Organization XIII Goes to France

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by keybladeofdarkness4, Sep 3, 2007.

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  1. OOC: Lol. I can't do anything now. I'm in the dark world of Unconciousness. Unless I like, talk to myself with my mind or thoughts.
  2. EraserRain Banned

    May 28, 2007
    Lucario's Pants
    they got back in demyx'es room and Demyx had a huge wound in his stomach

    Demyx: GACK!!!!!!!
  3. keybladeofdarkness4 Twilight Town Denizen

    Luxord: Demyx!!
    *he took out a first aid kit from his pocket and began to stitch up and bandage Demyx*
    Luxord:that should work but you have to rest so ill stay here and take care of you!
  4. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Larxene ran down the hallway, her eyes darting quickly to and fro for a place to hide for a while. At last, she spotted a room, and she dashed in, quickly shuffling to close the door as she did. Turning, she looked around the room, just in case Bobby so happened to appear out of nowhere like he did sometimes.
    Seeing no one, she sighed with relief and slumped down to the floor, her back against the door. Axel was still in her arms, and she laid his head on her lap, as she looked him over.
    Axel was injured pretty badly, and he had lost a lot of blood. The cloth she had tied around his stomach wound seemed to have stopped any more loss of blood, but she wasn't sure if it was too late or not.
    "Axel...please be okay..." she murmured, as she touched the side of his face softly.
  5. EraserRain Banned

    May 28, 2007
    Lucario's Pants
    Demyx layed on the bed

    Demyx: Luxord.................dont leave me...............
  6. keybladeofdarkness4 Twilight Town Denizen

    Luxord:i wont Dem-Dem.i promise i wont let you die.
    *Luxord kissed Demyx*
  7. EraserRain Banned

    May 28, 2007
    Lucario's Pants
    *Demyx kissed back*

    Demyx: please stay here.............luxxy
  8. keybladeofdarkness4 Twilight Town Denizen

    Luxord:i promise i wont let you die Demyx.Curaga!
    *the time based Curaga surrounded Demyx*
    Luxord:you need to rest.ill be right here beside you.
    *he pulled up a chair and sat next to the bed*
  9. EraserRain Banned

    May 28, 2007
    Lucario's Pants
    Demyx: luxxy plz protect me..................
  10. keybladeofdarkness4 Twilight Town Denizen

    Luxord:i will you just get some rest:)
  11. EraserRain Banned

    May 28, 2007
    Lucario's Pants
    Demyx: ok i will............

    Demyx closed his eyes and fell asleep

    OOC: im getting sleepy now and its only 6:48 pm.........
  12. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    It's been silent for quite a while, but there was something unsettling about least, that's what it felt like to Larxene. Axel still wasn't rousing, and she was afraid he may not wake up...
    Snap yourself out of this, she scolded herself, mentally. Alright, either I continue to stay here, or I leave...with Axel...
    Either choice didn't work well, as what she really needed was to find a way to destroy that demon once and for all.
    Holy water and church bells will only work temporarily...there has to be a permenant way...but what? The library has to have something...
    She looked down at Axel, and it was almost as if she didn't want to move case he started bleeding again, or worse. However, she knew that staying here wouldn't help the both of them, and it could make the status they were in worse as well.
    Well, guess I'll have to get a move on... she thought, sighing.
    She had scarcely placed her arms around Axel's waist, when a scissor suddenly crashed through part of the door, almost stabbing her head.
    Gasping, she held onto to Axel tightly and stood up. She walked away from the door, just as the scissor jabbed through again.
    Looking around, she could see that at any moment, the door would break and the ScissorMan would have them cornered.
    Hearing the door being struck again, she moved farther away from the door, not wanting to get close to it.
    Her breathing was quickening again, as she knew that she was running out of options.
    "Axel...please wake up..." she murmured, as she leaned against the wall.
    Just then, she noticed something.
    The wall...when I leaned against sounded hollow...a secret passage perhaps?
    Pushing against the wall again, there was a slight cracking sound, and she knew there must be a door or something hidden there. She took a step forward, and then moved back, crashing against the wall with her back.
    This time, the wall fell, revealing a dark passageway.
    At the same time, the other door was completely broken, and she could hear Bobby's laughter, coming ever so closely.
    Without looking back, she held Axel tightly as she dashed down the passageway.
  13. keybladeofdarkness4 Twilight Town Denizen

    Luxord:good thing i brought this book:How to Purify and Destroy Demons By Samuel L. Jackson .
    Chapter 1:Killing demons
    when a person becomes a demon b doing unthinkable acts as a human they must be destroy then you must attach a Sacred Sutra spell to a weapon and thrust it through the demon's heart area.the demon will be killed and it's soul will be sent to hell forever.the following prayer must be written on the Sutra:
  14. OrginizationXIII Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 16, 2007
    ...parent's basment.
    Frostex sat in the library. "Wonder where everyone else is..." he said
  15. OOC: Know what? Freak this xP

    From the deeper corner of his mind, Axel felt his motion and sense of self come back slowly. He could tell the weight of his body, feeling it start on again, but he couldn't move. He was too weak and too thrashed to, or even try.

    As his brain started to function as he was in between the sides of subsocnsious and reality, he could fairly hear distant echoes. It was like dreaming, except it was with sounds. He could hear running heels, somene touching his face, hugging him, the rustle of their clothes telling him that, he could hear crashes, and jabs, and manic laughter...and...finally...

    "Axel...please wake up..."

    Larxene....?...there was no mistaken it, he knew her tone and voice, even from far away. Reaching it for it somehow, at least with his mind, it strengthened it, and sent the wheels of his brain chugging. The noises were getting nearer and clearer, and he now felt the movements of, who he guessed, was Larxene, slamming into something solid....and then running.

    He gently moved his fingers, testing it, so invisible that you couldn't barely see it, but it was there. As if coming out naturally, he opened his mouth, his air coming as a breath of a whisper. ""
  16. keybladeofdarkness4 Twilight Town Denizen

    OOC:guys i got to go so i can wake up early tomorrow so c ya

    *Luxord attached the Sacred Sutra to his knife an put it in his pocket*
    Luxord:as long as im here no one will harm you Demmy.
    *Luxord kissed Demyx's forehead*
  17. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    "Namine, have you figured out what you want?"

    OOC: Nymph of destiny can control Roxas while I am not RPing here from now on until we get to the hotel. once there I will be the only controller for Roxas.
  18. OrginizationXIII Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 16, 2007
    ...parent's basment.
    Frostex continued to sit in the library. "Nothing to do now except read." he said. He picked a random book and read.
  19. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: This is too boring. I'm gonna play games until it gets lively on any of the RP's I'm in. I'm in 4.

    OOC: Going to eat dinner. Peace out homies.
  20. EraserRain Banned

    May 28, 2007
    Lucario's Pants
    Demyx kept sleeping....................
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