Organisation Initiation

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Ratchet, Apr 23, 2007.

  1. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Thanks riku sora kairi own.

    I have at last got chapter 4 done, despite the delays. Enjoy!


    The alarm sounded and Anniexo groaned. It felt as if she had not had any sleep. To make matters worse she had a feeling that she was in big trouble this morning. Xemnas himself was seeing her, so it couldn’t be good. She showered and quickly dressed for breakfast. Outside she could hear others moving around. Leaving her room seemed a struggle as she wanted to go back to bed, but she couldn’t afford to mess up again.

    The dining room was buzzing though not everyone was there. Some members obviously got up earlier. She noticed that Zexek was missing as well as Marluxia. They had obviously started early to make the most of the available light. Anniexo was relieved that he wasn’t there as she knew somehow that he was holding a grudge against her. Xetherah was there, deep in conversation with Sai’x. They would be working together and it seemed that this began over a light breakfast. She looked for another chair and immediately spotted Demyx, who was frantically pointing to the chair next to him. She hastily grabbed some cereals and toast, and then joined him. They were soon laughing and talking. Demyx had made her welcome and she felt comfortable talking to him.

    Breakfast finished all too soon. Anniexo dreaded the next part and shuddered as she reached the imposing door to the Superior’s study. She knocked timidly and waited to be invited in. The inside was as imposing as she imagined. Xemnas was sat at his computer; various items and books neatly placed around him on the huge desk. Anniexo felt tiny in front of this awesome spectacle. Xemnas looked up without smiling. Anniexo suspected the storm would begin any time soon.

    “Well you have had an adventurous first day. This is not reflecting well on you however, as you have failed to obey even the simplest direction to attend the official tour. Kingdom Hearts requires dedication. Do you understand this? We must control Kingdom Hearts and collect as many hearts as possible to be complete and meet our goals. I am willing to give you one more chance so that you can redeem yourself. This is Xachmile. He is new today and it is your job to make sure that he learns the rules, gets to know everyone and doesn’t get lost.â€

    Xemnas spoke slightly louder on the last sentence. So she was babysitting the newest member as punishment and she had the feeling that she had to do it perfectly. She looked at Xachmile. He was shorter than her and a mop of brown hair poked out from the hood. Bright eyes regarded her with curiosity.

    “Don’t disappoint me!â€

    Anniexo had expected him to add ‘or else’ but he didn’t. It had been implied though. They were then both dismissed and she left the study with a sigh of relief. Xachmile followed her happily, firing endless questions at her. This was not going to be as easy as she initially thought. She now wished that she had taken the official tour. She could use Sai’x’s knowledge and she would now be attending her own studies. She scowled and led Xachmile to the main hall, pointing at the raised throne-like chairs and explaining that this was where the main thirteen members held their meetings. She made sure that he understood that he was not allowed in here during these meetings. She then decided to drag him to the kitchen. To her surprise it was Zexion who greeted her. Xaldin was out on a mission and wouldn’t be back until the evening. Xachmile studied everything, taking in every detail that passed him. Their next destination was up numerous stairs to the observatory where Xetherah was helping Sai’x set up everything for that night. They were nearly finished and Sai’x dismissed her until the evening. She joined Anniexo, tagging on until she found the others. She was going to be awake all night so was told to rest and relax during the spare time. Anniexo introduces Xachmile to Xetherah and Sai’x. The two males observed each other calmly. Their welcome was simple, but Anniexo noticed that on leaving Xetherah turned and waved to Sai’x who nodded with a smile. He informed them that most of the Organisation members would be out in the gardens due to the warm sunny weather.

    Anniexo led the others out of the doors into the well-kept gardens. The lawn was the main meeting place for the members. She decided to hunt down Marluxia first as he would be the hardest to find. Walking directly past the well-manicured lawn she led Xachmile into a hedge bordered flower garden. There she found Marluxia and Zexek busily pruning and weeding. Xetherah grinned and waved to them, catching Zexek’s attention. Anniexo was still uncertain as to how he would react. Zexek was polite to her but it was obvious that he was still unhappy. Marluxia was busily telling Xetherah and Xachmile how well Zexek was learning. Anniexo was annoyed. She had been given the unwanted tasks and he had had the nerve to refer to her as teacher’s pet the past day. It seemed that Marluxia wouldn’t say a bad word about his perfect student. Xetherah seemed to get on really well with him, which also seemed to upset Anniexo for some reason. The line had been drawn. It seemed that Anniexo and Zexek were rivals. Xetherah was friends with both of them and she would be in the middle. She could cope.

    Dragging Xachmile away with the excuse that time was short she headed back to the lawn, leaving Xetherah with Marluxia and Zexek. Luxord, Roxas, Axel and Demyx were sat chatting on the grass. Demyx waved at Anniexo and called her across. She led Xachmile to the group and introduced them all. Luxord offered for them to join in a game. He then produced a pack of cards. The other three groaned and shook their heads. Roxas started chatting to Xachmile, so Anniexo left them together. They were both young and it seemed to Anniexo that they would get on well.

    Axel and Demyx were joking and fooling around. Anniexo found herself laughing at their antics. Demyx informed her that Larxene and Lexeaus were out on missions and warned Xachmile about Larxene’s temper. They stayed with the group until Sai’x walked over to Anniexo and handed her a note with a smile. Xemnas had approved that she would be working the next day with Zexion in the library. She showed Demyx who congratulated her on passing, then jokingly gave his sympathy that she would be doing such a boring job. She also found inside a note for Xachmile, instructing him to report to the kitchen first thing in the morning.

    She helped Zexion to put out a light lunch for everyone. Much to her surprise Xemnas joined the rest outside for the meal, eating sat at a stone table. Anniexo noticed that yet again he had his laptop with him, and as he ate he tapped on the keyboard. She walked past him as she collected her meal and returned to eat with the others. Marluxia, Zexek and Xetherah joined them. She noticed that Zexek was sitting as far away from her as he possibly could while still being in the group.

    The afternoon passed quickly as Anniexo and the others chatted. Xetherah got up, apologised and left. She had to return to the observatory for last minute preparations. Zexion had given her a box, which Anniexo assumed contained food for Xetherah and Sai’x. Shortly after she left Xaldin and Lexeaus returned so Anniexo was able to introduce them to Xachmile. He seemed to get more excitable as the day wore on. She then relaxed as Demyx started to play music and sing. The only ones outside who were not relaxing were Marluxia and Zexek, who were busy trimming the hedges. Anniexo wondered if they were ever going to stop. Then Zexion announced that the evening meal was ready. Everyone got up and wandered into the castle, joined by a very tired Marluxia and Zexek.

    “How’s the babysitting going? Are you going to be trusted with a real job any time soon?â€

    Anniexo turned to see Zexek standing behind her, a grin on his face. She refused to stoop to his level of teasing and so ignored him. He sat with Marluxia and Luxord, so she led Xachmile to the opposite end of the table. At least Sai’x would not be attending this meal, so she wouldn’t have to go through that discomfort again. The doors crashed open and Axel and Demyx charged into the room, knocking over chairs and people. Demyx skidded to a halt and grabbed the remaining empty chair beside Anniexo.

    “Mind if I join you?â€

    The glint in his eye showed that he already knew the answer, but was asking just to tease her. Anniexo found herself blushing and muttered her reply. He dragged the chair closer and began chattering away as if they were the only two people in the room. Xachmile had got bored with this and was deep in conversation with Xigbar. They were planning the next prank. Zexion began serving the meals and to Anniexo’s surprise Xemnas did not attend either. They had been spared the pre-meal rant. In her opinion the meal passed far too quickly. She wondered what had been planned for the evening.
  2. Roxy~Roosje Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    world that never was
    I like it..
    Nice :)
    i think i go read 5 .. 2 ..
    i dont like reading.. but this is good
    .. I realy like story's of the organization ^^

    hope u know what i mean.
    my english is so bad xD
  3. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    Alright this is great sis, I can't wait for chapter 5
  4. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Thanks, I'm really enjoying writing it.

    Thanks sis. I can see a few plot lines developing.....
  5. JellyBeing ALL. THE. BUTTS.

    Mar 24, 2007
  6. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Chapter 5

    After the meal Anniexo followed Demyx at his request. The others were all going to relax and watch films. Some had retired to their rooms as they had an early start. Among them was Xigbar. Anniexo flopped onto a sofa as the others decided which film to watch first. Eventually a decision was made and those left settled down. Alex, Roxas and Luxord sat on the other sofa, messing about. Demyx took the only other available seat in from of the TV next to Anniexo. He asked her if she liked horror films. The room went quiet as the movie started. S the film progressed Demyx shuffled across the sofa, a frightened look on his face. Anniexo couldn’t believe that he was so scared of pictures on a screen. By the end of the film Demyx had moved right next to Anniexo and was clinging onto her arm. She looked at him accusingly and Demyx hastily moved away, an embarrassed look on his face. He shuffled away from her and muttered that he was tired. Anniexo left for her room and got ready for bed. Tomorrow would be a busy day and she was soon fast asleep.

    The alarm sounded far too early and Anniexo pulled the covers over her head. She crept to the door and noticed that the rest of the castle was stirring. After hastily dressing she rushed to the dining hall. She sat and watched as the others gathered. Xigbar, Xachmile, Xaldin, Marluxia and Zexek were all missing. Sai’x and Xetherah arrived together last, both yawning. They ate quietly, then apologised and left to go to their rooms to sleep. Anniexo cleared her things and then left for the library. She would be working hard, and Zexion had left before her.

    The library was quiet and cool. On the table was a huge pile of books. Zexion was stood next to them with his arms crossed. He explained the filing system and informed Anniexo that her first job was to put all the books on the correct shelves so that she could learn the layout of the library. She sighed and began taking the books a few at a time. The ones on the lower shelves were easy but she noticed that there were a lot from the upper shelves, and it didn’t help that people were coming in, taking books off the shelves and then putting them on the piles on the table when they had finished. Anniexo decided to make a start on the books from the upper shelves. This meant that she would have to use the special ladders to reach them. Anniexo carefully ascended clutching a few books to her body. When she reached the top she placed the books in their correct places but had the strange feeling that she was being watched. This was not possible as she was so high up.

    Suddenly a head appeared from the top of the bookcase and to her surprise Demyx kissed her. She wobbled on the ladder, grabbing the sides to stop herself falling. Demyx laughed and leaned forward, losing his balance in the process. Anniexo grabbed for him, catching the bottom of his cloak. Hanging on with all her strength she slowly edged down the ladder until she reached the bottom. Demyx was dumped unceremoniously on the floor. Anniexo blushed and glared at him. It was a cruel trick to play as both of them could have fallen. Zexion rushed across and scolded Demyx. Anniexo grabbed more books and rushed back to the ladder. What on earth had possessed him to do that? Zexion chased him out of the library.

    After that nothing exciting happened for the rest of the morning. She completed her task and then Zexion showed her where the most interesting books were kept. She studied between tasks, taking advantage of the peace and quiet. After lunch Zexion suggested that she take a rest outside. She wandered into the garden where Marluxia and Zexek were working. Zexek looked up and waved. He seemed in a good mood as he planted flowers. Anniexo went up to them and chatted.

    Xetherah, who was rubbing her eyes and yawning, joined them. She excitedly told hem about her time in the observatory and how Sai’x was such a good teacher. Anniexo listened in amazement at Xetherah’s description of Sai’x. Could this be the same member of the Organisation that had terrified her on the first evening during the meal? Xetherah was describing a calm, intelligent person who was patiently helping her learn how to use the Astronomy equipment. Anniexo couldn’t help but think that Xetherah was getting fond of Sai’x and was no longer seeing him for who he truly was.

    They all relaxed on the grass. Anniexo read a book while Xetherah dozed in the sun. Lexeaus joined them with a stack of manga books. It seemed that he enjoyed quiet company, so he happily sat with them. Zexion even joined them for a short time before the evening meal. He then led them back to the castle to eat.

    The dining hall was filling up and everyone was chattering. Anniexo, Xetherah and Zexek sat together. Xemnas gave a small speech and then Xaldin and Xachmile brought in the hot plates of food. Xachmile was excited as he passed around the plates. Once all the food had been distributed he joined Anniexo and the others. The chaos of the kitchen seemed to suit Xachmile’s personality and his seemingly boundless energy was channelled productively. He and Zexek were laughing and chatting in low voices. Anniexo noticed that Xigbar was missing, although he was supposed to be back. A loud shout of dismay made everyone stop silently. Xigbar appeared at the door wrapped in a towel. His face had been made up while he slept with mascara, eye shadow, blusher and lipstick. He growled that the make up wouldn’t wash off with water and it got worse. He held up a pink gingham dress. Someone had replaced his clothes with dresses. Zexek and Xachmile began to giggle. Xemnas looked at everyone sat at the table and his eyes rested on the two guilty gigglers. He spoke softly to Xigbar who left, but said nothing to those sat at the table. When the meal was over he quietly asked Zexek and Xachmile to report directly to his study. They went quietly with their heads bowed.

    After they left Xetherah rose and Sai’x followed her. At the door Anniexo noticed that Sai’x brushed her arm with his hand and smiled. It seemed that Anniexo wasn’t the only one who had caught the eye of an Organisation member.

    Anniexo went back to the library with Zexion. There was no one else in there Anniexo relaxed. They both tidied away the last of the books and then Zexion asked her how she was enjoying working in the library. He apologised for Demyx’s behaviour though a slight smile flashed across his usually serious face. It was as if Zexion knew things that the others didn’t. As Anniexo left the library she saw Zexek and Xachmile leaving Xemnas’s study, heads bowed. And quiet. She guessed that they were in a lot of trouble, though she thought the prank was funny. It seemed that Xigbar was not as good at being the brunt of jokes as he was at playing them.

    As it was a fine night she decided to go for a walk in the garden. Although it was night the grounds were lit by moonlight. She could see a light from the observatory. She could make out two figures standing close together next to what looked like it might be a telescope. Anniexo knew that Xetherah was enjoying astronomy, as the others were enjoying their training. As she walked along a hand was placed on her shoulder. She jumped and turned around. Demyx was standing behind her. He grinned awkwardly at her and apologised for embarrassing her. He seemed to genuinely feel guilty for showing her up in front of Zexion and the others. He had climbed up on top of the bookshelf so that he could surprise her but falling off had never been part of the plan. He had decided to make it up to her by singing for her. Demyx had written the song specially. Anniexo sat on a stone bench. He sat on the grass in front of her and began to serenade her. Anniexo hoped that no one would stumble upon them. Demyx had already embarrassed her earlier, and twice in one day would be unbearable. Zexek happened to walk past but curiously pretended not to notice what was going on. Anniexo realised that there was more to Zexek than she had previously given him credit for. She wondered whether the blustery sarcasm and bravado was to hide a sensitive man. She decided to try to get to know him better and maybe even make friends with him. She smiled and returned her attention to Demyx.

    Xachmile had returned to his room, still upset about the telling off from Xemnas. He lay on his bed reading a book that Zexion had recommended to him. There was a knock on the door and he opened it to find Xaldin standing there with milk and cookies. They talked about what had happened and Xaldin reassured him that they had all been called to the study at some time or another. He joked that it was part of becoming one of the Organisation. He informed Xachmile that Anniexo had also stood in that spot and that she was doing well.

    Anniexo walked back into the castle after Demyx had finished his serenade, just in time to walk into Xaldin, who wished her a good evening. He was taking snacks to those still working late, including Xemnas. He asked Anniexo to do him a favour and take snacks up to the observatory. Anniexo could see he was busy and quickly agreed to help. She grabbed the box and ran up the stairs. After a while she reached the observatory door and knocked loudly. A soft but slightly scary voice asked her to enter and she pushed the door open. Xetherah was peering down the telescope and Sai’x was standing directly behind her. He reached around her for a book and also looked down the telescope. Anniexo grinned. He couldn’t have stood closer to her if he had tried. She did not seem bothered by his closeness. They were discussing some anomaly that Anniexo didn’t understand and how Xemnas would have to be informed. Anniexo wondered what the consequences of this discovery would be.


    Sorry it's late, but a mixture of off line commitments and a cranky old computer have slowed things up. Hope you enjoy this.
  7. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    That's was great sis, i love it, can't wait for chapter 6
  8. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Chapter 6 is already in formation. Glad you liked it sis. :D
  9. twilit_shadow King's Apprentice

    Mar 27, 2007
    the Void
    I really liked this story!! Looks like your character can't decide who she likes...(I'd pick Demmy since he already kissed her, but that's just me). :D

    There's a good amount of information in here. I like how you don't use dialogue hardly at all and use details instead. It works for you. Good job!!!
  10. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Demmy won't give up easily, and there's more in store yet.

    glad you like it. Thanks.
  11. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    Anniexo is my character, Gharanth is just using her and I want her to be with Demyx too
  12. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Lets just say there are a few romances in the offing.
  13. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    hurry with chp.6 I cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanna see wats gannah happen next *goes into hyper active sleep until Gharanth writes chp 6*
  14. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Chapter 6

    Anniexo watched as Sai’x left the room, gesturing for Xetherah to follow him. For the first time since Anniexo had met her Xetherah looked terrified. They were headed to see Xemnas and it was obvious that Xetherah was scared of him. More surprising to Anniexo Sai’x smiled at Xetherah, reassuring her that everything would be fine and gently taking her hand in his. So the Luna Diviner was capable of more than anger. Anniexo realised that she had been left alone. Leaving the tower, she thought about what she had seen. She would talk to Xetherah later.

    Down in the main common room Zexek and Xachmile were playing a computer game together. It was quiet in the room as they were the only two there. Zexek looked up as Anniexo entered and informed her that Xemnas a meeting of the thirteen in the main hall. It was important, as they had gathered quickly and in silence. She told them about what had happened in the observatory. Zexek grinned when she got to the part where Sai’x held Xetherah’s hand. The two men nodded at each other. Anniexo realised that she had said too much. Xetherah would kill her when she found out. At Zexek’s suggestion they crept to the main hall and listened at the door. Inside Xemnas was questioning Xetherah about what she had seen through the telescope. His voice was gentle as if he appreciated that she was scared. Though the words were muffled Anniexo heard the words ‘gummi ship’. She ran to the library and researched what she had just heard. This was not good. Anniexo carried on reading, unaware of the passing of time. She jumped when she sensed someone stood behind her. Anniexo turned and saw Demyx with his arms crossed. He grinned and offered to walk her to her room, as it was late. She blushed; embarrassed that she had lost touch with reality. He was uncharacteristically quiet as he walked with her and Anniexo suspected that it had something to do with the gummi ship. On arriving at her door Demyx kissed her and wished her a good night. Anniexo went to bed with a sense of foreboding.

    The next morning chaotic movement outside her room wakened Anniexo. She looked outside and then joined the others, who stood around in their pyjamas laughing. Xachmile was stood wrapped in a towel, his face and hand bright blue. It seemed that his shower gel had been tampered with. The appearance of Zexek confirmed that he had suffered the same fate. Xetherah walked into the corridor and stared. She had returned from the observatory. Looking at Xachmile’s hands, she shook her head. He would have to wait for the dye to wear off naturally. She hugged him gently and glared at the others. Everyone dispersed and Xetherah grinned at Anniexo, waving to her. They all met up again at breakfast, Xetherah sitting between Sai’x and Zexek. Both Xachmile and Zexek were trying to hide but their bright blue faces gave them away. Anniexo sat with Demyx and Xachmile, trying to make Xachmile feel less embarrassed. Xigbar kept looking at them and smiling. Anniexo guessed that this was a revenge attack for the make-up incident. She couldn’t blame Xigbar though.

    Xemnas stood up and announced that the thirteen would be training today, so the apprentices would be taking care of the daily tasks on their own. Sai’x turned to Xetherah and said something that Anniexo could not hear. It was obviously only meant for Xetherah, who blushed and looked down at the food that Xaldin had put in front of her. Xachmile was already eating, as he would have to finish clearing up.

    Anniexo noticed that Larxene had sat to the other side of Zexek and kept talking to him to keep his attention. Since she had returned she had been following Zexek around. He looked as if he wanted to be anywhere else but next to her. Sai’x and Xetherah left early and Xachmile started to collect the empty plates. Everyone else started to move. Anniexo rose and went to the library. It seemed quiet without Zexion and the others. She stayed for about an hour and then got bored as no one had come into the library. She wandered into the garden. Zexek was busy tending the plants. Anniexo helped him by weeding and chatting. He admitted that Larxene scared him but she was always nice to him. Anniexo realised that Zexek probably liked Larxene as well. She would keep an eye on those two. Anniexo decided to leave Zexek tending the garden. As the library was tidy and secure she chose to go back to her room. She had not slept well and a quick nap would be ideal. All the senior members were training except Sai’x, who was asleep. Walking up the corridor to her room she could hear voices coming from Xetherah’s room. Anniexo was curious. Xetherah was supposed to be asleep. Anniexo leaned against the door so that she could hear well. As she rested her weight against it, the door latch opened and she fell into the room. Cool golden eyes watched her and as she raised her head a shiver ran down her spine. She looked directly at Sai’x. He was sat on the edge of the bed next to Xetherah, who stared at Anniexo with amazement on her face. Anniexo realised that her curiosity had got her into trouble again. Strangely they both looked very embarrassed. Various notebooks were spread out on the bed. Nobody spoke for a while, then Anniexo made her apologies and tried to escape. Whatever she had disturbed, in this case she knew she was not welcome. She turned and ran from the room.

    Anniexo went to hide in the kitchen, nap forgotten. Xachmile grinned and yelled to her as she entered. He was pleased to see her. She rolled up her sleeves and started helping him. He asked if she was all right as she was flushed. Anniexo decided that she liked her head on her shoulders so she lied and told him she had been running to keep fit. It was a lame lie and she guessed no one would believe it, but their was no way she would tell the truth. She would quietly quiz Xetherah later as to what was going on. Anniexo realised that it would soon be lunch and she helped Xachmile prepare food to be taken to the training area. They went together and pushed the laden trolleys to the training ground. Anniexo watched in amazement at the seniors training in pairs. They were so fast and so sure of themselves. Xemnas called a halt to the training and they wandered over to collect food. They were all tired and needed a break. Xachmile handed out the food while Anniexo handed out the drinks. It seemed that whatever a gummi ship was it was serious. Demyx was not his usual humourous self.

    After lunch Anniexo went back to the castle with Xachmile, who’s face was still blue. He chattered happily as they cleared up, seemingly oblivious to the seriousness around. His light banter was a breath of fresh air. To her surprise Xetherah joined them and began chatting. She turned to Anniexo and explained that they had been reading poetry. Anniexo stared at her, feeling awkward. Xachmile looked confused, as he had no idea what they were talking about. Neither seemed to want to explain.

    Suddenly noise filled the corridor. The seniors were back in the castle. Demyx hugged Anniexo and grinned, causing the others to laugh. Larxene was nowhere to be seen. She had probably gone into the garden with Marluxia, though Anniexo doubted that she was interested in the flowers. Xetherah was stood back a little. Anniexo could see her smiling as she watching Demyx and the others. Zexek joined them to grab some food and Anniexo suspected to get away from Larxene. Xetherah slipped away and Zexek followed her. Keeping a discreet distance he watched as she slipped into the library. He wondered whom she was meeting. Anniexo and Demyx were public knowledge, but he didn’t know Xetherah’s secret. He had seen Axel and Xaldin, so he guessed it wasn’t them. He knew where Marluxia was, in the garden with Larxene. The only two that were unaccounted for were Xemnas and Sai’x. Slipping into the library he dived behind the bookshelves. He could see a hooded figure in a black Organisation cloak standing by the desk. Xetherah walked up to him and they started talking in low voices. Zexek carefully worked his way nearer. It seemed that Xetherah was involved in something that the others had no knowledge of. Was she in trouble? He nearly gave himself away. The clock in the hall chimed loudly and they both looked directly at where Zexek was hiding. Fortunately for him they did not see him. He listened carefully to the conversation. He hid when they turned to leave. To his surprise they kissed and then walked out, shutting the door behind them. He waited a while then left and joined the others.

    Anniexo was laughing at something with the others when he got back. She looked at him questioningly as he dragged her to the side. Zexek seemed agitated and he told her what he had heard and seen. Anniexo giggled. She already knew who the hooded figure was though she wasn’t going to tell Zexek that. She was pleased for Xetherah. They were the only people apart from her that had been in the library all day.

    Xemnas called everyone to the main hall. He informed them that the quiet times were over. The sighting of the gummi ship heralded the arrival of the keyblade wielder. They all stood quietly. Demyx hugged Anniexo and Zexek hugged Larxene. The room was quiet and solemn. Now the missions were harder and some might not return. Anniexo looked back at the others. Sai’x was holding Xetherah’s hand and she was pale. She had discovered the bad news. Xemnas finally broke the silence with another announcement. A new apprentice would be starting the next day called Nixeo.
  15. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    Nixeo sounds mysterious hehe cant wait 4 wats gannah happen next......
  16. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    Wow you're using Nixeo sooner then I thought, oh well the soon the better and I like what Xigbar did to Zexek and Xachmile, can't wait for the next chapter
  17. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    There are a few surprises in store.

    She is about to arrive in chapter 7. Expect trouble!
  18. twilit_shadow King's Apprentice

    Mar 27, 2007
    the Void
    I'm expecting a MAJOR amount of trouble.

    Awesome story as always. And sorry bout that thing from earlier anniexo-lexa. Didn't mean to take control of your character like that.
  19. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Thanks for reading. I think it gets more fun to write as it goes on.
  20. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    Don't worry about it mate, hey Gharanth when will the next chapter be up