Whatcha think about this service? Personally, i prefer to physically own games, and i like having a console specifically for games. Plus, the internet can be a pain at times - cutting off randomly. I can't really see this replacing the traditional consoles. Thoughts? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8556874.stm
I prefer owning them physically too. I don't see why they want to do this. I mean, Digital Distribution isn't going to work out that well. Look at PSP Go.
lol, there are loads of pre-owned PSP Go's in the shops. xD It's too soon for stuff like that. You wouldn't get the best out of games since not all computers would be able to handle them.
confused, is that $14 fee what you pay to use the service overall or for a game? anyways, i think it's an ok idea, i don't foresee it "killing" other consoles. i personally wouldn't use it because of the monthly fees, because i have gone months without playing games before (like when no new games have been released for a while). even if the monthly fee IS for renting individual games, i once in a while get the itch to replay an old game i have and it would be a pain to have to rent a game again. i like physically owning the games as well, kinda like a collector's item to me. one of the reasons i use the old PSP and not the PSP-GO (well, that and the fact that as far as i know you can't buy used games and you have to buy all games at full price). i also don't like the fact that you have to be connected to the Internet to play the games. it's not specified what kind of connection would be required but at least with console games you won't have to worry about lag.
Steam works great cause you can still play offline. My wee brother buys all his game via steam (via my credit card xD) and it works perfectly for him. It's the constant streaming i don't like. If OnLive did kill the console at least the fanboys would die too.
There was something about this during a lesson I had last year. If I remember correctly it's this little orange and black box which connects to a computer/tv. There's a few problems with it. The main point that they seem to want to get across is that it can play games of equal calibur to a PC on a Mac (notice how most of the makers are Mac**** if you saw the original 'launch' of this (It's original release date was September of last year)). This isn't a bad thing for everyone but for people who like to have a physical copy or even just get the feeling of buying it by having the game in your hands will understand that having everything for download from a computer program/website/terminal kiosk will feel like your going through cash like water or even if you don't realise it you eventually will when you open your wallet to find your out of cash and you've got 200+ games in the space of a year. It's essentially a machine that wants to copy a console but using something like Steam as it's source of games instead of disk. I believe we have something like that called a computer and with a computer you can do additional things consoles or this thing can (i.e. cracks, mods). Besides I don't get a professional feel from it, if you saw the presentation you'd probably understand where I'm coming from, it sounds impressive there's gotta be a catch. Also, what sort of shit name is Onlive? Seriously, it's like the meeting was: "We've attempted to make something that will be a console but using something like Steam but with no ability to do anything else. Come up with a name for it that's either a complete ripoff or inspired by current consoles or a ridiculously bad pun of something" "How about a pun of online, Onlive" I don't think this will do well, even if it gets good sales eventually people (usually the hardcore gamer types) will realise that their better off with a computer for the cracked games they can download for free instead of paying £25-£40 to download a game. That would put people like myself off. I'd say something like "A monthly fee when I might not use it every month plus I have to pay for the games? I might as well get an Xbox it's virtually the same thing", As some people know I dislike Xbox for the reason of having to pay for online services especially when not everyone will use it for the best of their money within that time but to me Onlive just sounds like a new console without disks but with pure downloads. Unless they've changed it to a download site or program then it is exactly the same as Steam. Plus the media (lolBBCtookawhile) are calling it "Console killer" then it's bound to do bad. Think of the amount of times BBC News (or any other news channels) have advertised some new technology which is forgotten within a few weeks or months. I was gonna post about it last year when I heard of it but I thought it sounded like a waste of time since people tend to prefer the choice of multiple machines and hard copies in case of a system memory wipe. Plus with piracy becoming common practise people will just not bother with it and download the same thing else where for free. That's my opinions anyway. I really do think (and kinda hope) this won't do well. I'd prefer to have a choice of machinery and the game in my hand via a disk. Besides, it's kinda bullshit if they think they can have something that can click on a name on a screen and instantly download the game to be fully playable within seconds. Not even the top computers can do that.
The thing is, though, you don't download the games. They're streamed to your computer, so that's why it doesn't take long to download. They'll probably be extremely laggy, however.
In the video I saw it said download but whatever. I'm not too fond of the streaming games idea since it's gonna be based on your connection strength and for alot of people that's usually not very much strength meaning you'd have laggy or watered down graphics and sound.
The only way I see this replacing consoles is if it gets MAJOR advertisement and from word of mouth to spread info, CHEAPER games down to the $30-$40 range, and if they're servers really are fucking brilliant and there won't be any noticeable lag and playing an online game with a person who has a shitty connection won't ruin it for everyone.