One Pack, One Destiny

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by The Fifth Element, Mar 7, 2008.

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  1. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    Khaz cocked his head. His tongue was lolling out of his mouth, panting after the long walk carrying the pup. Altogether he had a humorous expression.
  2. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    "You okay?" Jordyn asked him, rising up slightly. She walked next to him and liked his cheek.
  3. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    Khaz reddened and stammered. "Yes, are you ok?I'm sorry I carried you like that but you wouldn't have lasted the winter by yourself in that field." He licked her back, nervously, wondering if that was what he was supposed to do.
  4. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    She shook her fur a few times.
    "I'm fine. I was worried you were going to hurt me," she said sitting down.
  5. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    "Hurt a way,' he shook his head vigorously. "Hey mom, will you tell us a story?"

    "Why don't we let the girl decide," said Palla as she lay down, making herself comfortable.

    ((here are your choices
    Tor and Fenris
    Fren and the Howl
    Fren and the red girl))
  6. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    Jordyn smiled and lied down on the floor.
    "How about Fren and the red girl?" she asked smiling.
  7. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    "Ah thats a good choice," she smiled.

    Khaz lay down beside Jordyn.

    "It was after the beginning when Tor and Fenris brought light out of darkness.In the suns when they had first made Man, the humans in their cleverness had begun to spread across the face of the world and learned to control it with their hands and their strange tools.In those times the humans still worshiped Tor and Fenris, and treated the wolf with great respect. If a man killed a Varg, he would feel it as a great misfortune and even hold a special gathering where they would bury the wolf in the ground and water would flow from their eyes."

    ((She will stop when it is the end but this way your character or you can ask questions if you need to))
  8. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    Jordyn listened with interest. She was already hooked on the story.
  9. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    "The humans admired the Varg as great hunters, and they would take their cubs and leave them in the forest to be suckled by a she-wolf, for they knew our milk would give them strength. The strength of a hunter.
    In this way some of the wolves tended to human cubs, and for a time there was friendship between wolves and the two-feet.The stories say that the first mother, Va, herself had suckled a pair of human cubs, who grew into brave and strong fighters. They came to lead their pack , throwing up a forest of stone dens that were known throughout the world."
  10. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    "Why weren't the humans scared of the wolves?" she asked.
  11. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    "Because back then they the wonder of the wilderness," said Palla, her eyes twinkling. "But out of all of the humans, Tor had a favorite. It was a she-child who was born on the great prairie and whose skin was red like an autumn leaf, for Tor had fashioned her from the red clay on the banks of the great river that circles the world.Whenever she looked into the girls eyes, Tor knew she loved her, for love enters through the eyes.She clothed her too in the pelt of the Herla, the red deer, to keep her warm and she fashioned a den in a mighty forest, made of trees where the girl would live."
  12. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    Jordyn's eyes sparkled as she got more interested.


    I'm gonna add one more character

    Name- Damon
    Gender- male
    Moons(age)- 18
    Persona- He is seeking the albino wolf to take back to his tribe, so he can be known as the leader of the town.
    Other- Jordyn is his prime target.
  13. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    *bump* =P

    Wowie we need to start the story back =D
  14. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    ((yes we do, Let me get the rest of the story typed up))
  15. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    ((YAY :D I was getting rather lonely in here :p ))
  16. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    ((here we go!!!))

    "It was nearing the time where the girl's body would change and she would seek out a mate. To keep her from becoming lonely, Tor sent down a wolf. His name was Fren. The girl and Fren became great friends and traveled around the forest together. But Fenris saw this and grew angry, so he sent down Berl, Fren's brother, to kill the red girl. But Fren learned of this plan and went to go protect the girl, who was visiting her grandmother. When Fren arrived he found the grandmother dead, having been killed by Berl. Fren desperately tried to find the girl and finally he saw her. He had beaten her to the house! Quickly, seeing Berl trying to sneak up on her, He wrapped himself in the pelt that the girl used, for she was bathing in the creek. He reared up on his hind paws and called out. "Fren, is that you?" Berl swerved towards the house, thinking it was the red girl. Berl's sight was not what it used to be so he believed it. "Why girl, what long teeth you have," said Berl nervously. "All the better to eat you with," snarled Fren, and ripped the cloak off.
  17. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    Jordyn's eyes got wide and her heart started pounding. The story seemed to be getting better and better

    Damon walked around the field, sniffing the air and the ground.
    "I can smell her scent," he said softly.
  18. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    "Berl gasped and growled but it was too late. Within seconds Fren had torn his throat out and Berl had died. Now Fenris was enraged and showed himself to Fren. 'Fren' he cried in a terrible voice,' you have killed your brother wolf and now you are a hunter.And also you must go away from here, I shall take away your memory of the red girl and you shall search forever until you remember what you are. Since I am a vengeful god your sin shall pass on to your children, even to the tenth generation. And now I give you a commandment, in the words of blood Fren. Thou Shalt Kill.' Fren nodded sadly and as Tor looked down, her heart was filled with sorrow. 'Fren' Tor whispered,' Fenris is a god too and I cannot recall his judgment, but I will sharpen your wits and claws. In memory of the red pelt you wore I will give you many deer to hunt. And since Fenris has decreed that you shall forget, so shall all the Lera. And I shall place a mark on you, to aid you.' With that Tor placed her paw on Fren's forehead. When she withdrew her paw, there was nothing there. But Fenris knew what Tor had done. In that moment sh had given the wolf both a curse and a gift, adn that was the Sight."

    Palla smiled at the two young wolves and stood up. "Are you hungry children?"

    Khaz nodded. "I'll get it." He padded to the edge of the den and picked up a vole from the fresh kill pile. He padded back and laid back down beside Jordyn. "Want some?"
  19. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    Jordyn shook her head.
    "No thanks," she said. She laid her head on down and tried to listen to her surroundings.

    Damon started running the scent he found, which smelled like Jordyn. He growled and let out a loud fierce bark with a howl. He was getting near the climax of his hunt.
  20. Sacae Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 17, 2008
    Emptiness of my mind
    Name: Raka
    Gender: Male
    Moons: Barely 7
    Persona: Loyal, impulsive,straight up with his thoughts, and somewhat awkward. Not much of a power fighter, but is known for his speed and sense of smell.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Other: He is of the pack, but only after found and allowed in. Barely a moon or so old, his pack was hunted by some men because the town wanted to expand. Even though he is part of the pack, he is known to spend most his time out and about the field and forest. Sometimes for a fews days, he is a very wandering soul.
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