Online identity.

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Jayn, Apr 13, 2011.

  1. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    I'm definitely different between online and in real life. In real life I'm more kind of shy and quiet, but with a group of friends I'm hyper and loud. Online I'm kind of a bit more mature, and a take or give a bit more shy. I'd say I'm a bit more of me on the internet (maturity wise) and a bit more of me around my real life friends. (kind of loud.) Mostly nobody calls me anything on this website, at the most I either get 'AF' 'Awkward' or 'Fail.' At first it was hard to respond to it, because I was so use to being called Jenna. But now I'm use to getting called nothing or the names I have above, and if anybody, but this hasn't happened yet, calls me my real name it'll be definitely confusing.
  2. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
  3. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    This is an interesting dillema. I do think I'm different as Marushi (Or, Sharumix, as I am sometimes called) then I am in real life. As Marushi, I am rather talkative, prone to debate, and some people have even said I'm kind of like Kairi. In real life, I don't go anywhere, I don't talk on the phone, I don't really talk to anyone. My sister calls me anti-social. If this conversation were taking place in real life, I would listen and think deep thoughts, but I would keep my thoughts to myself and think them over when I'm alone. However, it is also true that this whole identity thing changes with my family. I don't hold back when I'm talking with my family, and my sister is on this site anyway, so maybe it's different. (But as my sister just walked by and started reading over my shoulder, I asked her to stop, so maybe it's not so different after all.) I don't know. I guess that's all I can say.
  4. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves
    I have stuck with this horrendously old and humour-lacking username for my entire time on KH-Vids, to the point where it has been absorbed into my identity.

    Quite generally, the usernames I do indeed choose for various aspects of the internet are in themselves reflections of my creativity (or lack thereof) and my general personality, thus there is quite usually no problem with such associations. As for the factor of the relation between the internet persona and the real-life persona in itself, there certainly must be some sort of general difference between the two (perhaps the fact that I absolutely do not utilise contractions in internet text whilst I may be prone to using them through speech), but quite personally at this point the personalities which may have been considered separate internet and real-life personalities, at one point, have merged into a single personality that is dominant through all such things I may conduct, be they in real life or on the internet. There are indeed a few minute differences - even through the internet, as I actually utilise emoticons on MSN and whatnot - but the personality in general appears to be relatively the same - with a similar idiolect, thought composition, factor of personal traits, and other such things. One may suppose that this achievement of some identity throughout all aspects of life may be a result of visiting the internet from a relatively young age - however, that is not to say my identity is completely set in stone - for indeed, things are prone to change.

    As for the constant username changes of the aforementioned members, Jayn included, may it be noted that identity may be something that one can incorporate anything into - constant name changes included. Such names are certainly reflections of the personalities of the members themselves, as they hold their own specific traits or reasonings behind them that differ them from other common names, and thus provide a single identity in themselves - not through the idea of the name, but through the qualities one's own personality imposes upon such a name.
  5. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Hmm. My internet personality is more or less a more extreme form of my real life personality.
    In real life, I'm sarcastic, annoying, and seem to talk a bit too much. However, as you can only try to express gifs using your facial expression, I seem to have found a difference there.

    Admittedly, I think my sarcasm is a bit less defined on the internet. I've been called rude when trying to make a point. A funny point in my own right, but still.

    All aside- to username changes. This is very rarely my online username, and I'm thinking of changing it as soon as possible. Perhaps to my usual webname, perhaps to something utterly unrelated. I'm not sure. Be wary.
  6. Xamri Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 23, 2011
    I've found early being into acting and role playing both can effect a personality online. On one RP site I had four different personalities, so to speak. I'm sad to admit I kept it up finding it fun that I was good enough that everyone believed the four personalities were roommates. Of course I'm more mature now and don't mess with people's minds but I've found somehow I'm actually more hyper online which leads to me rambling more then usual though I'm also more likely to be the one to jump in and try to make peace in a fight. Now a days if I talk to a person online a lot I give them a nickname to call me because when someone calls you Xamri or Kunoichi after a while it feels weird so yeah I've come to accept even fanfic character's of mine as nicknames because I do take on their personalities a bit though I won't deny, at least for me, sometimes I want to be known as me, not one of my aliases.
  7. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    I have recently found out that people online are different from real life friends (I know this is obvious) but what I mean is, I feel more comfortable about myself with online friends since I don't feel as judged and some of the fun things I say on here if I said them in real life I'd just get weird looks. Although, with real life friends I can do things and have proper face to face conversations with them. I have changed as well since I became a moderator as I have become more confident with myself and have learnt more self control as well as developing my conscience, so my online identity affects me a lot. I am still the same person though in both lives but I tend to have more patience in real life.
  8. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    I've found that where ever it is that I go online, my persona does tend to change in some ways, compared to the way I am offline and in real life and such. The crucial change that I notice about myself, say, on a forum such as this, is that I become more outwardly critical of others, and at times, more aggressive when things just aren't making sense, or aren't matching to my established ideals. For all intents and purposes, I think I become more of jerk online than I would otherwise be, more prone to harshly criticizing people that I find troublesome, ignorrant, etc. And even at that, depending on where I am online, that side of me tends to be expressed a bit differently. In one place, I may act elitist. In other places, I pick my battles a little more carefully (knowing for a fact that I'm low in the pecking order). And in other places, I tend to carry myself as little more than a hard teacher figure.

    And I'm registered and semi-active or active on (I think) four different forums at the moment. So I guess one could say that I've come to suffer from a bit of a split in my personality, to some extent. I kind of think that each alias I go by comes to means something different for me.
  9. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Oh yeah, I do. I mean, I don't make a big deal out of it, because I like my internet nicknames better than my real name. If someone one of my friends that I see daily calls me Garxena or GraceDragon, it takes my brain a second to register that they're talking to me, but it's not like they have to repeat themselves to get my attention.

    My online personality and my real life personality are pretty different -- though I'm trying to make them the same. In real life, I'm pretty unassuming and just go with whatever people want me to. I don't speak my mind very often unless I'm really upset about something. I'm only myself around people I trust (and I'm still struggling with learning to trust people more). But online, I kick ass. lol I'm not afraid to speak my mind and be goofy and have fun, and even be a total tosser.

    I think people are a lot more willing to be open with their actions online because there are generally no repercussions for it. If you argue with someone online (like I do), you don't have to see them the next day (or in an hour) and bring it up with them face-to-face. Let's admit it, it's hard to stand your ground when you're looking into the eyes of the person you're having a disagreement with.

    BUT! There's a good side to it as well. Take me for example. After years of being who I really want to be online, I'm starting to become that person in real life as well. I'm not so afraid to speak my mind anymore. I'm more extroverted. I'm happier.
  10. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    Hahaa well i cant say that i've had many username changes. (look at my post count, it never lies...)

    As for more open, I think im a tad more open in Real Life than internet. But i dont mind talking to anyone really! people are interesting, and, as weird as that is coming from a person who is naturally introverted, I guess it says a lot:)