Ah, memories: people I used to talk to, n00b moments... *sigh* I'm going to list all the people who I used to talk to, need to talk with WAY more, or just miss in general. ;~; curse_tail Xephos Scott Pilgrim (banned) Aerith G. Finale Akua WaterDragonKing Nova ~Namine_Hearts~ Scattered_Dream Dandersnuff Haru66 Fracture Smackdoodle McGiggles Rεm scarred_heart634 Magick Roxas81334 lil woj SoraNRikuNkairi Dexnail iPheano cstar7777 Panda Face Hopefulwishes Catch the Rain (oh goodness... ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; ) guardian_of_ light ... Just to name a few. >.>"