Online relationships

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Glen, Oct 26, 2011.

  1. Excasr The Forgotten XIII

    Jul 20, 2011
    Well, in my opnion, Online Realtionship can work; or course only if it is a true relationship.

    Before anything, about love relationships online: No, it doesn't work, if you're thinking in something like that, forget it.

    Next, friendship. I believe that friendship online can work, but I doubt that could be a "complete" friendship... Yes, I have honests, funnies, happies and all sort of good friends online (like you! And when you read this, you know that is with you. =D), I don't know them personally, but I know that if I meet then someday, they will become a "complete" friend... I just hate those who are online just to troll with people. But, I know that a friend online is really my friend when I "feel a bond with him".
  2. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Do you have any reasoning behind this?
  3. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    Friends are always easy to make on the internet. Especially since it's so easy to find people who have the same interests as you on the internet. Of course, I do always wish I could actually meet some of these awesome people I've met here, but long distance works out to. It's pretty easy to maintain them.

    As for online relationships, I'm partially against them. I mean hey, if you find that other part of you here then that's always a good thing, but the problem with online relationships is that you never truly know a person before you actually meet them. Sure you can msn, text message, skype and all that. But eventually you have to stop limiting your relationship to text and virtual behaviors and take that next step to actually try and meet said person or else you'll never truly know their who they really are, because on the internet there's always that old saying where you can be anyone you want to be.
    The other part I truly dislike is the long distance thing, which just makes things more difficult. There comes a certain point where you need to have physical activities together, such as going to dinner or to the movies or some such. Hell, eventually you need to show other ways of affection instead of just text. Physical contact is the most important thing. Once you actually breach that barrier, the moment you actually meet a person and get to know them after all this time, then I think it would easily be one of the biggest steps you could take in an online relationship.
    But obviously, it wouldn't become that online anymore.
    That said, again, I'm partially against them but that doesn't mean I wouldn't support others who are in online relationships. It's just something I couldn't personally handle, because I can't stand not being with someone I actually like or love or whatever. That and I've never had huge success when it comes to real relationships either. But hey, if you can honestly do that, then more power to you. Maybe I'm just weaker than you guys when it comes to these things.

    Long distance in general is just something I can't stand. Out of all the long distance relationships I've seen happening to my real life friends, none of them worked. It would be working out really well when they're together, but when something happens in their life and they're supposed to move away, and have to deal with the long distance part of the relationship, it never works out. It just gets messy.
    But yeah, that's life.
  4. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.
    and you really have to ask yourself: if a Person doesn't ´t have the guts to ask someone out
    (and just utilizes the internet to do so) ,
    could that person be in a committed relationship?
  5. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    It's not about 'having the guts' or being 'brave enough', IMO.

    When it comes to be people around me, during high school I just blatantly didn't have any romantic interest in the people there. I've moved to a different school pretty much every year until my sophomore year of high school so I was used to being detached and everyone around me had grown up with each other/had no interest in me/vice-versa.

    It wasn't that I was ever too 'afraid' to ask someone out, it's always just been that the people surrounding me I am uninterested in. I happened to go to school in an area where drinking, parties, sex and weed was extremely popular. I mean, it was like -culture- and I wasn't ever apart of that sort of stuff. So naturally there was no one in that crowd I connected with.

    It's not as though I was desperate for a relationship so I was just going to go snag someone off the street and scream "LOVE MEEEE." I can't really help it if no one connected with me at the time, but someone over the Internet did, naturally. It's not something you control.
  6. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Romantic, online, relationships.
    I'm going to leave that up to the people in them. I've never initiated, requested or accepted anythin of the sort. But it works for some people. They let themselves connect over a difference, over possible (if unlikely) deceit. This is not me. I need them to be someone I know. Really and truly. I want to call them and say, "I need you now. I need you here." It is physical, and to me that is so much more.

    But love is love. You can love someone you've never met, I know this from experience. And if they turn that love into a relationship, it is their choice. Well wishes to them. Let them love each other. As the case has been stated in this thread, you can meet those people, because you are close, or some lucky coincidence.

    In short, Love is love. Express it how you want, with whoever you want. Be it kissing or text, be it someone physical or some figure. Just be happy with your choice.
  7. Rhiscx Banned

    Mar 8, 2009
    Far far away
    So many thoughts spinning in my head right now....

    Online relationships, mainly romantic ones have a very slim chance of lasting, but some have beaten those odds. My sis has been in one for 5 years now, and is going to visit him in CA again on christmas break.
    But as people mentioned above, the physical element must be present at some point. You cannot hope for a relationship through a screen or a phone for the rest of your life.

    Relationships online in general, I'm not fully against them. My advise is just to be careful. You cannot take what a person posts as the gospel truth. Unless you know that person AFK, you can't really be eve sure what they post is ever real. I mean this is a fantasy website. Almost every users location is false and a fake location. If that be the case, why should I believe anything else you post about yourself?

    I'm not stating, "Everyones a liar and out to get you", I just want users out there to be aware of the dangers and the consequences of taking everything as the truth.

    Oh, and while we're on the topic of online relationships, I have one question. I don't mean to sound like an *** when I say this but, why is it people in relationships want to post things that everyone on the site can see? I just think if you want to talk to them, pm them or something.
  8. May Kitsune Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 24, 2011
    I personally met my boyfriend on PS3 and we've been happily going out for almost 3 years now... So I know for a fact that it DOES work out. Sure you can have some trust issues here and there but that's every relationship out there. I personally really enjoy it. I guess it depends on the person that has the relationship though. Some people might not enjoy it but I really do.
  9. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.
    i suppose you make a point, if every one around is a ******, you should not be interested in them...
  10. miaulement Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 8, 2011
    The Nether
    Okay, here it goes.

    I obviously support online relationships, both romantic relationships and friendships.

    Romantic relationships;
    In the past, I have had some very, VERY bad experiences with romantic relationships online. This has kind of made me think a little differently about them than I have in past years. Glen and I's relationship, 5 months on October 25th, 2011, is the longest I've ever had a relationship. This makes me optimistic and see that not all people you date online are cheating, manipulating, humiliating jerks. (I'm not saying everyone isn't like that, I know for a fact a lot of people like that are still out there.)
    If both parties are willing to make it work, like if they stay loyal and they talk about things with each other, then I definitely believe online relationships like these can work.
    Though dating online obviously has it's downsides. I'll use Glen and I's relationship for example with this one point... we're basically on other sides of the globe. He's in Australia, I'm in the United States. The distance apart is almost 9000 miles. This can get stressful, because you long to see the person after a while. Skype calls do give relief from that, thankfully.
    Another downside is physical contact. It's a huge role in relationships, I don't deny that at all. After a while, you at least want to hug the person or hold hands with them, maybe go even further (not saying everyone does). If the distance is great, you can't really do anything about it unless if you have the time and money to go over there.

    So, online relationships - They CAN work... if both parties are willing to make it work. Be careful with who you date online, though.

    If people have same interests and do stuff together, I don't see why they wouldn't work. I think the 'be careful with who you [talk to, date, etc] on the internet' thing works here, too. There be creepers out there.

    That's my thoughts on it. :)

    EDIT: Also, there's always that saying, "Distance makes the heart grow fonder." It really does in some cases.
  11. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    This. Friendships are a great thing via electronic means (internet forums and the like), when everyone is straightforward to the extent that privacy can justify. Personally when it comes to friendships via forums, I could care less if someone is hiding their gender, and, though not so much as gender, if they're withholding their age from others. All that really matters is that they are able to intelligently interact, and show at least some level of respect and courtesy. I've made a good handful of friends via forums. I value the times I've interacted with them, and the creativity they opened my eyes to.

    But could I live my life without them? Yes. When it comes down to it, I don't see my online friendships as being nearly as potent as the ones I physically maintain with people I've met in person. My friends from school, and other from other activities outside of school, are, by all means, on a higher pedestal than the ones that I've made online and never met in person. If I were to meet an online friend in person, and spend time with them, then the depth and value I hold that friendship to would become greater. When it comes down it, those people I've met and been friends with in person will be more likely to remember me ten years from now than an alias I met on a forum. My life, and presence will, I believe, always mean more to that in person friend than it will to the person who's only face is a pixel-made graphic.

    And I say the same in regards to romantic relations. The potency just isn't there when you try to forge and maintain one over the internet. Am I saying that you can't try and pull it off? Of course not. But when it comes down to it, I think that there's far less meaning behind that sort of romance and one that is forged and maintained in person, and sees a regular physical contact. Personally, I would never romantically pursue someone that I wouldn't be able to spend time with in person.
  12. TigerRider33 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 26, 2010
    I've got a little bit of experiance in this area, seeing as my girlfriend lives in Iowa and I only talk to her through texts and Yahoo. I'm in Oklahoma for the record. We've been doing the online dating thing for two years on November 12th. I met her on another site, we found each other on facebook, got to talking, got past the usernames and learned each others real names. We'd seen each others pictures and stuff like that. This is to date, my longest relationship. She's been my best friend, my rock, and the only person I truly trust.

    SOme of you were saying before that these couldn't possibly work, people would be against it, yadda yadda. The people that say it won't work, I have something to tell you: Tough ****. It is working. To the people that have told me, "Drop that b!tch and get a squeeze closer to your home." I say screw you. YOu cna find her on here: RavenXBB. If you want proof that it can work, we are one example. Some friends of mine were in the same boat, now they're married with a daughter.

    Online and long distance relationships can and do work, I've seen proof of it. I am proof of it, and I don't care what people say negative about it. Each time it's seen in a negative light around me and in my life, I tell them where they can stick it. you guys can talk about me how you want--and this is what I tell everyone I meet and who I tell about Kayla--but you insult or say something crass or wrong about her, I will cave someones head in. My uncle found that out the hard way last year.

    If both people are commited to the relationship, then it will work out. If you're not, you had your shot. That's all I"m gonna say about it.
  13. Rhiscx Banned

    Mar 8, 2009
    Far far away
    *whistles* Clam down buddy. I think only a few people said flat out that they don't work. As for me and all the others, we said they can, the odds are slim though, but if it works for you, I'll take your word on it.

    I think what a lot of people are saying is simply that a "physical" portion should be present at some point. But again, two years and your happy, congrats to you sir.
    I understand why you could be defensive on this topic, but I've seen no hostility here, so I don't quite get why your lashing out here. Unless you've had some repressed thoughts of this and finally got them out on the table, then I understand.

    My opinion still stands though: They can work, the odds are slim, but some are able to beat those odds. And the ones that can, congrats to you.
  14. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    It is a touchy subject when you're in a long-distance relationship and people say they don't work, etc.

    Honestly, I don't see much of a difference between them working physically or not. It's not as though (for me) if you're in a physical relationships, the odds are tremendously better than if you're long-distance. Relationships in general take a lot of work, whether you're right next to each other, or you're miles apart. Relationships fail all of the time.

    It depends on who you are and who you're with. If you're in love with someone who is physically there with you, but suddenly your love for them would change or vanish if they moved away or something, then I don't think it would have worked anyway in the long run. I don't think love should be conditional.

    [I put emphasis on love because it's a different story if your feelings remain the same, but you just can't do it and get all heartbroken over them being far away.]

    But yes, repeating, I believe they can work. I can be patient. Fuzzy and I have gotten to the point where we can visit each other from time and time, and we hope to be together physically (permanently) one day soon. That's a goal we're both working towards, so we're both content and happy with how things are now. I believe a physical aspect is important, but it's definitely not everything. As long as I can connect with him, I'm cool.

    Personally, I think any relationship has a -slim- chance of working out in terms of marriage, kids, together-forever/no divorce, etc. Whether it started online, or not.
  15. TigerRider33 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 26, 2010
    Yeah, sorry about that.... People whining at me to get someone closer to home makes this a bit of a touchy topic with me. Sorry again...