one day,organization13 went to hollywood for vacation they wqent in to a 5 star hotel and got rooms 2 per room and now they are having fun and they have 45,00 dollars per person but luxord spent it all and now they all have 5 dolars they now must go to the casinos and make more money and they ot new members too xenmas- axel-*twiglight night* demyx- xigbar-swordser2 zexion-swordser2 larxene-nymph of destiny grunty- marluxia- roxas-organizationXII namine-kokoro and any one else i for got heheheheh ~for a oc~ name- appearance- weapon- powers- other- ok here we go ~oc's~ name-sam appearance- and weapon- and powers-alchemy ninjusto and more other-she has a dog name moki its a she she can transform
xigabr and zexion won 56,000munny "wooo told you zexion"xigabr said "well ok my turn"zexion said winning more sam won some more"cool we got 5678.6678 munny so far" she said
k you in bic:sam then went outside and went to the movies zexion kept winning money while xigbr was kissing chicks