Orbs of Life

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Mysty, Jan 20, 2015.

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  1. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Running through the streets, Acele could hear fights going on all around her. It seemed like the whole town was in a giant brawl, but given how many people were in this little fight looking for that Laxus guy, it wouldn't be surprising if there was something happening all around town. She just hoped that she didn't get caught in some kind of trap, because there was no way only three people would fight a large group of people without some kind of plan.

    As if on cue, and with a bit of bad luck, Acele stepped forward and a giant wall seemed to materialize itself in front of her. The wall was mostly transparent, but it was as solid as any brick wall. She took out her orb and summoned her sword. After a minute or two of slashing, stabbing, and banging on the wall, Acele came to the conclusion that nothing would work. As soon as she stopped attacking the wall, she noticed a message floating around. She just figured that those were part of some weird design that was floating around on the invisible wall. the note was like what was read on the door to the Fairy Tail guild, and left a message stating that only the winner of a battle would be able to walk away.

    Given that the walls were already up, Acele figured that there was a second person was also trapped inside the box as well. Turning around, she noticed that she was right about the other person. A person with slicked-back hair, a white trench coat, and a shirt with what looked like a S on it. "Looks like you and I are trapped here. Sorry, but I'm going to beat you and find Laxus." After he finished his sentence, the man summoned purple flames and shot them at Acele like they were bullets.

    Acele didn't have much time to react between seeing the man and getting into a fight, but luckily for her, she wasn't the type to make the first move. The purple flames flew toward Acele, blocking any way for her to get in close to her opponent. She really didn't want to beat this man down for no reason, but they needed to get out, and she couldn't just let anyone pass; it just wasn't her style. She took up her fighting stance and slashed at the flame bullets, blocking and deflecting when necessary, slowing walking toward the man. After getting about halfway between the two, the man stopped his bullets and tried for a new strategy.

    Clasping his palms together, he seemed to gather all of his energy and released it in a giant beam. Acele wanted to dodge, but there was no where she could run to to get out of the way, with the cage being such a small size. With that in mind, she placed one foot behind her and the other in front, gripping her sword to guard her front side. She placed all of her weight on the sword, and as the beam of flames neared, she braced herself for impact. As she got hit, she felt like she was hit by a giant flaming football player, dashing for the touchdown, no way to stop him. Acele gripped her sword tightly, keeping her body behind it and blocking the attack. She needed to wait for the right moment to counter-attack. As the energy kept coming, and felt her legs weakening. It seemed like she was about to lose her footing, when the flames seemed to die a little.

    Taking advantage of the moment, Acele place her arm on the sword hilt and threw it upward, cutting the energy beam and dissipating it. The man seemed shocked at the attack, and before he could retaliate, Acele dashed forward and reversed her sword. Running at full speed, she slammed the butt of her sword into the man, and caused him to collapse. "Sorry about that, but I wasn't going down without a fight." She apologized and sent her sword away.

    The man laughed a little and grinned. "No problem, seems like you were too much for me. Too bad I wasn't the one to teach that Laxus a lesson though. By the way, we didn't get introduced earlier. I'm Macao."

    Acele turned around and grinned back at the man. "Name's Acele. Sorry for beating the pants off of you." With that, the barrier around the two vanished, and Acele seemed free to go her marry way. Before heading off, she turned her head toward Macao, "Oh yeah, if I see Laxus, I'll be sure to give him a few hits for you."
  2. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada

    Galia stood over Grey. "Look you where cute but I have to keep going, something about world order or something or other that I have to maintain. I don't actually know. All I know is I got this sweet ass cannon and apparently there is a reason for having it, so that is awesome and all. I want to keep this thing so I have to do this job."
    "Stop you rambling!" Grey said as he began to stand up. "Ice make cannon!" He cried as he created a cannon made of ice to fire back at Galia. His shots where powerful and precise but still only made of ice.

    Jumping away from him as he created his cannon Galia raised an eyebrow. "Feisty." She said as she stood tall preparing to fight once more. A second round of shots came, this time she met them with fiery blasts from her cannon. The ice and the fire collided causing it to rain on the ground between them. A quick smirk crossed Galias face as she got ready for her next attack. "Why don't you try putting a shirt on." She said as her magic cannon shot a shirt out at Grey (yes it does that now.)

    Grey was impressed but not surprised by the girls choice of attack and counters, he was however surprised by her next attack. It had caught him off guard as the shirt came flying at his face causing him to stumble back. That was so not funny. He didn't expect the following attack either, a taste of his own medicine. A shard of ice flew from the cannon and nailed Grey in the chest putting him down, he was beat.

    Blowing on the end of her cannon Galia approached Grey. "Looks like you got a taste of your own medicine. Now put that shirt I hit you with on and go run away, I will handle this." Turning on her heals the girl left Grey on the ground to go find the man that had turned all the girls to stone, well ordered it that was. If she found the lady that did it, well wouldn't that be fun.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2015
  3. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Zephine had listened to the explaination that Wendy had gave them. So apparently they were all sneak attacked by a bunch of people who were with the girl riding a dragon. Well that explained the sudden black out. However, there was still the matter of Wendy being able to just straight up sneak into a castle like some sort of solo stealth operative, but given how after the explaination Star managed to knock out a guard with a pebble, Zephine was starting to think that these guards were not the best at their job. Granted, this only made a handful of other questions come to mind. As she tried to make sense of things with the given information she had though, well, the gears in her head were coming to a grinding halt and sputtering a tad bit of smoke. Regardless of this, she followed Star's lead as the group was beginning to make some headway through the dungeon.

    As she began her walk forward, she turned to the group and said, "alright guys, let's be on the look out for any other guards and if we see them we should just go and WHAPPACK!" she did a karate chop motion, "so that they don't alert any of their any other guard buddies." While she was going in a non-descript direction in this non-descript dungeon, she then asked Wendy, "so who actually is this Erza person?"

    Last edited: Feb 3, 2015
  4. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Hunter regained consciousness rather slowly. His body wasn't used to being knocked unconscious, but the circumstances that had caused him to be unconscious were rather unusual. After the battle, he had felt his intelligence grow, and his brain with it. The slight shift of balance caused by the rather small growth had messed up his steps as he raced towards the dragon-riding-knight-lady and he had miststepped, falling over flat on his face and knocking himself out. There were only three things that were capable of knocking Hunter out; levelling up, himself, and orange coloured guinea pigs, and he had just encountered two of them.

    After he had escaped out of the cell, he took note of the sound effect that Zephine used. It was an unusual sound, but it would have to do. As he made his way around a corner, not even bothering to listen to Wendy's explanation, he saw a guard standing....yeah, standing guard. That works. Leaping forward, he knew exactly what to do. He had seen tennis plenty of times, and knew that the secret to winning anything was screaming out stupid sounds as loud as you possibly could. "WHAPPACK!" he yelled, slamming his fist into the back of the guard's neck, shattering all bones in his body and sending the body crashing into the wall nearby simultaneously.

    Quick as a flash, Hunter picked up the crumbled heap and moved it back to where the guard was standing. "Oh damn, I knocked him out with such power his body couldn't handle it and he fell into a terrible coma from which he will probably never wake" he said as casually as he could.

    Last edited: Feb 3, 2015
  5. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Renju's vision was gradually returning to normal after suddenly being knocked unconscious. During that time it had appeared as if they all were moved to a cell and locked in. Just how long had they been in this world and they were already thrown in jail and they didn't even do much. Aside from defeating those umbras, but that was in the name of self-defense. Though that clearly didn't matter to whoever had thrown them in this cell in the first place. Once his vision had completely returned t normal, Renju sat up just in time to hear the sounds of the cell door opening.

    Turns out that the keys to the cell door was right in front of them the whole time, just on the other side of the cell and they were picked up by a blue haired girl, Wendy, who let them out. That sure was lucky for them. Escaping the cell was a lot easier to do, now if they could just sneak past the guards without getting noticed. The latter was probably going to happened with them actually taking down the guards as Star and Hunter had demonstrated.

  6. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011

    Star glared at Hunter for his rash take on the entire situation. Once he was done gloating about slaying a guard, the girl gave him a hard punch to his side. "Such an idiot!" They were supposed to be quiet and Hunter is over here yelling at the top of his lungs. They would be lucky if a whole platoon of soldiers didn't show up after that sort of display. They were going to have to harm innocent lives if this baboon wasn't careful.

    She continued on with the search for the exit. Taking out a few more guards one after the other. They were close to being out of this castle and maybe an extra step closer to figuring out the situation of this world. Zephine was right to ask Wendy a question like who Erza was. If things ended badly, they'd end up fighting her most likely. It was good to listen in.

    Wendy sighed at the mention of Erza. It couldn't be helped. "Erza Knightwalker is the one of the kings top captains. She is sadistic and cruel. She has killed half of the members of Fairy Tail and plenty of other guilds. She is famous around the kingdom for her success, but to us, she is feared."


    Galia leveled Up!
    +1 Intelligence +2 HP

    Jesse leveled Up!
    +1 Power +2 HP

    Acele leveled Up!
    +1 Defense +2 HP

    Shinji leveled Up!
    +1 Power + 2 HP

    With many of the guild beginning to fall apart, it was becoming difficult to maintain the amount of people needed to defeat the Thunder God Tribe. The members of the group weren't going to be enough to do it alone. When all else looked bleak though, more faces came to the heat of battle. The women who were previously sealed in the stone statues were now among them. One of who was a woman with scarlet red hair.

    She looked over to the non-members of the guild. "I've heard from the master. Thank you for fighting for us. We can explain how we are here later, you have to go look for Laxus. Look at the church. We'll handle the Thunder God Tribe. Now, GO!" She commanded of the group. It was now a search for Laxus. Where he would be was anyone's guess.

    Head to the church!
    Complete in 4 posts.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2015
  7. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    "She sounds like quite the foe." Renju said. They were probably going to have to deal with fighting her eventually since they were trying to escape and seeing as how Nightwalker was on the Kingdom's side, it was only natural that they'd send their best to finish them. Unless they had ridiculous luck and could avoid her all together. Hunter did make a grand spectacle on knocking out that one guard and no one else had showed up to check. So the assumption that they had some kind of luck on their side wasn't all that far off. Would it be enough to keep a sadist from trying to kill them is a different story.

  8. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Rubbing his temples was something that Alkes believed he would be doing quite a great deal so long as he was around Hunter, if anything the idiot could have been used as great bait if anything. Thank the gods that there didn't seem to be a hoard of guards rushing towards him, but for now Alkes could only remain on guard until they got out. They were lucky that they had Wendy's assistance in this, but they couldn't relax yet.

    "Erza..." Alkes said softly at the name. Such strength that could have knocked him out so easily that he could not have reacted. Just who was this king? surely she was aligned with Ignis and it was clear why. "We have to find a way to deal with Erza and avoid falling again to her strength. Our main objective is dealing with the king...Ignis confirmed that she fought for that man in order to obtain the world's orb..." Alkes said dashing forward as he knocked out another guard by the exit. "Lets go" Alkes said.

    8/8 posts
  9. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011

    The group manged to make it to the courtyard and soon after make it out of the castle where they reached a large city surrounding the entire castle. Wendy was a little surprised they managed to make it out alive in one piece thanks to some of the members that went a little over board.

    The tall blue haired girl looked over at the group. "I know where the guild went, but there is just one problem, it's on the other side of the Exceed area."

    Star as well as the others looked in confusion as to what she meant.

    "Er, they are like the rulers of the kingdom. They are small cat-like creatures that can use magic at will without the help of a magical item. Frankly, its a crime to even look at one without bowing. You'll have to help me get through it. After that display in the castle, I'm sure you'll be able to help... just don't hurt any of them."

    Go through the land of the Exceed and find Fairy Tail!
    Complete in 5 posts!
  10. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    As Hunter was walking, he rubbed the side of his chest. It didn't really hurt, the girl's strength stat wasn't nearly high enough to do any sort of damage to him, but he had to at least pretend like it had been effective. "So to be a ruler of the kingdom, you have to be able to use magic? Like this?" Hunter asked, causing a fireball to come from the ends of his hands and launch into the ground. Immediately the area caught on fire, but Hunter put it out quickly by stamping it out with his foot. "Hey look guys, I'm the ruler of this new place we found. But I'm way better, because I don't have fleas" he stated, announcing himself as king of everything.

    He continued wandering into the land of the exceeds, the look of shock on his face evident once he actually saw his first exceed. "You said they were cat-like, these are just regular cats! What's so special about them?" he asked, lowering his voice a little so that he didn't cause any trouble. "If we give them a fish each do you think they'll carry us there?" he asked, completely serious in his suggestion.

  11. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Zephine was certain that there was something about Hunter that was just a tad bit off. In the words of another interdimensional traveler he was "a special kind of person." Regardless, after Hunter's display of spine breaking karate chopping power, and everyone else's guard evading and or knocking out prowess, they had finally made their way to the surface world. That is, outside of the dungeons of the surprisingly easy to sneak into and break out of Castle. It was at this point that they were informed about Exceeds, who were apparently cat like people. As Hunter displayed his magical prowess, Zephine just chimed in saying, "I'm pretty sure they figured out we were magical the second we pulled weapons out of thin air."

    As the group continued they eventually spotted one of the Exceeds, which caused Hunter to then question what was so different about them in contrast with regular cats. Zephine then lowered her voice as well and said,
    "well they're called Exceeds. And exceed is usually like, a super awesome prefix. So maybe, that means they're super cats." As he then made his suggestions about the fish she followed up with, in an equally serious tone, "I am not sure. Maybe if they had wings that they could like, fly us through the air with."

  12. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "I would ask how you got out of the stone or how you know he is in the church but frankly, well I don't care and nothing you can do will make me care. I will however go track this guy down and kick his ass for you." Galia graciously informed Erza as she rolled her orb between her fingers. "The church is that way right?" Galia asked as she faced the way she believed the church was. Galia soon started walking in that direction not paying much mind to those around her. She really didn't care for her team. Galia walked into the church. "So I am looking for some fun..." Galia tossed up her orb and transformed it. "Who is willing to accommodate." Galia said with a smirk.
  13. Roxas24Sora King's Apprentice

    Dec 31, 2007
    NC, USA
    It took a while, but he finally made it there. Steps making him progress into the citadel, sight took hold of the woman who beat him there. What was her name again... Galia? She wasn't the most pleasant face to meet in the crowd, but she was better than having no one as back-up. Surveying the cathedral from inside, Shinji started to toss the orb within his hand in a defensive manner. Though there was no telling what lied within these walls, he was prepared.

    Soon traveling side by side the gun-wielder, Shinji took his sight to her for only a brief moment to assess what was going on fully. There was no one in there besides them, so how would they handle this all?
    "Have you seen any hint of Laxus' presence here?"
  14. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    Cats... Cute, adorable, fluffy, small cats were everywhere. Star was trying hard not to jump from excitement as they walked around on two feet and lived around like normal people, but cats! Hunter then came up with another stupid remark. As did Zephine which was surprising. "Hunter, it's not magic if you are channeling it through our orbs."

    "And Zephine, they can't grow wings and f-" She looked up and noticed that they were flying. Her face turned into shock as she saw them gliding across the clouds. Okay so Zephine was right. That wasn't surprising anymore. But... if Hunter was right...

    Star pulled out a bag of catnip from her pocket. She was keeping it there in case she ever found a cat to kidnap- I mean adopt. The girl loved cats. She sprinkled some on the ground and a few of the Exceed came running in, almost getting high from the small amount. She once again looked like she was in shock. Okay they weren't deities, that was for certain.
    "I'll give you guys an entire bags worth if you can fly us humans over to the other side of this island."

    The Exceeds happily agreed, almost shaking from the idea. She looked over to the others with a smile and a thumbs up.
    "We've got a ride."

  15. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Jesse went to the church. Like a man.
  16. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Competent or not competent, he really didn't know at this point, but considering they were getting through their objectives with quite the ease (excluding getting knocked out), Alkes could only say it was the former, despite the methods that have been used. Regardless they now had to deal with the catlike, which sounded quite bizarre and was bizzarre the moment he saw them.

    This group he was in was quite..."special"...and he couldn't really understand how they thought. Maybe he was just too serious for this group...something odd cause he wasn't used to playing the serious role, but even so he just stared on at the events going on, eye twitching at the numerous events occuring. Some ridiculous notions were made, but what was more ridiculous was the fact that all of it worked...where the hell did Star even get catnip?! did this mean she was carrying it the whole time?! Alkes closed his eyes and rubbed his temples "...lets...just get moving..." Alkes said. It hurt his mind how easy this was but even so, it worked in the end so he chose to accept it.

  17. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    So apparently they were going to be getting a ride form these flying cats. Not the most expected method of travel, but whatever.

  18. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    The Exceed had carried the group over to the other side of the island. Fairy Tail was there and things were going under way. Now all the group had to do was figure out how to stop the King from revealing the location of the orb. There was going to be a possible battle soon and the group needed to prepare! Wendy was also welcomed to the guild with open arms.

    Party received Accessory!

    Exceed Crown obtained!


    Star leveled Up!
    +1 DEF
    Learned Strong Attack!
    Gained a point!

    Hunter leveled Up!
    +1 DEF
    Learned Freeze!
    Gained a point!

    Zephine leveled Up!
    +1 STR +1 INT
    Learned Friend Block!
    Gained a point!

    Renju leveled Up!
    +1 STR +1 INT
    Learned Friend Block!
    Gained a point!

    Alkes leveled Up!
    +1 DEF
    Learned Strong Attack!
    Gained a point!

    Boss battle is next. You have some time before the battle to spend points, equip, and purchase items.
  19. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Acele continued walking through town until she found a giant building standing in front of her, smack dab in the middle of the town. She figured it was the church that everyone was trying to find. Even the others were already here, waiting to fight this Laxus character. She walked up the steps and knocked on the front door.
    "Hello? Is anybody in there? We're looking for a guy named Laxus so we can beat him to a pulp." She looked toward the others, "You guys try opening the door yet to see who's inside?"
  20. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    The doors of the church were wide open. Within the church was a man, tall, bulky, and blond. His aura gave off that of lightning. Behind the group however was another figure, one that was unknown to them for some time. He was a man cloaked in dark clothes and his face being completely hidden.

    "So, you cowards managed to find me and also brought Mystogan with you. I'm impressed you managed to fight through and beat the guild. Guess the old man see's you all as his "children" as well at this point."

    "That's enough Laxus. You've betrayed the guild. I'm here to stop you and I know these warriors are as well." He turned over to the group of four and nodded in appreciation. "Get ready for a fight, Laxus!"

    Party received Ring!

    Fairy Ring obtained!


    Galia leveled Up!
    +1 DEF
    Learned Freeze!
    Gained a Point!

    Jesse leveled Up!
    +1 DEF
    Learned Strong Attack!
    Gained a Point!

    Acele leveled Up!
    +1 INT +1 STR
    Learned Friend Block!
    Gained a Point!

    Shinji leveled Up!
    +1 DEF
    Learned Strong Attack!
    Gained a Point!

    Boss battle is next. You have some time before the battle to spend points, equip, and purchase items.


    Things were going well now. Everyone seemed relaxed and calm. However, there was still this feeling within the air that something was amiss. Star went outside for some fresh air only to notice the same woman who had knocked them out all before, Erza Knightwalker.

    "You have lead me to the guild at last. I knew letting you all escape would pay off. Now it is time for you all to meet a miserable end."

    The other's came running out. Lucy joined them with a look of panic over her face. They needed time before they could get the magic generator to work once again. "Please, you have to help us. We need to escape again. We're not ready to fight Erza after fighting that fire angel!" The girl plead. It wouldn't matter though, Erza was on the attack and the group was now thrown into battle!

    Last edited: Feb 9, 2015
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