~ Organization XIII In WalMart ~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Feb 25, 2008.

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  1. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Genie notices Seifer is knocked out.
    And slowly he says to himself,
    "The Bad news is, the only thing keeping this broom in the air was that tornado...."

    A moments pause,
    and then the brrom begins to hurtle for the earth,
    55 feet below!

    Genie lets out a woman scream as they freefall on the broom.
  2. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    "Yes, but there'd be no air and then everyone near the tornado would DIE. So either take out the fire in the tornado so that I can dissapate the tornado, or I can kill off everyone in a 10 yard radius from the tornado. Either way, it doesn't matter to me." Xaldin told Angel.

    THe scream woke up Seifer. "Huh? Why are we fall-" He fell of the broom and landed into a grassy field. Since there were some parts of his clothes were still lit, small patches of grass caught on fire as well.
  3. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    ....you can do that?

    Kill everyone?......

    Him....no....that'd be morally wrong....*sigh*.....I'll go see what I can do.....
  4. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Genie Crashlands into a house,
    when the dust clears, only his legs and stocking can be seen under the development.
    (He's still dressed as a witch, now do you get it? XD)

    Slowly his legs curl up like flattened balloons and retract under the house,
    leaving behind two fuzzy blue bunny slippers.

    (The bunny slippers will both give Seifer the ability to rule of humans,
    and humiliate him! Jk XD)

    Leon climbs to the top and yells into the thick curtain of fire,
    "Is everyone still ok?"
    Hopefully they thought he was some sort of fireman or something.
  5. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Angel took another deep breath and concentrated on somehow getting the fire to stop spinning or just extinguish it but it started to get her a bit dizzy trying to stop the fire.


    The whole world was spinning and Angel was just tired. She wanted a nap.

    Ugh.....-_-....okay....I can do this.....
  6. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    ooc: um...didn't angel already put the fire out...?

    bic: Xaldin heard someone yell on the K-Mart roof. He looked to see that same girl from before. What does she think she's doing? The roof's gonna fall after that fire damage. he thought.

    Seifer looked around him. "Ahhh!" he yelped. He tried to put out the all of the small fires around him. Stop, drop, and roll...stop, drop, and roll...
  7. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    For Kmart....not the tornado.

    BIC- There's got to be a different way to do this......ah screw it....

    She started to wonder if spraying water at the tornado would do anything as she was eying the fire hose.

    Well.....it's either going to spray water everywhere....or it's going to put out the fires in the tornado.......or potentially both....
  8. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    OOC: Wow. With the FIRE bit and TORNADO... I'M COMPLETELY LOST! D8 And why in the world was there a tornado in Kairi's house? O.o' Okey, I'm sorry my lovelys, but I'm going to have to ignore that bit with Sifer and the tornado thing at Kairi's house, for it was just way too radical and random. O_O I hope you dears don't mind. However, I'll still acknowledge the fact that there was indeed a tornado and K-Mart being on fire, nothing more.

    *waits for DS*

    BTW, everyone... *TwilightNight* has recently had eye surgery, thus she has not/cannot come on at the moment [this is why she hasn't been on for about a week or so]. She'll start to come on more often once her eyes have healed a bit more.

    With Larxene getting what she wanted and disappearing with Axel, also Genie disappearing almost immediately as he was injured, the coast was clear, and Naminé finally stepped out from hiding behind Sephiroth. She gave a loud sigh as she looked to find the store once again calm and quiet, as if nothing had taken place. Asking for a moments excuse from Sephiroth, Naminé headed out the door. Leaving the gigantic structure behind her, she walked around aimlessly, as she drowned in her many thoughts. Actually, she was just bored, and she wondered where Kairi was. That girl always takes too long to get her butt to work, often slacking off as well. However, Naminé had to admit, that Kairi was still a very unique young woman with a beautiful heart, and that was what she loved in her friend the most. As she walked farther away from her building, she'd lost track of time of how long she's been walking around and her steps eventually led her to a nearby doughnut shop. Upon seeing the place, she decided to buy a little something for her and Kairi. Staring at the sign for about two seconds as she made up her mind, Naminé walked in and headed for the display shelf where all the different varieties of doughnuts were and where they seemed to sparkle with indulgence. Crossing her arms, she stared at the many colorful doughnuts, her choice was already made— chocolate, as usual, and now she stood by the display shelf wondering what she would take for Kairi, Biting her lips she thought about the flavor that Kairi liked best, but her attention, however shifted to the tiny television hanging from the wall. There seemed to be a news about some building on fire, and to her amazement, the building looked oh so vaguely familiar. She could've sworn that she's seen the building befo— her thoughts were interrupted as the clerk at the register finally asked her if she'd come to a decision. “Um. Yeah. Uh. . . Just give me one of each, please.â€
    Coming in only to buy two doughnuts, she ended up buying more than a dozen. After paying the man, she left the store hugging the pink doughnut box in her arms, never even looking back at the news report on the television about the burning building, remaining completely oblivious to the fact that, that building which was on fire was actually her precious work, K-Mart.
  9. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    OOC- sorry... >>

    aww... I hope she feels better soon... D:

    Kairi blinked. "Oh, that's right... I haven't eaten yet, either..." She turned to Riku and then smiled. "But you need to eat, too... Come on..." She gestured for him to have a seat as she went and sat down where she had been before. This had certainly been one heck of a morning. Hopefully the whole day won't be like this... She thought. Kairi could still feel the worry for her siblings from their mother running away like that, but that wasn't just it. She could also feel a small pain in her chest... A feeling she knew all too well as heartbreak. She missed her mom, and was stressed about her leaving... Kairi just hoped that they could find her like Riku had promised they would. Riku... She shook the thoughts away. Ever since yesterday in KMart, she couldn't stop thinking about him... Ever since the moment they'd accidentially kissed... And when it wasn't an accident. She knew right away that he liked her as more than a friend, it was obvious because of the way he had reacted, but did she like him like that? She picked up her fork and started to eat her breakfast, pondering this thought. She wanted to know, and it was keeping her mind off of her mother's leaving, so she wasn't as stressed. I'm so confused...
  10. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Following Kairi, he too sat down at the opposite side of the table, once again picking up his fork. Riku didn't wait a single minute before taking a mouthful of eggs for he was desperately hungry, and to his surprise, the eggs were still warm to his tongue. He chewed his food as his gaze slowly moved from this bowl to the girl in front of him, who seemed to be in a daze, in deep thoughts, contemplating something. . . or perhaps just too worried to eat.
    "Hey, eat up." he smiled, "You'll need the energy and strength. You're all they've got." He referred to the two kids now eating in silence. He hated to see her like this. The once perky and amazingly happy girl, now so quiet and lost, it was not like her, and he couldn't bare to see her like this. He opened his mouth to say something else when suddenly the doorbell rang, and instinctively, his head turned towards the door.

    Okasan? Had she finally come?
  11. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Kairi snapped out of her daze and looked at Riku. "R-Right... Sorry..." She said and sent him a warm smile. She picked up her fork and started eating her breakfast. After a while of eating in silence, she noticed Riku was going to say something else, but then the doorbell rang. Who could that be...? Kairi wondered.
  12. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Poor Twilight.
    The fire was at Kmart as well as the tornado.

    BIC- *sigh*.....Xaldin...I give up.....the tornado can just...exhaust itself out....
  13. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    ooc: Eye sugery, huh? *imagines how it's like* Anyway, Xaldin made the tornado to clear up the sky and air of soot that Genie made at Wal-Mart. When it hit K-Mart, the soot caught on fire and the tornado burned as well. Eventually, the burning tornado went towards the city.

    bic: "Then that just leaves one thing." Xaldin said. He ran off in the tornado's direction. When he got about 12yards from the tornado, he let his lances after it. They surrounded the tornado and began to spin in the opposite direction of the tornado. It caused the air to get thin and dissapate. People in a ten yard radius from the outer edge of the tornado started to suffocate from the lack of oxygen in the air. At least the tornado's going out... he thought.

    Oddly, Seifer started to choke. It was as if an invisible vorce was strangling him, but without actually touching his throat. "Gah...someone..." he struggled out.
  14. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Angel watched from a distance.

    .....T_T.......wow......he actually decided to do it.......

    ......does this make me a second hand murderer?.......>_>......maybe the tornado will go out before people actually die.....
  15. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Seifer started to crawl away, but the lack of oxygen started to take him down. He went to the closest structure, which was Kairi's house. Barely getting there, he used the last of his strength to pound on the door. "...help..." he squeaked. Then he noticed that some air was flowing out of the crack under the door. He breathed it in.

    Xaldin noticed that people in buildings were safe. Outside, people were dropping to the ground and struggled for air. The tornado started to shrink and fade away, though. I better be doing the right thing... he thought. Soon, a news helicopter flew in to see what was going on. The report can be seen inside Wal-Mart on the TV's.

    "Chuck, how's it going on down there?" the female reporter asked.
    "Well, the tornado's going out. But the weirdest thing is that the people down there seem to be suffocating! I've never seen anything like this in my life!" Chuck responded.
  16. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    .......hmm....if I'm to help......I need an oxygen tank.......but where?.....

    ......maybe I can steal one from that diving store across the road......>_>.....it's for a good cause.....

    Angel went for it. She hurriedly went into the store and took a tank of oxygen and ran off with it. Luckily no one was in the store at the moment. Unfortunately the tank was heavy.

    Oh my god......urgh...it's for....the people......
  17. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    The sound off rhytmatic breathing can be heard approaching Seifer,
    the sound deep and diver-mask like.

    It grows closer and closer.

    Soon the constriction agasint his thorat loosens and Darth Vader stands before him,
    helmet flashing in the daylight.

    He looks down at Seifer,
    with black, deep eyes.
    "Seifer, there's something...I must tell you..*Kooooheeeeehkooooooheeeeee* I am......your uncle's sister's second cousin's ex-roomate's cloned twin."
    He says slowlly,
    but faster at the end.
  18. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    “I'll get that.†He said quickly, getting up from his chair, making rapid hand motions at Kairi to keep her seated. “You keep eating, it's probably Okasan. I'll go see.†Running one hand through his silky silver hair, he headed for the front door as the doorbell rang once more. Making haste, Riku speed walked to the door, turning all the locks he opened the door to find (just as he'd hoped) his mother, standing there with a small suitcase at hand, smiling, and looking beautiful as ever. “Okasan! You're finally here!†He exclaimed, his face lighting up, some of his hidden worries disappearing.
    “Ohio, Riku.†She greeted her son with the most motherly voice. It was amazing, she'd traveled quite a distant and the entire night, she still looked beautiful, lively and radiant as ever. Her waste-long silver hair (which she'd endowed Riku with) flowed freely behind her in the soft morning wind, along with her black cotton Pee-Coat. The bottons of her Pee-Coat was open and under the warm coat, she wore a midnight blue, silk shirt (matching her dark blue eyes), with black khaki pants, complete with black pencil heels, giving her an awesome professional look. She wore no makeup except a very light layer of powder and a small amount of eyeliner. She still looked like a college student, albeit her actual age. “Hope I'm not too late.â€
    “No, no. You are just in time, Okasan. We were just eating breakfast. Come in.†He quickly replied taking the suitcase from her hand. “Why don't you join us, Okasan. I'll make you some eggs.â€
    “Um. No, Riku, I'll pass. I've had quite a lot to eat on the way, but thanks. Where is Kairi? How is she doing? Nami and Akito?â€
    “Ok then. Oh, they're all fine at the moment.†He led her through the livingroom to the kitchen where the other three were seated and enjoying their breakfast.
    “Ohio, Kairi.†She rested her hand on her head, softly caressing her scarlet hair, giving her a sweet and tender smile as she spoke.
  19. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Kairi did as Riku said and stayed seated. She continued to eat her breakfast. When she heard Riku open the door, she heard a familiar voice. Ah, so Riku's mom is here... She thought. When Nami and Akito heard who it was, they immediately jumped out of their seats and ran over to greet her. Kairi couldn't help but giggle when they hugged her. They always enjoyed seeing Riku's mom whenever she came over to talk with Kairi's mom. Kon'nichi wa," Kairi said and smiled at her.
  20. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    OOC: :sweatdrop: I'm going to go ahead and give Riku's mother a name. It's hard to play her without a name. O.o' Gimme a last name yo! xD

    Returning the hug to the kids, she gave a small kiss to both on their forehead. “Have you two been good?†She asked in a playful voice. Obviously the two kids nodded and in return to their nods, she pulled out two chocolate bars from her purse and handed it to them. Akito and Nami, both jumped in joy and ran into the livingroom with their gifts, leaving behind their unfinished breakfast.
    “No! Okasan!†Riku facepalmed himself. “Now They'll never finish their breakfast.â€
    “Lighten up, Riku.†She giggled like a young girl before turning her attention back to Kairi. Pulling up a chair and taking a seat she spoke once more, “Are you okey Kairi? Did your mother say anything else before leaving?â€
    Following his mother, Riku sat back down on his chair and resumed eating his meal.
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