~ Organization XIII In WalMart ~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Feb 25, 2008.

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  1. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    “Bye!†Riku did not waste time, as soon as Kairi said her goodbye, Riku zoomed out of the K-Mart Parking lot . . . though he could not help but feel that something was gone awry, he swore that he'd picked up the familiar scent of charred objects, but in the end, he decided it was probably his imagination. Stepping down onto the gas pedal, Riku sped through the highway, going towards his apartment, knowing he'd wasted a lot of his time already. Within a few minutes, he was past the long highway, now driving down the freeway, muttering to himself about random things. Whatever that had happened to his dear little apartment, it probably was long over by now, and God forbid that it was something serious.

    “Er . . .†Naminé's attempted to speak, but her eyes were fixated on what Sephiroth was wearing, and not a word seemed to come to her tongue, not when you have to look at your dark and scary boss like that. I mean, you don't see the man in a Hawaiian shirt and a straw hat everyday. Her eye twitched slightly as she concentrated on a single flower on his shirt, staring at it, completely spacing until she head Kair's voice in the background, followed by another familiar male voice, Seifer. Snapping out of the daze, Naminé spoke, “No, sir, I don't know who is responsible for this, but . . . Oh, my God, what are we going to do? And where is everyone else?â€

    She exclaimed, seeing the girl coming into view as she walked out from the aisles.

    OOC: Can't we get Genine to fix this?? xDD
  2. MajorSeargent Banned

    Feb 16, 2008
    My snaps her fingers again to be in a blue shirt and black pants tight, her hair is now in ina ponytail she walks off the walmart I last took into Walmart so they must be in there she said wlaking into Walmart.

    Tifa was out side cheking off some thing

    Yuffie ran to the candy aisle nd saw a big bag of Cookies and grabbed them.
  3. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    The yellow, rat like pocket monster turned and walked away from Amber, saying as he did so, "Okay, nice meeting you! I'm off to buy these!" He then marched off in the wrong direction to the counter.
  4. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    See you.......(it's Angel). Angel then started walking around again checking on the store. Most of the stuff was still wet.
  5. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Sephiroth pulled a fan out of his pocket and unfolded it. "Damn, its hot." he said, ignoring Namine momentarily. "What happened to the blue berry who fixes stuff? Can't he clean this up?" He began fanning himself.

    He then pointed at Seifer, "You there, you got temper issues, how would you get even if they burned down your store? I would normally tell you how I'd do it, but I'm kinda buzzed and feeling good now... its so hard to be evil when you got a buzz." Sephiroth admited candidly.
  6. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    A buzz......

    BIC- Angel decided to turn the temperature up a bit for the haze still going around the store trying to hard to dry stuff.
  7. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    The yellow pokemon wandered around the store, unable to discover the counter. Eventually he found his way back to Angel.

    "Whew it's hot in here! Are you doing it? Can I join in? Where is the counter?" Pika_power finished the rapid firing of questions with a thundershock into a trail of water, sending an electric pulse into whoever happened to be touching it at the time.

  8. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    ......umm....thanks for helping but....I just want to dry the stuff.....not electrocute anyone....uh...here....
    Angel guided Pika to the counter and helped him get his Skittles on the counter.
  9. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    "Umm...burn down their place and take some of them hostage and threaten to kill all of them? I dunno. I just woke up in a tornado-hit area in town." Seifer replied. The floor was wet. "Oh look. Water."

    Xaldin went outside to dry off after getting soaked by an unknown water source. Some of that water from Wal-Mart flowed down into K-Mart. This coat's like a sponge. And it doesn't dry well either...
  10. MajorSeargent Banned

    Feb 16, 2008
    Tifa looked at the water flowing from Walmart to K-mart and was pretty confused

    Yuffie went out eatin her cookies to see water.

    My went in glasses on looing around.
  11. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Is ANYTHING dry yet?
  12. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Roxas would have lied further by saying he wasnt lying,but nothing could fool Xemnas.With a fake smile and a small,reluctant bow,Roxas showed some respect for his elders."..Sorry sir..nothing else..''he muttered,trying hard not to glare at him.He pulled himself up swiftly and turned around,facing the door,and his way out of there."..See you in the show,Marl..''he told the pink-haired man,then grabbed the door knob,opened it,and walked right out,allowing it to shut on its own.

    OOC: I think you said she was wearing a blouse,but if not,im sorry.

    Axel watched amusedly as Larxene question his request with silent contemplation.But,as he figured,she gave in and shut her eyes.He waited a moment or so to make sure she wouldn't open them,and then,once he trusted her,he moved his hands to her blouse and was slowly unbuttoning/unzipping it."..If its too much for you,I'll stop,but then I'd never stop teasing you about how sensitive you are..''he teased the Nymph as the blouse came off.He tossed it to the side as if it was a candy wrapper,then bent his head low enough so that his lips were just above her belly button.And after taking a moment to hear her breath silently,he stuck his tongue out and pressed it to her stomach,and slowly slid upward.
  13. OOC: She is wearing one, so no prob xP.

    Larxene almost jumped when she felt the slight touch of Axel's fingers beginning to gently unbutton her shirt, feeling the blouse slowly opening...one button to the next, making her somehow aroused at the move. She didn't open her eyes just yet, not wanting to as she liked the experience of the unknown and using her senses to get the full experience. She felt the open cool air caress her heated skin, as her top body was exposed to the outside. Larxene didn't stop Axel from discarding the cloth, after all, she had still her bra to cover up her chest, but she also couldn't help feeling self-conscious at the same to me. What did he think of her body now? Was it not to his standards? The wait of what he was going to do excited her more to cloud that thought a little, however, it was still there in the back of her head, until her breath suddenly hitched in her throat when he licked her on the stomach, making her have goosebumps from the sensation in turn. Letting out a slight hum deep within her throat in encouragement, she curved her body slightly to give him more freedom. He said she could say if he wanted him to stop...

    In a calming breath, close to a groan, she answered, "Is fine....keep going all you want."

    She rather have Axel continue, mostly in expectancy of where he was going to go with this, whether up...or down. Her desire on wanting him completely kept rising, making her blood run like the wind in her veins, to the point where she just wanted to rip him of his clothes and do him right then and there as she wished, but she needed to have control of herself, and not let a man subdue her. As if that was going to happen.

    Marluxia didn't have a chance to answer at what Roxas said before the kid disappeared, and he just kept the reply. He should be glad he only got a warning. If anything, that was kind for Xemnas considering the way he usually is.

    Xemnas watched Roxas leave with his eyes following his steps, and it wasn't until the door shut that he sighed. That boy...at least he isn't in any danger as the other two. Axel would not be such a big deal, because as Roxas, he's been doing his job, except recently, with the distractions. Larxene...was a hard case. He did not want to fire her, as she was a sufficient worker when she felt like it, yet she had been the most laziest at times, and had gotten many warnings. Not to mention, he needed her for the show. Hard case indeed. Turning back to the waiting Marlxuia, who was staring at him with expectant big blue eyes, Xemnas went to rub his temples, a habit he was pursuing. "Fine, Marluxia. Lily does not have to be in it as long as there is a replacement."

    Marluxia smirked in victory, relief filling him as his best man-eating plant would not be the target for a horrible death. "Thank you, Sir. I appreciate you hearing my thoughts on this, especially with the current situation on Larxene hating me, and not hesitating on killing anything of mine."

    "We can't hate," Xemnas corrected monotonously, thinking that this all was just a trick on their minds and a illusion that was being played. There was no need for drama in the working environment when they can't even make one. Seeing as the main objective of Marluxia was over, he went to deliver the punishment he will receive. "It was nice of you to recall the story to me, Marluxia. However, you still had a part in the disaster that occurred, so your job is to clean the mess yourself, without any other hand help. I'll be watching you. Is that clear?"

    Marluxia nodded, keeping his own negativity to himself.

    Xemnas eyed him. "Would that be all?"

    "Yes, Sir."

    "Then you are dismissed."

    He just nodded respectfully, wanting to play it out for the sake of his job, and went to get up with grace, bowing slightly, before beginning to head to the door. Turning the knob, he went out without another word in a silent stride, closing the door behind him as he stepped into the store. He must get to work then, to now clean all that crap up by himself. Great. Sighing, he went to obtain the utilities he will need for it, not really looking forward to it or even wanting to.
  14. Barakon-King Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 7, 2008
    In a time parado-...In a time parado-...
    I hope I'm not screwing up the process of things with this.

    Name :Blaze Wazoki
    Age :21
    Hair :silver with red tips
    Eyes :red
    Power :electricity
    Gender :Male
    Appearance :5"10 usually wearing some baggy jeans and rock band t-shirts rather attractive as girls don't complain.Boyfriend of Ayako though their relationship is uneasy due to him loving Wal-Mart and her K-mart

    Name :Ayako Bloom
    Age :19
    Hair :Brown
    Eyes : Deep brown
    Power :Fire
    Gender :Female
    Appearance :5"7 Will wear shorts or skirts and small shirts that stop above her bellybutton.Girlfriend of Blaze and rest explained in Blaze's
  15. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Aaahahahahaahahahahaha!!! O.o' Ok, I come bearing good news and bad news. :sleep:

    .::BAD NEWS::.

    [MARQUEE]I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit! I quit![/MARQUEE]
    Ooo~ Look! A rainbow!! Oh right . . . *ahem* I'm not doing this because I'm being emo or anything, dearies. O.o' Uhh, NO. I chose it, and I got reasons for doing so, and NO, it's not because I hate you guys either. You all are still my b!tches and I ♥ each and every one of you equally. <3 But this is as far as we'll go in the RPing world. ;) With me leaving, these characters just became available to those who wish to have them:::
    - Riku -
    - Naminé -
    - Xigbar -​
    though I posted with Xiggy only once, he was still mine, nonetheless. xDD

    .::GOOD NEWS::.

    I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurence by switching to GEICO. 8D​
  16. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
  17. Barakon-King Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 7, 2008
    In a time parado-...In a time parado-...
    Blaze walked into Wal-Mart startled a bit seeing a yellow rat at the counter. He opened his mouth to say somehting but instead shook his head no and walked on to Customer Service counter , his shoes squishing as he walked. "Why is it so wet in here?" He sighed to himself setting a can of soup on the counter.

    Ayako walked into K-Mart expecting the same old thing but was in for a surprise when all she saw was the charred items that once was K-Mart. "What happened here? It looked like someone nuked this place."
  18. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: Darn it..no one else could play Namine so well but....*slowly looks at Twilight and gives her the puppy dog look*

    Axel momentarily pulled his tongue away from her warm flesh to respond."..All I want?..no boundaries?.."he laughed silently and placed his tongue just below her bra strap,then went downward.While he was slowly approaching his true destination,his hands were busy unbuttoning her pants.And just as he finished unbuttoning them,a song was playing in his coat pocket.Of all times.. he muttered,taking his left hand away from Larxene and digging into his coat pocket to retrieve the ringing black cell phone.He didn't both checking the caller I.D.Instead he turned it off and tossed it on the carpet,then resumed by slowly pulling Larxene's pants off.

    OOC: Twilight..if you'd like to keep going with this at a PG-13 level then its fine by me..but,if you'd rather pull a CloudxTifa after the dance *wink* then feel free.
  19. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    *facepalms* Ugh......well...i suppose if you were any different....the world wouldn't be as interesting.....>_>

    BIC-Angel hoped the water was getting evaporated...or do I have to turn this place into an oven?. She hoped Pika wold be able to pay for the yellow skittles...
  20. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC:..FKB...if you don't want to see it,then don't look..seriously.that's getting annoying.
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