I know it's not normally my custom to post here, btu I wrote this post on tumblr and I though I should share ti here too, because even though ti was a blog entry, I still feel it deserves relevant discussion... so here you go.
That was a very well-written post. You're not alone when it comes to appreciating classical music! I'm very much a classical guitarist but I do find things like progressive metal to catch my interest even moreso than just about any classical piece. I don't particularly enjoy every form of music but that doesn't mean that whatever I don't like is garbage(unless it really sucks). This kind of thing has many examples. Such as the "nostalgia glasses" effect. People whining about current Final Fantasy games for instance when by all means previous installments were never perfect. There are some people who just refuse to look beyond anything that they loved in their past, people who refuse to move forward, people who believe everything nowadays sucks. If it were up to me, I'd ship them all to the Sun but sadly I can't. Anyways, you made a lot of points that I agree with here.
If I can boil down my answer to its barest bones it would be: 'I like what I like' That is the essential idea; that with each unique individual, you have your own tastes and that goes for everyone, they all have opinions and ideas about something, whether it is good or bad, or whether they enjoy it or not. Those tastes may or may not correspond with the typical norm placed in not only general society, but sub cultures and in the class system. Such division in opinions would likely have been created from separate groups of fans and haters (basically), one group to support, the other to go against. It doesn't mean any music is superior or inferior to another kind of music, just that it stirs different emotions and thoughts inside different people's minds. Music taste in particular comes about at the age of puberty, the developmental age of self identity, which music holds a key part in. What you listen to at that age will have a profound effect on your development of musical taste in the future and likely for the rest of your life. It's why there are large generational gaps in styles of music, like Frank Sinatra and Etta James from the 50s appeals to someone who was a teenager at the time, but someone who grew up with Kanye West and Jay-Z wouldn't feel the same about 50s music. It's just a matter of development, though that development in itself isn't set in stone, it will dictate what your musical tastes are forever more. Classic has a history of being associated with the middle class and snobbery, as a result, meaning that a prejudice against it by the lower classes who feel it is another form of superiority they have no right to. It is also stigmatised as being 'smart' music in that it will help younger generations to be more productive learners, becoming smarter and as a result successful. It's total cultural BS that has no real credibility behind, and has the same evocative nature as any other piece of music can give to people. Ultimately, old or new in music doesn't matter, it is the perception of music by the individual that makes the song seem good or bad, but ultimately all music has the same rights as each other in terms of artistic development, and should be treated with equality as a result.
music is music. music can be remade into another style of music via remix. mood and location decides too much in taste in music. some things work in various times and places,and some things dont. look at star wars, the first film to have music alter and help the mood. dance at a ball? ill need a tux and a ballroom and full band. dance at the hottest nightclub in town? ill need leather pants, a chainmail shirt, a girlin skintight latex,and some techno/dubstep. can i haz it all? who says you cant?