~ Organization XIII In WalMart ~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Feb 25, 2008.

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  1. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Hmmm.....I don't know.....it seems like Kairi's kind of...well...Sora's....it reminds me of a story that someone wrote back when they had a story place....kind of cool...Sora "died" and Kairi's all sad but then she goes with Riku to his house and she kisses him and.....yeah....>_>....she spends the night there but in the morning she goes back to the graveyard and Riku's all sad again because she still loves Sora. But apparently Sora's not dead just...."dark"?....and he no longer cares about Kairi anymore. The end.

    BIC- Angel ducked under when the hose sprayed her way and got really close the it but then the hose sprayed her and pushed her back. Gargh..... "IF YOU MADE IT APPEAR WHY CAN'T YOU STOP IT?!"
  2. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Genie's eyes suddenly blink open in realization, what Angel said reaching his pointed ears.
    "Now why didn't I think of that...?"
    Genie asks himself blankly as he bucks on the madhose a bit more.

    He snaps his fingers, and the hose is gone. Not the water damage...but the hose...Genie notes this looking around, and poofs away to escape punishment.
  3. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Seifer got to K-Mart. He obviously had no recollection of what happened earlier or else he wouldn't have said, "Aw, great. What happened here?" As he looked at the fire damage, he spotted Namine. "Yo, Blondie! What happened to the store?!" he called. A thin layer of water that leaked from Wal-Mart flowed past Seifer and into the charred remains of the store, picking up some loose ashes.
  4. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    "Gah.....he got away.....next time he won't be so lucky....." Angel muttered as she glared at her surroundings. Everything was wet and too much heat would damage the stuff more. However for now since she was angry, the area of water around her evaporated. *sigh*....better get started.....maybe just a small heat haze....
  5. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Riku was swept into a daydream, in an image of him and Kairi married, them as husband and wife, living in a beautiful little house, where cute little kids with silver and scarlet hair ran around. Even is his daydream, Kairi looked lovely as always, a gorgeous woman, and the little ones were of course gifted with their mother's beauty. The children played in the open backyard while he and Kairi sat comfortably on a bench, she closely nestled in his arms, with a warm blanket wrapped around them to keep them warm. Ah, if this was the true image of their future. A meek smile came to his face as he ran that image through his mind over and over.
    Perhaps he should tell her how he feels . . . unless she'd figured it out for herself already. In any case, he would have to tell her, himself, in person. Riku wondered if her feelings were the same as his, whether she would return the same feelings. Recalling the kiss they shared last night, he was all the more enthusiastic. How unfortunate that Kairi was faced with such hardship now, of all times. He'd have to wait for an opportune moment. It would only be mad if were to confess to her now. No, he'd waited all these years, what's a few more days compared to this?

    Riku was in deep thought and he failed to notice when Kairi had returned to the seat next to him, and he jumped at the sound of her voice. "Oh! O-oh, ok then." He smiled. "Well, that takes care of business number one. I guess, I'll drop you off at work now."

    Riku started his car, and backed out of the Daycare's driveway, and zoomed down the street leading to highway. The sun looked beautiful that morning, shining down its bright rays unto the world below through the clouds, like streaks of yellow light falling off the sky. The light shined down on Kairi, and her beauty seemed to pour from her entire being. Her red hair glistened in the light and she merely looked on ahead of the road, keeping still, and quiet as ever, like a porcelain doll.

    "Er . . . It's a nice day, don't you think?" He had to break the silence. They traveled in it since they left the daycare, and it made Kairi really seem like a porcelain doll. "Too bad we've got work today."

    She was only gone for thirty minutes or so, and all this . . . IMPOSSIBLE! Naminé stood in the middle of the rubble, with a hand covering her open mouth, trying to grasp everything. A part of K-Mart was totally and completely burned and charred to the ground. Nothing remained there, except the black soot and ashes. "Sephiroth!" Naminé bellowed at the top of her lungs, through a voice which was so unlike her. "SEPHIROTH!!!"
  6. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Kairi looked over at Riku and nodded at his sudden break in the silence. "Yeah, it is," She said softly, quieter than usual. However, she remained to keep a cheerful atittude. "Maybe later we could go do something together, since it's such a nice day," She said and smiled. She started to wonder why he was acting so strange. She'd caught him staring at her quite a bit, and he was stuttering alot. Maybe I was right... Maybe he does like me like that... She thought, sitting silently for a moment, unable to think of anything else to say to him.
  7. MajorSeargent Banned

    Feb 16, 2008
    My starts to bang her head on a wall madly "think...Think...Think half Genie thnk!!!!!!!YOu ccan remember!!!"She yells at her self, she snaps her fingers and she is in a comfty chair with a book reading "....."

    Tifa looks at her "Note: Get genie spray....Half genie spray too" she writes down and walks off toward the registers

    Yuffie taking another break and looks at My "Note: Buy more cookies" She says into a recorder walking off outside.

    ooc-Mind if I get A BIt more random with My
  8. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Angel created a small haze of heat and let it float around the store. She'll just stop it when everything's dry again.
  9. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Name : Pika_power
    Age : Youngish. Pokemon years are not the same as human years. Sort of like cats/dogs.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    (Middle one, he is wearing a blue jacket)
    Power : Usual Pikachu powers, animal crossing styled pockets, practicing Lawyer
    Gender : Male

    ICSP approved me as a custom customer over PM. So Pika_power is pretty much shopping.

    A yellow mouse-esque pokemon walked into Walmart, looking around in wonder. "Wow, I guess Demyx is manager." He continued his venture into the shop until he came to the puppy. Nodding, he said, "Yup. Demyx is definitely the manager."
    Pika_power stopped, and thought for a minute. Why had I come here again? I remember hearing something about the org, but that was it. What was I even going to buy?
    Unconsciously taking advantage of the confusion, he went to the sweets isle and grabbed three bags of skittles off the shelf, and proceeded to open all of them and spill them on the floor.
    "Yellow, blue, green, yellow, pink, yellow..." The pokemon chanted as he sorted the yellow from the rest, putting his favourite colour in a bag, sweeping the rest under a shelf.
  10. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Angel walked around the store for a full inspection. Everything was still wet and there was a pokemon raiding the candy aisle....wait...what? Angel walked back and yes...there he was. "Um.....are you...going to pay for that?"
  11. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power turned around and jumped backwards, startled. He attempted to hold the girl's gaze while sweeping the remaining non-yellow skittles under the shelf. "Of course!" He said indignantly, clutching the all yellow bag to his chest. "One kilogram bag of skittles, how much?" As an afterthought, he added, "And what happened to this place...?"
  12. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    She simply looked at the little pokemon. "Hmm....so you speak....well...I don't think they count in kilograms....but bags of Skittles. And....there was a....situation....I'm trying to fix it at the moment before anyone notices...." Angel knelt down to the pokemon and softly spoke to it. "So....what's wrong with all the other colors of the rainbow?"
  13. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power sighed, then replied. "So what sized bag is this? To be honest, I am not too hot with human numbers..." He listened to the other question, then thought for a second. "Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain... Red is too much like blood. If I eat a red one, it is too much like eating blood samples. And that's for zubats. Orange is okay I suppose. They make me jelous though, as a shiny Pikachu is orange. Yellow is great. My colour! Green is a bit geeky, as it is the colour for "Smart" moves. Blue reminds me of water pokemon. While it is fun to shock them, eating them never really appealed to me. Indigo is depressing. I never got there, my owner traded me to Blue so he could release me... As for Violet, it cannot be shown on screens, so I never really got used to it. Fair enough?"

    The pokemon picked up its bag of yellow skittles and held out a paw tinted rainbow from handling the skittles to shake. "My name's Pika_power. What's yours?"
  14. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    With a puff of blackened feathers, the one winged angel appeared. Wearing sunglasses and a Hawaiian shirt. Sipping on a Muay Thai through a curly straw.

    He slurped a quick sip as he looked around in the rubble. "Who summoned me?" he inquired. Looking at the distraught Namine who appeared to in some sort of distress.
  15. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    “Y-yeah . . . We can go get some lunch together later.” He smiled. “We can go buy some SubWay or something.” Riku paused . . . WHAT! THE! HELL! Oh wow. SubWay? SUBWAY?! Wow, Riku . . . nice—of all the things, SubWay. He gave an awkward laugh as he looked back at the road, cursing himself for his stupidity. He sighed, wondering why he always went all idiotic when he was with her; why a mere glance from her made him stutter like a dumbass. But hey, SubWay or not, because of the events of last night, they had to cancel that date . . . this, was probably the best it would get for the moment. Lunch was lunch, as long as he was with her. Once more, for the rest of the ride, not a word was exchanged. Finally, when driving up to the parking lot of the K-Mart building, Riku spoke, “Call me ten minutes before your lunch break, I'll come and get you . . . I probably won't see you today, my shift is in the afternoon, so yeah. Call me, yes?”

    “See ya later, Kairi.”
    He said, coming to a stop at the front of the store. He awkwardly looked at his watch, checking the time, but truly wondering he should kiss her goodbye. However, at the back of his mind, he remembered that he still needed to go check out what was wrong with his apartment.

    The soft whoosh of Sephiroth appearing seemed to echo in the empty store, and Naminé turned hurriedly back, find the Manager, looking rather fruity. What the he— “What the he— No, no . . . Sephiroth!” She squealed. “Where have you bee—Do you know . . . H-Have been out of the country?”

    She couldn't help but stare at the flowery shirt and straw hat, but this really was not the time. “Sephiroth! The s-store! It's . . . It's completely burned!”
  16. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Kairi giggled and smiled, seeing he seemed pretty nervous after he said "SubWay". "Sounds good to me," She said and smiled as they pulled up to Kmart. She got out of the passenger side of the car and looked at the store. She smiled and walked over to the driver side of the car. "Riku, I... Thank you..." She said and smiled. "Thank you for helping me..." She then leaned over and gently gave him a good bye kiss on the cheek. "See you after work...!" She called and waved as she ran inside. However, when she got inside, she gasped in shock. "WHAT IN THE WORLD HAPPENED?!" She asked loudly, surprised to see the place in rubble. Her eyes were wide as she stared at the mess. Geez... How am I gonna work today? She wondered.
  17. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: "I need more affection than you know" believers?
  18. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    "Angel's the name." Angel replied while shaking Pika's hand. She'll just wash the rainbowy slime off later. "I don't know about that bag though..."
  19. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Seifer went inside the store remains. And the boss is back...or was he always- He heard a car pull up and park followed by a scream of "What in the world happened?". If Kairi's here, then Riku should be nearby. "So...does anyone know how the place burned down?" he asked everyone who was in earshot.
  20. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Hmm. Sephiroth wondered what happened. He took a few days off and the whole store burned down. Literally. It was possibly managments failures. Well at least the little blonde appeared eager to help. "Who is resonsible for this?" he questioned, with his stern stare.​
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