~ Organization XIII In WalMart ~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Feb 25, 2008.

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  1. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    No offense Graxe, but your not exactly a team player...
    Will you even give other people a try when they interact with Seifer or Xaldin..?


    Genie poofs away and reappears a meter from Seifer.

    Mask crumpled,
    breathing muffled,
    Genie falls to the ground, wheezing.

    "Luke,......take my helmet off..."
    He rasps to Seifer.
  2. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: LMAO!!! oh my god that is hilarious xDD

    Roxas couldnt pull his eyes off of her,it was as if time had slowed down,just so he'd be able to look at her,just for a while longer.It was like she was coming closer...closer...closer...too close! "Oof!"Roxas stumbled backwards,but did not fall over, due to already having his feet planted on the ground before.It had seemed that time put him back to normal speed,and to his surprise,she was standing right infront of him."It's no problem!"Roxas said,brushing his clothes off.What are the odds of love at first sight?..but she was the 'enemy',according to Xemnas.

    OOC: Sry Pyro,that's the best I got,im not as good a rper as you.
  3. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    "Aagh! Oh it's you." Seifer says. He tries to take it off, but then it got stuck. "It won't...gah..."
  4. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    The helmet pops off with a coke bottle pop sound and Genie's blue face can be seen,
    smiling and laughing his head off.

    He gives Seifer a noogie,
    since he now thinks Leon has abandoned him.

    Genie hated Leon now,
    he hadn't seen Leon in hours/days,
    so he didn't want anything to do with him anymore.

    He gives Seifer a friendly smile and gives him a bonecrushing hug.

    Leon was still on the burnt crispy roof of K-Mart,
    thinking of how could Genie abandone me,
    when he knows I need his magic to be a dude again.

    If he didn't switch back soon,
    one of the degenerates at Wal-Mart might hit on him......

    He shudders at the thought,
    since most of the Org was male.
  5. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Seifer literally got his bones crushed by the hug. "Genie...I can't...move...the pain..." he moans out quietly. "Get me...to...the...hos- AAAHH!" There was a large snapping sound like someone's back was getting folded in half. "...ooooohhhhh..."
  6. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Genie notices Seifer starting to bend in a weird way and simply blink,s
    loosening his grip a bit.

    "EE GAD!"
    he yells,
    in pure panic of Seifer's condition.

    He swiftly poofs into an EMD outfit,
    with a stablizer in each hand.

    He yells in a deep gruff voice,

    And pushes the Stabilizers into Seifer's chest.

    He then taps his finger on his chin as he reads the diagrams printing out of nowhere.

    He shakes his head in dismay.
    "Maybe I could have used a wee bit less volatge then 25,000..."
    He admits regretabbly.

    Don't worry,
    Genie magic can't kill anybody!

    But you'd be surprised what you can live through.....
  7. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Man.....you are the best Genie.....ever....practically like the real Genie. :D

    BIC- Angel finally gets rid off the oxygen tank and attempts to straighten her back.

    Agh! Oh my god.....I hope I never do that again.....
  8. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    OOC: Your post is fine Tularim. 8D Made me laugh. xD

    “I am so very sorry.” She apologized once more.“Oh no...” Looking down at her hands, she realized that she'd crushed her box of doughnuts when she'd run into him. From the looks of it, all the doughnuts were now broken or halved or crumbled inside and she sighed. She shook her head in disappointment, well, there goes her two dozen doughnuts.
    “Are you okey? I'm ver—” She said, finally looking up to take a better look, and she just paused. The eyes that gazed at her were of the purest blue and oh so beautiful. His golden hair was silky and uniquely spiked, and his bangs came down his forehead, just over his eyes. . . so sweet, so loving and so alluring— she was really lost in his eyes. She'd seen him before, around this neighborhood, but never had she seen him this close, and my was he cute! The cold wind hitting her once more, she snapped out of her haze. “I-I. . . I'm very s-sorry.” She said clearing her throat and stammering.
    He was in uniform, and it was a very familiar uniform at that too; it was the same uniform as Axel and Larxene, and she immediately recognized where in the neighborhood she'd seen him, it was right next door, Wal-Mart, their greatest rival. She read the name tag, Roxas, and she looked back up at him. “Er. . . Hel-hello Roxas.”
  9. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: Cool.and im not sure if she's in uniform atm so im gonna go with what I type,k?

    "Roxas...Roxas?..''Roxas muttered,as if he was in a trance.But who wouldnt be if you had to gaze into that girls beautiful eyes.Roxas was his name...and she was addressing him as so."..Oh! my name..y-yeah,im Roxas..nice to meet you..er..''Roxas looked down at her nametage,which read 'Namine',he smiled at her,glad to have gotten her name..and though she seemed familiar,they had never been on a first name basis."..Hey,Namine..''he said softly,still gathering in her beauty.It took him a moment to realize that she was shorter than him..too short."Oh,s-sorry..''he said,extending his hand out for her to grab so he could pull her up."..I was..distracted..''he explained,and that was all he could do.He had an urge to run his fingers all over her smooth skin..was a kid so young meant to feel this way?

    Maybe..it was Destiny.
  10. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    OOC: No problem, hun. However, for future references, she's in a midi black skirt, and a white blouse. She's the store accountant, so I assume that it's not necessary for her to be in the K-Mart uniform. 8D Name tag is fine.

    She giggled softly as Roxas, for a moment, was confused whether he was Roxas or not. Smiling sweetly, she took his hand, a strong tight grip, and she straightened up. His touch was warm and somehow soothing and it sent a tingling sensation through her arm, and something jumped in her stomach. Her heart palpitated in her chest, rapidly, an adrenaline rush. She cleared her throat once more before speaking.
    “Thank you. It's completely fine.” She paused. “Um, it's nice to meet you, Roxas.” In her mind, she knew she was talking to her so called rival, which she shouldn't be doing, however at the same time, she wondered, if merely working in Wal-Mart would make someone so distant and unacceptable. What does where you work have to do with anything at all? Naminé stated at Roxas in awe, his eyes. . . his eyes were so damn mesmerizing, it was hard to look away and before she knew it, she was lost in his eyes again. . . and then her phone rang.
    “Oh, darn!” She realized that her doughnut box still lay on the ground along with her purse, and cell phone, which was now playing the Super Mario tune. She quickly kneeled down to gather in her belongings.
  11. OOC: At least is not the blue vest over a Organization uniform...which is why I opted for Larxene to wear a black, pleated skirt and white blouse while the blue vest is over it as well xP. Yay, for school girl comparisons.

    I've forgotten what was the last thing Xemnas was doing....
  12. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "It's nice to meet you too!"Roxas responded,eyeing her up and down nonchalantely.He was glad he never took anything Xemnas said seriously..if they were the enemy,then wouldnt they..do enemy stuff?His thoughts were pulled away from that as he heard the Super Mario Bros. theme song being played below him,and Namine bent down to gather her items.He moved beside her and kneeled down himself,it was partly his fault anyway.He reached for her Cell Phone as she got her purse."..If I wasnt standing around like an idiot,you'd still have your doughnuts..im sorry..''Roxas apologized,handing her the phone and standing back up.
  13. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    OOC: Was that what Larxene was weraing??? xD Oh WOW... I dressed Namine according to what a professional accountant might wear, or the crap we have to wear on the DRESS FOR SUCCESS [gey, yes, I know.. <_<] days in my school.

    This was your last Xemnas post.

    “Oh my god.†She mumbled as she picked up the crushed box of doughnuts. “Thank you.†She took the cell phone and her purse from him, making a brief eye contact, and immediately blushed. The more she looked at him, the more nervous she felt. Why did she feel nervous? She had no clue. But his face and how he looked at her made her weak at the knees, and a part of him actually wanted to swoon, just so she could fall into his arms again, take in his scent and— No, no! Bad thoughts! Bad thoughts! She stared blankly at Roxas for a moment, driving the thought out of her mind. . . but she still considered it. The phone continued to ring loudly and she didn't bother answering her phone, for she hadn't recognized the number, and assumed it was probably some telemarketing guy again. “It's not your fault, Roxas. It was my mistake. I was the one who was not paying attention to where I was going. And don't worry about the doughnuts. They're only crumbled. . . and doughnuts are doughnuts, crumbled or not. Won't stop me from eating them still.â€
  14. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Roxas could not help but stare back into her eyes,feeling slightly weak at the knees.Heck,he even found himself panting silently..Namine was..amazing,and to make things better,they were the same ago..at least,it seemed so. "Y-yeah...even though they're crushed,they'll still taste the same..''he said.He found himself moving closer to her,without even realizing what he was doing.Destiny was giving him an extra push it seemed.
  15. OOC: Thanks, luv. I knew it was something about Xemnas and Marluxia being connected in the next post. And yeah, that's what Larxene's wearing. With knee high white socks and black, heeled boots for added fling. Now the short-sleeved white blouse, the black pleated skirt (which is what I pictured to be THIS, but black, of course) , and it completes the school girl type of style I was going for.

    Now that you mention it, I think of Naminé wearing one of those tight black skirts that I see some women in business suit wear. Was that it?

    And Tularim, you haven't replied yet, right? In case I missed it or something.

    "Marluxia, will you please see me in my office. I repeat, will you please see my in my office. Or you will get your butt fired. As for our special customers, please enjoy our free snack bar that is at the corner of the electronics aisle. And if you're hungry, grab a bite at the McDonald's located inside our store. Thank you."

    Clicking the speaker off from his desk, he seriously waited for Marluxia to pop out from wherever he went. He needed Axel and Larxene too, but they were nowhere to be seen or spotted, and it was way past their lunch break. Which meant he had to lower their payments for the wasted hours, not to mention, Customer Service was left unattended. Damn. If he was in a bad day, they would've already been fired as far as he was contend with. Yet, if he was going to get any type of answer, it would be at least from Marluxia, who might reply to the questions he had on his mind about what occured.

    After a while of hiding, Marluxia had decided to come back now that the store was fairly empty of employees to go snitch, and was in his post, checking out items for customers, since Axel was still gone, and so was Larxene. The thought of what they were doing made him want to wreck a customer's neck, but knowing he would probably get a worse consequence for it, he simply decided to hold it in. Though from the looks he was getting, his bad mood was obviously shown, and he was taking it out on the bags. Forcing a smile on his face, he simply said as he packed up the stuff for the man, "Sorry about that, horrible day for me, so I apologize. Thank you for shopping at WalMart though, and please come back again."

    While he was working, his thoughts weren't on his job, but rather, on how he could get Larxene to forgive him still. He wasn't fond of grovelling though, and he didn't think that would get him anywhere. Seeing as this was the last customer for his check out, he took the time then to somehow hatch a plan, that is, until Xemnas's voice popped out of the speakers. Great. Probably the whole mess that was created was now in the manager's focal point. And being the only one here, he had to take the slamming. Letting out a breath, making sure no one saw, he portalled out quickly, heading to the boss's office, and materializing inside as the black disappeared from his vision.

    Immediately, Xemnas's orange and sharp eyes connected with his, and composing himself, he went to ask calmly, "You called me, Sir?"

    OOC: Yeah, my WalMart has McDonald's inside. Thought it would be a nice added touch for it.
  16. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.

    "..I was going to ask you the same thing..''Axel said slyly,letting Larxene feel him for a while.He didnt mind letting her have the wheel for a while,since he did a bit of grabbing himself.But if he was going to be on the passengers seat,he wanted to explore her body a little more as well.He hoped he enjoyed himself here,because getting chewed out by Xemnas after a poor show with her didnt appeal to him too well.Slowly,Axel raised his hands as if he had a gun to his head."..You can go first..''he insisted,putting up the challenge if she chose to continue.And adding to that,he was growing hot,and he hoped she could take the heat,cause the kitchen was worth it.

    OOC: Sorry for the wait..I have Axel blocks from time to time,and its hard to predict what he would do..im bad at him.
  17. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    OOC: 8D There's a McD's in our Wal-Mart. xDDD LOLOLOL. Yes, hun, Naminé is wearing one of those SKIRTS, and a white full sleved, [cotton] blouse, with some simple balck high heels. 8D Pretty much the exact crap I wear on every Wednesday. xDDD

    “Yes, exactly.” She laughed. “Food is food, and then there are doughnuts.” She turned her head to look around her and see if there was anything she'd missed. There were some fallen crumbs of doughnuts on the concrete floor, but that didn't matter... at least she wasn't carrying coffee, she thought. As she turned her head from side to side, to make sure of her surroundings, he hadn't noticed Roxas inching closer to her, and withing a second, she found herself face to face with him, close, closer than before. She paused, almost unable to move, his eyes piercing through hers, the sweet scent of whatever body spray he was wearing coming into her, and she gave a small gasp, a peep, as she found herself not resisting him, and not protesting as he came closer.
  18. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    From the looks of things,the Axe body spray Roxas had sprayed around his neck was working,at least Namine didnt tear his clothes off and do...things..really..awesome..sexy things--bad thoughts,bad thoughts!Roxas shook his head,trying to get rid of the awesome-no!the BAD images of him and Namine doings...aw-BAD things.He laughed nervously,ahving only just now realized that he was face to face with her,he couldnt hold it back any longer."..Y-you look..amazing,Namine..you know that?"he asked,but hoped it just seemed as a compliment to her and nothing more.He hoped he didnt come off too strong,but sometimes a man couldnt hold back these feelings.
  19. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Naminé blushed, eyes looking back at the ground. A smile came to her face as she was somehow quite elated to hear that from him. Sure there were many other employees in K-Mart always hitting on her, and keep flirting with her, but the way in which Roxas spoke, it was. . . different, sweet, and honest. Her cheeks were a bright red, and hot from blushing, and she still looked down as she answered him. “T-thank you, Roxas.â€
    What was a little dumbstruck. She didn't know what else to say. She was not as bold as the other girls and she bit her lip in nervousness.
  20. OOC: Wear every Wednesday? Ah, at least it looks nice, clean, and professional. Naminé white dress is kind of like that anyway. And I was wondering about each WalMart having a Mickey D's inside, since I was trying to find out whether that ours was unique or it's everywhere. It's kind of weird though....o.O.

    And that's okay, Tularim, I figured that, so I didn't rush you. I just needed to make certain that you weren't waiting on me or anything.

    Larxene rolled her eyes, not knowing why he was letting her make the first move, but it actually made her think on it for a quick second. Things like this were meant to be enjoyed, and to be free, so that wasn't exactly fun if she was to be holding her pleasure back, especially as she had been looking forward to this. Putting her forehead on his lightly, she shut her eyes, taking in his hot breathing, the warmth on his body, and the closeness as the contemplations flowed through her mind, before simply taking the initiative and capturing his lips with hers as she closed the remaining gap, kissing him deeply and almost in carnal hunger as her mouth moved against his own, surprisingly not harsh and rough, as she had actually planned, rather slow and tentative, and getting passionate the more she continued to taste him. Finally. Just by that alone she wanted to moan in glee, yet of course, she held herself.

    In the end, she opted to first bask in him as best she could, before going forward on the challenge. Placing her body to more properly straddle him without losing their contact, she drove one hand to cup his cheek, pressing him harder on the kiss as it was getting heated, her tongue grazing his bottom lip for the entrance she had desired, while the other hand trailed deviously downward, already fiddling with the zipper of his coat to take it off as she teasingly grinded her hips a bit unto him sensually.

    She was impatient like that.
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