Organization Afterlife

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by 9Kairi9hearts, Jun 25, 2010.

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  1. 9Kairi9hearts Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2010
    in my own head, running from my lies.
    Roxas looked into Namine's eyes, she was so pure compared to the rest of the organization, including himself. She was the most important thing to him, "I don't know what I would do if you weren't here with me."
    I updated the first post, now I will take suggestions for both new Maps and new games.
  2. adamboy7 Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 3, 2010
    New Jersey
  3. 9Kairi9hearts Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2010
    in my own head, running from my lies.
    OOC: no, we aren't going to do them before capture the flag, it is just for future reference, so that, say, we want to do something fast, we don't have to waste time comming up with it.
    Saiix nodded, "that is true, how do you think I got this scar? It was a computer virus that I fought!" he said sarcasticaly.

    Luxord raised his hand to his chin, "perhaps we all need to do the time-warp?" he pondered, as a new screen appeared, and began to play a new video.

  4. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
  5. adamboy7 Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 3, 2010
    New Jersey
    Xemnas laughed and said "You got him pinned"
    occ: O.O wow, he really does, before i actually learned about him, i really did think he was a woman XD
  6. 9Kairi9hearts Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2010
    in my own head, running from my lies.
    Roxas laughed, a swirling vortex appeared in the center of the room, "alright, so as captain of team A, I pick the Skyscraper of Memories as our flag spot, so that means that Axel's team gets the top of the castle," he said, "Just jump in the portal, you'll probably be hanging out at your base awhile before the match starts though."

    Deymx nodded, "I'll get to play my Sitar without Larxene bugging me!" he cheered, as he jumped in, exiting next to the blue flag on top of the skyscraper of memories.
  7. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC:// Marluxia was originally supposed to be female.

    And we are doing Capture the Flag first, correct?


    Xigbar grinned as the fight was about to start. He held his Gun arrows at hand ready to start the battle immediately. The Freeshooter jumped through the portal and exited next to Demyx.
    "Ready for a safe game of Capture the Flag, kiddo?" Xigbar asked Demyx. This game never got tiring for this old dog. He still had the same vivid passion for fighting in the realm of Death as he did in the realm of Life.

    Namine, shy at first, waited for the others to go through the portal first. Or she at least waited for Roxas. She wasn't that strong of a fighter and was shy when it came to landing a hit on a target. Namine did her best to stay by Roxas' side during the fight and protect him, or just hide behind him. She could be bold when she wanted to but that didn't happen often.
  8. 9Kairi9hearts Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2010
    in my own head, running from my lies.
    OOC: okay, Don't remember re-asigning Xigbar to you, but it is fine, Cicandakiller has been gone long enough, so you can have him for now, just notify me next time before taking over a character, okay?
    Demyx nodded, "I'm pretty sure why Roxas picked me, so I guess I'll be staying here guarding the flag for most of the fight, hopefuly Larxene won't make it this far without someone picking her off," he said.

    Larxene looked around, "I'm going to go find Marluxia, we can't have un-even teams," she said, it was really an excuse to go talk to Marluxia though.

    Roxas shook his head, "no, Luxord you go, that way, if you don't get back in time for the start of the game, the teams won't be too out of balance," he said.

    Luxord nodded, "yeah, sure, I'll go," he said, "I think I know where he is too."

    With that, Luxord walked out the door, headed for Marluxia's garden.

    Saiix sighed, "I'm going into the portal, all this standing around and talking is only delaying the start of our game," he said, walking into the portal, comming out at the red flag, at the top of the castle.
  9. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC:// I thought you said I could play him just temporarily a while ago? Must've misunderstood sorry :x


    "Aw," Xigbar started, "That chick really scares ya that much?" He teased. He anticipated a win for this fight. "Maybe if you stood up to her she might back off."

    Marluxia stared into the empty sky. They were probably starting the battle now. The aromas from the flowers of the garden beat that than the aroma of blood on the concrete. The heat of the sunlight beat that of damp darkness. Serenity certainly beat adrenaline and fear.

    OoC:// Sorry I have nothing for Namine atm
  10. 9Kairi9hearts Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2010
    in my own head, running from my lies.
    OOC: okay, I said if he didn't come back in time, which I said was wendsday for all players (albit in a seperate post) but Cicanda Killer has been gone for awhile, so I will now start re-assigning his characters temporarily, or permanantly, depending on how long he is gone. So if anyone wants to apply for one of his characters, just pm me or put an OOC out on here. (please note that if he comes back, he will still be able to take the character back)
    Deymx nodded, and placed his hand to his chest feeling his heartbeat, "ya know whats weird? when we were living as nobodies, we didn't have heartbeats, but now that we are dead, we have them," he said.

    Roxas looked at Namine, "I know that you will do fine, just keep using that new keyblade of yours, you are getting better with it every single time you use it," he said.

    Luxord walked into Marluxia's garden, "so, you don't want to play with us?" he asked.

    yes, Namine has a keyblade, I don't feel like makeing it's appearence, you can do that yourself, Just know that the keychain is her notebook.

    I think everyone should probably take another look at the map and the game we are playing, clasic World that never was, and 2 flag capture the flag, both can be veiwed on the first page.
  11. 9Kairi9hearts Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2010
    in my own head, running from my lies.
    OOC: okay, I said if he didn't come back in time, which I said was wendsday for all players (albit in a seperate post) but Cicanda Killer has been gone for awhile, so I will now start re-assigning his characters temporarily, or permanantly, depending on how long he is gone. So if anyone wants to apply for one of his characters, just pm me or put an OOC out on here. (please note that if he comes back, he will still be able to take the character back)
    Deymx nodded, and placed his hand to his chest feeling his heartbeat, "ya know whats weird? when we were living as nobodies, we didn't have heartbeats, but now that we are dead, we have them," he said.

    Roxas looked at Namine, "I know that you will do fine, just keep using that new keyblade of yours, you are getting better with it every single time you use it," he said.

    Luxord walked into Marluxia's garden, "so, you don't want to play with us?" he asked.

    yes, Namine has a keyblade, I don't feel like makeing it's appearence, you can do that yourself, Just know that the keychain is her notebook.

    I think everyone should probably take another look at the map and the game we are playing, clasic World that never was, and 2 flag capture the flag, both can be veiwed on the first page.
  12. adamboy7 Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 3, 2010
    New Jersey
    Xemnas didnt really want to wait for axel to stp through the portal, so he went in. looking around he said "Doesnt this bring back mamories?"
  13. 9Kairi9hearts Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2010
    in my own head, running from my lies.
    Saiix nodded, and pointed towards a window farther down on a different tower, "yes, that is where Sora killed me," he said.

    Zexion pulled out his Lexicon, "Roxas, I'm assuming you want me in guard possition, correct?"
    OOC: okay, so it is wendsday, if you want to apply for any of Ciccanda killer's unclaimed characters, please do so, I will not be able to pilot the entire organization through a battle. (Or other Organization members that are being controlled by me)
  14. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    Axel walked into the portal appearing at the top of the castle with the others.

    OOC: Could I have Luxord and Xaldin?
  15. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "Not so much that we have a Heart. It's just what we want." Xigbar said to Demyx.

    Marluxia looked at Luxord. They realized he was gone. Marluxia sat up. "No interest. Sorry." He calmly stated.

    Namine nodded to Roxas. She summoned her keyblade and held it carefully in her hand. She grabbed Roxas' hand with her free hand and took him through the portal with her.
  16. 9Kairi9hearts Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2010
    in my own head, running from my lies.
    OOC: yes, temporarily or permanantly?
    Larxene sighed, she wouldn't get to go talk to Marluxia before the battle, I need help understanding my feelings for him, she thought, because, as much as I don't want to admit it, they are there, there is only one love relationship going on around here, and that is Roxas and Namine, but I won't in a million years go ask either of them, she was thinking, trying to find a soulution to her problem.

    Zexion nodded, before walking into the portal, exiting near Deymx and Xigbar.

    Roxas looked at Zexion, "yeah, I'll go over details once everyone is in the portal," he said.

    Lexaeus just walked into the portal, exiting alongside Zexion.
  17. 9Kairi9hearts Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2010
    in my own head, running from my lies.
    Team Roxas (A):
    Roxas (in portal)
    Namine (in portal)
    Lexaeus (in portal)
    Zexion (in portal)
    Luxord (marluxia's garden)
    Deymx (in portal)
    Xigbar (in portal)

    Team Axel (B):
    Axel (in portal)
    Larxene (in portal)
    Saiix (in portal)
    Marluxia (marluxia's garden)
    Xemnas (in portal)
    Xaldin (in lobby)
    Vexen (in portal)

    So we are just waiting for Kh2man to send Xaldin into the portal, then we can start, (if Luxord manages to convince Marluxia to join the game, then they will both start the game later, (whenever they can both enter the portal))
    Larxene sighed, Marluxia wouldn't come back before the game started, so she walked into the portal, comming out next to Axel, he knows Roxas and Namine pretty well, I wonder if he could tell me more about this 'love' buissness, she thought, but decided to save it until after the game was over.

    Vexen looked at Xaldin, and made his usual creepy laugh, "you ready to help me with a new idea durring the game?" he asked, before walking into the portal.
  18. adamboy7 Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 3, 2010
    New Jersey
    Xemnas stood there and looked at the moon thinking to himself "that was the moon before those brats blasted it". Xemnas sighed and waited for the game to begin
  19. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    Xaldin followed Vexen into the portal, confused about what he said. A new idea?

    Luxord walked through the hallways, thinking to himself. "Well, since I can't convince Marluxia, I should probably not participate. What good is a game if the teams are uneven?"
  20. 9Kairi9hearts Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2010
    in my own head, running from my lies.
    The barriers keeping everyone near their bases faded, and a dusk blew a horn, before teleporting away, the game had started.

    Vexen turned to Axel, "I have an idea, I swear it will work better then the last one!" he begged.

    Larxene sighed, "better not, your last plan ended up with me falling off the clock tower in twilight town," she muttered.

    Roxas jumped up, "alright, Deymx, you stay here, and guard the flag, Zexion, you are going to be guarding the bridge to the castle. Lexaeus, Namine, Xigbar, you are with me," he said, jumping off the skyscraper, and landing cleanly on the ground below.

    Zexion nodded, "sure, illusions are better for defense than offence anyway," he said, following Roxas's suit.

    Lexaeus silently jumped, and landed on his feet with a loud crash, as the pavement cracked below him.

    Saiix summoned two berserkers, "I say we hear Vexen's plan," he said to Axel.

    each org character can only summon up to ten of their lesser nobodies to aid them at a time, just to make that detail clear.
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