If I wanted to, for example, make Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus one word while still making make sense, what would work? Would I just take the first word from the name of the game, the name of the series, abbreviate it, what? For my credits of PSU: AotI, I've just been using Ambition (e.g., Ambition's Theme). For Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits, I could use Twilight's Theme or whatever. Thoughts? Here are examples: PSU's Theme (series name, abbreviated) Phantasy's Theme (series name, one word) AotI's Theme (individual game name, abbreviated) Ambition's Theme (individual game name, one word) PSU: AotI's Theme (whole name, abbreviated) Phantasy Ambition's Theme (whole name, one word each)
Um--sorry if I'm rude or anything, but--isn't it One-Word Titles or something? I'm really sorry if I'm wrong...