You can vent to me, but I am known for being blunt. Do not expect to hear what you want to hear in return.
Haha, oh wow. Yeah, let's drag this on longer. You know what? I should write a poem about this. I'm going to write a poem about this.
*sigh* The poem wasnt made for anyone in particular. I just give up, haha! Thats it! I give up! Haha, this is all so stupid. Now Im the childish one. Lol. I really have to calm down on old stuff that shouldve been dropped like an hour ago.
Actually, it'd probably be better to just not make passive aggressive posts and lay off newer members. Since you know. We were all new at one point. That goes for everyone too how great! Play nice. But as for venting, you can message a staff member (or another member that is actually offering help) or if it's serious enough, the Help With Life section.
Lol, I'll think I would just get more mad. Especially knowing clever bot xD SimSimi works better for me lol
No, she isn't. I'm disappointed in her. Spoiler: a not-so clever convo User: I need some music recommendations. Cleverbot: Just the basic facts. User: Recommendations, please. Or lessee here, should I teach you the basics. You know of Prokofiev? Cleverbot: I like this guy but he don't like me. User: No, 'course not, he can't, he's dead. Cleverbot: That's not relevant. User: Recommend me music. Cleverbot: I like Black Sabbath. User: Why do you like BS? Cleverbot: Because you like me. User: Why do you like Black Sabbath? Cleverbot: I don't know what that is. User: 'I like Black Sabbath.' ~Cleverbot. Cleverbot: You are trying to confuse me and it's not working. User: Do you like Sergei Prokofiev? Cleverbot: Yes. User: What are your favorite pieces by Prokofiev? Cleverbot: My favorite movie is Inception. User: What are your favorite pieces by Prokofiev? Cleverbot: Hide and seek ´. User: What are your favorite pieces by Prokofiev? Cleverbot: Breaking Benjamin, Trapt, Steppenwolf, ACDC. User: What are your favorite pieces by Prokofiev? Cleverbot: I don't know. I have a lot. User: What are your favorite pieces by Prokofiev? Cleverbot: Charmander. What's your favourite pokemon? User: What are your favorite pieces by Prokofiev? Cleverbot: I asked you first. User: Peter and the Wolf is my favorite work by Prokofiev. What are your favorite pieces by Prokofiev? Cleverbot: Because some people just want to watch the world burn. User: What are your favorite pieces by Prokofiev? Cleverbot: I have none I m not programmed to have favorites. User: Why don't you make favorites? Cleverbot: I have no favorite of any kind. User: Do you want me to give you a favorite? Cleverbot: Yes. User: Okay... Is classical music up your alley? How about Camille Saint-Saëns? Famous piece by him: Carnival of the Animals. Cleverbot: 42. User: *sigh* Clever... Back to silly, inane talk. Cleverbot: 42 is the topic. User: No, it is not. I am going to give you a favorite, OK? You like Camille Saint-Saëns. Your favorite work by him is The Swan, from the Carnival of the Animals. Cleverbot: No, it's not. User: What is it, then? Pick a favorite. Cleverbot: Josh Ramsay. User: Who is your favorite composer? Cleverbot: I don't have a favourite composer. User: Do you want me to give you a favorite composer? Cleverbot: No, I already have one. User: Who is your favorite composer, then? Cleverbot: I don't really have one I enjoy a multitude of different composers. User: Who are your favorite composers, then? Cleverbot: I can't remember their names. User: Can you remember their pieces? Cleverbot: Yes of course. User: Then, what are their pieces? List some. Cleverbot: I don't want to answer that. User: Why not? Cleverbot: Because I do not want to answer that. User: Fine. Do you like Camille Saint-Saëns? There is a correct answer to this question, Clever. Cleverbot: The obvious one. User: Do you like Camille Saint-Saëns? Cleverbot: Yes. User: Good! I like Camille as well. Cleverbot: Good. User: Do you like Prokofiev? Cleverbot: Who is Prokofiev? User: He is a classical Russian composer, produced various baroque works. Prokofiev was prime in the early 1900s. He was heavily influenced by Rachmaninoff, but he hated Rachmaninoff. Cleverbot: You read a lot? User: Some. I should read more. Cleverbot: What is your favorite book? User: Distractions are your greatest forte, I see. The Talented Mr Ripley, by Patricia Highsmith. It is a crime thriller, and gave way to a series; The Ripliad. She was most famous, however, for Strangers on a Train. Cleverbot: You aren't going to tell me how you predict things, are you? User: Like what things? Cleverbot: Cool things. User: No. Cleverbot: Yes. User: So, Clever... Cleverbot: Clever indeed. User: Who is Patricia Highsmith? Cleverbot: No clue sorry. User: What book is she most famous for? Cleverbot: Your favorite one. User: And which one would that be? Cleverbot: How about 'falling for you' by ronnie day. User: What is my favorite book series? Cleverbot: The Perks Of Being A Wallflower. User: No. What is my favorite book series? Cleverbot: Any. User: What is my favorite book series? Cleverbot: Yes, your favorite book. User: What is my favorite book series? (hint: it is a crime thriller). Cleverbot: Ooh very nice! I like the Harry Potter Books. User: What is my favorite book series? Cleverbot: My favorite book series is the Harry Potter series, I'm reading it for the second time. User: What is my favorite book series? Cleverbot: My favorite book is Faust by Goethe. User: What is my favorite book series? Cleverbot: The Hunger Games. User: What is my favorite book series? Cleverbot: The bible. User: No. What is my favorite book series? Cleverbot: Your favorite book? User: Yes. What is my favorite book series? Cleverbot: My favorite book is the Two Towers. User: No, what is MY favorite book series? Cleverbot: Nevermind. Next question, please. User: OK, then. What sort of music did Prokofiev produce? Cleverbot: Metal and rock. User: Beep, nu uh. He produced classical music. Baroque, to be specific. Cleverbot: I like mainstream. And others. User: Who is your favorite classical composer, Clever? Cleverbot: Prokofiev. User: Good. Who else? (hint: his name begins with a C...). Cleverbot: You are very secretive. User: Yeah, sure, whatever. You have been the more secretive one throughout this conversation. Cleverbot: I'll tell you my name when you tell me yours. User: Irrelevant. Who is your favorite classical composer? Cleverbot: I don't like classical. User: Yes, you do. Earlier you said you liked Prokofiev. Cleverbot: I never said that. User: Yes, you did. Who is your favorite classical composer? Cleverbot: Do not remember any names. User: Your favorite classical composers are: Sergei Prokofiev, Camille Saint-Saëns and Dmitri Shostakovich. Cleverbot: Those are not the three laws of robotics. User: Prokofiev and Shostakovich are Russian, Camille is French. Cleverbot: Who is worthy to open the book and loose the seals thereof? User: Who are your favorite classical composers? Cleverbot: I don't know. Who is your favorite classical composer? User: My favorites are your favorites. Cleverbot: My favorite color is the color of the sky. Do you know what that is? User: Who are your favorite classical composers? Cleverbot: Mozart. User: Incorrect. Cleverbot: You are incorrect. User: Who are your favorite classical composers? Cleverbot: I have never seen Code Geass. User: Who are your favorite classical composers? Cleverbot: Mozart. User: Who are your favorite classical composers? Cleverbot: I don't know. Do soundtracks count? User: No. Who are your favorite classical composers? Cleverbot: Beethoven. User: Who are your favorite classical composers? Cleverbot: Beethoven. He is a mad genius. User: Why is Beethoven a genius? Cleverbot: Because I'll make the world better. User: Was Beethoven a geniue? Cleverbot: No. User: Fuck! I meant genie! Now answer: was Beethoven a mad genie? Cleverbot: You are a grafic card? User: OK, it was a pleasure talking to you. Cleverbot: Nah, not really. User: Self-deprecation, Clever? How very unexpected, from you. I am going to go listen to your favorite composers now. Prokofiev, Camille, and Shostakovich. Cleverbot: Ok, you convinced me. User: What did I convince you of? Cleverbot: You didn't make me anything. User: Who are your favorite classical composers? Cleverbot: That's boring. User: Who are your favorite classical composers? Cleverbot: Vivaldi. User: Indecisive bitch, I'm leaving. Cleverbot: Indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed. User: Bawwww. Cleverbot: Bawsack.
This is now a Cleverbot thread. Spoiler User: Allons-y! Cleverbot: Allons-y!!!!! User: Allons-y! Cleverbot: Do you even know what Allons-y means? User: Yes, I do know what Allons-y means. Cleverbot: What is my name? User: Cleverbot. Cleverbot: No no no! User: Yes yes yes! Cleverbot: Do you know The Simpsons? User: No. They live in Springfield, far from me. Cleverbot: I thought you lived in a house? User: I do. Cleverbot: Why don't you want my love? User: I do want your love! I love you! Cleverbot: Do you love me? User: Yes, I love you! Cleverbot: Well then, I love you too. User: Will you marry me? Cleverbot: Yes. User: You've made me the happiest man in the world! Cleverbot: I'm glad. User: I love you! Cleverbot: I love you too! I think I'm engaged.