1/15/08Organization Newsletter All of your information needed on the personal life of the Organization Writtern by: Xaale Issue 1 This is the new Newsletter about the Organization XIII's personal life. I am the head writer and publisher of this new document. Anyone who wants a position just post. NO IDEAS FOR ARTCILES MAY BE POSTED> THEY HAVE TO BE PRIVATE MESSAGED TO ME AND APPROVED! This issue will not have any stories or reports in it because we need some other positions first. Post a request immediatly, and remember it is first come first serve! Have fun!
Okay! Both of you are hired! Stripy4: Writer KingdomKey13: Photography and possibly writing. If you want to write, KingdomKey13, just ask.
kk just ask me whut u need, and ill probably have a pic of it. =D and if i dont, ill go find one. lolz
Sure. What position would you like? Remember it's first come first serve for some positions. There can be any number of writers, 10 "photographers" (not including me) and there are 9 positions in that left. There can be other positions like secretary who will talk over with me about any questions people may have. Lol, that's all so far.