Okay so,

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Mr. Pumpkin, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Mr. Pumpkin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 19, 2007
    I tried XTC. Never thought I would ever, ever ever ever try it, but I just did, because I was so curious about it. I'm not gonna do it ever again, but I gotta say, it was the weirdest and actually the best experience I've ever had, in my entire life. I'm not saying you guys should use it/try it, I just wanna share this. Please don't flame me and tell me that I'm stupid for using it and all that sh!t. I know what I did.

    Anyways, I was at a friends place (he has his own appartment, even though he's 18) Together with two girls and the boyfriend of one of them.
    So I took one, it's called a Lover pilll, pink with a heart on it. So after about 30 minutes, I became extremely happy, happiness I had never felt before. The same happened to my friends. I couldn't stop talking about how happy and how good everything was, and started praying to God together with one of my friends, so weird lol. We constantly hugged each other very tightly, and I just can't describe how good it felt everytime. It was like all the happiness the other felt, went into me and visa versa.
    Okay so the music was awesome, I could listen to anything and I had energy I never felt before.
    So I went to take a piss, and decided I wanted to sit on the ground when I was done. So I sat down and looked at the toilet. Suddenly I saw millions of green little spiders coming out of the toilet and walked up on me and on my legs. I screamed and was like wtf, and ran to my friend. We checked it out together, but there was nothing there xD. I was hallucinating. I won't post everything I saw that night but it involved everyone wearing glasses which they didn't, modelairplanes flying around the room while following a floating Harry Potter head, singing beerbottles etc.
    Then I went to sleep and the next morning my jaw hurt like hell, because I contantly chewed gum. I did that because if you don't you'll chew on the insides of your mouth, and that hurts more lol.

    Soooo, anyone ever used something, like weed or something out of curiousity? If you did, what did you do/see? And for the people who haven't, aren't you curious?
  2. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    No, i've never been tempted/curious to try drugs or anything of the sort. They're an addictive substance and I think you're best staying clear. You don't have to look very hard to see the damage it can cause to lives - not just to the person using it, but to entire families. Many folk have tried drugs out of curiosty, but it doesn't take long for it to have a hold on you. Of course, there are drugs that are a lot worse than others but any of them can kill if misused.

    You know what they say, curiosity killed the cat. xD
  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    The only thing I've ever tried was marijuana. I really want to try shrooms just once because I want to know what it's like to hallucinate.
    I used to be a really avid smokers a couple years back. But I can't say that I've ever tripped out that bad.
    Once, we were in my friend's basement and he had a ton of staples in his wall. The light gave them a pretty sizable shadow and I thought the wall was covered in bugs and I was freaking out all night. I'm arachnophobic. I couldn't tell if they were spiders or not, and it was freaking me out. I couldn't even fall asleep.

    And whenever I'm in that condition, I can't feel my legs. I don't know why, I just can't. My friend was trying to get my attention while I was hitting on a girl (I'm shy as hell sober lol) and I was ignoring him. He took a Rockstar can (an energy drink) and hit me in the leg as hard as he could and I didn't notice. Afterwards, i noticed his face was red and he was in shock that I didn't feel it. I was like "Did you seriously just whack me with that?" and he nodded, he was in tears from the shock. I didn't notice anything until a few hours later when it started wearing off. I noticed I was limping, then I felt this incredible pain on my leg. I pulled up my pants sleeve and my thigh had the biggest bruise I've ever seen. It was amazing that I couldn't feel it.
    I've driven twice high.
    Night before graduation, almost got arrested because of it. Drove home and all I remember of the drive is bright lights.
    Second time, got lost, ended up in a different town I've never been before, freaked out because it was dark as hell and my lights are so dim it's probably illegal and thought I was on the interstate which my vehicle couldn't handle. No idea how I got home. So yeah, don't ever do that. Seriously, you'll regret it.
    There's many other stories, but nothing special. Got my friend to wreck his motorcycle, tried to get him to jump off a ledge and possibly break his neck, but nothing too trippy.
  4. Vanitas Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 1, 2007
    Did you know that in REALLY hard fever you may hallucinate?

    Yeah, Ramen. It is important that IF one would try a drug, do it safe and private. I've tried something, but the circumstances have been safe and private. No risk of danger to anyone.
  5. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    I have, on occasion, tried a couple of things.

    I can't say I'm proud of it, but I won't try to hide it either.

    It isn't something I can say I'll do again, because to be honest I got the curiosity out of my system and moved on, but since I can't read the future, who knows?

    I do just have to say that not all drugs are addictive, and whilst yes misuse can cause severe problems and even death, so can the misuse and abuse of anything in life, after all, once can die from drinking too much water.

    I do remember having a friend who came into school high once, I remember he was hiding behind me, and hiding everywhere he could because he seriously believed he was being hunted by a 7ft dwarf with an axe. It sounds funny I know, but when you take a bad trip, there is nothing less funny in the world.

    Obviously I can't forbid everyone from ever experimenting or trying things out, but I can say if you are tempted to try something I would advise making sure you know what you're taking and what you're doing first.
  6. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    Can't say I've ever tried anything. I almost tried pot one of the last times I visited a friend, but I was able to hold back and just say no. I was already a bit buzzed at the time between a can of beer and some whiskey. Last thing I needed was a little Mary Jane.

    Course, the guy and his friends smoked enough that just the smell of it was in the air. It stank something awful.
  7. Mr. Pumpkin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 19, 2007
    You don't HAVE to take anything though. Cocaine is something I will never take, simply because I can't stand anything that goes in the nose.

    Yeah, I've gotta admit that I smoke weed about every weekend, but I can assure you that I'm not addictive or anything, it's actually quite hard to get addictive from weed. I just like the things that happen when I do take it, but I can live without. I live in Amsterdam so it's quite easy to get, you just go to the coffeeshop and there ya go. It also stops the stress and I can always think clearly, so it even helps me with my studies lol.

    I know it's bad, but like CtR said, you can die from water too.

    Question.. Is smoking drugs? I am curious.
  8. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    What do you mean "have to"? You don't have to do anything if you don't want to, you can't be forced into taking drugs.

    If you don't want to, then don't do it.

    I think I am right in saying that smoking normal cigarettes is classed as a drug, same with alcohol.

    However taking painkillers or birth control can be viewed as using drugs too.
  9. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Wait wait wait, so a 12 year old is after cocaine and is planning on paying for it with sex?

    And you're going to step in and take them off of her, but because you don't know how to get rid of it you're going to use it?

    Boy, ordinarily I'd say try and talk hr out of it, but with someone so young, talk to her damn parents if not someone of a higher authority.
  10. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    Wait...WHAT?! I would do the thing that CtR said. You should tell her parents even if she might hate you for it, it's for the better.

    As for my personal input in the discussion. Have I used drugs before? Nope. Am I curious? Yes but I think I can keep control of my own curiosity.
  11. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Yes, you do need to stop this from happening, but if you take the cocaine then someone will still have to pay for it in some way, or do you plan on sleeping with the guy yourself? She is 12 years old, of course she hates her parents, its like the law when you're that age, but seriously, it is better for her parents to step in than to just let something like this happen.

    Sometimes being a best friend requires you to make some hard decisions, how are you being a good friend if you let her do things like this and don't do all you can to fight it? Yes you run the risk of her being pissed at you, but personally I'd be more interested in the wellbeing and welfare of said friend.

    As fr the guy, maybe you could make an anonymous tip to the police or something?
  12. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    I'm pretty much the most straightedged person I know. But when it comes to mind altering substances it's not because it's illegal here in the states that I don't consume them, I'm just scared. I am scared of losing control and awareness more than anything. Since I'm a kinda impulsive person that needs to focus on controlling myself in one way or another in many situations I'd rather stay at the wheel and keep myself under my own control.
  13. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    So where is the guy getting it from? 13 year olds can't just produce cocaine.

    Also, you wouldn't be able to sleep with him since that would come under statuatory rape since you're (IIRC) of age.

    What about her father?

    Look, I know you want to help your friend, but I really think you're going to need more help than just you by yourself.
  14. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Tried pot, shrooms and acid.
    I don't dislike pot per se but I dislike the act of smoking in general for some reason. Not gonna do it again, but casual potheads are awfully fun to hang out with on rock gigs.
    The shrooms didn't have much of an effect on me. Some tingling in my hands and feet and some increased sensitivity to sound but all in all a very weak effect.

    LSD, now that was an interesting thing. The first time was so weird that I don't know how to feel about it; I'm somewhat curious what else it can do even though the first time wasn't necessarily a good
    experience. I might try it again, but the circumstances have to be right.
    I'm somewhat discouraged by the length of the trip though. I was tripping for seven hours which is a little too long for my taste.
    I wouldn't say nay to it at face value, nor would I blindly accept.

    So you're just gonna sniff it up to get rid of it? That's not too smart, now is it?
    He's 13 years old, which is basically an embryo with hair. Blow the coke in his face for all I care. I find it hard to believe that a kid's got some kind of mob-boss grip on you.
    Look closer for a solution and you'll find one.
    Uhm...Better take a second look at that profile.
  15. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Actually, my guess is that you won't be able to prove anything so no one will get taken away for rape. Anyways, sometimes I have to be heartless and tell everyone to please get back on topic. Sorry.
  16. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    I did say IIRC in my defence.

    edit: sorry, back on topic.

    I've never been tempted to do something more hardcore.
  17. Sanda Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 29, 2007
    HAHA, XTC, cute...I totally had no idea you were referring to MDMA until halfway through the thread. I am such a herpderp sometimes :P

    Yeah drugs are basically whatever. Not for everyone, and the dangerously addictive ones are for no one. Then again, alcohol is the ONLY drug in the world that has withdrawal that is lethal. Think about that the next time you try to play it joe cool at a lame sausagefest frat party kiddies. A few drinks are alright, but give that poor liver a break!
  18. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    I've never been curious about it. I think all the lectures and videos from school scared me from ever being curious. Also, I absolutely can't stand the thought of anything like smoke going into my lungs. Second hand smoke is already bad enough. I also can't stand the thought of anything powdery going up my nose.
  19. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    I have to take special pills for my heart. It's suppose to slow down my heart rate by half I think. I have no idea if it works or not because I don't pay much attention to it. However, when I do forget to take it for a couple of days, I get extremely dizzy and have a monster headache.

    Well, what happens if I feel like this all the time? D:
  20. Crimson Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 20, 2010
    If taking sips out of my parents' drinks doesn't count, I haven't tried anything. /lame
    I am slightly curious about everything, including drugs, but the feeling's not strong enough to make me try things out.