Okay now I can not be the only one who loves this intro?! I mean sure I would of liked a Sabo reference and the Blackbeard/Luffy is a bit lame. However, the music, the fight scenes, and the overall epicness clearly makes up for my fanboy little grudges. So have you guys seen it and if so what do you think?
Honestly, I'm not the biggest fan of OP but I honestly prefer We are. I'm not sure why it just seems a lot more better than most of the openings but eh. i'm still pretty behind on OP right now. Hope to get back up to date eventually
Wait which version of "We Are" are you referring to? And please try to catch up with One Piece! I mean it wasn't first place in manga sells for 5 years in a row for nothing...
I've been trying but I've got so much else to do and I mean the one that Vic sings (I can't spell his last name properly but basically the VA for edward)