~ Organization XIII In WalMart ~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Feb 25, 2008.

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  1. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    OOC- Ah, Okay... Thanks. ^^
    And if you want, I can take over Riku. :3

    Kairi looked over at Namine, seeing her yelling frantically. Quickly, she ran over to the blonde, panicking. "Namine, what in the world happened here?!" She asked. KMart was completely in ruins now, and she wasn't sure what she was suppossed to do now that it was like this. Would they still have their jobs? She scanned the store, her eyes looking around frantically. Had the Organization done this as a dirty trick? It sure seemed that way...
  2. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power watched Demyx for a second, then called out, "Come back. They haven't noticed us."

    Demyx paused. "Seriously?" An evil grin slid across his face. "Gimme a sec." Demyx turned and walked through the open portal, before returning after five minutes, holding a big box. Seeing the pokemon's stare, he explained, "A camera. This stuff is gold! I may even be able to sell it to Vexen!"

    The two got to work, setting the camera up. Soon there was a tripod, with a black box staring into Axel and Larxane's room.
  3. OOC: You can have Riku, then :P.

    "I'm not quite sure what happened," Naminé replied truthfully, a worried tone coating her voice, wondering just how was this going to end. Looking at her friend now, who had come, she pondered for just a second of where she's been all this time, but decided to question her about it later. Honestly, she couldn't wait to speak, and tell her about the blond boy of Wal-Mart, Roxas. Naminé knew she could trust her with this, yet that was for later discussion, and her periwinkle eyes wandered over the ruins of their job. Thinking she should explain better, she added, "We don't know what happened, or who's the culprit. I think the building coudl be fixed if we get the Genie here, and wish it that way. Yet, I don't know if revenge is in question...Sephiroth is thinking of it."
  4. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    A few minutes before....

    Angel then saw Demyx walking out of the portal. "Whoa! Where'd you come from?"
  5. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    OOC- Okay. Thanks~! :P

    Riku drove off in his car, rushing back to his apartment to see what had set his beeper off. It made him irritated how he hadn't gotten the chance earlier to go, but at least he was able to now. Once he pulled up in front of his apartment, he got out of the car and ran inside to see what had happened. However, everything was perfectly normal, besides the alarm going off. Curiously, he looked around, seeing that everything was still normal. Sighing, he shut the alarm off. A false alarm, I guess... He thought and decided to go back to work. He turned around and walked out, locking the door behind him before he got back into his car and drove to Kmart... AGAIN. As he drove, he couldn't help but think about Kairi, and how grateful he was that his mom could help. He hated seeing her like this, and he wanted to do what he could to help her. I swear, I will find her mom and figure out exactly what happened... He thought. And in the process of all this, he was secretly happy that he would be able to spend more time with Kairi because of this.

    Kairi immediately shook her head. "No, no, no, no, NO!!" She said frantically. "Revenge is stupid! It'll only cause more problems..." She sighed and looked back over at the rubble. Genie would probably be able to fix it, but where was he? "Does anyone have any idea where Genie is, anyways?" She asked, looking back at Namine. Worry coated her expression as she tried to think of what might have happened, and what else might happen next. Why does this stuff always happen at the same time...? She wondered.
  6. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Seifer took some water on the floor and threw it at a nearby charred wall. All the spots on where the water hit flared up and quickly died down. "...Okay. That was weird."
  7. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Showing no trace of hearing Demyx scream,Axel silently allowed Larxene to continue.As much as it was definitely getting him in the mood,he'd rather continue at a more appropriate time..and that phone call began worrying him.But besides the phone call,he began thinking on how in the world did Demyx get here?..he was even more curious with the fact that he knew where Larxene's house was.He knew she heard it too,and he doubted it was only their imagination.Leaning in closer so that his lips were inches away from her ear,Axel began whispering to her silently.

    Now he didn't want to alarm the viewers,so he made it seem as if he was nipping on her earlobe just a bit,while caressing her back and making sure not to remove her bra just yet."..You heard it too,didn't you..?"he asked,and just to add the effect of being casual,he made sure to caress her lower cheeks,hoping that the viewers didn't see that Axel heard them as well.
  8. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Seeing the two nobodies pay no attention to him, Pika_power removed the camera from the tripod, knocking it over with a clang. Demyx shuddered, eyeing the open portai in the hallway, but said nothing. The pikachu stealthily creaped into the room, keeping the camera pointing all the while. Intent on the film, he missed what Axel muttered. "No matter." the pokemon consoled himself. "This is gold as it is." He adjusted the lens, zooming in on the couple, so that their faces filled the screen. "C'mon, c'mon, go in for the hollywood kiss!" he whispered urgently.
  9. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    *waits for TN silently*
  10. Larxene continued her administration, slowly beginning to unbutton his pants as Axel roamed around her back, making her smile at the feel. Her body moved in a way to ask for more, and wanting more than this, though when she felt his lips close to her ear, his hot, humid breathing fluttering around it, it sent a shiver down her spine, though what he said kind of made her blink her hazy and lustful eyes. It didn't ruin or lower the pleasure of what he was doing, more so as he went to pass the curve to reach her protruding bottom below her back, but it did make her think. So...that wasn't just her? Focusing on his printed touches on her skin, she also focused her ears on any sounds that weren't created by them, and she did hear a sudden swoosh. Putting herself to greater leverage by settling herself more comfortably on top of him to see behind her hidden, shutting her eyes as she groaned to play along, her eyes only slightly opened back steadily to spy on what was going on, and all she spotted was a black portal, and she could clearly see somenone, though not knowing who, setting what seemed to be a camera. Closing them back again, in a frown this for her privacy being invaded in this way, and slightly getting pissed the way she knew how, her kisses and suckling began to be more heated on his neck, directing it to the back of it as she bit softly, so it was close, yet not quite, to his ear.

    It was more on his shoulder, but she went to pretend she was getting more turned on, not that she wasn't anyway, and went to give a tiny groan at him with a breath, low enough and in a whisper that only he was capable of hearing and understanding with a enticing smirk, "Make it burn..."

    It was vague, and it could fit with what he was doing as a sign to give her more, but Larxene was sure he was aware of what she was getting at him to do. Whoever was there, Demyx or another, they needed to be rid of, and if she had to help, so be it. They could do it from the couch easily without having to move at all. Now she was aware that she was going to have to secure her home from portalling peeping toms and perverts by blocking it. How sweet.
  11. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Directing the camera clumsily, Pika _power caught Axel's hand's roaming over Larxane's back, then noticed Larxane unbuttoning her dress. He adjusted the camera, attempting to get a good shot, but was unable to. To the horror of an onlooking Demyx, he scuttled forward, so he was able to rest the camera on the end of the couch with ease, allowing the perfect shot upwards, so he would not miss any action. "Aha, perfect. I wonder what I can do with this footage." The pokemon muttered to himself. "Some shippers certainly would pay good money for this. Then again, I could try blackmail too. Or I could mix the two ideas together, and get a bidding war going."

    Demyx watched, both fascinated and terrified. What strange things was Pika_power seeing? What would Xigbar think of it? He absent mindedly started playing with a puddle on the floor, morphing shapes and objects out of it to calm himself. "Sora." he sung quietly to the fluid, watching it become a yellow Sora. "Cloud" he continued, adding on in a golden voice. A yellow Cloud appeared. Demyx adopted a rockstar voice. "Crush him! Destroy the traitor!" The Cloud slashed through Sora, and the yellow Sora exploded in a spray. Demyx sighed, and waved his hand. It became a form of Roxas. Finally, Demyx began to wonder something. "Where did this water come from?" He glanced down at it. "Yellow?" He frowned at Pika_power but didn't detect any liquid on him, Figuring it out, Demyx glanced down at his own pants. "Ugh. Not again..." Without a word, he waddled off towards Larxane's bedroom to find a change of clothes.
  12. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: Pika you make me want to make a Pikachu OC,seriously xD
    and he peed himself?lol!

    Make it burn..I like the sound of that.. The Flurry of Dancing Flames thought,rolling the simple three words around in his head.For someone who comes off as rude and uncaring,she sure could arouse you.Picking up a small splash with his hearing,Axel shut his eyes and stuck out his tongue,licking Larxene's neck..but only to give the peeps something to see before they went into a world of hurt.As he went from the base of her neck,he stopped just before he reached her ear.Gradually,his body temperature rose,and the room temperature was rising at a steady rate.

    The camera that Pika_Power was using started to smoke,and slowly it smoked more...and more..until it burst into flames.As it burst,Axel made sure to put out the flames while holding Larxene close.His lips once again were placed near her ear."..Burn Baby..''he whispered softly.And at that exact moment,Pika's tail was starting to smoke,and a small Ember was at the tip of it.As pissed as he was about the fact that he was being placed in a home video,he wouldn't kill over it...would he?

    And as for Demyx..well,Axel would deal with that buffoon personally.
  13. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power noticed the room heat rising, but thought little of it. "It's a warm day, surely these people shouldn't have the central heating on?" He went back to the film. Axel was doing something strange with his tongue...

    WHOOSH! The camera spontaneously combusted in Pika_power's hands. He stared at it for a minute, and muttered, "Curious..." before he realized what had just happened. "Oh shi-" WHOOSH! he was cut off by the sound of his tail following suit, and bursting into flames. His eyes widened, then he turned to the couch wearing a smug grin. He spoke to Axel in a cocky tone. "Bad luck for you, burns only deal a minor amount of danage each turn. By the time I am in any danger, I will be long gone, with a burn heal."

    WHOOSH! the fire spread from his tail, and engulfed the pokemon. "HOTHOTHOTHOTHOT!!!" The burning pokemon screamed. He rushed out into the hallway, still holding the melting camera. "Demyx?! HELP!"

    A thud was heard from down the hall, and the flaming lump dashed towards it.

    "Oww..." Demyx had fallen over when trying on some of Larxane's clothes. "Doesn't she have anything worth wearing? He chucked her frilly underwear backwards, on top of his own ones. He was just trying on a miniskirt when Pika_power burst into the room. "Water, now!" the pokemon hollered, shoving the camera towards him. "Careful, these are highly flamma-" WHOOSH! the camera passed the flame onto Larxane's miniskirt, encircling it withing milliseconds. As soon as the flame reached a certain body part, Demyx lost control, and ran screaming from the room, eyes closed. When he opened them, he was staring at Larxane and Axel lying on a couch.

    Pika_power blindly followed Demyx, his body setting light to everything possible. Bed-sheets, clothes, you name it, he burnt it. Soon all of them were in a small room in a house with fire rapidly spreading, laying waste to all around, with two nobodies lying on a couch kissing, one nobody wearing a burning miniskirt with no underwear and one Pikachu resembling a flareon. Awkward moment somewhat.
  14. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    After Demyx just charged out of the portal and back in again with what looked liked a camera, Angel just decided to walk away. I'd rather not know....it might save me out of trouble.
  15. OOC: Now you did it o.O.

    That was it for Larxene. She wasn't concerned about the fire, knowing Axel will handle it for her before it even touched any furniture, but this...this, was the last straw. Putting the condo in danger, not to mention the whole expensive building, considering she had to work her sweat, money, wages, taxes, debts to own this, this is what permanently ticked her off. She was just there, enjoying the fireworks Axel was doing, and even giggled when he whispered in her ear, but after she watched the brainless imbeciles...because really, they didn't have a ounce of IQ apparently, even that weird, yellow mouse, set her home on fire, that was the breaking point. Thankfully, she still had her skirt and boots on, and while she was in a bra, she had no problem dealing with idiots when the time calledd for it. Getting out of Axel's hold and off of him, without even thinking, she, in a dash of speed, grabbed hold of the mouse's ear as he was running around, and yanked it up to lift him, not giving a damn if she was harming the creature. In fact...

    "You just got me PMSing. Congratulations."

    Glaring maliciously at him with a evil smirk that was befitting of her, with the animal still on fire, she ignored the small heat it gave her. She threw him in the air slightly, and snatched his tail, about to have her fun with it. Chuckling, she began to spin the mouse around, and around, and around cruelly, before she then went to slam him down painfully on the floor in a swing of her aem, and made it back and forth again in another slam in the tiled ground as a portal opened beside her at the same time, before letting him go. As she let him fall, she kicked him like a soccer ball into the the Corridor Of Darkness by the butt mercilessly, hearing him hit something. As for the other fool...

    Her furious eyes then settled on Demyx, and in another flash, she had him hung by his neck, her nails digging into his skin hard as her hand wrapped around his throat, before firmly, going to electrocute him, his whole body shaking and setting off a certain light of statics. Larxene didn't want to hurt him that badly, or make him paralyzed, so it was small, but enough to warn him about never doing what he had done again. Still with her underwear on, she simply "guided" him out the same hold, not worrying about choking him, before throwing him like a rag doll into the portal as well, checking to make sure the mouse was still there. After making certain that Dumb and Dumberer were together on the other side, she boomed so loudly in a growl that the celing shook, "AND STAY OUT!!"

    With that, she closed the portal, watching it get smaller as a poof of black smoke remained, before the air was clean of it. Letting out ragged breaths from her blood rushing, her face kind of red due to the rage she had instigated on them, she stomped over at a small box, put on the corner of the wall, hidden away from any eyes. From first glance, anyway. Opening the plastic lid, she punched in a few numbers, and a secret code, before a slight sort of sound wave styled shield went forward from the spot, surrounding her small condo in its protection, to keep off intruders, uwanted guests, and basically anything harmful. It wasn't odd that most buildings had this in this type of world they lived in, and considering this was quite the one, it had its own security system. She did say she was to activate it, and she did as she promised herself. This would prevent anyone from portalling, transporting, or getting inside at any rate, no matter how strong and powerful it was. She did pay for living here, so she had to get what she was payign her hard earned money for, dammit. Slamming the wall, she went to lay on it, her arms crossed over her almost bare chest as she tried to calm herself down. She couldn't believe this...

    OOC: And really, don't magically make something up to take the security off >.>. I don't want to deal with something like that, too lazy ^^;. I didn't make Larxene go that easy on Pikachu, cause, he is a Pokémon.

    "I don't know..." Naminé answered her disappointedly, shaking her head at Kairi, lost, not knowing where Genie was, or how long it was going to take for him to get here. Sighing, she went to sit in a small, smooth rubble, that made a fine seat, and rested there, not exactly knowing what to do now. It wasn't like they can do anything at the moment, except wait or see what happened next. Naminé did hope it won't turn into a revenge spree, without exactly certain who was the culprit. They can make a mistake, and while the workers at Wal-Mart were the first thought, it still wasn't positive. Making room for Kairi, if she wanted to, she went to stare at the girl, giving her a weak smile. "Want to sit here with me? I'm curious as to where you've been yourself, hmm?"
  16. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    As Larxene rose to deal with the intruders herself,Axel had gotten up and re-buttoned his pants before quickly going about Larxene's home and putting the Fire's out with the snap of his fingers.Luckily everything that was engulfed in flames would only be slightly burned,so everything would be fine and replaceable if need be.As he made sure to check each and every room the electric mouse went in,he returned to see Larxene with Demyx in her clutches.Poor Guy.

    He even have to cover his eyes as Larxene continued her ass-kicking spree.And as Demyx was tossed out,he opened his eyes,hearing an eerie-like sound in the room.Axel had to make a light facepalm and smile silently,as the whole security-thing would have been much better before...ah well,at least the peeps got what was coming to them.

    He decided to approach Larxene,a bit concerned with her current mood as she slumped against the wall,arms across her chest.He knew the invasion of privacy pissed her off beyond believe,but she should be happy she kicked their butts..literally."..Cheer up Sparks..everything is fine now..''he said,hoping to comfort her.He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close.

    OOC: Pika you do such a good job, XD
  17. Larxene's eye twitched at the pet name, but she didn't mind, considering he was saying it in a more loving, teasing way, rather than just to irk her. Well, irk her even more. Which would be a bad move at the moment. As he circled his strong arms around her, in a soothing hug, needing to bent it out somehow first, she went to rant, "Everything's fine now? Some of my things are burned! They almost ruined my condo, which trust me, was NOT easy to gain! If I had known that I will ever have someone portalling in my home, making a home video, or peeping at me from it, I would've put that security ages ago! I never needed it until now. I don't even know HOW THE HELL Demyx knew where I lived! Or even that supid rat! I should've killed them both! In fact, I swear if I ever see them again, I will make sure they will be immobilized for life! And the moment is ruined too, so now, I won't even have my pleasureable, hot, sex to look forward to, DAMN IT!!"

    She let out a sharp breath, as her features hardened, but came to relax slowly after her fired stint, returning Axel's embrace after a while as her own arms wrapped tightly around him, her face digging at the crook of his neck, his familiar scent calming her a little, in some unexplained remedy. Not that she minded. Her blood pressure ran high every time she got this angry, and she rather not have to deal with it. Fluttering her eyes closed, she stayed in his hold, attemtping to clear her mind, as she was still ardent and ready to kick something else if given the chance. Larxene also didn't know what to do now, except maybe check the things that were burned, and then head back to Wal-Mart. She didn't really want to, but she figured that by now it was too late to conitnue what they were doing. Or rather, too many disruptions in the way.
  18. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Kairi walked over and sat down next to namine, smiling. When she said that, Kairi bit her lip and looked away, remembering everything that had happened... her mom "running away"... Riku's mom watching over her... Wondering what to do with her siblings now that their mom was gone... the agony and pain she felt of being alone... And she even remembered her kiss with Riku. Blushing at that thought, she looked down. "It's a long story... Are you sure you wanna hear it all...?" She asked and looked up at Namine.

    Riku headed towards Kmart in his car. Staring out the front windowsheild, he couldn't help but think about Kairi. I hope she's okay... He thought. I know I'll find her mom for her... I just hope it's soon... Although at the same time, he hoped it wouldn't be soon, so he could be with her more.
  19. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: I was expecting some pain, but honestly, was that really any way to treat a pokemon?

    Pika_power felt his ear being grabbed, then heard her say something. He briefly opened his mouth to ask what exactly PMSing was, but he didn't get the chance. "OOF!" His body smashed into the floor, scorching the carpet where he landed. "It was only a little- OOF! problem, surely you can OOF! Accept that..." After the third slam, Pika_power started loosing consciousness, and by the fifth, he was totally out of it. As he got flung through the Corridor of darkness, the fire was immediately quenched, the ever cold darkness stealing away the energy.

    Despite the way smoke was twisting up from his crotch through the miniskirt, Demyx just stared as Pika_power got slammed around the room. The next thing he knew, small sparks were leaping around his neck, through Larxane's fingers. Then it was his turn to be flung, and he went through spectacularly.

    More later.
  20. OOC: To me? Nah, I love Pikachu. To Larxene? Yeah. Especially if she's pissed enough, not that she knows what exactly you are except a overgrown, weird yellow mouse. I decided long ago that I won't hold back on her cruelty >D, cause usually, I hesitated, and made her softer.

    Naminé frowned slightly, noticing the reaction the question had on Kairi, and then she felt concerned, if she had upset her in any way. Creasing her eyebrows, wondering if she should continue, her friend asked her if she truly wanted to hear the long story. Thinking, that they had nothing much better to do until the problem right now was solved, she nodded enthusiastically. Only because she seemed sad, and then suddenly blushed. It was there she began to get curious. And suspicious. Looking around, and giving her a kind of sly smile, she nudged her a little, before saying, "We have a lot of time, and I'm all ears. Besides, I want to know who's the one that got you so red. I have something to tell you, too."

    It was there her mind flew back to Roxas, feeling a bit abashed, remembering his smell, his deep, cerulean colored eyes, and his handsome face, for a guy his age. So, so...agh, she didn't know, but it was very liable to be kissed. It was good-looks, mixed with adorable..ness. In a way, she wanted to see him again. So far, he hasn't called her cell, or maybe she was hoping too much? Maybe the lipstick smudged? With the reminder of her cell phone, however, she gasped a little, searching for it frantically, knowing it was in her purse, and found it, along with the box of doughnuts, on the ground. Getting up and excusing herself for a moment, she went to them, and bent down, picking each up. She put her tiny purse on top of the box once more, and carried the doughnuts in her hands, heading back to her makeshift seat. Letting out a breath, she held out the load of goods out to Kairi, offering her some sweetly. "Want one? They're delicious. I had someone very special try them." With that, she wiggled a finger, her lips curling. "You still have to spill, though."
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