~ Organization XIII In WalMart ~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Feb 25, 2008.

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  1. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    As soon as the fist made contact, Seifer spewed out a section from the Old Testament. Then he confessed all of his sins he ever commited to Genie. Finally, his head turned a 360 and climbed up the nearest wall on all fours, growling some unholy gibberish. "Nunpesta nal orn hic tum! Raaaahgghh!" Then he fell to the ground.
  2. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Genie...just gazes in confusion at what Seifer is doing.

    He speedreads through a large book titled:

    How to Preach Religion For Dumb-Genies.

    After pointing to one page and reading it over,
    he slams the book closed and hovers over to Seifer,
    laying on the ground where he fell.

    Going by what the book said,
    Genie simply says,
    "Ok, you're good."
    And whatever happened to Seifer is over with.
  3. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Seifer gives him the thumbs up. "Imma gonna go take a nap here now. Why don't you go check up on that jerk Leon who's a girl." Then he fell asleep.

    Xaldin was still trying to help out Leon. "Umm...can I help you with anything?" he continued to ask, looking around to see if everyone was here.
  4. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007

    Angel was wandering around aimlessly through all of Walmart when she thought she heard Xaldin. She went around the corner and there he was with another customer. That same suspicious looking girl from before.

    ...hmm....there's just something weird about that girl....not sure what......
  5. MajorSeargent Banned

    Feb 16, 2008
    My takes one more picture awesome I'ama put these on the itenet she said and then snapepd her fingers to be in a batgirl costume Quick batgirl to the batmobile! she yells and started to charge up runnning her legs in place ARRRRRRRRRRRRGH! she says and runs of into a bat mobile
  6. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Kairi nodded and smiled. "Yep, i think we're all good..." She said as hey pulled out of the driveway and began to head towards the daycare. As they rode, it remained pretty quiet. Kairi had looked out the window and was now lost in thoughts. Thoughts of what might have happened to her mom flooded into her head. She could be hurt... Or worse! Kairi thought and closed her eyes, snapping out of her chain of thoughts. She didn't want to think of anything horrible like that happening to her mom. No... I'm sure she's fine... Kairi thought and opened her eyes again.
  7. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    All the while they rode, Kairi was lost in thought, looking out the window and completely spacing out. Keeping his eyes on the road, Riku still managed to steal some glances at her, and her worried face only worried him even more. Just when he'd calmed her down about her mother being okey somewhere, they had to find out that it really was not her that had left, but perhaps she was forced. Poor Mrs. Kimberlin, he thought, wonder how she really was at the moment. The kids at the back seat, actually sat still for once, and he took a quick glance at them at a stoplight and gave them a smile . . . a petty rewards for sitting still. As he resumed his driving, and taking a turn to the street leading to the daycare, his eyes fell on Kairi again. Riku was definitely not used to seeing the depressed and melancholy Kairi, and he longed for the hyper and bubbly personality, her smile, and her sweet words that made it seem like all the troubles in the world would be solved if only wished. How ironic that it was now she who needed those wrods more than ever. It was really hard for him to see her like this, and he felt useless. Sighing, he reached in turned on the radio, hoping to break the silence and snap her out of her worried thoughts. The radio played a familiar song, and he turned up the volume, looking at Kairi and giving her a warm smile.
    “ . . . if you want to save her, then first you have to save yourself. If you want free her from the hurt, don't do it with your pain. If you want to see her smile again, don't show her you're afraid, 'cause your circle of fear is the same . . .†​
  8. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: I dont want to be 'okay' ....<sigh>

    Axel continued to casually react to Larxene's moves.If she was using her tongue,he'd do the same.And the same question kept running through his mind..would all of ths be worth getting chewed out by Xemnas?Would feeling Larxene's body against his really make the possibility of getting fired worth it?Would his question ever be answered?Would he ever stop thinking about this?As she did her dirty work,Axel decided to let her for the time being,he'd just wait until the opportune moment.

    Just as he was about to break the kiss and tell her to step it up,she had won the lottery in one swift grab.He immediately wanted to moan as she did what she did,but he had to hold it back as best he could.She really knew how to put those hands to good use because It was as if..he was..immobilized.He panted slightly the longer she held on,and he couldnt hold back the urge.

    She was an inch away from winning,and he had foolishly underestimated her.

    OOC: Im going to let you because I cant win that battle.lol.

    "Not true at all!"Roxas argued softly.He always wondered why the best looking girls always had low self-esteem..Namine had it all,and she didnt even realize it.But it would only seem weird if he told her that,they had only just met..he couldnt.With a large amount of reluctance in pulling his attention away,Roxas looked over at Wal-Mart,Duty was calling."..I..guess I should go now..bye Namine..''he said,turning his heel and looking at Wal-Mart for a few moments.

    He only waited to hear what she'd say next.
  9. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    OOC: I do not understand why you're degrading your writing skills, Tularim. You are fine at the moment, and in time you'll improve even more. 8D

    Naminé's face fell when Roxas stated that it was time for him to go. She only wished he'd stay a little longer, but perhaps that was not in her luck for the day . . . and maybe she should go as well, she thought. He, after all, was the 'enemy', an employee of Wal-Mart, and if she was somehow caught by Sephiroth or any one of the damned gossipy employees, she'd be in some sort of major trouble. She sighed silently, wondering if she being so shy and timid was the reason why Roxas wanted to leave. What should she do? A part of her was interested to see more of him . . . so how should she express that? “Wait!†She called, taking a step forward toward him. She shuffled through the crumbled doughnuts, and after a moment, pulled out one whole (but a bit crumbled), chocolate doughnut, gesturing Roxas to take it. Smiling, she spoke, “Thank you, Roxas. I do hope to see more of you . . . around the neighborhood.â€
    Too bold? Oh well . . . it was good to be bold sometimes. With a last smile, she waved at him, walking away towards K-Mart, leaving him to his thoughts, hoping that he'd caught that she was interested. Kairi did always tell her to be open and blunt. Well, that was not blunt at all, but with her, it was a big step. Should she have given him her number?
  10. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: But I want to be an inspiration too....

    Hearing Namine's plea for him to stay,Roxas quickly spun around,as if he wanted to stay with her..more than anything.As she shuffled in her box of crumbles delights,Roxas wondered whether or not he should give her his cell phone number..she wouldnt go for something like that,would she?His thoughts were pulled away as she handed him a whole,but slightly cumbled,chocolate donut...what if it was a sign?Even if it wasnt,Roxas gladly took it from her hands and took a bite out of it..one word: Delicious.He wanted to speak more,but she was already heading back to K-Mart. ..Come on Roxas,what would Axel do... Roxas quickly ran through scenario's with he and Namine,except that Roxas was trying more of an Axel approach. Ok,nevermind...just stop her!. Roxas followd her."Namine!"he called out,wanting to grab her attention.It was now,or never."I...well..could I..grab your cell phone number?..I want to talk to you again sometime..''he said,his voice growing silent with each word that left his mouth.His throat went try and his heartbeat quickened...would it work!?
  11. OOC: Oh, Tularim...:/, just be proud of how far you've gotten right now.

    Larxene closely felt him jump from the actions she was committing now, and the good thing about it was, she was barely doing anything with her fingers at the moment. Sure, she was doing unmentionable things that will claw any man, and she could feel his desire swell within it, but the best part was yet to be done. It was actually getting her excited that this might be over, and she could hear him almost moan, or something resonated in his throat that he forced back, so she just needed to push a bit longer, it seems. Pretending to not notice, she kept her pace with her prize downwards, while her lips wouldn't leave his skin. Larxene found she couldn't go all the way to the chest as it was still covered in his shirt, so she made a leeway to the side of his shoulder, making her way back up, sucking and sipping the taste that was him all as she drank like a vampiress, yet she was secretly looking for his "spot": the little place somewhere in a body that will send pleasure tingles througout. She had tried his chest and stomach, yet his arms, back, and legs had yet to explored. As her mouth reached his ear, however, she licked the lobe teasingly, her hot breath blowing against the cool feel as she nipped it softly, as the hand that wasn't busy swiveled like a snake to caress his cheek as her hips swayed intimately. It was there she found that the back of his ear was the "spot", luckily enough for her, as she felt him tense up underneath her.

    Thinking that it was time for a double whammy blow now that she found it, the other hand that had the jackpot moved slow, in every place, making sure it covered back and forth, more sensually and tremenduously tighter so he could feel it to the very nerve, as her breath whispered his name in a betwitching hiss, very low considering she was still messing with his ear, "Axel..."

    Larxene made sure that it wouldn't be a moan, because it wasn't, honestly, and the tone was set perfectly as if someone was whispering a secret to him. Now all she needed was for him to moan to finish it. Moan, Axel, damn it.
  12. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC:..I was..but now I need to be better..

    And it was after all that,that he,the Axel,had moaned...even he had his limits.There wasnt much to say,all he had to do was take the loss like a man..and put up with whatever gloating Larxene through at him.Axel had to smirk at his loss,because all it was fun."Ok..''he gently pushed her off of him,though she showed plently of reluctance to do so."..You got me.."he held his hands up,as if held at gunpoint.What else could he say?Waiting for her to get it over with,Axel casually placed both index fingers on er funbags,then slowly moved them lower..and lower..and lower..until he came to the 'keyhole' where he could really turn her on,he had magic fingers.But..being the nice guy he is,he'd have to make sure she wouldnt protest.
  13. OOC: You're already on a high level from what I see, you just have your own unique way of writing like each of us. Is good that you want to improve, just don't beat yourself over it.

    "I won. I. Just. Won," Larxene instigated with a smirk, wanting to throw it in his face at least in a minor way, because he brought it upon himself by not gong first and underestimating her experience. She still felt proud though. Call her a dominatrix and all, yet she loved how men can be in her hands (literally too) and she in control, it was fun. Especially as women are so unappreciated compared to guys. At first, she got confused for awhile when Axel had suddenly lifted her up softly and pulled her away in his gentle hold before, taking back her "naughty" hand in the process from where it rested. But now? Now her breath was caught in her throat as he was slowly touching her, sending a shiver of pleasure through her back as she closed her eyes as he traced her chest, then furthering lowering down, erupting a small delighted giggle from her. Her legs were around his hips loosely, feet resting on the couch as she sat on him, which she did naturally when he moved their position. Besides, she did have her freedom to touch him, and it was his turn, something she took gladly and with her permission. She let out a mixture of a gasp, a hum, and a moan when he felt his fingers travel down to forbidden territory. Not minding, she opened her lust clouded eyes halfway to see him, biting her lip to hold back a shiver, and she smirked, breathlessly saying quietly, "You know...you had your chance...and you let me go first, when you should have at least done what you are doing now to try and beat me...or distract me...and you're already unbearably sexy enough to do me in...okay, not really do me in, but close anyway..."

    Letting out a breath, her hand grabbed his collar tightly, forcibly pulling him down on top of her as she went to lay down on the other side of the couch opposite where he was, making herself comfortable with him in between her legs now so he'll be able to go anywhere with his hands if need be. Lightly trailing her index finger down his cheek, she then moved her hand that had taken hold of his clothes to his neck, gently making his face come closer to hers as she gave him a quick, light, affectionate and tender kiss as her lips moved against his own momentarily again, breaking away with a calm expression on her face as she relaxed, her blue, twinkling eyes gazing at his face above her with a smile. It was then, she wondered, how long has it been since they've been gone from WalMart? Would Xemnas have their heads? She hated searching for jobs, and this one paid well...
  14. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    What they said. i'm trying to improve as well....though...not as well as you have....it's only been a few months and you're already on the level of writing as most of the good RPers in this forum are.

    BIC- Angel ducked back behind a shelf. I'll just go somewhere else.
  15. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Hearing the song, Kairi snapped out of her thoughts. Looking over at riku, she gave him a warm smile as he turned the radio to a song that she was very familiar with. When she looked at him, she could see his worry about her. She looked down at her hands, the smile still on her face. She could see it in his eyes... And it began to make her wonder why. "Riku, I can tell you're worried..." Kairi said and looked up at him. "But you don't need to be..." She looked back out the window again. The two siblings in the back seat just sat in complete silence and looked at Kairi. Obviously, they were worried about her, just like Riku. She was usually a happy, cheerful older sister, but they saw that now she wasn't. they had both decided to stay quiet so that it would be easier on her.
  16. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    OOC: Tularim, be patient then. From what I'm seeing, you'll reach that height soon enough. You've only begun, and you've made a great deal of progress, and you'll get better per day. Don't worry. 8D

    “Hmm?†Naminé spun around as Roxas suddenly called her name, a sweet smile on her face. Number? Number, her cell phone number . . . SCORE! She'd hit the target. Her eyes were filled with delight as her smile only widened. Looks like he had caught onto her drift. She stood there for a moment, slightly twisted at the waist as she looked back at the boy as he came closer to her. “Umm, sure, Roxas . . . why not?â€
    Turning completely towards him now and balancing the box of crumbled doughnuts in one hand, she placed her tiny purse on the box and shuffled through its contents for a writing utensil, and just by her luck, there were none. Her face fell briefly, until she finally found what she could use as a poor excuse of a pen or pencil . . . her light pink lipstick. Good enough! She thought, what's one lipstick worth ruining when it came to a hot guy like Roxas. Pulling the cap off with her teeth, she gestured for Roxas to extend his arm, and when he did so, she gently wrote down the ten digit number to her cell phone, the numbers bright and big, and amazingly pink against his pale skin. Once she was finished she expertly closed the cap of the lipstick and threw it back in her purse, smiling like always. “Call me.â€
    As the two words left her mouth, she was practically shaking from top to bottom from both the cold and nervousness. Had she done everything properly, without making an idiot of herself? Did she seem sexy doing that, writing her number on his arm with lipstick? Hopefully, she had, and if he was really interested, he'd call. So with those two words, Naminé left Roxas, standing in the middle of the sidewalk, the cold wind caressing them both.

    “I know I don't have to be, Kairi.†He spoke softly, through the music, looking ahead of the road, coming to the driveway of the Daycare. “But I choose to be worried for you, it's my choice†Coming to a stop Riku looked at her tenderly, still a little worried. “I am worried for you Kairi, I really am. I'm worried for your mother, I'm worried about how she is, where she is . . . Mainly, I'm just worried about you!
    “You're one that I consider close to my heart, Kairi. If there's something that troubles you, it will always trouble me, because I want to see you for the happy person that you truly are.â€
    He said, gently picking up her left hand in his, giving it a tight squeeze of affection. “I'd made a promise to you, Kairi. Remember? When we were young . . . that I'd protect you, and keep you from all sadness; and I swear, Kairi, I will. I'll take every harm for myself if it meant that you were safe, and you know that.†He looked away from her for a moment, the song still masking in the silence that suddenly fell between them. Riku knew this was probably not the best time to say anything rash, or perhaps declare his feelings for her, considering that her siblings were in the car, but this was just one of those moments where the words only came rolling out of his tongue nonstop, and completely out of his control. “I know that you don't want to see me being worried for you . . .you don't want anyone to be worried for you, but Kairi, if you really want me to be happy, then, for once, let me be worried for you, please . . . a-at least it'll give me some peace and strength for being able to cope with the guilt for letting you be worried. I'm sorry Kairi, I couldn't keep my promise.â€

    OOC: Ooo~ Riku gave a speech! xO

    btw, is this font often too hard to read? I mean I've noticed that it's often hard to catch onto certain words which are italicized . . . so if it is, let me know, ja?? O.o I'll change it.
  17. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Kairi looked at Riku, surprised at his sudden speech. She looked down at closed her eyes. "Fine. If you want to be worried about me, I can't really stop you." She said and looked up at him. "I remember that day..." She said and smiled. "Thanks, Riku..." She said. "But... You can't protect me forever." At that, she looked out the window silently until they pulled up to the daycare. he brother and sister were laughing in the backseat, obviously joking about them being "boyfriend and girlfriend". Kairi really wasn't in the mood to deal with it, so she just ignored it. She got out of the car and so did her siblings. "I'll be right back," She said to Riku and gave him a comforting smile before taking her siblings into the daycare.

    OOC- woo hoo! speech! =D

    and it's actually very easy for me to read... ;P
  18. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Roxas tilted his head to the side in awe,watching as Namine left him looking silly.She went from shy and innocent..to just..well,hot,not that Roxas compalined.He raised up his arm to get a better look at the number,and the more he looked at it,the more he began to laugh."..She used lipstick?..''he relaxed his arm,not believing the stunt Namine just pulled.Even if it was with a knife,he'd call her,no matter what.

    Roxas had suddenly felt colder than usual,and peering up at the sky he began to realize he was gone too long,and the show would start soon.He looked back at Wal-Mart,then let the darkness take him back over there.

    Larxene's aggresive behavior did not surprise the red head at all,knowing from the beginning that she'd dominate all of this...'super happy fun time' with jus the two of them.While the kiss went on,Axel could not help but picture Xemnas,furious,glaring and ranting at he and Larxene in his little private office.But why was he thinking of that now with a hottie in front of him!?It was after he pulled away from those very thoughts that Larxene broke the kiss,bringing Axel to wonder if they were finished..he hoped not,and another part of him thought the same.Moving a hand down below to return the favor of her treatment with his jackpot,Axel began to question her."So..when did you buy this little place?"he asked as his hand came to a stop,just below the area that all men desired to enter.He slowly began to rub as he gazed into her eyes.

    OOC: Always takes me a day or two..sorry...
  19. OOC: Take your time, as long as you post xP.

    Larxene just glared at him, though half-heartedly, wondering if he knew he was making it hard to speak or answer at the moment from his actions. Of course, he was returning back what she had done, as she was sure he wouldn't just let her have all the freedom on his body, and not have his. Still, she gritted her teeth to hold back any sound, her cheeks beginning to heat up as a shudder passed down throughout her veins, her hand gripping on his arm like a claw as she tried to be composed. Letting out a small, light groan anyway, she chuckled at the whole thing, reminding her of what usual couples did in their privacy that now went to her and Axel, of all people, before breathing out, "I've have this apartment over five months ago...so is fairly new..." Pretending to act casual, though it was really tough at the moment due to the pleasure coursing through her, she also went to add, "How about yours?"

    She had also wanted to question him about the whole Xemnas and WalMart, as they had been spending way too much time out. The thought left, however, as another pleasant shiver wrecked her, and she closed her eyes to enjoy the full senses of it, not minding being in his control for the small while. It appeared her and Axel were good concerning contact and how to work it, another thing that could make them compatible. Future eager endeavors.
  20. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    It's all right Tularim. Life is busy. And that was a real nice joke...>_>.....(jerk.....but props....you had me going there...)

    BIC- Angel browsed around Walmart seeing if there was anything interesting.
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