May I use the first one? o: That's my favorite. The pokemon ones are cute, and I like the one with Rhyme but the shade of red in her eyes are a little too much. I don't really like the last one :/ don't like circles xDD
I love the Rhyme one x3 They're all quite cute ^^ On the last one though, Neku isn't as sharp or bright as Shiki. I'd say use a better rendering. It's really easy to tell that they weren't like that originally. And the edges aren't really working because of the white. It looks kinda cut up.
I really like the pokemon ones. +Snorlax looks good burry;since he is sleepy and stuff. It gives it a good effect. :3
of course you may o: nobody ever likes circles xD Thanks for pointing that out, I didnt really notice o.o xD I guess that's one excuse I could use "he's sleepy"
1, 2, and 7 are my faves. Not a fan of those corner border things though. Try adding a little more color to the Pokemon ones. For the last, increase the quality and add a border, maybe even some glass to make it look like a badge or something.
1 and 7 are amazing. Over all they look MUCH improved as compared to your original batch. You're getting much better at sharpening what needs to be sharpened and making decent lighting. Keep practicing and you'll be making masterpieces every time. :3
LOOOOOW QUALITY. If you're using Gimp get GreyCstoartion (sp?), for Photoshop I can help you out with Topaz Vivacity or you can just zoom in with a small circle brush and smudge little on a very low strength to get rid of some of the pixelation. Remember, you have to have quality materials to end up with a quality finished piece. I hardly use anything of less than pristine quality. The Starmie one is a bit... ick, but the rest are nice (though I'm not huge on the corner border thing)/