Organisation Initiation

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Ratchet, Apr 23, 2007.

  1. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Chapter 10

    Nexitah couldn’t forget about the pyjamas. The day had faded into evening and everyone was returning and relaxing. She looked around the room at all the members that had gathered. Most seemed to be sat around the TV, watching a film. Luxord was playing cards with Zexek, who seemed to be losing badly. Anniexo was sat next to Demyx watching the film. It seemed to Nexitah that anyone could own the pyjamas. Suddenly she flew forward. She had been leaning against the door and someone had shoved it to enter the room. Picking herself up from the floor, Nexitah mumbled an apology and looked directly into the eyes of the Superior. Of all the people she could embarrass herself in front of it had to be him. Sai’x stood slightly behind him and had an alarmed look on his face. To Nexitah’s amazement Xemnas apologised and helped her up. He looked tired and stressed. Some of the others moved to make room so that he could sit down. Xemnas seemed to collapse with a sigh and soon fell asleep in front of the TV. Nexitah realised that virtually everyone had gathered in the common room. The only ones missing were those on duty. Xetherah was missing as well which did not make sense as the senior thirteen were taking duty. The kitchen was closed for the night. Nixeo was also missing and Nexitah feared the worst.

    Zexek stormed from the card table with a scowl on his face. It seemed that he had been unsuccessful with cards. He spotted Nexitah and went to talk to her. She explained about her concern for the two missing apprentices and they agreed to go looking for them together. Sai’x followed at a discreet distance, as he was curious to know what was happening.

    Out in the garden, dagger blades flashed in the moonlight. Xetherah and Nixeo faced each other, eyes filled with deadly intent. Neither was willing to give ground and both had received cuts. No words were spoken as they circled each other. Whatever had occurred between the two had gone beyond words. To the side lay a prone figure. Nexitah rolled over the unconscious form of Xachmile. Suddenly Xetherah jumped forward slicing with the dagger and spitting out the word ‘traitor’. Zexek had heard and seen enough. He summoned his scythe and took position beside Xetherah. Her eyes were staring and wild. Without him to control the fight she would kill Nixeo, who would then escape punishment. His presence had not registered with Xetherah, though Nixeo looked at him and pleaded for help. She knew that Xetherah would kill her given a chance. Zexek moved quickly, knocking out Nixeo and then putting himself between Nixeo and Xetherah. Only then did he realise how dangerous the situation was. She did not seem to recognise her friend. How could he calm her without having to fight and hurt her? His moves were defensive as he dodged to avoid the dagger. Talking to her in a calm voice he hoped to reach the part of her that was still sane.

    A deep calm voice instructed him to step back and remove Nixeo to the castle. Sai’x stood by him, wielding his claymore. He ordered them all to leave. Nexitah dragged Xachmile and Zexek carried Nixeo to the castle. Others came to them and Xemnas ordered that everyone go back to the common room. Xachmile was taken for treatment to Vexen. Left with Xemnas, Zexek stood waiting for orders. Nixeo’s prone form lay in his arms. Xemnas moved off, gesturing for Zexek to follow him.

    Zexek had never been down into the dungeons before. The doors to the cells had diamond shaped windows with bars. The corridor was stark and forbidding. Xemnas pointed at one of the doors, which silently opened. Without a word Zexek laid Nixeo on the cot and left the cell. The door swung shut behind him and Xemnas smiled. It seemed as if their troubles might ease a little for a while. Nixeo had betrayed them. Zexek was more concerned about Xetherah. Had Sai’x killed her?

    The next morning the dining hall buzzed with the news that the traitor had been discovered. Anniexo looked for Xetherah but both she and Sai’x were missing. Xetherah never normally missed breakfast. She questioned Zexek who just grunted and turned away. Whatever he had seen the night before had affected him greatly. It also seemed that he had been forbidden to talk about it. The food arrived, served by an abnormally quiet Xachmile, who had a bandage around his head. Anniexo was desperate to find out exactly what had happened. As soon as she could, she left the dining hall and hurried to Xetherah’s room. She could hear muffled voices. Knocking on the door Anniexo rushed in to see Xetherah and Sai’x eating. Xetherah sat up in bed, bruised and battered. Sai’x perched on the side of the bed, a concerned look on his face. Anniexo was shocked. What had Nixeo done to her? Xetherah was talking to Sai’x about losing control of her temper. She looked scared. He hugged her against him and whispered something that Anniexo could not hear. He nodded to Anniexo and rose to leave, taking the breakfast things with him. His parting words to Xetherah caused a chill to run down Anniexo’s spine.
    “We are alike, you and I. It is no coincidence that fate has crossed our paths.â€

    Zexek helped Nexitah deliver the washing to the respective rooms of the owners. Each item was labelled with a number and Nexitah had been given a list containing the rooms that the numbers corresponded to. They worked methodically, placing the piles of ironed clothes on the beds. Eventually Nexitah realised that she had come to the room belonging to the owner of the dreaded pyjamas. Bracing herself for the shock of the knowledge she opened the door and walked in. The room was extremely neat and organised. Even the socks were sorted by colour. This was the room of an extremely organised mind, although the lack of personal items such as pictures made it seem cold. There was a journal on the desk by the window. Nexitah opened the cover to peek at the name of the owner. Zexek joined her out of curiosity. The cute fluffy pyjamas belonged to......................Xemnas! This she had not expected. He seemed so square. Well everyone had dark secrets and this was his. She couldn’t wait to tell Xetherah and Anniexo. Zexek doubted that he could ever take Xemnas seriously again. He decided that he would help with the laundry again in the future. You learned a lot about people from their underwear. Not that this particular set had revealed any more secrets.

    Fortunately Xemnas was not around when they had finished. He was interrogating Nixeo regarding the incident of the previous night. Nexitah rushed to Xetherah’s room and announced what she had just discovered. She then stopped to see who was in the room and blushed. Axel, Demyx, Anniexo, Xachmile and Xaldin were all stood in the room staring at her. The silence was broken with roars of laughter. Demyx and Axel nodded to each other and began singing ‘Barbie Girl’ with Demyx accompanying the singing on the sitar. Xetherah was trying to get out of bed, but Xaldin had sat down and was in the way. Everyone was happy for a while. A meeting call came from Xemnas. Everyone was to assemble in the main hall.

    The senior thirteen had portalled to their seats and the apprentices sat below on chairs. Xemnas looked at them solemnly, waiting for silence. A few lips quivered but no one laughed. Xemnas informed them of what he had learned from the interrogation. Nixeo had been sent to infiltrate Organisation XIII and cause disruption from the inside. She was also charged with lowering any defences to allow the Keyblade Wielder to enter Castle Oblivion. Xetherah had caught her after she had knocked out Xachmile on her way to opening the gates. There would be an investigation into why she had managed to do so much damage. Further to this no one would be allowed near the security centre or out at night on their own from now on. Xemnas mentioned Xetherah’s heroics and commented that her loyalty had been noted, as had Zexek’s. They would be advanced to senior shifts as they had proved themselves in battle yet again. He then dismissed them all to their duties. A lingering echo of ‘Barbie Girl’ could be heard as they left the hall. Xemnas sighed. It was hard to keep the respect of the rabble.

    Anniexo rushed to the library only to discover that Lexeaus had beaten her there. She wondered if he had been sent to watch her, then the slow rhythmic snoring told the truth. He had hidden in the library so that he could skip work and sleep. She wisely decided to pretend he wasn’t there and carry on with tidying the shelves and cataloguing the new books that had just arrived. Zexion arrived and complimented her on sorting the new books so well. He was also ignoring the snoring coming from behind the shelves. This was obviously not the first time this had happened. Once the tidying was complete Anniexo went to help in the observatory. She had never been there to work before, though Xetherah had told her a lot. Anniexo gasped as she reached the top of the stairs. It seemed to take forever to reach the door. She expected to see Sai’x inside, but was surprised when Xemnas faced her. She blushed, thinking about the pyjamas. This was going to be difficult. Various books and scientific instruments were scattered across the numerous surfaces. Xemnas softly requested that she put them all safely away for him. Anniexo closed and gathered the leather bound books, lovingly replacing them on the shelves next to the other well-thumbed books. The delicate mathematical instruments she returned to their protective cases and stored them away in the cabinets. Xemnas carried on working and said nothing. One wall was covered in boards on which were drawn diagrams and equations. Xemnas was engrossed in completing one of these. He suddenly seemed to remember that Anniexo was present in the room. He summoned her and explained the meaning of the symbols. This was a prophecy based on the exact positioning of the stars. It was apparent that the time was almost on them. The mighty Organisation XIII would fall due t the power and actions of a boy. Anniexo shuddered at this. Sora was just a boy and he was the Keyblade Wielder.

    Xemnas smiled at her reassuringly. Whoever this upstart was the Organisation would defeat him and complete Kingdom Hearts. Anniexo hoped that they would succeed. She wanted to be whole again so that she could go home. She just wanted it all to end, like waking up from a bad dream.


    Sorry it's taken longer than usual for the next chapter. That monster called 'writers block' loomed over me.
    Thank for the support of my loyal readers and I commend you for your endurance!:D
  2. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    PAGE PWN!!! >D

    Poor Xemnas, though... ;_; I really feel sorry for him...

    He's like an over-worked dad or something...


  3. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Believe it or not I like Xemnas. He is in charge of a bunch of nutters and he has to stay sane. Poor guy needs to be cut a break. XDDD

    Glad you liked it. :)
  4. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    I like him, too! =D

    He ain't all DAT bad, now is he? You'd be pretty grumpy, too, if you had to listen to XIGBAR'S mouth all day. XD

    Xigbar: o.o; HEY! D<
  5. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Xiggy was quiet in this chapter. But not for long. He's back in chapter 11 with vengence (and superglue!!) XDDD
  6. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    Nice, great story! Can't wait until next chapter.
  7. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Many thanks. I'm glad you like it. It's great fun to write.
  8. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    Uh-oh... XD;

    *doesn't wanna ask*

    Have fun with that! XD;
  9. Nexit@h XIV King's Apprentice

    Apr 6, 2007
    Berlin, Germany x'3
    Great as always!! I really loved this chapter!!
    OMG!!! Xemnas own those pyjamas!!! xDD I really wasn't expecting that!! xDDDDD
    OH! by the way...Have I already told you that I really love your writting style? It's simply amazing!!! :)

    Can't wait for the next part!!! :D
  10. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Thanks. I am still having nightmares of Xemnas in 'My Little Pony' pyjamas! I will have to photoshop it to get rid of the image.
  11. Nexit@h XIV King's Apprentice

    Apr 6, 2007
    Berlin, Germany x'3
    OMG!!! :eek: Nightmares!!! I hope I don't have any about that!! xDDDDDDD
  12. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    I'd love to see that!
  13. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    I'll post it in the spam zone when it's done.
  14. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!

  15. Kitsune Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 27, 2007
    The World That Never Was
    OMG,I simply loved this story.It's so funny.I laughed for a full five minutes after reading that.I loved it.Can't wait to see the next part!!!
  16. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    Great one sis, what's going to happen to Niexo then? lol
  17. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Chapter 11

    Anniexo and Xetherah wondered what was to become of Nixeo. Had Xetherah been allowed to finish she would surely have been dead. Her room had been cleared with a methodical coldness. There would be no mercy here. Zexek sat with them allowing him a short time of rest. They both noticed that he looked tired. Zexek was driven by his beliefs and loyalties. Anniexo wondered what else she would learn about her companions. She also knew that the vacated room would not stay empty long.

    The thirteen seniors were in a meeting. Anniexo guessed that it was to decide Nixeo’s fate. The words ‘maximum punishment’ echoed in her mind. These were cold words that said so much. Things seemed to be getting colder, and not just physically. Xetherah had shown that she had a cruel pitiless side to her nature and Zexek had supported her. Anniexo thought about Xachmile and Nexitah. They both had bubbly personalities that shone like candles in the darkness. The seniors returned with sombre faces. No words were spoken but Anniexo knew that by morning Nixeo would just be a memory.

    The daybreak brought an uneasiness as everyone feigned normality. Anniexo watched as everyone left for his or her assigned tasks. To her surprise she was summoned to the study to see Xemnas. She pushed the door open and wondered what revelations were in store. Inside Xemnas sat at the desk, working at his laptop. He looked up and gestured for her to sit on one of the three huge chairs. Taking his seat she realised that the other two were already occupied. Furthest from her sat Xetherah, who was studying a picture on the wall behind the desk. Demyx had informed Anniexo that this was Xehanort, though she knew little of him other than he was some sort of scientist. Between them sat a quiet hooded figure. Spiky blonde hair poked out and Anniexo thought it was Roxas at first. She realised that this couldn’t be true, as she had watched him leave with the others earlier, hunting for the Keyblade Wielder. This stranger sat totally still, hands folded on his lap. Xemnas introduced him as Kelyx. Anniexo and Xetherah would be his mentors. Anniexo half listened to Xemnas as she studied Nixeo’s replacement, for that was how she saw him.

    Finally Xemnas dismissed them and they all rose to leave. Once out of the study both she and Xetherah breathed a sigh of relief. To their amazement Kelyx lowered his hood, his intense eyes meeting theirs. He wore glasses, which gave him a serious and studious look. Anniexo wondered which task he would be assigned. Xetherah was talking to him, trying to coax him to return the conversation. He backed into Anniexo when a figure ran round the corner knocking them all over. Xachmile looked up embarrassed from the mess on the floor that consisted of him, Anniexo, Kelyx and Xetherah. He mumbled his apologies as he scrambled to get up. There were rules about running around the castle for a good reason. Sadly Xachmile and rules didn’t always coexist harmoniously. Anniexo glared at him as she crawled from the piles of arms and legs. She felt sympathy for Kelyx, who seemed to be frozen in a mixture of embarrassment and indecision. Fortunately Nexitah appeared pushing a laundry cart and took control of the situation. She told Xachmile off for running in the corridors. Anniexo had the feeling that this was a regular event. Xachmile grinned and promptly ran off leaving Nexitah shaking her head in disbelief. This was the perfect time for Anniexo to introduce Kelyx to Nexitah, who blushed when she shook hands with him. Xetherah looked at Anniexo and winked.

    They eventually made it back to their quarters, where Kelyx’s bags were already in his room. It had been Nixeo’s room but they were forbidden to mention her name. Anniexo was called to the library and Xetherah took Kelyx to accompany her with her task. She handed him a duster and a broom.

    Anniexo entered the quiet library. The usual piles of books stood on the table waiting to be put away. To her surprise Xemnas was stood between two shelves with a frustrated look on his face. He was looking for a particular book and couldn’t find it on the shelf. Xemnas was not known for his patience in such matters. He turned to Anniexo with a look of desperation and hurriedly yelled the book title to her. Having seen every book in the library numerous times she realised that this particular book was probably on the table. She worked through the piles of books until she found the volume she required. Anniexo handed it to Xemnas. She had been called here to find one book so she decided to tidy away the rest of the books. Quietly working in the background, Xemnas seemed to forget that she was there. He was making notes about the heartless, taking down details and storing them on computer files. Anniexo guessed that this was all to do with the completion of Kingdom Hearts. She soon realised that she was running out of books to put away and therefore would have no excuse for hanging around in the library. If she stayed then Xemnas would get suspicious. She kept the final books as long as possible then slipped out of the library. She hurried along the corridor and met up with Xachmile and Zexek. They were drinking fruit juice and chatting. Xachmile offered some to Anniexo and they discussed the meaning of the heartless studies. Zexek concluded that they would soon be ending this skulking around the castle. Xemnas would be bringing the Kingdom Hearts Project forward. Xachmile suggested that they would all be out in the field, with Sai’x and Xemnas going elsewhere. Xachmile might be hyperactive but when it came to predicting what would happen he was rarely wrong.

    Xetherah and Kelyx appeared, sweeping and dusting. They took the refreshments and listened to what was happening. Nexitah stopped for her break and they compared notes. Something big was happening. They all turned when Kelyx spoke. A gentle calm voice suggested that they would be collecting hearts while the seniors dealt with the Keyblade Wielder. He also informed them that he had heard rumours of a problem among the seniors. There was a suspicion of at least one traitor in the ranks. Xetherah told him about Nixeo and her punishment.

    The rest of the day was spent completing chores and keeping a low profile. Once the seniors had all returned the castle was locked down. No one could enter or leave. Anniexo hugged Demyx and Larxene ran to Zexek and threw her arms around him. They all looked tired and stressed. Xetherah stood and waited for a while the left the room alone. Everyone watched her go but only Kelyx followed her. She dashed to her room and shut the door. Kelyx knocked and waited but she refused to answer. He spoke to her softly through the door but she wouldn’t come out. He gave up and went back to the common room. Xetherah lay down and soon fell asleep.

    She woke to hear the others going to their rooms. When the noise died down she slipped out of her doorway. She heard someone else moving in her room when she returned. Waiting a short time until everything went quiet, Xetherah slipped inside and was ready to attack. Curled up on her bed fully clothed and obviously fast asleep was Kelyx. She covered him with a blanket and curled up in the chair with a quilt. She would find out why he was there the next day. Until then he could sleep. She would not want to sleep in a room that once belonged to a convicted traitor.

    Anniexo met a tired and crumpled Xetherah the next morning. She made a comment about sleeping in her clothes and Xetherah blushed. Zexek and Xachmile went with her to get something to eat. Anniexo and Nexitah waited for Kelyx and questioned when he wasn’t in his own room. He confessed that the room he was assigned freaked him out since he learned about the previous occupant. He explained how he had found another door unlocked and had looked for someone to talk to about it. Unfortunately he was tired and had fallen asleep on the bed. When he woke up he was still alone although someone had covered him with a blanket. Anniexo told him it was Xetherah’s room.

    He could not look at Xetherah during breakfast, as he was so embarrassed. Xetherah looked fro Sai’x and saw that he had not returned. Anniexo put a hand on her shoulder, understanding what she was going through. She then sat next to Kelyx and told him to tell Xetherah what was wrong. Anniexo was sure that she would understand.

    Xemnas summoned them to the main hall. The seniors had left and apart from the Superior the room was empty. He informed them that they would be leaving the castle in pairs to fight and collect hearts. He read the list of names. Nexitah would be with Xachmile and Anniexo would fight with Zexek. Xetherah would fight along side Kelyx, who had yet to prove his fighting ability. They were about to graduate and become fully recognised junior members of the Organisation.


    Thanks Kitsune. I'm glad you liked chapter 10.
  18. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    PAGE PWN! (third time in a row - MAN I'm good! <insert huge ego here>)

    Anyways, great work as always! I hate it when I'm looking for a particular book and can't find it, either... ._.;

    I can't wait for the next chapter! *wonders what Kelyx's power will be* I'm horrible at these types of things... XD;
  19. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    I can't give that away He's pretty powerful though. Glad you liked it sis. Serious this chapter, but that won't last.
  20. Nexit@h XIV King's Apprentice

    Apr 6, 2007
    Berlin, Germany x'3
    I'm looooooving this story so much!!! NEW MEMBER!!! YAY!! xDD
    Poor kelyx...he ended up sleeping on Xetherah's bed...:)
    Anyways, this story is great!! And you know I love it!! :D