Organization XIII Goes to France

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by keybladeofdarkness4, Sep 3, 2007.

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  1. keybladeofdarkness4 Twilight Town Denizen

    Luxord:he still owes me a threesome with you!but his a$$ is sooooo nice and soft...
    Luxord:lets go!my nipples are getting cold
  2. RoxasNoxas Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 31, 2007
    Southern California
    Xemnas: Luckily, my d!ck can point the way to whoever has a magical a$$ like Demyx!
    *D!ck points left*
    *we walk left for a mile*
    Hey... do you hear something?
    AAAAH! It's a Pride fest parade!!!
    *Gay PrideFest parade goes by*
    *d!ck wants to follow*
    No, Peeny! We need to find Demyx!
    *Luxord hears a groan*
    Luxord: What was that?
    Xemnas:Nevermind, I'll explain later!
  3. keybladeofdarkness4 Twilight Town Denizen

    *goes in into room*
    Luxord:OMG...that door was blown to bits...
    *looks at secret passage way to ScissorMan's altar*
    Luxord:OMG!its the pentagram used for the ritual of engagement!
    *hand xemnas the list*
    Ritual of Engagement-an unholy ritual in which the user sacrifices a variety of elemental items and gains IMMORTALITY
    1.Shield of Ice-obtained
    2.Tomahawk of Earth-obtained
    3.The Blood From the sill-beating heart of a Nymph
    4.Clock of time
    5.Wheel of Flame
    6.Sitar of Water
    7.Blades of Aero
    8.Scythe of Nature
    9.Tome of Knowledge-obtained
    10.Key of Destiny
    11.Lances of Typhoons-obtained
    12.Guns of Gravity-obtained
    13.Hammer of The Moon-obtained
    14.Body of a Witch
  4. RoxasNoxas Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 31, 2007
    Southern California

    OOC: Sorry! I need to go!
    Wow... you really put a lot of work in this RP! I'll try to be back as soon as I can!
  5. keybladeofdarkness4 Twilight Town Denizen

    Luxord:its complicated!but we have to stop the ScissorMan!...wherever he may be!
  6. EraserRain Banned

    May 28, 2007
    Lucario's Pants
    Demyx was looking around for things in his room.......he heard the door lock and heard scissors..........then demyx was stabbed in the back

    Demyx: GAH!!!

    Demyx was thrown down

    "i like your eyes..........there beutiful" i must have them..................

    Demyx: no!!!!!!!

    Demyx dodged it but then the scissor man jabbed the scissors in his left gut and pulled a chunk out..........demyx coughed up blood............

    Demyx: ugh..........luxxy.......................................

    Demyx then felt a stab in his chest

    Demyx tried to call for help but talking would just cause him paine

    Demyx: *in head* luxxy...............please help me..............
  7. keybladeofdarkness4 Twilight Town Denizen

    *Luxord summoned his cards and came to Demyx*
    Luxord: Dem-Dem!
    *Looks at Bobby with hateful eyes*
    Luxord:you did NOT just tough my man you c*ck sucking mother f*cking B*tch!
    *splashed holy water at face then stabs with sutra knife*
    *takes out scissors and splits them to make two swords*
    Bobby:who dare you hurt me!I will kill you!
    *spikes appear on the floor around Bobby*
  8. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    "Let me just read the book then," Larxene said, picking up the book and turning a couple of pages. After a short while, she said, "Alright, according to this book, this should be it..." She looked up at Axel. "So now..."
    She walked over to him and untied the cloth she had bound around his wound. As she looked at his stomach injury, she realized something - she would have to take off his cloak.
    Ignoring the strange feeling she felt grow within her, she took hold of his cloak's zipper and began to move it down.
  9. Axel bit his lip to stiffle the upcoming laughter that wanted to bark out of him, as she removed the ripped cloak only to find out what she had to do. However, it wasn't funny when she actually did do it, he found out later. The moment he felt her fingers touch him slightly as she unzipped his cloak so slowly from his chest to down his waist, sent a weird shiver up and down his spine.

    He looked away casually, gulping hard. Either way, his mind was telling him this was the perfect opportunity for him to say something, and he wouldn't let it go. With a seductive and husky voice, that he was glad he could do, he said, "Helloooo nurse..."
  10. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Larxene felt her cheeks warm slightly, as she tried not to look directly into his eyes.
    "Oh, be quiet, Axel," she murmured, finally taking the cloak off of his body.
    Now she had to remove the black top he wore underneath, which stirred a strange feeling that almost made her body tremble.
  11. He would be lying if he didn't say he was enjoying this in some way, despite his uncomfortable feeling at Larxene about to see his chest. Axel felt a heat growing on his own face, now that he thought about the situation, and he moved his head to look at the floor, hoping she didn't catch it. He wasn't the shy type, he just didn't want her to make a comeback after his little remark.

    When he deducted his face had cooled down enough for it to be red free, he shifted his head back up, looking at her intently as he saw her shiver. He blinked at this, and asked, even though he knew he could guess what really caused it, "Are you cold?"

    It was to ease the sudden sexual tension a bit, for her and for him.
  12. RoxasNoxas Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 31, 2007
    Southern California
    Whoah! You guys are good writers!
    But if Axel is straight, then who's Roxas going to be with?

    Xemnas: Aww... he can be in a foursome with me, Demyx, and Luxord!
    Roxas: YAY!
  13. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    "What...?" Larxene said, still not looking up at him. ", no, I'm fine...are you?"
    She was still a bit concerned if he was feeling any pain, from her touch or his sitting position.

    OOC: But Roxas has Namine!!
  14. OOC: Yep. He is with Naminé, actually, if you remember.

    "No, no, I'm cool..." Axel replied, looking around at anything but her. Is this how they were going to sound now? Their speech chopped, short, and apprehensive? He was right, this was going to be interesting. And awkward. Oh so very awkward.

    He felt another blush making its way as she proceeded to take off his black tank top over his head, feeling her delicate fingers touching his skin again as they went up. But he succeeded in holding it down this time. What he couldn't hold down, was that shiver from before, but instead of his spine now, it travelled through his body, making the little, but lesiurely growing blood in him quicken . "......"

    Goodness gracious, this was so awkward.
  15. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Seeing Axel's bare chest, Larxene kept having to look down and shake off the growing warmth of her cheeks.
    I have to concentrate... she told herself mentally, as she looked at his stomach wound.
    Taking the disinfectant she had left on the table, she opened it, and glanced at the wound again. She was a bit nervous on applying it, as she had to be careful not to stir up the pain within the gash again.
  16. RoxasNoxas Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 31, 2007
    Southern California
    Wow... does your writing ability come naturally? It's amazing!

    *back wherever Xemnas, Luxord, and Demyx are*
    Xemnas:AAH!! It's the Scissory-man-man!!
  17. OOC: Thanks, but I do have to think. This is funny xP. While we're having a embarassing moment, the rest are being hunted.

    For some reason Axel felt like moving his arms, or hands, whichever, to somehow touch her and hold her, even taste her. The feeling surging through him right now was somehow taking over his common sense into doing this type of response, but that was definitely out of bounds. And too frisky. Still, he wanted to take off her cloak and-

    Control, self-control...

    Damn him being such a male.

    Now he had movements in his arms and body, the blood rush helping the process of energy incredibly, but ignoring it, he concentrated with all his might on her applying the disinfectant. His voice sounding more hoarse due to the sensation, he stated, "Don't make it hurt, I heard some sting."
  18. RoxasNoxas Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 31, 2007
    Southern California
    Invisible Narrator: All this while Demyx almost get's killed.

    Xemnas: NOO! Not magical tight a$$!!
    *launches at Scissorman*
    Xemnas: LIGHTSABERS GO!!!
  19. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    "I'm trying..." Larxene murmured, concentrating hard as she administered the disinfectant, moving slowly and carefully.
    At last, she was done, and, as she looked up at his face, remarked, "There, I'm done with wasn't too bad now,"
    She had paused for a moment, as she had eye contact with him.
  20. Self-control...self-control...self-f****ng control....

    Was she doing this on purpose?

    And was it hot, or is it just him?

    "Nn-no, it was fine," Axel stuttered, feeling his throat constrict. He then made eye contact with her, gaze to gaze directing and not letting it drop.

    As if moving on its own, his arm shot out, grasping hers gently, and guided her to him steadily, but hard, making her sit on his legs roughly as he stayed in his chair. Brushing off the pain on the side the action caused, he encircled his arms around her fast, pulling her close onto his heated body, their foreheads softly grazing each other's. Lifting his face so his mouth hovers hers, their lips left no place for a gap, and their breaths were exhaling and inhaling in rapid successions. With her hands landing on his naked toned chest, he could feel her lips touching his accidentally as she gasped. Now it was only a matter of who will ignite it. Or even if she wanted it.

    So much for his suppose self-control, damn it.
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