~ Organization XIII In WalMart ~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Feb 25, 2008.

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  1. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: Ah well. I sort of made Pika_power's and Demyx's roles in this RP to break up any potential shipping. So I sense a ship rising! Time to scar Kairi and Namine for life.

    "Oww..." Pika_power rubbed his charred head. "Axel certainly is hot, eh Demyx?" Pika_power gave a playful nudge at Demyx, who ignored him, except to aim a kick at his head. "Get lost. You've brought me enough trouble."

    Pika_power recoiled. "All I wanted was a bag of skittles! It doesn't take a genius to check some out! Then you had to go and find Larxane for help. Then you had to make a documentary on her! And now I've left my skittles back in that place, and I sure of hell am not going back. So I think you owe me! So pay up. I want food."

    Demyx groaned, but nodded. "Fine, I always wanted to know how much this darkness could get me." Forgetting his attire, he muttered to the corridor wishfully, "Get me to someplace with food and hot ladies. Oh, and let this backfired appliance over here come too."

    The darkness turned a pale blue colour, and a nobody symbol flashed around, then the bottom of the room opened, and the two friends fell.

    The first thing Pika_power noticed was that Demyx was wearing no underwear, and the only leggings he had was a scorched pink miniskirt, and was sitting on a blonde girl's head, and that he himself was in a hand, on top of doughnuts.

    "Hey, waterboy, it worked! Although darkness has strange taste in ladies..." Shrugging, he started nibbling on a doughnut.

    OoC: Yes, I did manage to just disrupt two plotlines you had going. Larxane and Axel loose out, and I think I have scarred Namine for life, after all, Demyx's body parts have just been in a fire.
  2. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Seifer looked at Kairi and Namine with a dazed and confused look. He fully woke up whenhe saw some dude wearing what's left of a miniskirt. "Hey, what do ya think you're doing to them!?" He threw the lance at the new guy followed by two bullets and a Struggle bat, the bat heading towards the yellow thing.

    Xaldin sensed his missing lance nearby. Towards...K-Mart? Using the wind, he warped over to K-Mart and landed in front of Namine and Demyx and grabbed his missing lance. Its normal color returned when it was grasped by the original wielder. It only took one breath to blow the bullets away, though the Struggle bat was still headed towards the pokemon. Then he noticed Demyx.

    "Why aren't you at the store? This isn't your break." He grabbed Demyx by the collar and opened a Corridor of darkness leading to to the Wal-Mart break room and threw him in with him soon following.
  3. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Kairi shook her head. "No thanks... Maybe later," She said softly and smiled a bit. When Namine said that, she blushed a little more. She was curious to know about what Namine wanted to say, but she knew that she'd have to explain her story first. Taking a deep breath, she started to explain.

    "Okay, but it's not all a happy story..." She began and looked up at her other half. "Yesterday at work, I was helping Riku put away the 'put back' items and... I-I sort of tripped on something I dropped and we acidentially k-kissed..." She blushed at that, but continued on with the story. "I couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the day... It was weird. And he kept glancing over at me and acting strange... Hmm... Anyways, after work he offered to drive me home, and I let him. But when I got home and he drove off, I found a note on the fridge..." She paused and looked down. "It said that my mom had run away because stuff was getting too hard for her, and I had to watch over my little siblings now... I didn't have my car, and my siblings were still at the day care, so the first person I thought of calling was Riku. He could tell I was upset, but I still tried to lie to him anyways... It didn't work, because I still had to explain what was wrong to him..."

    "Once he'd arrived, he had me explain to him what happened, and we both agreed that it didn't seem lie my mom to do something like this... I had been too upset to notice... He drove me to the daycare and I brought my siblings home with me. I didn't exactly tell them about Mom because they were still asleep, so I just tucked them in bed. Riku offered for his mom to come and take care of us, since she was really good with kids, but she wouldn't get to my house until morning... Riku decided to stay there overnight, and he comforted me when I started crying again..." She blushed, remembering how it'd been like a fairytale... She'd fallen asleep in his warm embrace. Smiling slightly, she continued. "So this morning, his mom arrived, and Riku's beeper went off, but he said it wasn't important, just something at his apartment... Then he drove me to work, and we dropped my siblings off at the daycare again, and he went to go see what was up at his apartment..." She stopped talking, seeing that she was at the point where they were at now in everything. It wasn't until then she noticed the tears starting to fall down her cheeks and she wiped them away.

    Before anything else could be said or done, Kairi suddenly gasped, feeling herself falling, as she noticed Namine was, too. "Ow!" she said when they landed somewhere and looked around, clueless. "What the heck?!"
  4. OOC: *gasp* You're killing shipping? D: Love will prevail all *cough*.

    The moment Kairi mentioned that she kissed Riku, she squealed in a very unlike her, fangirl, girly, type of way, a smile lighting up her face, seeing her turn red. Putting the kind of crumpled donuts in her lap, as she remembered the fated bump she had with the blond boy, she listened as the auburn haired girl kept going on Riku, a pleasant expression on her face. Naminé was going to ask about Sora, but then scratched it out when she saw Kairi's face changed to a more saddened one. Placing a arm around the girl's shoulders in comfort naturally, her eyebrows furrowed in shock, and her orbs went into sorrow at the news of her mother. She held her Other tight, and instead of saying anything in sympathy, she just lent her ear. Naminé was glad Riku was there to help Kairi in the time of need, because if she herself was, or even knew about this, she would be there before a second had passed. It all seemed almost unbelievable to her, and while, Riku's mom was helping out, and the kids had some form of adult taking care of them, the mystery of her true mother was still lost. Who knows what happened to her.

    Looking down at the floor, when she heard a slight whimper, she saw Kairi crying. Nonetheless, before she could attempt anything to soothe her or say some consolances, she suddenly yelped as she found herself bending back on the floor by a heavy weight on her head, as she felt the curve of someone's back, only covered in something to avoid any unwanted contact, thank God, but it was still creepy. And due to her being planted on the floor, more preferably, her face, she almost couldn't breathe. In instinct, because of that, all she did was scream frantically as she moved to get free, or push the person who was there with her arms, as she yelled in a muffled sound, "HELP!! HELP!! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!!!" When they finally did, she scurried up from where she was on the ground, her blonde hair in a mess and disarray, eyes wet and shaky, as she stared at someone from Wal-Mart, as said by the uniform, take away what seemed to be a young employee, dress in a burned pink mini-skirt. She supposed that was the cover. And what saved her from...shudder. A cross-dresser, she concluded.

    Breathing raggedly, she then went to regain composure, shaking her head at the intrusion, picking up her purse, only to see a freakish mouse creature the color of yellow, eating her doughnuts. Freaking out again, she swatted the thing away with the said purse like if it was a bug, needing to, but still scared of it, taking back her box hurriedly, and backing up against Kairi in the seat. What the hell just happened?!
  5. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    The next few seconds were a blur for Demyx. "Ah! Bullets! Ah! Lance! AH! XALDIN!" Demyx was whisked off his feet, into a Dark portal by Xaldin. They landed in the break room. Demyx stared at Xaldin. "Hey, not that I am criticising the boss or anything, but don't you think I should be taught how to use that cash register thing? If you had spared some time for me, I would have been able to sell that pokemon those skittles. Instead, I had to go to Larxane's house to get help, only to find her and Axel going at it like in a porno. It was rather stressing, so I accidently had an accident... I went to get some pants out of Larxy's room, but this looked nice, so I tried it on. However I could not get underwear. I tried to film Axel and Larxane for the fangirls, but they caught me and Pika. We got set alight, beat up and all in all thoroughly owned. We escaped into a corridor of darkness, but landed on the girls. Then you came and whisked he away. So now I want to know how to use that machine." Demyx finished with a sigh, then added as an afterthought, "Oh, and can you get me some pants? I don't think many people want a guy wearing a skirt serving them."

    Pika_power braced his mouth to take the impact of the bat, praying it would not hurt too much, when a bag flew out of his blind spot and knocked him out of the way. Fed up of being pushed around, Pika_Power stood up. "Okay, no more cuddly pokemon!" which was rather odd, considering he was missing clumps of fur that had burnt out. He started charging energy, preparing to electrocute Namine, when he fell over backwards, unconscious. I really hope no one has a pokeball...
  6. Naminé was about to take cover when she knew the weird mouse was angry by its expression, and even got ready as if to pounce, or do anything that it can, as it hunched forward, and seem to focus on his cheeks. However, it did appear hurt, with his fur missing, and even a bump, and before the thing could do anything, it fainted, falling back in a small thud. Blinking, she stared at the creature for a moment, not sure what to make of it as she stuck beside Kairi. In the end, she raised her nicely shaped leg, and then poked it softly with her foot. It didn't move, and with this, she cautiously lifted her head up, peering at it. Just what...was it? It looked like a mouse...but mice were usually tiny, or something, right? Actually, now that she thought about it, the yellow thing did look cute...adorable. And it was harmed.

    Either way, she wasn't certain what to do. It might've attacked her, after all.
  7. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    "Knowing how to use the register is a job requirement. Seriously, I have no idea how Xemnas hired you." Xaldin was about to walk out of the door When he was reminded of something. "And what's worse: knowing that Larxene's most likely going to literally kill you the next time she ses you, or working in a skirt? Lightning and water never have mixed well in the first place." He leaves.
  8. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Demyx shrugged. "Best get to work..."

    He marched out of the back room, attempting to look as dignified as possible while wearing a miniskirt without any underwear.

    "Anyone know how to use one of those cash registers?" he called out pathetically. It was easy bait to anyone with half a brain and a hate for walmart.
  9. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Angel wondered where Pika and Demyx went. Surely he ahd gotten his bag of yellow Skittles paid for....right? Argh....it's so boring here...hmm....I think I'll buy a candy bar..... Angel picked up the Hershey's Cookies 'n Cream Bar and headed to the register.
  10. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Kairi just stared at the weird Mouse-like creature as it passed out, frightened. She didn't move from where she was. "W-What is that thing...?" She said, staring at it. Whatever it was, the poor thing seemed to be injured somewhat. Patches of it's yellow fur were gone and it seemed like it was burned... And at the same time, it'd also passed out. She felt sort of bad for it. "Poor thing..." She muttered to herself under her breath, finding the creature a little adorable. However, she still wouldn't go anywhere near it.
  11. "What do we do with it?" Naminé hissed quietly to Kairi, fixing the mess that was her hair after that weird cross-dresser fell down on her. Smoothing it out, she kept staring at the big mouse, wondering what to do with it. In truth, she didn't want to leave it abandoned that way, and it wasn't like it exactly did anything. It was just the way he looked that creeped her out. Putting her donuts on top of a rubble, and tucking her purse away, she carefully and silently got up, taking small, light steps towards the yellow...thing. Naminé gazed at its face.


    Slightly hesitating, thinking about it for a moment, she bent down, before quickly just wrapping him in her arms, feeling the soft fur. She froze in caution, but when nothing happened, and the mouse was resting peacefully, she straightened up, quite anxious, and nervous, but she headed back to her rock seat either way as she sat down, her lap now supporting the thing's small body. There was nothing much they can do for it, so she just needed to wait until he woke up. Gazing at it searchingly, she then took a glance at Kairi, giving a slight shrug. It was there she remembered the story of her mother, however, making her chest ache, and looked mounrfully at her friend. Her cornflower colored eyes shaking, she muttered sympathetically, "I'm sorry about your mom, Kairi..."
  12. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Hidden behind a shelf of "The wiggles" dress up costumes, Demyx noticed Angel heading towards the register. She was holding a chocolate bar, and he was certain she was going to buy it. Grimacing, he prepared himself to go out, when he had an idea.

    3 minutes later, when Angel had reached the checkout, he emerged. He had a dog's head protruding from his crotch, three green tails wrapped in various ways around his buttocks and the top half of a pirate suit that would have been a tight squeeze on anything except a 1/8th scale model of a premature baby. To complete the get up, he has a fluffy sword in one hand, and a pirate hat matching the suit in size, rammed onto his head.

    Attempting to look as dignified as possible, he stared straight ahead and calmly greeted Angel. "Hello, How may I help you? Unless you know how to work a cash register, kindly locate a member of Walmart, they will be able to help you purchase your items."
  13. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Angel simply stared at him. "Dude.....what are you wearing? Aren't you the guy that helped uh......I think his name was Pika....pay for his skittles?...where'd you guys g-.......nevermind that last question. Uh.....I can sort of......work it.....possibly.....how hard can it be?" This guy....has problems....
  14. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: If you don't mind,Axel will be on hold for a bit.I need inspiration again,sorry.

    Roxas was pacing back and forth outside,gritting his teeth.It was getting late,and the show still needed to start,and here he was,alone,without his best friend..who was apparently tied up with a controlling,pissy Nymph.Why him?

    He needed to take his mind off something else,if Axel was to have fun,then why couldn't he?He stopped and glanced at his right arm,seeing Namine's number written with lipstick."..Seeing as I'm probably going to wait for a while..''he said silently,digging into his coat pocket for his cell-phone.He wondered if Namine was out of his reach,and too good for him in fact..but she gave him his number,maybe she saw something she liked.Was it only physical attraction she saw,or did she like his personality?.....hmm......

    Looks,had to be it.

    He dialed Namine's number into his cellphone and placed it beside his ear,hearing a soft buzz-like noise that indicated that he was reaching her.
  15. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Demyx stared at Amber. She was looking at him as if he was ******ed. That was the last straw. While attempting to do his duty to the store, he had been burned, manhandled, flooded, shot at, manhandled again, given no direction and forced to wear nothing but a burnt miniskirt.
    "Great." Demyx smiled, lacking warmth. "In that case, you can manage the register!" He ripped his charred nametag saying "Hi, I'm Demyx!" off and threw it at her. "I'm going home to get a nice cloak, then I am going to get a job at Kmart, or perhaps I will go and work at Pizza Hutt!" With that, he childishly stamped on the ground, warping back to his house.
  16. OOC: I don't mind.

    Naminé sat there with Kairi, the both of them in a mourning silence, more so with her friend's problem, and how she felt for her situation. She was trying to find a way to see if she could help, finding her mother even, when the sole, famous ringtone of Mario disrupted the scenery again. Letting one arm go from the mouse that was resting in her lap, she went to dig on the breast pocket of her white blouse, taking out her cell with one hand, and seeing the caller ID. Unknown number. Raising a eyebrow, wondering if she should pick it up, she decided to, something telling her that this was worth it. Clicking the button, and putting it in her ear as she listened to the other connection, she greeted, "Hello?"
  17. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power's eyes flickered open at the sound of a Mario ring tone. "Ugh... You have bad taste. I much prefer a classic Red, Blue or Yellow opening, or even route 2."
  18. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky
    -MOVED to Crossover RP section-

    As with the KH in NYC thread, this one also counts as a cross between KH n' real life, guys.

    Carry on~
  19. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: And the pikachu is but a cameo?
  20. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    "......huh....." Angel rubbed the side of her head that the nametag hit. It hurt and she had blinked when he threw it at her. She then picked up the nametag and looked at it. "...Hi....my name is Demyx....Demyx....that guy needs a psychiatrist...." She then truly wondered if he meant what he said. "Okay.....let's see....uh...." She scanned the barcode and it read on the screeen, "Hershey's Cookies'n Cream bar: $1.50" She then punched in 2.00 and opened the register box putting in the 2 one dollar bills in their designated place and taking 50 cents in change. ...now what?
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