~ Organization XIII In WalMart ~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Feb 25, 2008.

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  1. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    *shrug* Didn't mean to....just happened....
  2. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: Wait a sec... Where exactly is that scene going on? In the back of the shop?
  3. OOC: Pika, this is happening in Larxy's home. And Tularim Rising Storm, Larxene is wearing a black skirt, but that's easy to edit if you replace pants with that ;P. And if you want, I'll take Naminé, though I didn't read so much of what was happening between her and Roxas. He gave her his number, right?

    And we'll see :D. Compared to CloudxTifa, is a different situation.

    Larxene was barely listening to him as he kept his actions going in her hazy mind, making her smile a little at the tickling his tongue was providing. Really. It tickled. However, it was at this time she opened her aquatic, big eyes when she felt him undoing her skirt, and the words that he said before now rang through her head. No boundaries? The realization of this made her think as the moment got interrupted by his cell, thankfully, wondering if he knew she meant that he could do anything he wanted considering foreplay. Not...that far. They only got together today, after all, and she wasn't promiscuous enough to suddenly give herself to a newly discovered relationship already. She didn't want him to think that she was easy, and she wasn't, if that was where his thoughts were going. Despite the fact that she truly lusted and wanted to do it with him, to run her hands around his burning skin and muscles and feeling him inside, she had more respect for herself. Her hormones were high, true, who's wouldn't? But she had control. She did have control. What if he left once he got what he wanted? Who knew what his motivation was, and unless he showed he was here for her, after a time together, he wasn't hitting it. Figuring it was time to get back reign, when Axel got back to her after he put the phone away, she lifted herself up with a smirk, putting herself and him in a sitting position for a while, whispering, "Don't put words in my mouth. I said as far as playing around..."

    Staring with a sharp, yet seductive stare, she gave him a quick kiss to his lips, lasting only a few seconds, before she began to strip him of his upper clothes without a warning suddenly. Larxene took off the sleeves of the trench coat on his arms roughly, like she was utterly impatient, and frustrated that she didn't have enough revealed of him, and then threw the cloth out of the way to the floor. No sooner, did she then began to lift up the black tank top he had under, pulling it over his head, only for it to join the cloak on the ground, the Wal-Mart vest, along with his gloves. She really noticed that the males had heavy clothing to work there, and she was glad she never exactly followed uniform conduct. Satisfied, she eyed deliciously with a adoring curl in her mouth at the bare broad chest and torso presented to her, and licking her lips, she pressed her hand on the surface, before sliding it down slowly, then around, as if taking every inch of muscled line he had. Feeling her desire swell even stronger when she traced his abs, she let her touch remain there, before purring quietly, "For someone skinny, you sure are damn fit as hell." This was probably pointless, as they weren't going to make it to that level, yet she had been wanting to see this from the beginning, and by damn if it depended on her, she will. Leaning over to him, she pressed herself against him in a half-embrace, chest to chest, though she still had the one piece of cloth in the way, yet that wasn't what she was aiming for. Making her lips kiss his shoulder blade, and nibbling it a little, she didn't do anything else, going into thought as she shut her eyes again.

    It was now she really took notice of the scent that was filing her nose...one that belonged to Axel, and she couldn't help, but feel attracted to it, like some kind of magnet. It was a hint of something spicy, something like cinnamon as a natural aroma, and then the amazing smell of body spray made her let out a breath in relaxation, for once. By God, this guy was so screwable. The thing, she was uncertain of, is what to do. They could continue having their fun without it leading to intercourse, yet what were his thoughts? It was here, she also remembered that she used to have a no strings attached, purely sexual relationship with someone for awhile. Yet it was also at that time, that she promised herself she would not be so loose again. It was up to her.
  4. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoCl Oh, and where is Demyx? I can't really have Pika_power sitting on the counter for three weeks.
  5. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: Demyx was taken by someone we havent seen in absolute ages..take him at will.
  6. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: Mehzors. Looks like I am Demyx. (unless someone else wants them.)

    Demyx was humming a tune when he suddenly noticed a yellow rat peering over the counter with a massive bag of yellow skittles. "Woah!" Dermyx shuddered, recoiling back and waving his figers at Pika_power. Regaining his composition, he asked "How can I help you?"The pokemon's face lit up. "You're alive! Oh, and I'll take a jumbo bag of skittles please."
    Demyx smiled his best customer service smile, then hastily turned away to consult his card. He patted his pockets, but eventually turned back glumly. "Uh, excuse me... sir? Madam?" Demyx was lost for words. He had no clue what to refer to the mouse as.
    Pika_power glanced at Demyx. "Pika_power will suffice. Now, are you planning on selling me that?"
    Demyx sighed. "Do you know how to work one of these?" Demyx glumly motioned to the checkout desk.
    Pika_power grinned. "No clue. Can I give it a go?"
    "Better not. If you broke it, Larxane might kill me. Although she might know how to work it... Although she isn't here right now."
    Pika_power smiled. "Fine. C'mon then, let's go find Larxane. Although I need you to carry this for me. It is hurting my arms." Pika_power held up the bag of skittles."
    Demyx glanced around the store for the first time. "Gosh, where did all the water works come from? Oh, and I'll handle that." Demyx reached down and placed his hand in a puddle of water, causing it to twist and become a Sitar. He played a small tune, and muttered, "Dance water, DANCE!" under his breath.
    A few water beings appeared as all the water in the store flowed into them. Demyx laughed. "Okay Pika_power, let's go and find Larxane. Now if only I can remember where her house is..."

    5 minutes of office scrambling later, the pair appeared out the door of the store, a small sign on the checkout counter saying "Back soon" in pokemon script. (Pikachu pawprints)
  7. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    "FINALLY! Okay...you guys have fun with that." Angel said to them as they left. She finally got rid of the heat haze and the whole store felt significantly cooler and more comfortable.
  8. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    The pair set off walking after a few false starts. One of them being Demyx giving the map to his band of water forms.
    Pika_power shuffled into close proximity behind Demyx, and started humming. "Do-di-de-de-de-do-di-de-de-de-do-di-de-de-dee-do-de-doo"
    Demyx glanced backwards for a second, suddenly disturbed, then remembered pokemon yellow. He took up the melody, and soon had a remixed version playing on his sitar.
    Demyx ground to a halt, and Pika_power kept going, walking into his butt. "Eh... the pokemon muttered as he stepped back. "I never was too good at this game."
    Demyx pointed. "That's Larxane's house. You go first."
    Pika_power complied, knocked once, then saw a light on, so he walked into the house, following Animal Crossing rules. "Hello?" He called out.
  9. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Angel continued walking around and wondered what to do next. I'm bored....hmm....maybe i could go check out Kmart and compare prices here....
  10. MajorSeargent Banned

    Feb 16, 2008
    Ok stay calm almost there My said looking back pulling her glasses up a bit, she looked left then right hopping no one would see her.
  11. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Xaldin squeezed a sleeve on his coat. Water still dripped out. "I really need to get a waterproof version of this..."
  12. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    And it was killed after that point,Axel didn't feel too comfortable with it anymore.He just let her do what she wanted while thinking on it.Did she think of him as just some sex-hungry beast?...Well she wouldn't exactly be wrong there.But..even though what she did would turn the average man on,it wasn't working for him anymore.An uncomfortable situation or a bad decision usually left the male 'hanging'..literally.

    But comfortable or not,he'd regret not doing anything later.

    He took his time and soon began caressing her backside softly,letting her know where 'it' would go once the relationship took a turn for the best.But who called him...did Xemnas find his number?


    After trying five times to call his best friend,Roxas hung up and groaned silently.Axel was a good friend,yes,but his hormones and Larxene didn't mix well with others,that much was certain.The show was to be starting soon,and two of four people that would be needed to participate weren't there.At that point he wondered whether Axel was in control,or Larxene.Who was working on who?Should a 15 year old boy even be wondering that at all?
  13. Larxene knew she probably killed the mood. Partly, because, with her experience, she knew that once you get it on, you never stop, or else the fun dwindles and all that's left is awkwardness. In other words, your partner could take that you're unsure, that they're forcing themselves on you, or either, that what he/she was doing was not hitting the mark as it should be. There can be other reasons as well. Yet, she was aware she messed up at one point. It was a bad move. It wasn't like she could help it, however, once the thought of how far they would go got caught in the air. She became uncertain, not positive whether she should or not, and she didn't know how much Axel wanted this, or what he would think of her depending on her decision. Would he think her a prude if she said no, or a...whore if she said yes, for going so fast? Females get enough slack for sleeping around already, while with guys, they can do it from the age of ten and keep going, and nobody says bull. That was how society was.

    She relaxed a little though when he began rubbing her back, as if waiting for her, and she smiled weakly despite herself. Larxene almost felt regretful. Almost. Concluding that the route of the problem was what would be Axel's opinion on her, she slowly fluttered her blue eyes opened, peeking at him from her head on his shoulder, and she waited a little while as her arms were around his strong waist. Maybe this could help her decide, if not now, in the future, so as to not be unsure. Sighing, she lifted her head up, staring at him, not exaclty knowing what to say. Still, close to him, she blinked her eyes shut again for a second, before reopening them to say in a low, hesitant voice, "Do...do you want to do it?" Larxene somehow felt she was sounding stupid, and frowned, but it was already out, so might as well. Pausing for a moment, she went to add, "What do you think about me waiting or not?"

    She winced inwardly, feeling slightly disgusted with herself. Goodness, how she hated hearing herself speak that way. It was best if she just never said anything at all. Yet, in the end, it was also bad if you can't trust or talk things over to understand the actual situation more.

    "I...well, isn't it that two wrongs don't make a right? Should we really get revenge? It won't help things...and we still don't know what happened, and who was the culprit. The Genie can also help clean the mess, anyway," Naminé kind of suggested, hearing the talk between both Sephiroth and Seifer, though her attention was still focused on Kairi. She still couldn't quite grasp that their store literally burned down, nonexistent, now rubble, and now...she had no job. For a few minutes, depending on when the Genie gets here. Waving the auburn haired girl over, still slightly shocked and stunned, she called again in a hurried voice, "Kairi!"
  14. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    "Okay, no luck. Looks like I will just have to fry that thing." and the pokemon turned to leave. Demyx shook his head, and crept slowly along the corridor towards a strange noise he heard. Finally he reached the room, and as he peaked round the door, his eyes widened. He hurridly turned back to Pika_power and beckoned him forward. "Come here, but be very quite." Demyx mouthed.

    Pika_power bobbed his head once to show he understood, then scuttled along the carpet to the water master. At his signal, he peered into the room. He stared for a few seconds without too much happening, then turned to Demyx and whispered his diagnostic. "They seem to like each other, although nothing yet, Let's go walk around for a bit. Around 200 steps should be enough, then we can come back and there will be an egg."

    Demyx burst into laughter. "An egg?!" he hooted. "You silly pokemon. For humans, it works slightly differently. We have a thing called-

    Pika_power waved him away. "Yeah, yeah. No need to go into details." he interrupted loudly.

    Demyx looked relieved. "Oh good. I'm glad I didn't have to say too much about that." He did a double take, realizing where they were. "Pika_power..." he said in a hushed voice. "Walk away very slowly. Perhaps they didn't hear us..." Realizing how stupid that sounded, he went for a different route. "RUN!" he screamed, summoning a dark portal at the end of the corridor, and ran toward it.
  15. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Angel suddenly saw a Corridor of Darkness appear. "Whoa.....that's pretty sweet....I wonder where it leads to...maybe an alternate dimension...."
  16. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "...That doesn't sound like you at all..''Axel pointed out,laying back onto her couch with her still holding him lovingly.Honestly,when did Larxene ever sound like some nervous anime girl?But it was flattering for her to ask him anyway,and he appreciated the fact that she cared about what he wanted from the situation.He wanted her..but he wanted her when she was ready for him."..We'll wait..I'm glad you stopped me,as much as I disliked being stopped..''he said,trying not to sound like he loathed was he was saying.The only person who stopped him was himself..but all that might start to change soon.

    OOC: Short.
  17. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: (I think they didn't notice my post...)
  18. Larxene frowned at Axel's first sentence, knowing now more than ever at how she sounded, before her eyes blinked when he finished. Staring at him deeply, digging into his eyes for any mistrust or lies, she found none, and for the moment, she felt better. She did want him, still did, more than ever, and the thought of what happened back in Wal-Mart, the first time they explored each other's bodies, so to speak, she liked what he had in store for her, more so because he was really big, or rather, well-endowed. She did mention that she liked it, and the memory just usurp her desire and lust even more, and she found herself closing her eyes to calm her hormones down. No...in fact, she didn't want them to. As she felt him move back down to lay on the couch again, she rested on top of him, indecisive. There were more pros than cons if she does sleep with him, feel him inside her, and...well, his natural scent wafting in her nose again didn't help. At all. Actually, she was starting to feel really heated, and her fingers trailed the hard skin of his broad chest, licking her lips as she really thought about it. What had she got to lose? Him, perhaps, if he leaves her after this, but then she will see what he truly wanted, and it was better to know now than later, though she doubted he was like that. And it wasn't like she was pure, hell no, so she really didn't understand what was holding her back, or be this anxious. Nothing should hold her back when she wanted something, by damn, she always got it. Most couples even sleep together before they even date, so...she was legal in that right, dammit.

    Making up her mind at that moment, this time, really sure of what she needed, which was him completely, she was about to start something and tell him until she heard a slight scream. Opening her eyes, and raising her head a little, she looked around her condo, not noticing anything. She once more did a check over as her eyes narrowed, yet as it remains, nothing was there, oddly. Was she hearing things? Maybe her head was hovering about Wal-Mart. Larxene could swear she heard...Demyx...and as she traced her vision around the living room, it was empty. Ignoring that weird phenomenon, as that wasn't going to unerve her, she laid her head back on Axel's shoulder blade, but this time, began to wrap one leg around his waist, along with her arm, tight, their chests together. In the end, moving her body intricately and her hips more than the rest in a small grinding move, she started to kiss and suck on his collarbone tenderly, nipping the skin, and agonizingly moving up to his neck, tasting him in the way of eating a ice cream. Her hands moved his arms to circle around her back, his palms close to her bra clip, encouraging him to explore her body if need be, and free to do everything he wanted. It was there her hands move silkily down his chest, to his torso, feeling every trace of muscle, before she got to the hem of his pants. Larxene was attempting to get him in the mood, and it will depend on that if she would continue. She could wait too, for next time, if possbile.
  19. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    OOC- Wat I miss? :D
  20. OOC: Nothing much. Last time, I recalled, Pyro left Naminé calling Kairi when she go to K-Mart burned down xP. Since then, I took over Nami, because, you know, Pyro quit (don't know what will happen to Riku), so I responded with:

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