is that right in the middle of all the craze and silly there will be this random little nugget of profundity that rocks your world Ok so like in the episode The Creeps where it's supposed to be Clue or whatever there's all this funny going on (duchess gummybuns made me spit out what I was drinking because lsp is absolutely hysterical) and at one point Bmo says (I love Bmo btw), "when bad things happen I know you want to believe they are a joke, but sometimes life is scary and dark, that is why we must find the light." And I was just like whaaat, 3 seconds ago I was choking from laughing and now you're throwing this at me what the hell. And yeah it's a fairly simple concept but when Bmo proceeds to actually pull out a light after a slight pause kinda making a joke of the whole thing it's just like... yeah... life can be that simple, just look around and you'll easily find a reason to be happy. WHAT IS THIS SHOW I DONT UNDERSTAND
something else I just read a comment on an AT video that said "anybody older than 12 who watches this show is years behind their maturity level." What I think this person is trying to say, because what they said doesn't make sense, is that this show is simply for kids and has no depth. Obviously this person is completely wrong and projects their idea of appropriate entertainment onto everyone else but that's not the point of this so keep reading. Imo the best kids shows are the ones that are simultaneously entertaining for kids and older viewers at the same time, and Adventure Time does this stunningly. There's plenty here for kids that will watch this show on a surface level and see nothing but ten minutes of insane colorful fun, but it's done in a way I can't quite describe that attracts people who are willing to give it a chance and see that there is a lot more going on here than it may seem. There's an incredible amount of nuance in the execution that turns what would be the most pandering, low-level, kind of humor into something hilarious, and this is largely, if not entirely, due to the voice acting. The humor in this show is not at all what I would consider my taste, yet I find myself laughing all. the. time. mainly because of the voices, but also because there is so much more to this show than the humor. This is amazing and more shows need to do this because whether the kids watching will realize it or not, having these subtle moral/philosophical elements present in kids entertainment is a must.
There's this lovely wonderful post on tumblr that I always go back to on a similar subject: The amazing thing about Adventure Time is that it does not underestimate its viewers at all. There are cute surface stories but there's often something much more profound or insightful going on underneath that, in a way that's accessible even for kids. That's so essential because not only does it refuse to be just a dumb kids' show, but it's teaching kids that they don't have to just passively consume television -- that it's awesome and fun to consider things like the message and the theme and characterization and all that great stuff, in a formula that's cute and hilarious
I really need to upload my halloween pics. I was Marceline. We've even got pics of my dad and me, him eating my fries and me looking sad about it. Anyway, back on topic, my friend showed me this vid once, and I think it's worth posting here. It kinda goes along with what ya'll are saying.
I have not watched nearly enough of Adventure Time and it is a shame, but I've seen the Marcy/Simon special from last year & also Fiona and Cake ones, along with scattered episodes. It's a really swell show and I am very interested in the world and the giant subplot about Simon. I kinda think LSP is annoying, lol, but I've only seen like...2-3 episodes with her, so she'll probably end up growing on me more. PB/Marceline looks so cute tho, I wanna watch that episode but I don't want to skip around in the show any more than I have already :C
I was surprised the first time I heard someone say Adventure Time was a kiddy show for twelve year olds, because at the time I figured it was at youngest an older teen show, like a lighter Futurama or something. Like, how does anybody watch the show for more than a few seconds not pick up on that?
you gotta watch it. like right now. i sped through the first three seasons so quickly. since the episodes are only 10 minutes it doesn't take that long, but the shows so addicting it's hard to stop once you've started so it goes quickly. PB is amazing. and i didn't like LSP the first few episodes she was in but i quickly came around and she's now one of the funnier parts of the show for me. that voice. this stems from the much larger problem of western audiences seeing animation as a kids thing and not seeing the validity of it as a medium for telling story like live action. while there are exceptions, such as the simpsons, futurama, family guy etc, and it has gotten a tiny bit better recently, it's not uncommon for most animated shows to get thrown under the bus for no reason other than being animated and seeming "kiddy."