Last post on khv. It was fun, and if you can find any of my work(such as old photobucket accounts, stuff on image shack) you are free to use it.( THIS SITE ONLY, THANKS). Now, i'm pretty sure I only used default effects, and no c4d's, brushes, or anything like that, so i'm pretty proud of that seeing as the effects, to me, look like I did use outside things for effects. Anyways, I'll probably keep making graphics for fun, nothing major. And you can catch me on msn or XBL if you want to keep in touch. Later.
I love them all i might use thwe iron man one, but the little blurrs on him kinda bug me :/ any ways nice job, sorry i couls not give better crit
i cant speak for anyone else, but i was thinking, "hes not coming back so theres no real point to it....."