~ Organization XIII In WalMart ~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Feb 25, 2008.

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  1. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Hmmm......I think it's a unique thing because well....I always thought of Wal Mart as a school supplies store and recently a supermarket....I don't think a WalMart has a McDonald's yet.....well...at least not in any of the WalMarts here...>_>...

    BIC- Angel went back to Wal Mart to maybe buy a snack or something. She still had the money that she was supposed to use to buy the graphing calculator...before she found out it was over $100. Well...the good news is that I can still straighten my back. But that was really dangerous.....I'm thristy.....and hungry....hopefully this will cover everything.... She went around the store trying to figure out what she wanted to drink. Either Gatorade or soda....hmmm.......I'll go with soda.....Mountain Dew She looked at the price and was deeply disappointed. It's too expensive for only the $20 that I have.....Gatorade's slightly cheaper but still too expensive....hmm...I'm kind of hungry too. I'll just browse around....
  2. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Xaldin went back to Wal-Mart to see if news about the K-Mart fire got to Xemnas. He hoped not, or at least, he wasn't found at fault. When he entered, some customers looked at him funny. They must've saw that one report on the TV's here... he thought.

    The shock put Seifer into a slight coma. Drool along with some white foam dripped out of his mouth. His body went limp as his eyes rolled up. A gurgling sound came from his mouth.
  3. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Genie goes into a panic about Seifer,
    running around holding his head with his hands.
    "Holly Jinny! What have I done!?"
    Genie yells,
    looking down at Seifer and poking him in the shoulder pad.

    He suddenly sparks an idea and digs into his pockets,
    all to retreive a dollar bill.

    He slowly waves the dollar bill under Seifer's nose.
  4. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Seifer smells the dollar bill and regains conciousness. Then he grabs it with his foam covered mouth and eats it. "...mmmmm....." he moans.
  5. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Genie retracts with a "woah..."

    And he thought he was random and stupid........
    And that was Genie's last million dollar bill....
  6. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Seifer tried to stand, but he couldn't. He could hardly breathe since most of his ribs were broken. "Gah...I need...some pills...now...aaahh..." he garbled.
  7. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    OOC- umm... Kimiko? XP

    Kairi nodded. She knew they'd find a way to fix everything, or at least they'd try... But she couldn't help but wonder who could forge her handwriting so well. And if it was really fake, then where was her mother? None of it made sense, and Kairi didn't know what to do. Tears began to fill Kairi's eyes and she looked down so that Mrs. Shueisha and Riku wouldn't notice. She stood up and forced a smile. "Right. Thank you," She said to them before she ran off to quickly finish getting ready for work. She went to the living room. "C'mon, guys, you need to brush your teeth before we go," She said and took them to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth as well. Then, Akito spit toothpaste on Nami and started laughing. Nami hit Akito. "Stop it, meany head!" She said. Akito hit her back. "Both of you knock it off!" Kairi said sternly, but didn't yell. Akito and Nami both stopped. After they had apologized, Kairi had Akito go downstairs and Nami go change her shirt. Kairi then finished brushing her teeth.
  8. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Genie poofs into Doctor Mario in an instant,
    looking exactly like him,
    except for blue skin and his thin beard.

    Genie makes a large pill pop out of nowhere and throws it at Seifer,
    hitting him in the chest.

    Leon sighs,
    hile he's this way,
    he may as well be comfortable while doing it.

    He...rather She.... then jumps from the K-Mart roof and begins walking towards Wal-Mart,
    munny in pocket to buy what was needed.

    To those who play Super Smash Brother Melee,
    those pills actually do more harm than health...

    And I just realized.
    I think Leon is now basically in the movie,
    Rob Shcneider is: The Hot Chick.

    Except the other way around...xD

    And gee,....I wonder what Leon will buy....xP
  9. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    OOC: Kimiko... works for me, love. LOL.

    *TN*:: Yes, dear. Every Wednesday [school requirement]. I actually like it. LoL. I love the clean-cut professional look. 8D I always thought that the professional look was sexy.

    Riku sighed as Kairi left with her siblings. He really wondered what, who could've done this to Mrs. Kimberlin. He sipped his coffee as he pondered on this, alongside his mother. Both sat side by side, in silence, wondering what could've happened. Riku took another sip of his coffee before turning to his mother. “Okasan, do you need me to come here after work? Or will you and Kairi be able to handle everything for the moment?â€
    Riku still hadn't forgotten about his beeper going off earlier, and it was still necessary for him to go check on whatever the heck was up with his apartment. A dark expression came to his face as he thought about his apartment. Who knows what could've happened in the past hour or so. He had to hurry.

    “Is there something wrong?â€

    “No.†He looked at his mother with a smile. “Everything is fine . . . I just need to check on something. Nothing more.â€

    Mrs. Shueisha narrowed her eyes. “Really? Well ok then, we'll be fine.â€

    “Great, then we'll be going now. Thank you, Okasan.†Giving his thank you Riku turned to leave, calling out to Kairi. “Kairi, c'mon! I'll be in my car!â€
  10. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Hahahahaha! Maybe so.....but it just sounded so funny when you said that. :D No offense. The professional look is the way to go for meetings and...some other formal stuff....

    BIC- Okay...I'm getting this chocolate bar.....and....I still have for a gatorade. with some change left over in case of tax......hopefully.

    Angel paid for her food and received some change back. She then went to sit on a bench and snack.
  11. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    "Coming!" Kairi shouted and then rinsed her mouth. She waited until Nami was finished changing her shirt before heading downstairs again. She put her shoes on and helped her siblings put her shoes on. After making sure they hadn't forgotten anything, she went outside with her siblings. "Bye, Mrs. Shueisha!" Kairi shouted and waved to her in the kitchen before closing the door and going out to the car where Riku was at. "Sorry to keep you waiting," She said.
  12. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: You didnt deny the fact that I was bad TN....that hurts =( This guy is hard to do!..

    Axel patiently waited for her to make the first move,not expecting much at all from her,though he knew she wanted this.As she moved in for a kiss,Axel had to hold back a small amount of laughter, Simply because..well,for Larxene,the start was pretty weak..just a kiss?Suddenly his thoughts changed,realizing that she was just getting started.Feeling her warm tongue rolling around his bottom lip,Axel knew what she wanted to do.Slowly,he opened his own mouth and had his tongue meet hers.He moved around hers in a circular motion,and was still waiting for her to try something bigger than this.The grinding she was pulling off was driving him crazy,but she didnt want her to have the satisfaction of knowing that.

    Did he unintentionaly make things awkward?Roxas had to wonder that as she looked back toward's the ground,wondering if he had come on a little too strong.Maybe he did,having only knowing the girl for a few minutes.He also noticed her cheeks turning red,maybe..he had done a good thing."Your..welcome,sorry if that was sudden..but I never see girls like you around here..''he admitted shyly,taking a step back to give her room.He couldnt stop looking at her..that look of innocence and purity made him grow warm,and he wanted an excuse..just one excuse to spend more time with her.But he couldnt find one,and he didnt want to bother her further unless she wanted to speak with him more.
  13. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    The pill turned out to be a giant flash grenade. It did, however and somehow, heal the broken bones. Seifer got up. "I'm blind! I'm blind..." he said. There was a body infront of him. He tripped over it and slammed his head into a door of a car, denting it.
  14. MajorSeargent Banned

    Feb 16, 2008
    ooc:wow intresting Graxe My is coming in to luagh at you!


    My then poofed to hwer Siefer was "oh...Wow...Woud Vivi or someone like these pics?" she says and snaps her fingers to a camera and takes snaps of him blind bumping into thing,then she changed it into video mode.
  15. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Genie quickly poofs into a Mrs. Doubtfire outfit and races over to Seifer.

    Quickly grasping the teenager before he can bump into anymore cars.

    He looks directly past bispectacled eyes to look at Seifer's blurry ones.

    "Tell me Helen, what is this?"
    Genie asks in a soft voice,
    then poofs into a water hydrant,
    and dousing Seifer in cold wet water.

    He poofs back into himself,
    looking a little worried.
    "Tell me helen!"
    He cries like a maniac over Seifer's head.

    Leon, in the women's dress department,
    hears a sudden weird sound ripping through the air.

    Sounded like some kind of words....

    He turned around to see a young girl in her 20's whack a young man,
    probably her boyfriend,
    right across the kisser with her handbag.

    "Kill me, Ellen?!"
    The young girl cries out,
    whacking him once more across the head.
    "How dare you pray to Degenris to kill you while I'm shopping!"
    She shouts even louder and storms off.

    Leon elongates,
    cringing in fear of what just happened.
  16. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Angel finished snacking and discarded her trash in a nearby trashbin. Now what?
  17. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    "M-mother?" Seifer asked Genie. "Mother? Is that you? You're here..." Since he was blind, all he saw was white, and what he thought was a shadow of a hand, so he thought he died. He reached out to take it.

    "Umm...excuse me miss?" Xaldin asked Leon. "Can I help you with anything?"
  18. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    obviously noting that the water had not worked,
    turns into a Puritist presit,
    and begins to talk very loudly.
    "The Power of God, heal this young man....in eyes, spirit....and definately mind!"
    Genie says fervoritly,
    and slams his fist directly into Seifer's forehead....but maybe......he had pushed to hard....
    Uh oh.....
  19. OOC: I don't know what else you want me to say, Tula :/, if you remember back on those PMs and my thoughts about how you are doing, I told you you're fine. You aren't bad as Axel. You. Just. Aren't. Then again, I don't know what exactly you find hard to play Axel...he's cocky, witty, snarky, somewhat heartwarming (ignore Castle Obl.) and you're expressing that okay o.O.

    Larxene knew she needed to step it up, but as she said, she was going to enjoy things first, and she was having second thoughts anyway. This competition would've been fine later on, but it being their semi-first-second time, she had felt the need to take it slow, instead of heading straight away so fast into giving him pleasure. The thoughts disappeared a little when he granted her what she asked, and felt him kissing back as their tongues made contact, swirling through each other's, at least hers was. She explored everything in that cavern that she could easily taste, pressing her mouth harder on his as their lips now moved heatedly, her hands still working on his coat zipper, until the flaps were open and she could venture into his torso. It seemed he had a shirt, like a tank top, whatever color it was, she didn't know, but her hands slid under it until she felt his hot skin, and for some reason she appeared like a kid being offered some candy. For being quite skinny than the rest, as she predicted and basically knew, there were some abs and muscles hidden in those clothes, and she inhaled in a breath as fingers flexed against the hard feel.

    At the same time, her tongue flicked upward, taking one last thirsty circular motion, before breaking it off, sucking on his upper lip enticingly before beginning to kiss down his jaw and into his neck leisurely, licking and nipping at it softly, while her hands traveled backward as they slipped up to the hem of his pants, expertly flicking it open, as well as the zipper. She would've waited until later if this was anything normal, yet since this was suppose to be a contest, she had to be more spontaneous...then again, maybe if she got him to moan it will be over and they could take it easy. Going with that, she shamelessly dug her hand inside and got the jackpot, having some things in mind to do as she continued her administrations on his neck with her mouth, now reaching his shoulder. She did not know how any men could resist this, and she will continue until he gives it up, after all, there were many different ways to play.

    Come on, Axel. Lose.
  20. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    OOC: I'd meant to post earlier, love. 9-10 PM... Pbttt! Yeah right. xD I got a little too carried away with my work. Shmexy siggy btw love! 8D

    Riku had been waiting in his car for Kairi and her little siblings to show up, playing with his fingers like a child. His silver hair dripped down his face and covered his aquatic eyes as he thought about all the strange happenings. First was Mrs. Kimberlin's disappearance, then finding out it really was not her, and there was that thing about his apartment. It seemed that everything was going topsy-turvy around him. He sighed loudly, looking up when he heard the front door closing and Kairi came down the front porch with both Akito and Nami. He clicked the lock button on his door to unlock the doors, and shook his head in understanding as Kairi apologized for taking so long, which really didn't matter. He waited until everyone was in, seated, had put on their seatbelts and ready to go. “Everyone ok?†He asked looking back at the kids, then at Kairi. “Let's get going then.†And he started his car.

    OOC: Tularim, even I'll say it . . . You're fine hun. You're just fine in playing Axel 8D, and your writing is fine as well.

    “I-it's fine . . . Roxas.†She squeaked. “Thank you.†From the tone in which Roxas spoke, Naminé had realized that he was just as nervous as she was. Again, why all the nervousness? She didn't know. She still continued to look at the ground, and him apologizing didn't really help, as she only blushed some more, and a small smile coming to her lips. Her heart raced in her chest like a drum, thumping loudly, and bit her lips, almost afraid that he'd heard her heartbeat. The only time she looked up was when Roxas took a step back, and a squeak of protest almost made it out of her throat. She didn't want him to move, no . . . she liked the aura surrounding him, his scent, his bodily warmth which she'd felt when he was near. Her blue eyes once more met with his, and her eyes quivered as she stared into his, tempted to read his thoughts. The thoughts running through her head were bold, but perhaps too bold for them to come to her lips, and so she kept quiet on that part.
    “I'm sure there are better girls than just me around here.†She mumbled. She was elated, in reality. A compliment from Roxas! Her heart only raced faster. If he asked her out, the answer would definitely not be a no.
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