everywhere. Most of them flickered harmessly onto the ground, or caused a slight tingle to any skin it might touch. But a few sparks hit the cellphone, and danced around it, much like electrons around an atom. Most phones don't like electricity, and Namine's was no exception. Pika_power heard a rush of static, then a line-dead tone that he was certain was not healthy for a phone.

    Standing up, he scratched behind his head. "Ah, sorry about that. I hope it was no one important. Anyway, I'm starving. You got any ice cream?"
  4. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    As Roxas was about to ask what the small noise was,he heard a scuffle between Namine and Kairi over who Namine was speaking to.He suspected nothing,as she had hoped.As soon as Namine had finally gotten the phone back,Roxas was busy trying to think of a response.He was a bit..'stuck',if you will,and didn't know how else to start out this little puppy love filled conversation.He was glad to hear her laughing over the line,and soon telling him that she remembered,and asked how the job was going.

    Making sure to think his response through,Roxas laughed back."Well,works been pretty boring over here..and its a shame that all I can think about is you..but I can't see--''Roxas heard a strange noise on the other line,and wasn't sure what was happening.It didn't sound like Kairi had tried taking it again..it almost sounded like electricity."..Hello?..Namine?"he mumbled to the telephone,not hearing a response.
  5. Naminé was really pleased when he began to speak, everything normal, and not out of order, and she calmly listened to him with a smile, her cheeks a slight shade of pink when he said all he could do was think about her. As she waited for him to finish, there was suddenly loud static, at the same time when something moved rapidly upon her lap, and she spotted the yellow mouse again, sparking electricity. Wait...gasping a little, she tried hard to strain her ear to hear Roxas's voice and what he was saying, but all she heard was a vague and crackly, "Hello". Thinking quickly, she responded loud and clear, so it can somehow pass through all the garbled noise and reach him, "Some weird electric mouse just gave out static. I'll call you back! And if not...I'll vissit you! Do you hear me? Roxas?...."

    Dial tone.



    She disappointedly hung up herself, the very pit of her stomach flailing sorrowfully, her lips in a frown at the end result of what would've been her very chance of having a full relationship with a nice and cute boy. So far nice, at least. She had done so many things to this phone call, and she was afraid he would get irritated. Roxas did leave a imprint on her, even with the small meeting they had, and she wanted to get to know him. The attraction was there, surely. Gazing at the cell in her hand dismally, when the thing creature thing spoke...it can speak? Naminé furrowed her eyebrows, pondering over just what the hell was it, already annoyed by his disruptions, and her patience was thining. Things that it did didn't even surprise her anymore, as it was some freak of nature that she had never seen before. But now...but now she was upset. And not mad, but upset. When he asked for ice cream, she glared hard, and shoved the box of donuts for him to munch on, not letting her expression go, and sounding cold and deapanned, "There's only donuts. Take it or leave it."

    With that, she got things out of her way, and only grabbing her purse and phone, with a gesture at Kairi to give her a few minutes alone, that she will come back, and apologizing for it because of her time of need, she walked off, not certain what to do. Eyeing the ruined building that was her job, sighing, she attempted to call again, as the cell still had life, and hoped it didn't permanently affect it. Browsing on her calls, she spotted Roxas's, and before taking action, she saved it with his name. After that, she clicked the button that was Send, and placed it on her ear, praying he would pick up and the connection can reach him.
  6. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    OOC- Recap plz? :3
  7. OOC: All you have to do, DS, is read Naminé's posts on this page, and you're good, because that's everything to do with Kairi from the last time you posted, and what has went on so far xD.
  8. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    hey, if its not too late, can i join? i would like to be Lexeaus because he is the forklift driver
  9. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Well it's not really my RP, but no one has taken him in 1400 posts, so I would say that you can.
  10. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    OOC- Okay, ty! :)

    Kairi saw that Namine was greatly upset, so she simply nodded and let her have some time alone. The telephone thing hadn't bothere her. She could tell when a girl liked someone, and Namine had made it more that obvious. Kairi then turned her attention to the strange creature. What exactly was it? It's power seemed to have turned of Namine's phone, but it still seemed sort of cute to her. However, it seemed to think about food, alot. Sighing, Namine pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her chin on them. Now that the store had been burned down, she had no job. What was she suppossed to do now? And with her mother gone, she had to take care of her siblings. At least Riku's helping me... She blushed slightly, thinking of him. Her heart started pounding loudly in her chest when she remembered kissing him in the store... She knew that she couldn't deny her feelings about him. Did he feel the same, though? It was hard to tell.
  11. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: Been haveing account troubles. And in the time I couldn't get on, I really got to missing the Genie. So, who wants to give me....a....*counts all the times I gone and disappeared.....losses count early...* ...nother chance!


    "LET ME OUT! IT'S COLD AND DAMP IN HERE AND SMELLS LIKE MY AUNT HILDA!!" Genie exclaims in a cramped and paniced voice from somewhere around the entire area around Wal-Mart and K-Mart.

    An explosion of red, white, and blue flies throughout the sky, as Genie, transformed into the form of a George Washington look-a-like, with a powdered wig, and old century clothing, but with the same blue skin, same potruding black beard. As the colors and sparks, and fireworks fade, Genie lands lightly on the ground, poofing back into his regular form, floating just a couple inches off the ground with a tail of mist.

    He takes in a huge amount of air through his nostrils, puffing up his chest, and sniffing the air in one, long go. Finally, after nearly 15 whole seconds, he exhales, and says in a croaky, serious voice, "I love the smell of Being-back in the morning." But only moments after speaking, a look of worry and surprise comes over his face. He then claps his hands over his pointed ears and goes wide-eyed. "Uh-oh, I forgot Leon!" He then flies away, pulls a head out of thin air, and out that hand, Leon follows, attached to it.

    Shakeing his head vigourously, he flies down with the Genie, back to Earth, right in front of K-Mart. "The day I die and be far away from you, Genie, I won't ever be more content." Leon says in solemn tone.

    Genie, after hearing Leon, gives a couple of eyebrow raises at the camera and rolls his hands in a dramatic gesture. "That can be arranged!" Genie says, magic whirling out of his fingertips. Just then, his arms fall off and he just looks blankly at them on the ground. "Oh...right...can't kill anybody..." He says in a nervous chuckle.

    "Here, I'll get those..." Leon groans, bending over to retreive the arms.

    "Oh great, now they're arm wrestling." Genie sighs, as the two arms sumo wrestle each other on the ground, both speaking in high, squeaky voices. "Hurry! My backside itches!" Genie grunts, trying to rub his back against a wall, but to no comfort.

    Leon attaches the arms to the right sides and walked into K-Mart without the Genie, looking disgruntled.

    "Oh come on folks, you know how that's gonna go!" genie says in a playful and omnious nature, zooming through the doors of K-Mart, right after Leon.

    At that very same moment, a cloud of Red clouds begin to rise throughout the area, covering up the sun and plunging the shops into an errie reddish darkness. A tornadoe shoots from within the clouds and touches down at mach speeds in the Wal-Mart parking lot, tossing two cars into each other and badly damaging them, the License plates being: ICY1 and BSERKR.

    As the tornadoe clears, and the alarms on all the cars in the Wal-Mart Parking lot go off like mad, Genie Jafar stands, normal sized, but with an even larger ego and thirst for power. As the glass of the car marked "ICY1" clinks to the ground, the passenger side window broken apart, Jafar makes his way into Wal-Mart.

    I made references to two Robin Williams movies in there. See if you can see them.

    And no, IC, I did not blacklist you because you have both Vexen and Saix. I forgot you had Vexen, so I sorta felt bad for wrecking both of your characters cars. If you let it slide, I'll fix the problem in RP.

    I just wanted to see the looks on Vexen and Saix's face when they saw their cars wrecked. Saix's would probably go animal mode, but that would still be funny. I have faith in you to be Hilarious!
  12. ♦Demon♥Angel♦ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 26, 2008
    <<insert witty comment here>>
    I want demdem!!
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