~ Organization XIII In WalMart ~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Feb 25, 2008.

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  1. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    OOC- umm... *looks around bedroom* Shueisha? O.o lol it was in tiny print on one of my posters... XP

    Kairi smiled as she watched them run off. "It's alright... They could really use anything to keep their minds off of what's going on..." She said and then looked at Riku's mom. "I'm doing alright... But my mom didn't say anything else before she left..." Kairi reached into her pocket and pulled out a folded up piece of paper. She handed it to Riku's mom. "This is all I heard from her before she left..." Kairi said, kind of softly.
  2. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    OOC: Good enough! Her name is Mrs. Izumi Shueisha! xD So it's also... Riku Shueisha. LoL

    Taking the letter from Kairi, Mrs. Shueisha opened it up and read it for herself, taking her time studying it carefully. Riku only took another mouthful of eggs and chewed, while looking at the time to make sure that he and Kairi wouldn't be late for their work. Taking another sip of his coffee, he looked at his mother who was now making a rather strange face as she looked at the latter. “Is everything okey, Okasan?â€
    “Umm. . . actually, no. It's not okey. Kairi. . .†She began, still looking at the letter. “Did you actually looked at the letter carefully, dear?â€
  3. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    OOC- I totally facepalmed at that... XD

    Kairi tilted her head. "Yeah, I looked at it carefully..." She said. "I read it over and over again..." She paused. She seemed to be acting pretty strange about it. "What's wrong?"

    OOC- sorry if I post short.... too lazy to think tonight and my time is limited XP
  4. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    OOC: Ah, it's ok hun. ^_^-

    “Well, actually. . . I've known your mother quite long enough, my dear, and this. . . is NOT her handwriting.”
    “WHAT!?” Riku exclaimed, dropping his fork. Mrs. Shueisha gave a questioning look at the two, but mostly at Kairi. "Yes, the letter was not written by your mother. Did you not notice that?"

    OOC: dun, dun, dun...

    and name your mother too! xD
  5. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    OOC- I KNEW she was going to say it's not her handwriting... XD
    as for a name... uhh... Mrs. Kimberlin O_o

    Kairi shooke her head. "That's not possible... It's my mom's handwriting... I'd know it anywhere..." She said and looked over her shoulder at the note. She studied it carefully. Suddenly, her eyes widened and she gasped, covering her mouth. She stared at the note, shocked. It's not her handwriting... Kairi thought. "It isn't... But if it wasn't her who wrote this letter, then that means she didn't really run away!" Kairi said, but what still confused. "If that's true... Then where in the world is she? And who really did write this letter...?" Kairi bit her lip.
  6. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    An axe murderer waiting in the closet to kill Kairi because she's a Princess of Heart. XD

    BIC- Angel realized she was definitely getting closer to the no oxygen zone, because it was getting harder to breath, especially since she was carrying this giant thing. She managed to see Darth Vadar and a boy up ahead struggling to breathe.

    ....O_o.....that guy in black is freaking me out....but I guess I'll just ahve to grit my teeth and go over there to the kid. Luckily I swiped these mouthpieces at the last second....

    She put on one mouthpiece and had oxygen and hurriedly went to the kid and gave him the other.
  7. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Seifer looked at the black guy. He inhaled one big breath and said, "Get away from me!" And with that, he tripped Genie and started to stomp on his helmet. Then he couldn't hold his breath anymore. Soon, a girl came over to him and gave him an oxygen mask. "...thanks..." he told her taking the mask and putting it over his mouth. Much better. he thought. "So what about the others? There can't be enough for EVERYONE on the ground."

    Xaldin noticed Angel run over to someone on the ground and a person in black. She was carrying an oxygen tank and a couple masks with her. She better do whatever she's doing fast. That tank looks small. he thought. The tornado was almost completely out, but not totally.
  8. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    That's why you better get out now.

    With that she left Seifer with one last gulp of oxygen and moved on to the next person. Trying to limit them to 2-3 breaths each.
  9. MajorSeargent Banned

    Feb 16, 2008
    My looks to her side and jumped up in the air making thigns go matrix around the universe, and high kicks then the camera goes around her booooooooooooyeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
  10. OOC: Eye surgery didn't hurt xD, so don't worry. It was more laser, than anything (if they used something pointy, trust me, can't even feel it). The only thing that you would define close to hurting (but is more discomfort), is when they put a ring around (though your eyes are already numb with the drops), and put on a suction to make the lights dim and make everything black. From there on, everything was...nothing xP. Is the LasikPlus thing, where it corrects whatever is ruining your vision, so I don't need glasses anymore.

    Seriously, I was in fear at first. I wondered where the courage even came from D:. My eyes are better, but not that good, yet I need to post something on the weeks I've been missing, I'm so behind. And poor Tula...sorry for the wait ^^;. And I am bound to use the computer one day considering the work I have to do. So expect more of me from now on :). Summary?

    "It helps you brainstorm? Well then, my butt isn't going to be around all the time, you know," Larxene slightly joked, as she laid her head in his broad chest once more. If he liked touching her "lower cheeks", then she enjoyed his chest being a pillow. However, he said he'd like to go to her house...it worked either way for her, and she'll be in the comforts of her own home. Letting out a breath as she thought it over, she slowly began to portal them out of KMart....away from all the mess, disappearing completely, before materializing in a well furnished, clean, and modern styled living room. Even as the remaining black wisps went away, she stayed still for a moment, before moving her head and staring off into her one person apartment, considering she lived alone. It was the typical; bathroom, kitchen in a opened entryway with black marble as a floor and counter, big bedroom with a walk in closet, and that was it. Though it was spacious, and she tried her best to make it look worth living in. And it was. New condo.

    Stepping away from Axel at the now black carpeted floor, she softly pushed Axel down to sit on the flawless navy blue couch, not ready to show her bedroom just yet, which was different from the rest of the place. The point was: time to enjoy what they came here for. Without wasting another second, as she wanted this done now, she went lay him on the sofa as well, crawling silkily on top of him the second his back hit the cushion, her hands slipping pass his torso sensually up to his chest, until they reached his neck, that she used a little to make herself comfortable in a position that was best for them both. Giving a sultry smile, she leaned her face down, nearing his mouth, their hot breaths mingling the closer she leisurely got. In the end, there was just a centimeter gap of their mouths to close what she was waiting for all this time. Again, she never got the chance to taste his lips, so she was looking forward to it, and there was even a hunger inside that was burning. Even so, she tilted her head a little, whispering enticingly as her eyes sparkled mischievously, "Ready to moan?..."

    Of course, she was implying their little deal, as it was stuck in the back of her mind.
  11. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    WOOOOOOOOOO! Twilight's back! We must celebrate with soda!

    BIC- Angel continued this but then she realized she was using up oxygen as well so she held her breath more and continued.
  12. MajorSeargent Banned

    Feb 16, 2008
    ooc:....EEEEEK!!!!!!....I would put more details alittle...And don't get in trouble!


    My pushesh er hair back out of ehr face and snaps her fingers appearing in a blue shirt long sleeved,but the sleeves where striped red and blue,wearing short shorts a bit dirty.Oh yeah I look awesome! she exclaims and walks off.
  13. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    ooc: soda? don't got any. but here's a summary Twilight:

    The camera Xaldin threw in K-Mart set some shelves on fire. But since everyone ignored it, the store went up in flames. In Wal-Mart, Genie was messing around, and eventually letting a cloud of soot into the sky and air. This caused Xaldin to make a tornado to clean the air, but it moved towards the burning K-Mart thus setting the soot inside the tornado on fire also. Angel went outside to help take out the fire. Xaldin just watched. Meanwhile, Seifer was messing around in the town and eventually ended up at the front door of Kairi's house. When Angel took down the K-Mart fire a bit, some firefighters put water on it and made it bigger. Angel then completely wiped out the K-Mart fire leaving it in ruins. The burning tornado, on the other hand, moved towards the town. Angel did her best to take out the fire inside it, but she got exhausted. So Xaldin went near it and started to take the air out of the atmosphere, which suffocated everyone outside in a ten yard radius from the outside of the tornado including Seifer. When Angel recovered her strength, she took an oxygen tank with a few masks and went into the no-air zone. She found Seifer near Genie in a Darth Vader outfit and took Seifer out of there.

    that's all I know. not sure what exactly's going on with everyone else, though.

    bic: Xaldin looked at the tornado. It was faint, but not out. C'mon, almost there... he thought. Then he looked at all of the people on the ground. some weren't even moving. "Oh god." he said with his teeth clenched.

    Seifer left the no-air zone. He could breathe again. "I'M ALIVE!!!!" he yelled.
  14. MajorSeargent Banned

    Feb 16, 2008
    ooc: My and Aeirtih sneaked into Walmart in disguises as Ty and Shayd but My ran out cuase someone there could stop ehr magic,but they did lots of havoc.

    Bic:My couldn't just let it go she walked into Walmart with her new cloths and walked around "It's ok no one knows you My!"she told herself
  15. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Finally, the tornado's out... Xaldin thought. The air wasn't totally back in yet. It's gonna take a while before the oxygen levels go back to normal. If Marluxia was here, he could plant plants all over the place to produce the oxygen.
  16. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Finally the tornado was out and Angel tended to the unconscious(hopefully) people and let them breathe. But first she checked if their heart was still beating. Some were gone.

    ......well this sucks......*sigh*.....so this is what a doctor or nurse feels like.....
  17. OOC: Thanks, Graxe.
  18. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    OOC: Totally obvious. It's the most common... reason? O.o' Uhh... Clue? Eh... whatever. What's her first name? Well, Izumi and she are friends, so she cannot call her by her last name. xD

    "Interesting... thought I must say that this is a pretty decent forgery of her handwriting. At a glimpse, anyone could've been fooled." Izumi handed the letter back to Kairi, and leaned back on her chair, crossing her arms. "This is disturbing."
    "Where could she have gone then?" Riku asked worriedly. "I knew there was something wrong with that. Mrs. Kimberlin would never do something so rash that." The small alarm on his watch went off into a continuous beeping as he'd finished that sentence, and the three had fallen into a silence. "Oh... damn. Kairi, if we don't leave now, you'll be late for work. We'll discuss this when we get home today."
    "I agree Kairi. Go to work. I'm here, and we can figure this out once you return. Please, my dear," Izumi said, cupping Kairi's cheeks in her delicate palm, "don't stress. I know it will not be easy, but relax. Well ALL figure this out."

    OOC: I've got nothing to summerize for you *TN*, mostly because I sort of disappeared after you were gone, and then DS and I just stopped posting for a while. So from KAIRI/RIKU side, the story remains the same. Riku at Kairi's place, Kairi's mother is gone, Riku's mom's here... That's all. xD

    TULARIM, CAN WE HAVE NAMINÉ AND ROXAS MEET? O.o' She's currently coming back to K-Mart from the doughnut shop with a box full of doughnuts of every kind. xD
  19. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Roxas sighed as he saw Larxene and Axel dissapear in wisp's of darkness,figuring it would be best to just stay here and out of their way.He knew what they were about to do..who wouldnt from the way Axel had his hands on her."..Back to work then..''Roxas sighed and looked at K-mart for a moment.A few holes in it and such..and why did he smell a lemur!?Shaking his head from the thoughts,he turned his attention down the road.Namine was coming toward's him with what looked like Donut's.But unlucky for him,he did not know what to do about it.Act innocent and make small talk..or just head to work? For now he'd just stare over at her and waited to see what she would do when she saw him
  20. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    The sky was dark, by the time Naminé had returned to K-Mart. Large, ominous, and dark clouds covered the sky, the rims of the forbidding clouds were a slight golden as the sun attempted to shine through the thickness of it. As Naminé walked down the street, carrying the box of doughnuts, her eyes were fixated on the sky. When she'd left, she remembered the sky to be beautiful, shining, bright and clear. . . whatever happened in just the brief moment she was gone. A strong, chilling wind came almost unexpectedly, making her wince and shiver, as it seemed to pierce through her white flimsy blouse and her bare legs. Her black skirt was only knee length, and her white shirt was neatly tucked into her skirt, so when the wind did come, it almost made every hair on her body stand on its end. She squealed slightly, the wind passing her by, cringing to herself, waiting for it to end. However, the wind did not end, but rather picked up its pace, and she knew cringing to herself will not help, so she walked once more. Her hair flew solvently in the wind, coming into her eyes, making it hard for her to even see what, or who, was in front of her as she walked on. She struggled to move the strands of hair from her face, her eyes, juggling the box of doughnuts and her cell phone, and before she knew it she'd bumped into something. It took her a second to realize what had happened and when she looked up, she found herself staring at a very blue pair of eyes. “Sorry!â€

    OOC: *shrugs*
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