E.t.I have played it,and saw people rant about it,it sucks!Ok,I will explain what's in it.See first after you start the freakin game.E.t. gets dropped from his ship,in which they left without him.Then once the game starts,turn it off.Terrible graphics.You can't really do anything in it.You will be pissed in 2 minutes.I swear,2 minutes!!You will go nuts!!I broke the damn thing after 1min.I got it from my friend,smashed it with a hammer.The people had to burry the copies because they sucked so bad.Geez.I'm gonna go out of my f**kin mind if I see it again!!Thank you for your time.
I have no idea what your talking about, something about E.T the game sucking? though the movie was good.
no there is one game worse than it got a one in x-play but I forgot the name... did E.T get a review?
Last I checked, X-play didn't exist when it came out, along with nearly everyone on this forum. It came out in 82.
Lot's of games get 1's on X-play. X-play stated the worst of last-gen was Aquaman. However, E.T was for the atari has been considered the worst by all gaming journalists and actually was a perfect example back in the day of what not to do with an 8-bit game.
LOL hey, now we can say "man, this game sux worse than E.T." when we think a game sux really bad. ya know, like an exageration(sp)
wow i wanna play it for a few minutes now lol Id like to see how bad it really is... I'd heard its no.1 worst before tho, in a gaming mag with a feature on the worst five games. It really does sound terrible. It sounds like the people who made it probably didnt get a job again... I dont really rememebr the movie though, but I'm surprised that they made a game based on that movie. I noticed an ET game for mobile the other day, lol itd probably be better than the game youre talking about, even though its on mobile