One Pack, One Destiny

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by The Fifth Element, Mar 7, 2008.

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  1. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    Khaz stepped out to meet Damon and snarled. "Fight me now,' he said quietly but with a deadly tone. He widened his stance and bared his teeth. Letting out the customary battle howl, he stepped forward.

    Palla's ears pricked as she heard the howl. "Too late," she said sadly. "Now we wait. Wait for him to die, wait for him to live, wait for an absolution."

    ((check your rp please))
  2. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    ((Okay, I'm just having writers block on it ^^; ))

    Jordyn whimpered softly and walked out of the den, She didn't want to go fight him, but she wanted to bring Khaz back. She looked back.
    "I'm not going to fight! I'm going to make sure no one gets hurt," she said, then started to run. It hurt her scratched up legs, but she needed to get there.

    Damon growled at the upcoming wolf. He stood at the boundary line.
    "You're not worth the time of my hunt. I'll fight you, if you bring me the white wolf. Make her the winning prize," he growled.

  3. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    Suddenly Khaz had an idea. "Yes ok, she will be the prize," he snarled.

    ((I g2g for about three hours))
  4. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    Jordyn kept running. Nothing would stop her. She could smell the scent of the dark wolf that attacked her. She finally saw them. Far away. Running wasn't getting her no were except more tired and exaughsted. She could barely hear them. But she did hear the last sentence they said

    "Yes ok, she will be the prize,"

    Her heart pounded and she felt tears in her eyes. She stopped running and loked at them. She shook her fur slightly making a small whimpering noise.
    "Khaz..." she said softly, feeling the warm tears go down her face. She sobbed at frist and ran back the way she came.

    Damon barked. He knew she wouldn't go down without a fight, prize or not, she was right there! He ran at her and attacked her, biting her more.

    But what did Jordyn care? She felt as if her friend betrayed her. The ONLY friend she ever had. Gave her up, as a prize. Even if he had that much confidence in himself, she was still heartbroken.
  5. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    "NOW!!," Khaz snarled. Suddenly Kipcha leapt out of nowhere. Her fur caught the sun and made it sparkle....pure white. She landed on Damon's back and whispered into his ear. "You win, now you get me!!The white wolf." She sunk her claws into the back of his neck and ripped. She also craned her neck around and tore his throat. His blood stained the ground, getting on her muzzle too. Now she was a sight to behold, the pure white wolf with her snarling muzzle stained red, still gripping his throat.
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