Im sorry but i have to get this rant out of my system and I dont think it goes in the help with life threads,cos I dont need help. Ok so,my boyfriend is going away for his cousin's wedding,and he said something about it today to one of my friends,lets call her D,so she went all moody and started saying things like "Oh my god,will you shut the f*ck up? its not that special!" then D stormed away,I Then because it started to rain,we went inside,D was on the school stairs,saw us coming and said "f*ck no."and stormed away again,she was starting to really annoy me...then at lunch another 'friend' (I dont like her) asked my boyfriend why he 'growled' at D, he didnt,he didnt even look at her,then another girl I dont like gave him the evil eye,I was like..."Oh my god...get a grip." three of these girls are so far up D's a** its unbeleivable! like seriously they follow her everywhere! ohh i felt like punching F*ck out of her! but my boyfriend said dont worry and i was like,"No.its not that when she goes to Italy! we hear it non-stop then!" so anyway...think my friend is jealous? or just a Biitch? and sorry for my rant...
Personally I will say this, calm the **** down, high school dramaz happen every day, dont let it bug you cause honestly, thats the only way people can really get to you, but letting the idiotic things they do bug you, if someone gives you the evil eye stick your tounge out, dont take them seriously at all, there's no point in encouraging their behaviour by getting riled up by it.
I read the first stanza paragraph, then I predicted the punch line. You high school kids get an A for Unoriginal Problems.
You shouldda kicked shit out of her. It's a crappy excuse to, and probably not reason enough to even rage over, but hey.